ISIL using english-language propaganda


Not a zombie yet
May 5, 2009
Nowhere you can follow
What ISIL?s English-language propaganda tells us about its goals | Al Jazeera America
The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) released an English-language video to YouTube late Thursday featuring recruits that the group claims hail from Britain and Australia.

In the 13-minute video, titled "There Is No Life Without Jihad," five young men holding guns extol the virtues of the fight and encourage other Westerners to join them on the ground.

Experts say ISIL's expanding array of slick English-language magazines, videos and infographics — which proliferate quickly and widely online in multiple languages and countries — is about more than recruitment. It also reveals how ISIL is trying to cast itself to a global audience as more than a formidable armed group with foreign recruits, but an organization it hopes will be seen as capable of leading a state.
Youtube removed the video, so I didn't get to see it.

If these young men are so eager to die, why don't they just off themselves?

I guess it doesn't count unless you murder a few people first before you suicide.

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