ISIS barbarians chainsaw 9 youths in half in public

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Alt Right porn, yes, it is. You know the violence brigades forming in the far right of the weirdos in this country are taking notes from ISIS.

Yeah....not so much.....lefty tried to actually assassinate Trump.....your brown shirts actually shut down a Trump rally in Chicago...your brown shirt shot a Trump supporter in the leg...your Brown shirt attacked a Trump supporter with a crow bar...your brown shirts attacked and chased Trump supporters at one of his rallies....your brown shirts mobbed Trump's motorcade at a fund raiser in Milwuakee.....your brown shirts cornered and threw eggs at a female Trump supporter.....your brown shirts blocked a highway leading to a Trump rally....your black lies matter sympathizers murdered 8 police officers.....your muslim, hilary supporter murdered 49 gay men in Orlando...and the killers father was given a primo seat at a hilary rally...

The actual killing and violence is all yours.......not Trumps...asswipe.

Quoted for truth. These vermin are truly sick, and it's all out in the open now, so no need for pretending they should be shown any respect or treated as if they're real citizens with legitimate points any more.
Do you condemn all political violence, right and left? If you don't then you are a fake, like most of the far right.

Oh shut up, Jake; even the mods are tired of your idiotic childish troll games and ignore your stupid 'reportings'. You support a 'Party' that is now openly hiring street gangs, thugs, and murderers to kill police officers and commit violent assaults and murders, paying them hundreds of millions of dollars, and your dufus attempts at babbling about 'violence' is just pathetic and ridiculous at this point. Crawl back in your room at the Home and annoy your roommate for a while; maybe he'll fall asleep and you can steal his dentures and hearing aids again.
:lol: Picaro speaking for the mods now and nothing on the OP, merely a personal attack.

You lie when you insinuate that I support the Democratic Party: I don't.

You refuse to renounce all political and religious violence: that makes you a member of the Alt Right.

We can survive Trump taking power (I am not sure if we could Hillary, for I think she would do a police state). Trump will be isolated and left in the WH. Congress will tell him "fuck off or we will impeach you."

We cannot survive your ilk running the country. Not to worry: that will never happen.

Yes, I condemn ISIS and all those who commit murder in the name of or propelled by their messed up understanding of their religion.
I oppose all violence in the name of religion, yes, so, yes, I oppose radical jihadism.

Yet there is one religion that produces untold examples of such and you defend it, whereas you attack the religions that don't. .

Are both sides of your mouth even aware of each other?
I oppose all violence in the name of religion, yes, so, yes, I oppose radical jihadism.
Yet there is one religion that produces untold examples of such and you defend it, whereas you attack the religions that don't. Are both sides of your mouth even aware of each other?
Show me where I defend violent actions of any religion.

Haters like you who would use violence if you get away it are pathetic.
Show me where I defend violent actions of any religion.

Haters like you who would use violence if you get away it are pathetic.

Well, let's see, here. Right in this very thread, instead of condemning the violence as motivated by the religion in the least, all you did was rant and rave like some retarded maniac about the "alt right".

Is there so much as a single person in this imaginary bogeyman of yours who has sawed children in half, much less doing so as motivated by religion?

Like so many of the other low functioning regressive leftists here (Coyote, especially, coming to mind), you make generalized claims about what you do or do not support even if you have proven this is a complete lie as provided by countless examples when dealing with the specific.
So, Dogmaphobe, I denounced violence over and over and over, and that is not good enough for you? :lol:

You attack me personally instead of discussing the OP.

You will not denounce all violence, I will, and somehow I am deficient.

You fail, podjo.
Jake and the other sociopaths are just becoming more and more unglued and hysterical as their Maoist in a pantsuit Hillary sinks deeper and deeper into criminal exposures that get jail terms, and even despite hundreds and hundreds of millions on smear campaigns, promoting and fomenting murders of police officers and wave upon wave of violent hate crimes, hiring thugs to commit murder and mayhem in major cities in a last ditch effort to generate turnout at the polls, having no issues they can run on any more, and still fail to generate any headway against Trump, who is barely campaigning and managed to create a foreign policy success by forcing the leader of a narco state to come to the table on criminal illegal immigration and cutting a swath through potential Democratic Party ghost voters. We can only hope they all commit mass suicide when he wins, or join the America hating Supreme Court Justice as she runs off to New Zealand. I'm sure a big boat lift can be arranged for the venal scum, no problem, and deport the rest, somewhere where they can get the real experience of all that 'Diversity' they keep peddling for the rest of their lives, mostly much shorter lives after they get raped, plundered, and genocided into oblivion, since nobody outside of the U.S. ever actually 'dialogues' and 'tries to understand others views and cultures' outside of some silly assed fake PBS documentary.
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Jake and the other sociopaths are just becoming more and more unglued and hysterical as their Maoist in a pantsuit Hillary sinks deeper and deeper into criminal exposures that get jail terms, and even despite hundreds and hundreds of millions on smear campaigns, promoting and fomenting murders of police officers and wave upon wave of violent hate crimes, hiring thugs to commit murder and mayhem in major cities in a last ditch effort to generate turnout at the polls, having no issues they can run on any more, and still fail to generate any headway against Trump, who is barely campaigning and managed to create a foreign policy success by forcing the leader of a narco state to come to the table on criminal illegal immigration and cutting a swath through potential Democratic Party ghost voters. We can only hope they all commit mass suicide when he wins, or join the America hating Supreme Court Justice as she runs off to New Zealand. I'm sure a big boat lift can be arranged for the venal scum, no problem, and deport the rest, somewhere where they can get the real experience of all that 'Diversity' they keep peddling for the rest of their lives, mostly much shorter lives after they get raped, plundered, and genocided into oblivion, since nobody outside of the U.S. ever actually 'dialogues' and 'tries to understand others views and cultures' outside of some silly assed fake PBS documentary.

