ISIS burned a man alive!! Who was that psychopath who burned people alive at Waco?

Nobody would have died, if the feds had simply kept silent and waited for Koresh to go somewhere public to arrest him. The omission of such a simple but critical act of common sense lays much or all of the blame on the feds.

Clinton wanted the davidians to die. They were conservative gun owners and clinton will kill all such people he can. It turned out exactly as he hoped.
The ATF had no grounds for raiding his compound. there were no illegal firearms there, no fully automatic weapons and no one at the compound had illegally purchased any firearms. So yes he was innocent of any of the supposed reasons for the raid.
How do we know that without confirmation from law enforcement?
If they had seized full automatic weapons they would have displayed them and provided the proof they had them. All the fed did is claim that was what happened never any evidence it was true. And again NO ONE from the compound ever fired on a single person outside the compound.
Please answer the question that I asked you.
There is no credible evidence that a single fully automatic weapon was ever recovered from the compound.
Again, not what I asked you.

Why is this difficult for you?
I answered your question the ATF made up the charges. As proven by the fact that after the FBI murdered 30 children none of the supposed illegal items were there. The ATF was not interested in searching the compound, they were interested in a raid to prove that the DEA was not the only law enforcement branch of the Government doing cool things.

All they had to do was deliver a search warrant to Koresch and search the grounds. Instead they mounted a large well armed raid on a compound they KNEW was paranoid about Government intrusion. where they KNEW every adult had firearms. They staged the raid so close to the compound that neighbors warned the davidians they were coming. And yet not a single piece of evidence shows that anyone fired FROM the compound at the ATF. Further a video that was taken down and never shown again showed ATF agents enter a second story window followed by another agent firing auto fire into the same window.

The only member of the compound wounded was Korsch at the door no one else was shot.
"Who was that psychopath who burned people alive at Waco?"

Uh, dude, it was a guy named Vernon Howell, AKA David Koresh.

No that 84 less whacky cultists in the world is a bad thing.

I answered your question the ATF made up the charges. As proven by the fact that after
You're NOT answering the question. The question was:

How do we know that without confirmation from law enforcement?

How would anyone know that they had no illegal weapons without a check by law enforcement? It doesn't matter what they found after the fact.

And he was served a search warrant on the first day - why are you lying? The reason it escalated was because he refused to abide by the search warrant.

You should stop trying to argue this from your memory, because your memory sucks.
And he was served a search warrant on the first day - why are you lying? The reason it escalated was because he refused to abide by the search warrant.


HAHAHA. Even if that's true, that's no excuse to send in the TANKS and burn 80 people alive. Get help please.
"Who was that psychopath who burned people alive at Waco?"

Uh, dude, it was a guy named Vernon Howell, AKA David Koresh.

No that 84 less whacky cultists in the world is a bad thing.

Koresh was driving one of the tanks that clinton invaded the church with. !!! Get help please.
God bless Janet Reno, America's greatest Attorney General!


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