Isis camp just across Texas border in Mexico

Since ISIS was able to set up camp on Rick Perry's front lawn, there must be a conspiracy between them and DHS and Barack Obama.

It's the only explanation for how they got so close.

Just more proof that Obama was born in Kenya, folks.
Since ISIS was able to set up camp on Rick Perry's front lawn, there must be a conspiracy between them and DHS and Barack Obama.

It's the only explanation for how they got so close.

Just more proof that Obama was born in Kenya, folks.
Obama wasn't born in Kenya, he was born in space. An astronaut still hasn't owned up to the naughty business, but they expect to find out by sending a rover to Mars and banging a few rocks together - which is all NASA can afford these days.
The far righties are running the training camp for a Judicial Watch overthrow of the US and to create a far right social con fundie state in the US.

there are islamo Nazi training camps in upstate New York, too The people in Mexico are also heavy into proselytizing-----for that matter---so are the people in
New York----- anyone interested in a free copy of the Koran------it's easy-----just
stand aroun where there are lots of muslims
Like the Gideons passing out Bibles.
there is a islamo-terrorist under my bed at night but he is afraid my baby Jesus nativity scene and Kris kyle action figure/nite- light I sleep pretty well

good boy----spitting in the faces of the boston marathon victims. What a cute
sense of humor you exhibit
The far righties are running the training camp for a Judicial Watch overthrow of the US and to create a far right social con fundie state in the US.

there are islamo Nazi training camps in upstate New York, too The people in Mexico are also heavy into proselytizing-----for that matter---so are the people in
New York----- anyone interested in a free copy of the Koran------it's easy-----just
stand aroun where there are lots of muslims
Like the Gideons passing out Bibles.

I never met a Gideon-----I thought they just leave them in hotel nite tables. ----
---without a SPEECH I was actually harassed by a muslim ----recently---
in a manner exceeding the manner of Jehovah Witnesses. The man INSISTED
I give him my address so that he could send me the copy of the Koran
"but I got three at home" I protested----nothing would turn him off
there is a islamo-terrorist under my bed at night but he is afraid my baby Jesus nativity scene and Kris kyle action figure/nite- light I sleep pretty well

good boy----spitting in the faces of the boston marathon victims. What a cute
sense of humor you exhibit
laughing at your histrionics is not spitting in anyones face

I am never histrionic. I maintain calm thru all sorts of emergencies. ----
Denying the reality of terrorism is---spitting in the faces of its
victims. It's like mocking an epidemic of AIDS
I bet they still have ebola in their back pockets too! Bastards!

"We're all gonna die"
there is a islamo-terrorist under my bed at night but he is afraid my baby Jesus nativity scene and Kris kyle action figure/nite- light I sleep pretty well

good boy----spitting in the faces of the boston marathon victims. What a cute
sense of humor you exhibit
laughing at your histrionics is not spitting in anyones face

I am never histrionic. I maintain calm thru all sorts of emergencies. ----
Denying the reality of terrorism is---spitting in the faces of its
victims. It's like mocking an epidemic of AIDS
your reality of terrorism is over the top and counter productive and exploitative of victims
ISIS camps have now been discovered directly across the U.S. border with Mexico, ISIS operatives have been captured illegally entering the United States, and ISIS is threatening to conduct a massive campaign of terror against U.S. targets, and yet Barack Obama and his underlings continue to insist that “right-wing extremists” are the greatest terror threat that this nation is facing.

ISIS Has Camps On The U.S. Border But Obama Says Right-Wing Extremists Are The Greatest Terror Threat Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

Radical Islam is real and it is here for you. ISIS don't care about Obama's remarks on Christianity and peaceful Islam, they know what they want and where they want it. Not being able to spread their rule across the Middle East they are finally coming to the US. President's indecisiveness and lack of vision left us vulnerable and open to terrorists' attacks. Imagine how many more covert bases will be found in the US in upcoming years.
This is the face of terror in the XXI century. And we have to admit there is little our government can do to defeat them.