There must be at least 20-30 active posters here who are absolutely interchangeable. They are the true believers of the left and approach the world with exactly the same degree of religious fervor as the most rigid fundamentalists of the right. Theirs isn't religion per se, but it acts the same way in regards to group think. There is no understanding of ideas. There are no principles they apply to the world. There is simply the comfort they derive from each being exactly like each other because when it gets down to it, they are scared shitless little children inside who are so terrified of offering an original thought that might result in ostracism from the hive that they simply drone on and on and freaking on with their de rigueur pablum. Their thoughts run no deeper than a calculation based upon whether they get rewarded by their little peeps if they say one thing or punished if they say another.

When Islam is Involved, non of the hive mind ever dares to say an action is actually wrong or an attitude is wrong. If Muslims are raping children, just try to deflect to Christianity. If they are sawing people in half, just call anybody who objects a right wing nut job, or their favorite new term "alt right". When Muslims murder 50 gay people, just babble on about a tiny little group in Kansas that is objectionable as all get up but has never killed anybody. the pattern is the same and is repeated thousands and thousands of times by these shit heads. They never actually confront the evil involved in any way, shape or form. They simply deny, deflect, rationalize, obfuscate, defend and attack the person who does object.

When these stupid little useful idiots try to claim they don't actually defend Islamism, do they actually think they are fooling anybody but themselves and the rest of their idiotic little hive?
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You must be on to something JakeStarkey .
There is no other logical reason the paranoid patrol would be coming at you.
The Alt Right seem to be, by their posting, violent by nature; they won't condemn all violence; but lump me, who does condemn violence, with the ISIS jihadsits and the "left."

Yes, daws, the show their asses indeed.
The Alt Right seem to be, by their posting, violent by nature; they won't condemn all violence; but lump me, who does condemn violence, with the ISIS jihadsits and the "left."

Yes, daws, the show their asses indeed.

Actually, I lump you in with the stupid, the uneducated, the double-talking, and the worthless.
The Alt Right seem to be, by their posting, violent by nature; they won't condemn all violence; but lump me, who does condemn violence, with the ISIS jihadsits and the "left."

Yes, daws, the show their asses indeed.

Actually, I lump you in with the stupid, the uneducated, the double-talking, and the worthless.
You did remember to add yourself to that list if you didn't it would be inaccurate.
The Alt Right seem to be, by their posting, violent by nature; they won't condemn all violence; but lump me, who does condemn violence, with the ISIS jihadsits and the "left."

Yes, daws, the show their asses indeed.

Actually, I lump you in with the stupid, the uneducated, the double-talking, and the worthless.
You did remember to add yourself to that list if you didn't it would be inaccurate.

Daws, I am not a child like yourself, so I don't play childish Cowboys and Indians games with politics like you do.

You morons are so fixed in your little world where anybody who doesn't say the exact same things as you are "alt right" that you are no different than the equally stupid religious fundamentalists for calling anybody a liberal if they aren't a drooling, bible-thumping idiot.

Grow up. Get an education. Learn to think on your own. Grow a pair.
Spamming (above) is an Alt Right tactic, among others.

You guys can't take what you dish, then you cry.

Yes, you wish to imitate ISIS behavior here in American society.
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right

Jakey learned something new.

He's going to wear it out as he has his race card.

Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right

Just can't seem to make it ring no matter how many times I ring this bell.

It's fake. Like Jake.
Spamming (above) is an Alt Right tactic, among others.

You guys can't take what you dish, then you cry.

Yes, you wish to imitate ISIS behavior here in American society.
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right

Jakey learned something new.

He's going to wear it out as he has his race card.

Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right
Alt right

Just can't seem to make it ring no matter how many times I ring this bell.

It's fake. Like Jake.

Don't be too hard on him, though. I can still remember when my own boys were around 4, learned a new word and ran around using it all the time.

Let's just hope Jakey hasn't learned "poopoohead" yet or we'll never see the end of it.
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