Trumps pity party is stocked with lies as he loses touch with reality

Trump expected that Pence would do his job.
He did. He honored his oath by refusing to bow to a lowlife traitor & Mussollini wannabe, Trump.

Trump is such an ignorant stupid moron, if he had accepted the results honorably he wouldn't be looking at spending the rest of his miserable life in courtrooms.

Tough shit, he brought this on himself.
People from former British empire have some sort of automatic citizenship.

We are all members of the British Commonwealth but we aren't automatically citizens. Those of us with parents or grandparents, born in Great Britain before 1922, qualify for British citizenship and passport. My grandfather on my father's side was born in Britain, and came to Canada at age 11.
"The Guardian"? Can anyone find a single article by the Guardian that ever criticized the Biden administration? Evidence indicates that the Guardian joined with the American media to lie and dismiss evidence that old Joe was in mental decline. The point is that the Brit based "Guardian" is a corrupt agent of a foreign government that produces propaganda that is intended to skew an American election, not unlike the KGB.

Joe Biden is NOT in mental decline. He's old but he's not senile.

The rest of the world thinks Joe Biden is the better leader, and he's not crazy. Trump is senile and crazy.
Well, we know nuthin' about what "socialists" think is funny or not so much,
We agree on this after all, what could they possibly find funny in such a system?
but was you who stated poor poster ShockedCandadian was:
he's from a socialist country where hope is snuffed-out from birth
it's obvious that ^this^ is the bone of contention for you, as that post clearly points to the country and its system and you keep trying to divert attention from that.
Which, it seems, sounds pretty darn dire, and sounds like the poor guy...per your own definition...
must be a 'hopeless' sad sack , you know, with all that 'hope-snuffing-out' thingy.
The irony being that "socialism" is what conjured up that image for you must distract from the blaspheme of the heretic...interpret the scripture to fit the topic du jour sermon.
if that is the case as you allege,
"as I allege" :abgg2q.jpg:
well, we should all hope and pray that poor poster ShockedCandadian....will be able to escape the sad corner you've painted him into.
you paint an accurate picture of "socialism", you just apply it dishonestly when pretending it is just the fate of one person and not all of society in that corner while ignoring the true intent of the claim/post in an attempt to distract from the inevitable result(s) of an ideology that recognizes...the only way to be fair to everyone is to be unfair to everyone equally.
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