ISIS And The NRA: Similarities Abound


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

John B. Alexander, Ph.D. is a retired senior military officer and is retired from the Los Alamos National Laboratory. In the article at the link below, “ISIS And The NRA: Similarities Abound”, he describe the similarities between ISIS and the NRA.

His conclusions are indisputable. Such as:

- Institutionally, both organizations are remorseless about the deaths of victims

- Both use fear and intimidation to obtain their objectives

- Both assume their ideology is superior to the wishes of the majority of citizens

- Both have intensely loyal followers

- Both recruit and indoctrinate members who are ignorant of the basic facts

- Both are relatively small organizations that have impact far beyond their size

- Neither organization will apologize for the harm they cause

His entire article can be read at this link: ISIS And The NRA: Similarities Abound

Of course, the right-wingers will respond to this OP with their typical nonsense, and their feeble-minded attempts to refute the facts in Dr. Alexander's well-researched piece will be posted without most of them ever reading the article. But this is to be expected from the conservatives, especially those who are Second Amendment fanatics. As we've seen for years, it is normal for the vast majority of conservatives to consistently cite rumors and lies that suit their agenda, while they refuse to accept well documented facts.

Failing this, they will resort to mindless name-calling or completely ignore the topic.

Watch and see.

So the NRA is the one pulling the trigger when Pookie gets killed for slinging rock on the wrong corner? Because that wasn't in the last issue of American Hunter I got.

John B. Alexander, Ph.D. is a retired senior military officer and is retired from the Los Alamos National Laboratory. In the article at the link below, “ISIS And The NRA: Similarities Abound”, he describe the similarities between ISIS and the NRA.

His conclusions are indisputable. Such as:

- Institutionally, both organizations are remorseless about the deaths of victims

- Both use fear and intimidation to obtain their objectives

- Both assume their ideology is superior to the wishes of the majority of citizens

- Both have intensely loyal followers

- Both recruit and indoctrinate members who are ignorant of the basic facts

- Both are relatively small organizations that have impact far beyond their size

- Neither organization will apologize for the harm they cause

His entire article can be read at this link: ISIS And The NRA: Similarities Abound

Of course, the right-wingers will respond to this OP with their typical nonsense, and their feeble-minded attempts to refute the facts in Dr. Alexander's well-researched piece will be posted without most of them ever reading the article. But this is to be expected from the conservatives, especially those who are Second Amendment fanatics. As we've seen for years, it is normal for the vast majority of conservatives to consistently cite rumors and lies that suit their agenda, while they refuse to accept well documented facts.

Failing this, they will resort to mindless name-calling or completely ignore the topic.

Watch and see.


The fact anyone comparing the NRA to ISIL is beyond stupid...

When you can show me one NRA member beheading someone on youtube in the name of God then we can discuss...

I know everyone that own a firearm is a potential terrorist to those that fear gun owning people, but let me state this for you and I am not a member of the NRA but do own firearms and not once ever thought about killing innocent people, but you will lump me in with those like ISIL because those like you fear those like me...

John B. Alexander, Ph.D. is a retired senior military officer and is retired from the Los Alamos National Laboratory. In the article at the link below, “ISIS And The NRA: Similarities Abound”, he describe the similarities between ISIS and the NRA.

His conclusions are indisputable. Such as:

- Institutionally, both organizations are remorseless about the deaths of victims

- Both use fear and intimidation to obtain their objectives

- Both assume their ideology is superior to the wishes of the majority of citizens

- Both have intensely loyal followers

- Both recruit and indoctrinate members who are ignorant of the basic facts

- Both are relatively small organizations that have impact far beyond their size

- Neither organization will apologize for the harm they cause

His entire article can be read at this link: ISIS And The NRA: Similarities Abound

Of course, the right-wingers will respond to this OP with their typical nonsense, and their feeble-minded attempts to refute the facts in Dr. Alexander's well-researched piece will be posted without most of them ever reading the article. But this is to be expected from the conservatives, especially those who are Second Amendment fanatics. As we've seen for years, it is normal for the vast majority of conservatives to consistently cite rumors and lies that suit their agenda, while they refuse to accept well documented facts.

Failing this, they will resort to mindless name-calling or completely ignore the topic.

Watch and see.


Simply one of the most bizarre and also one of the stupidest OP's in a very long time :uhoh3:

When did the NRA last:

Crucify people, including children?
Burn people alive, including children?
Dissolve people alive in vats of acid?
Chop heads off people with knives, including children?
Bury people alive, including children?
Throw people off rooftops to their deaths?
Sell women and young girls into sex slavery?
Commit Female Genital Mutilation?

