Isis camp just across Texas border in Mexico

You are beyond paranoid. Everyone is not out to get you.

And let me ask you this - why would isis presumably send people from the middle east to mexico that still need "training"?

Think about it. The likely didn't sent people needing training. They sent trainers who will work with the people they recruited. Could be those from the states that joined them and skipped over the border for training.

We have had Americans, some immigrants, who went to join ISIS. We've seen stories of young girls being courted on social media and left to join ISIS, believing that they would be treated like princesses. There are a lot of extremely ignorant and radical people in this world and it might have been easier to set up a training camp in Mexico. The drug cartels might be territorial, but they want to make a lot of money and ISIS could help with that for a few favors. Wouldn't be the first time that violent groups joined forces. The cartels run parts of Mexico and there are reports that the government has been involved with them. Isn't that the reason why so many sneak into America? Because Mexico is a corrupt shithole.

Look at what this group has managed to do so far. They aren't JV and they are good at recruiting and training. Don't dismiss them just because your messiah tells you not to worry. ISIS should not have gotten this far.
You are beyond paranoid. Everyone is not out to get you.

And let me ask you this - why would isis presumably send people from the middle east to mexico that still need "training"?

Think about it. The likely didn't sent people needing training. They sent trainers who will work with the people they recruited. Could be those from the states that joined them and skipped over the border for training.

We have had Americans, some immigrants, who went to join ISIS. We've seen stories of young girls being courted on social media and left to join ISIS, believing that they would be treated like princesses. A lot of extremely ignorant and radical people in this world and it might have been easier to set up a training camp in Mexico. The drug cartels might be territorial, but they want to make a lot of money and ISIS could help with that for a few favors.

Look at what this group has managed to do so far. They aren't JV and they are good at recruiting and training. Don't dismiss them just because your messiah tells you not to worry. ISIS should not have gotten this far.
I dismiss it because the claim isnt coming fro a credible source and it doesn't make sense.

Isil is fighting for territory in the middle east. They may talk about striking the united states, but if they did what would the result be? The u.s. military back on the ground, fighting against them. Airstrikes upon airstrikes upon airstrikes.

Now, they may be that foolish, or that arrogant. Still, i dont think that they're sd o dumb as to start a training camp within view of the border patrol.
I dismiss it because the claim isnt coming fro a credible source and it doesn't make sense.

Isil is fighting for territory in the middle east. They may talk about striking the united states, but if they did what would the result be? The u.s. military back on the ground, fighting against them. Airstrikes upon airstrikes upon airstrikes.

Now, they may be that foolish, or that arrogant. Still, i dont think that they're sd o dumb as to start a training camp within view of the border patrol.

They hate us and they threaten us. So far, they have attempted to make good on all their threats. I've lost count of the number of Christians slaughtered, the number of gays tossed off buildings or the number of women and children raped and murdered. There was a picture of ISIS members using a human head as a soccer ball. Yea, they love what they do and it shows. How can you put anything past a group that has done what ISIS has done?

8 miles is not within sight of border patrol. Even if they saw them, nothing would come of it because they are not on our soil. And even if they were entering, border patrol would be helpless to stop them if they got violent. It was Mexican officials making the claim. Not surprisingly, the liberal media fails to report on many things that later turn out to be true.

Even if they attacked on our soil, do you really think Obama would want to launch airstrikes on them? I don't think they are worried that we will strike back. Obama would call them out of control rioters and ensure that their rights were protected. Hell, even those immigrants who went to join ISIS won't lose their citizenship over it. Obama is so very understanding towards radicals.
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Missouri_Mike said:
For muslims they simply want any non-muslim dead. That's pretty much it.
Thank you for explaining yourself.
You're welcome. You have any follow up questions?
Not for you. For you all muslims are tbe same, all mexicans are the same. someone that shallow has nothing of value to offer any conversation.
Well that's too bad. I'm actually half Mexican so could have given you some insight. But you have a white privilege class to attend so I understand.
You are beyond paranoid. Everyone is not out to get you.

And let me ask you this - why would isis presumably send people from the middle east to mexico that still need "training"?

Think about it. The likely didn't sent people needing training. They sent trainers who will work with the people they recruited. Could be those from the states that joined them and skipped over the border for training.

We have had Americans, some immigrants, who went to join ISIS. We've seen stories of young girls being courted on social media and left to join ISIS, believing that they would be treated like princesses. A lot of extremely ignorant and radical people in this world and it might have been easier to set up a training camp in Mexico. The drug cartels might be territorial, but they want to make a lot of money and ISIS could help with that for a few favors.

Look at what this group has managed to do so far. They aren't JV and they are good at recruiting and training. Don't dismiss them just because your messiah tells you not to worry. ISIS should not have gotten this far.
I dismiss it because the claim isnt coming fro a credible source and it doesn't make sense.

Isil is fighting for territory in the middle east. They may talk about striking the united states, but if they did what would the result be? The u.s. military back on the ground, fighting against them. Airstrikes upon airstrikes upon airstrikes.

Now, they may be that foolish, or that arrogant. Still, i dont think that they're sd o dumb as to start a training camp within view of the border patrol.

They hate us and they threaten us. So far, they have attempted to make all their threats good.

8 miles is not within sight of border patrol. It was Mexican officials making the claim. Not surprisingly, the liberal media fails to report on many things that later turn out to be true.

Even if they attacked on our soil, do you really think Obama would want to launch airstrikes on them? I don't think they are worried that we will strike back. Obama would call them out of control rioters and ensure that their rights were protected.
first, look up the word hyperbole.

Second, what threats have they made good on? is their flag flying over the white house? have they formed their caliphate yet?

Third, if you had just started off by saying you were an irrational idiot instead of posting about "rioters" and "rights" i wouldnt be forced now to call you a dumbass and point out that we are already using airstrikes against them.

first, look up the word hyperbole.

Second, what threats have they made good on? is their flag flying over the white house? have they formed their caliphate yet?

Third, if you had just started off by saying you were an irrational idiot instead of posting about "rioters" and "rights" i wouldnt be forced now to call you a dumbass and point out that we are already using airstrikes against them.


ISIS hasn't slowed from the airstrikes and, in fact, have gained ground. Maybe Obama is pretending he has things under control but he doesn't.
Who's idea was it again to get rid of Assad, so we have ISIS on our doorstep, and what President with a (R) in front of his name squandered the military budget in two major foreign wars, so we can't afford to fight one we really need to?
Sounds like the Mexican authorities are denying that these places even exist.

Have these so-called 'reports' been confirmed by our own people?
Sounds like the Mexican authorities are denying that these places even exist.

Have these so-called 'reports' been confirmed by our own people?
No credible source has confirmed the judicial watch story. That should tell everyone how credible judicial watch is

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