ISIS And The NRA: Similarities Abound


John B. Alexander, Ph.D. is a retired senior military officer and is retired from the Los Alamos National Laboratory. In the article at the link below, “ISIS And The NRA: Similarities Abound”, he describe the similarities between ISIS and the NRA.

His conclusions are indisputable. Such as:

- Institutionally, both organizations are remorseless about the deaths of victims

- Both use fear and intimidation to obtain their objectives

- Both assume their ideology is superior to the wishes of the majority of citizens

- Both have intensely loyal followers

- Both recruit and indoctrinate members who are ignorant of the basic facts

- Both are relatively small organizations that have impact far beyond their size

- Neither organization will apologize for the harm they cause

His entire article can be read at this link: ISIS And The NRA: Similarities Abound

Of course, the right-wingers will respond to this OP with their typical nonsense, and their feeble-minded attempts to refute the facts in Dr. Alexander's well-researched piece will be posted without most of them ever reading the article. But this is to be expected from the conservatives, especially those who are Second Amendment fanatics. As we've seen for years, it is normal for the vast majority of conservatives to consistently cite rumors and lies that suit their agenda, while they refuse to accept well documented facts.

Failing this, they will resort to mindless name-calling or completely ignore the topic.

Watch and see.


Well Obama and the left won't declare war on ISIS, maybe they'll declare war on the NRA.

John B. Alexander, Ph.D. is a retired senior military officer and is retired from the Los Alamos National Laboratory. In the article at the link below, “ISIS And The NRA: Similarities Abound”, he describe the similarities between ISIS and the NRA.

His conclusions are indisputable. Such as:

- Institutionally, both organizations are remorseless about the deaths of victims

- Both use fear and intimidation to obtain their objectives

- Both assume their ideology is superior to the wishes of the majority of citizens

- Both have intensely loyal followers

- Both recruit and indoctrinate members who are ignorant of the basic facts

- Both are relatively small organizations that have impact far beyond their size

- Neither organization will apologize for the harm they cause

His entire article can be read at this link: ISIS And The NRA: Similarities Abound

Of course, the right-wingers will respond to this OP with their typical nonsense, and their feeble-minded attempts to refute the facts in Dr. Alexander's well-researched piece will be posted without most of them ever reading the article. But this is to be expected from the conservatives, especially those who are Second Amendment fanatics. As we've seen for years, it is normal for the vast majority of conservatives to consistently cite rumors and lies that suit their agenda, while they refuse to accept well documented facts.

Failing this, they will resort to mindless name-calling or completely ignore the topic.

Watch and see.

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