Well WHEN did the NRA last do any of those things Einstein? :rolleyes-41:

John B. Alexander, Ph.D. is a retired senior military officer and is retired from the Los Alamos National Laboratory. In the article at the link below, “ISIS And The NRA: Similarities Abound”, he describe the similarities between ISIS and the NRA.

His conclusions are indisputable. Such as:

- Institutionally, both organizations are remorseless about the deaths of victims

- Both use fear and intimidation to obtain their objectives

- Both assume their ideology is superior to the wishes of the majority of citizens

- Both have intensely loyal followers

- Both recruit and indoctrinate members who are ignorant of the basic facts

- Both are relatively small organizations that have impact far beyond their size

- Neither organization will apologize for the harm they cause

His entire article can be read at this link: ISIS And The NRA: Similarities Abound

Of course, the right-wingers will respond to this OP with their typical nonsense, and their feeble-minded attempts to refute the facts in Dr. Alexander's well-researched piece will be posted without most of them ever reading the article. But this is to be expected from the conservatives, especially those who are Second Amendment fanatics. As we've seen for years, it is normal for the vast majority of conservatives to consistently cite rumors and lies that suit their agenda, while they refuse to accept well documented facts.

Failing this, they will resort to mindless name-calling or completely ignore the topic.

Watch and see.

. and he are ragingly stupid...assholes too.....

John B. Alexander, Ph.D. is a retired senior military officer and is retired from the Los Alamos National Laboratory. In the article at the link below, “ISIS And The NRA: Similarities Abound”, he describe the similarities between ISIS and the NRA.

His conclusions are indisputable. Such as:

- Institutionally, both organizations are remorseless about the deaths of victims

- Both use fear and intimidation to obtain their objectives

- Both assume their ideology is superior to the wishes of the majority of citizens

- Both have intensely loyal followers

- Both recruit and indoctrinate members who are ignorant of the basic facts

- Both are relatively small organizations that have impact far beyond their size

- Neither organization will apologize for the harm they cause

His entire article can be read at this link: ISIS And The NRA: Similarities Abound

Of course, the right-wingers will respond to this OP with their typical nonsense, and their feeble-minded attempts to refute the facts in Dr. Alexander's well-researched piece will be posted without most of them ever reading the article. But this is to be expected from the conservatives, especially those who are Second Amendment fanatics. As we've seen for years, it is normal for the vast majority of conservatives to consistently cite rumors and lies that suit their agenda, while they refuse to accept well documented facts.

Failing this, they will resort to mindless name-calling or completely ignore the topic.

Watch and see.

. and he are ragingly stupid...assholes too.....

That is what the OP'er want and you gave it to the individual...

Lucy response was the best by pointing out the fact that ISIL is a group of genocidal serial killing terrorists and I doubt the OP'er could find where the NRA would endorse those things that Lucy had listed that ISIL has done...

John B. Alexander, Ph.D. is a retired senior military officer and is retired from the Los Alamos National Laboratory. In the article at the link below, “ISIS And The NRA: Similarities Abound”, he describe the similarities between ISIS and the NRA.

His conclusions are indisputable. Such as:

- Institutionally, both organizations are remorseless about the deaths of victims

- Both use fear and intimidation to obtain their objectives

- Both assume their ideology is superior to the wishes of the majority of citizens

- Both have intensely loyal followers

- Both recruit and indoctrinate members who are ignorant of the basic facts

- Both are relatively small organizations that have impact far beyond their size

- Neither organization will apologize for the harm they cause

His entire article can be read at this link: ISIS And The NRA: Similarities Abound

Of course, the right-wingers will respond to this OP with their typical nonsense, and their feeble-minded attempts to refute the facts in Dr. Alexander's well-researched piece will be posted without most of them ever reading the article. But this is to be expected from the conservatives, especially those who are Second Amendment fanatics. As we've seen for years, it is normal for the vast majority of conservatives to consistently cite rumors and lies that suit their agenda, while they refuse to accept well documented facts.

Failing this, they will resort to mindless name-calling or completely ignore the topic.

Watch and see.


My right to protect me and mine is not at the behest of the corporate "gubermint" entity that is owned by international bankers that is nothing more than a successor to contract to perform the 19 enumerated services as per their corporate charter constitution that was ratified with the Act of 1871. I salute the NRA and the political clout that they have because they have the backing of a very formidable number of people that understand how important the 2nd amendment is. There is a reason as to why the founding fathers placed that on the list of important under the right for free speech. I will debate you on the legitimacy for the citizens to have weapons and for a litany of reasons. Right now, the only thing stopping the full implementation of a U.N takeover is the fact that Americans are so well armed and it shall remain that way for the foreseeable future. If you want to have Americans forcibly disarmed? Lead the way and put yourself out there instead of hiding behind of the skirts of a U.N led military force. "Man -up", little man.......let's see what ya got.

