ISIS burned a man alive!! Who was that psychopath who burned people alive at Waco?

Janet Reno hang in hell you whore.
Fuck you.

Janet Reno is one of the best Attorney General this country ever had. She followed the law every single time. She should be a conservative hero for having the courage to appoint Kenneth Starr as Independent Prosecutor.
So David Koresh was just an innocent man minding his own business? ok got it.
The ATF had no grounds for raiding his compound. there were no illegal firearms there, no fully automatic weapons and no one at the compound had illegally purchased any firearms. So yes he was innocent of any of the supposed reasons for the raid.
How do we know that without confirmation from law enforcement?
If they had seized full automatic weapons they would have displayed them and provided the proof they had them. All the fed did is claim that was what happened never any evidence it was true. And again NO ONE from the compound ever fired on a single person outside the compound.
Please answer the question that I asked you.
So David Koresh was just an innocent man minding his own business? ok got it.
The ATF had no grounds for raiding his compound. there were no illegal firearms there, no fully automatic weapons and no one at the compound had illegally purchased any firearms. So yes he was innocent of any of the supposed reasons for the raid.
How do we know that without confirmation from law enforcement?
If they had seized full automatic weapons they would have displayed them and provided the proof they had them. All the fed did is claim that was what happened never any evidence it was true. And again NO ONE from the compound ever fired on a single person outside the compound.
Please answer the question that I asked you.
There is no credible evidence that a single fully automatic weapon was ever recovered from the compound.
There is no credible evidence that a single fully automatic weapon was ever recovered from the compound.

Full auto guns are pretty rare so what does that prove.??

The davidians were in the gun repair business and had lots of guns on hand. Nothing illegal about that.
There is no credible evidence that a single fully automatic weapon was ever recovered from the compound.

Full auto guns are pretty rare so what does that prove.??

The davidians were in the gun repair business and had lots of guns on hand. Nothing illegal about that.
The ATF claimed that they had fully automatic weapons, grenades and explosives. What they had were not full auto and the grenades were shells not loaded with anything, which is NOT illegal. As for explosives if they had any why didn't they go off when the buildings burned to the ground?
So David Koresh was just an innocent man minding his own business? ok got it.
The ATF had no grounds for raiding his compound. there were no illegal firearms there, no fully automatic weapons and no one at the compound had illegally purchased any firearms. So yes he was innocent of any of the supposed reasons for the raid.
How do we know that without confirmation from law enforcement?
Stop and think...if they knew there were weapons why did the standoff occur? Why not simply get the warrant and go in? More important, you can't dig deep enough to come up with a rationalization for the murders in Waco.
In this country if a citizen "starts something" the law is not supposed to approach and kill. Does the word negotiate or compromise ring a bell?

The guy on the left is the good guy the gangster on the right is the justifiably dead guy.
What I've only heard breifly mentioned was the rest of the immolation video which showed the result of the pilot's bombing missions. That they "buried" him in the rubble of the buildings he bombed burning him to death as the people he dropped bombs of probably did says everything. Ignoring that is prejudicial in the extreme.

There was symbolism, there was meaning, there was justice.

Don't wanna be bruned to death by your enemy, don't drop bombs on people some of whom die in fires.
he slept with underage girls.
sleeping with someone does not mean there was a rape involved, nor does it mean they were involved in sexual intercourse...., DOES IT ??.

No, and I guess I should've written: inserted his penis into 13 year old girls' bodies. Which is an immoral thing to do, legal or not in Texas.
see... ? words have definite meanings, RIGHT ??

:lmao: ..... :lmao: ..... :lmao: ..... :lmao: ..... :up:
This isn't russia, asshole....and Koresh was no "child rapist" nor was he making illegal weapons...this is all about the stalinist Reno and the pervert Scum Willy.... what the country may have forgotten about Ruby Ridge and last year in Nevada....the federal government under a Rat administration will murder you for no reason whatsoever if you're in their way.

Actually, it was about an investigation into child sexual abuse that culminated in a raid wherein Branch Davidians shot and killed federal agents which is what started the siege.
Wrong the raid started because of ATF and lies told about the Compound and their weapons. The supposed child sex thing was fabricated by the FBI a month after the raid failed.

It wasn't just child sex abuse, it was physical abuse. And based on Koresh's history from a previous gun-related charge, the ATF had good reason to serve a warrant for David Koresh's arrest and a search of the premises. While approaching the compound, the agents were fired upon, and four were killed. So, when the authorities took the action they did, whether it was the best decision in hindsight, the officials in charge thought it was warranted and appropriate at the time.

Much of this is supported here, a Christian Website:

The Branch Davidians - Christian Research Institute
NOT true, the 4 agents were killed inside the building there is ZERO evidence anyone fired from the compound on the ATF and the film that was pulled showed the ATF firing into the window the 4 agents entered almost immediately after they entered.

Yeah, and 9/11 was an inside job...
Indeed it was. Anyone who thinks children and innocent people deserved to be murdered by the government should be just strung up and executed...since obviously they don't think life means anything to them why should we care if they die? Course there are the same people that are OK with an FBI sniper murdering Vicky Weaver at Ruby Ridge as she was UNARMED and holding a 10 month old child who thankfully wasn't hit.
David Koresh was a wacko, and the people that were stupid enough to follow him were wacko's.

There was probably a better way to deal with them, but in the end they are to blame for their own demise.

Nobody would have died, if the feds had simply kept silent and waited for Koresh to go somewhere public to arrest him. The omission of such a simple but critical act of common sense lays much or all of the blame on the feds.
Once Koresh is in jail, there is a good chance of getting cooperation from the cult, preferably through dialogue first.
All they had to do was drive up to the compound and deliver a search warrant Koresch had cooperated with the Sheriff every time he had a question or needed to question him.
So David Koresh was just an innocent man minding his own business? ok got it.
The ATF had no grounds for raiding his compound. there were no illegal firearms there, no fully automatic weapons and no one at the compound had illegally purchased any firearms. So yes he was innocent of any of the supposed reasons for the raid.
How do we know that without confirmation from law enforcement?
If they had seized full automatic weapons they would have displayed them and provided the proof they had them. All the fed did is claim that was what happened never any evidence it was true. And again NO ONE from the compound ever fired on a single person outside the compound.
Please answer the question that I asked you.
There is no credible evidence that a single fully automatic weapon was ever recovered from the compound.
Again, not what I asked you.

Why is this difficult for you?

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