Is your skin colour important to you ?

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Why would that be ?

What is the attraction of "racial purity" ?

Tommy Says - It doesnt bother me at all.
Skin color is important to me. I like anything from a tan color to dark chocolate brown. Pale skin can signify poor health.

There is really no such thing as racial purity unless you are one of the various African countries. Everyone else came from Africans in one way or another.
My skin color is my skin color. The only time I give it any notice is when I put on a shirt that doesn't look good with my undertones.
I truly have no answer to your question,OP. Yours is a question that has never crossed my mind before. I've thought about why I'm glad I'm male and not female, but not about why I'm glad I'm white and not non-white.
I think that this ends any chance of a proper discussion on this subject.
Yes, it's important to me. When start to turn yellow, I get worried.
It seems to me that how one feels about the color of their skin is less important than how one feels about the color of the skin of others...
To me, no. To my wife, yes.

I'm Caucasian, but with a very obvious facial port wine stain. It covers pretty much the entire front hemisphere of my head.

My wife is Puerto Rican, with the light tan colored skin very common to individuals of that heritage.

Neither of our skin tones are a,concern of mine. After 42+ years, even comments about the birthmark don't faze me. On the other hand, my wife turns into a pitbull whenever she believes someone has disparaged my birthmark.
It is to me...that's why I go tanning twice a week.
I am white and proud to be so. The Caucasian race is responsible for many of the cultural, political and technological advances in this world.
From what I have witnessed in life, being blue or gray is not a good thing.

Yeah, the Civil War was hell.

You know. despite contrary beliefs, the Civil War was not fought to free the slaves. In fact, most northerners could have cared less about that part of it. While many considered slavery reprehensible, which it is, the war was fought to preserve the union.

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