John B. Alexander, Ph.D. is a retired senior military officer and is retired from the Los Alamos National Laboratory. In the article at the link below, “ISIS And The NRA: Similarities Abound”, he describe the similarities between ISIS and the NRA.

His conclusions are indisputable. Such as:

- Institutionally, both organizations are remorseless about the deaths of victims

- Both use fear and intimidation to obtain their objectives

- Both assume their ideology is superior to the wishes of the majority of citizens

- Both have intensely loyal followers

- Both recruit and indoctrinate members who are ignorant of the basic facts

- Both are relatively small organizations that have impact far beyond their size

- Neither organization will apologize for the harm they cause

His entire article can be read at this link: ISIS And The NRA: Similarities Abound

Of course, the right-wingers will respond to this OP with their typical nonsense, and their feeble-minded attempts to refute the facts in Dr. Alexander's well-researched piece will be posted without most of them ever reading the article. But this is to be expected from the conservatives, especially those who are Second Amendment fanatics. As we've seen for years, it is normal for the vast majority of conservatives to consistently cite rumors and lies that suit their agenda, while they refuse to accept well documented facts.

Failing this, they will resort to mindless name-calling or completely ignore the topic.

Watch and see.

spam bot
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Here's the reality:

Lucy and I both pointed out the real fact that the NRA is nothing like ISIL and anyone comparing the NRA to ISIL need a reality check...

ISIL will kill you just because you did not grow a beard. They will rape your daughters and sell them to the lowest bidder after they are done... They will rape your mother and wife and if they are lucky they will be killed afterwards and not sold into slavery and again to the lowest bidder... They will behead you and remind the world that infidels like you are unworthy to breath the same air as they do...

Now when you can come up with any NRA member willing to do all that then you and I need to discuss but if you can not then the individual that wrote the article is wrong for comparing a non-terrorist group to a terrorist group that would anal rape you and then toss you off a building..

Now am I being too graphic?

Maybe but let be factual and there are NRA members that will fight you to keep their second amendment rights, and to say that make them like ISIL make you look foolish...

Now you will try this Progressive Liberal nonsense about how no one understood the article and the writer is so correct but the writer is wrong and your are free to your opinion no matter how wrong it is...

John B. Alexander, Ph.D. is a retired senior military officer and is retired from the Los Alamos National Laboratory. In the article at the link below, “ISIS And The NRA: Similarities Abound”, he describe the similarities between ISIS and the NRA.

His conclusions are indisputable. Such as:

- Institutionally, both organizations are remorseless about the deaths of victims

- Both use fear and intimidation to obtain their objectives

- Both assume their ideology is superior to the wishes of the majority of citizens

- Both have intensely loyal followers

- Both recruit and indoctrinate members who are ignorant of the basic facts

- Both are relatively small organizations that have impact far beyond their size

- Neither organization will apologize for the harm they cause

His entire article can be read at this link: ISIS And The NRA: Similarities Abound

Of course, the right-wingers will respond to this OP with their typical nonsense, and their feeble-minded attempts to refute the facts in Dr. Alexander's well-researched piece will be posted without most of them ever reading the article. But this is to be expected from the conservatives, especially those who are Second Amendment fanatics. As we've seen for years, it is normal for the vast majority of conservatives to consistently cite rumors and lies that suit their agenda, while they refuse to accept well documented facts.

Failing this, they will resort to mindless name-calling or completely ignore the topic.

Watch and see.

spam bot
ignore list

I am also a spam bot but I am the new and less improved version... well actually I am the North Korean knockoff version that make retarded responses daily...
Here's the reality:

Lucy and I both pointed out the real fact that the NRA is nothing like ISIL and anyone comparing the NRA to ISIL need a reality check...

ISIL will kill you just because you did not grow a beard. They will rape your daughters and sell them to the lowest bidder after they are done... They will rape your mother and wife and if they are lucky they will be killed afterwards and not sold into slavery and again to the lowest bidder... They will behead you and remind the world that infidels like you are unworthy to breath the same air as they do...

Now when you can come up with any NRA member willing to do all that then you and I need to discuss but if you can not then the individual that wrote the article is wrong for comparing a non-terrorist group to a terrorist group that would anal rape you and then toss you off a building..

Now am I being too graphic?

Maybe but let be factual and there are NRA members that will fight you to keep their second amendment rights, and to say that make them like ISIL make you look foolish...

Now you will try this Progressive Liberal nonsense about how no one understood the article and the writer is so correct but the writer is wrong and your are free to your opinion no matter how wrong it is...

And of course...he supports the party that will actually bring in isis terrorists with the muslim immigrants from countries they control and who hate us........
Here's the reality:

Lucy and I both pointed out the real fact that the NRA is nothing like ISIL and anyone comparing the NRA to ISIL need a reality check...

ISIL will kill you just because you did not grow a beard. They will rape your daughters and sell them to the lowest bidder after they are done... They will rape your mother and wife and if they are lucky they will be killed afterwards and not sold into slavery and again to the lowest bidder... They will behead you and remind the world that infidels like you are unworthy to breath the same air as they do...

Now when you can come up with any NRA member willing to do all that then you and I need to discuss but if you can not then the individual that wrote the article is wrong for comparing a non-terrorist group to a terrorist group that would anal rape you and then toss you off a building..

Now am I being too graphic?

Maybe but let be factual and there are NRA members that will fight you to keep their second amendment rights, and to say that make them like ISIL make you look foolish...

Now you will try this Progressive Liberal nonsense about how no one understood the article and the writer is so correct but the writer is wrong and your are free to your opinion no matter how wrong it is...

And of course...he supports the party that will actually bring in isis terrorists with the muslim immigrants from countries they control and who hate us........

They're voting for Donald John Trump!?!

Thank the Lord I am Libertarian because if I were Democratic or Republican life would be so damn dull...

John B. Alexander, Ph.D. is a retired senior military officer and is retired from the Los Alamos National Laboratory. In the article at the link below, “ISIS And The NRA: Similarities Abound”, he describe the similarities between ISIS and the NRA.

His conclusions are indisputable. Such as:

- Institutionally, both organizations are remorseless about the deaths of victims

- Both use fear and intimidation to obtain their objectives

- Both assume their ideology is superior to the wishes of the majority of citizens

- Both have intensely loyal followers

- Both recruit and indoctrinate members who are ignorant of the basic facts

- Both are relatively small organizations that have impact far beyond their size

- Neither organization will apologize for the harm they cause

His entire article can be read at this link: ISIS And The NRA: Similarities Abound

Of course, the right-wingers will respond to this OP with their typical nonsense, and their feeble-minded attempts to refute the facts in Dr. Alexander's well-researched piece will be posted without most of them ever reading the article. But this is to be expected from the conservatives, especially those who are Second Amendment fanatics. As we've seen for years, it is normal for the vast majority of conservatives to consistently cite rumors and lies that suit their agenda, while they refuse to accept well documented facts.

Failing this, they will resort to mindless name-calling or completely ignore the topic.

Watch and see.


Because it's beyond your boy wants gun control, we don't deal with it
feeble-minded attempts to refute the facts in Dr. Alexander's well-researched piece...
Nobody knows how to do fear mongering like libtards. The NRA - an organization that has never engaged in a single act of terrorism is like "ISIS". :eusa_doh:
John B. Alexander, Ph.D. is a retired senior military officer and is retired from the Los Alamos National Laboratory. In the article at the link below, “ISIS And The NRA: Similarities Abound”, he describe the similarities between ISIS and the NRA.
Here's the thing chief...the American people couldn't care any less what John B. Alexander "PhD", you, or any other idiotic and irrational liberal thinks. What we care about is the U.S. Constitution. We care about our 2nd Amendment right.

So feel free to come up with all of the insane and absurd "similarities" that you want out of desperation. Makes no difference to the educated.
John B. Alexander, Ph.D. is a retired senior military officer and is retired from the Los Alamos National Laboratory. In the article at the link below, “ISIS And The NRA: Similarities Abound”, he describe the similarities between ISIS and the NRA.
Here's the thing chief...the American people couldn't care any less what John B. Alexander "PhD", you, or any other idiotic and irrational liberal thinks. What we care about is the U.S. Constitution. We care about our 2nd Amendment right.

So feel free to come up with all of the insane and absurd "similarities" that you want out of desperation. Makes no difference to the educated.

Those that compare the NRA to ISIL have never seen real terrorism and live in the Progressive Liberal world that everything they are against is some form of terrorism to them...
Nobody knows how to do fear mongering like libtards. The NRA - an organization that has never engaged in a single act of terrorism is like "ISIS". :eusa_doh:

There's only one explanation for such a bizarro thing as ISIS is no different to the NRA.


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