As long as Alex Jones said so....

Also, the Twin Towers were brought down by GW through controlled demolition.

Alex Jones said so...
As long as Alex Jones said so....

Also, the Twin Towers were brought down by GW through controlled demolition.

Alex Jones said so...

Whether you agree to Alex Jones or not, you cannot argue there are Jihadists' camps in the US. They pose a serious threat to our nation and there is nothing being done in order to eliminate them.
As long as Alex Jones said so....

Also, the Twin Towers were brought down by GW through controlled demolition.

Alex Jones said so...

Whether you agree to Alex Jones or not, you cannot argue there are Jihadists' camps in the US. They pose a serious threat to our nation and there is nothing being done in order to eliminate them.

Sure you can argue about their existence. Do you have any credible evidence for such? I searched and everything seemed to source back to WND - a notoriously unreliable source. I tried to find anything from the FBI on terrorist camps in the US but nothing that sourced directly to the FBI.
As long as Alex Jones said so....

Also, the Twin Towers were brought down by GW through controlled demolition.

Alex Jones said so...
well he did..but in fatness he was only reporting what high level vets where asserting...
Capt. Eric H. May, U.S. Army (ret) – Former U.S. Army Intelligence Officer. Former inspector and interpreter for the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty team.

  • Essay 9/11 and Non-investigation: "As a former Army officer, my tendency immediately after 911 was to rally 'round the colors and defend the country against what I then thought was an insidious, malicious all-Arab entity called Al-Qaida. In fact, in April of 2002, I attempted to reactivate my then-retired commission to return to serve my country in its time of peril. ... Now I view the 911 event as Professor David Griffin, author of The New Pearl Harbor, views it: as a matter that implies eitherA) passive participation by the Bush White House through a deliberate stand-down of proper defense procedures that (if followed) would have led US air assets to a quick identification and confrontation of the passenger aircraft that impacted WTC 1 and WTC 2, or worse ... B) active execution of a plot by rogue elements of government, starting with the White House itself, in creating a spectacle of destruction that would lead the United States into an invasion of the Middle East ..." Captain Eric May
Lt. Col. Robert Bowman, PhD, U.S. Air Force (ret) – Director of Advanced Space Programs Development under Presidents Ford and Carter. U.S. Air Force fighter pilot with over 100 combat missions. (PhD in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering, Cal Tech). Former Head of the Department of Aeronautical Engineering and Assistant Dean at the U.S. Air Force Institute of Technology. 22-year Air Force career. Also taught Mathematics and English at the University of Southern California, the University of Maryland, and Phillips University.
  • Member: Political Leaders for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:"Scholars and professionals with various kinds of expertise---including architects, engineers, firefighters, intelligence officers, lawyers, medical professionals, military officers, philosophers, religious leaders, physical scientists, and pilots---have spoken out about radical discrepancies between the official account of the 9/11 attacks and what they, as independent researchers, have learned. They have established beyond any reasonable doubt that the official account of 9/11 is false and that, therefore, the official “investigations” have really been cover-up operations. Thus far, however, there has been no response from political leaders in Washington or, for that matter, in other capitals around the world. Our organization, Political Leaders for 9/11 Truth, has been formed to help bring about such a response. We believe that the truth about 9/11 needs to be exposed now---not in 50 years as a footnote in the history books---so the policies that have been based on the Bush-Cheney
How many threads do we need on this "report"

Why doesn't judicial watch just stick to making up price tags for the first family's travel?

Any source that you'd believe either wouldn't investigate the report or print their findings if they disagreed with your Dear Leader's bullshit. You don't want to believe ISIS can be in Mexico same as you'd never believe Hezbolla has a base in central america. Fact is you don't want to know the truth or for anybody else to either....
How many threads do we need on this "report"

Why doesn't judicial watch just stick to making up price tags for the first family's travel?

Any source that you'd believe either wouldn't investigate the report or print their findings if they disagreed with your Dear Leader's bullshit. You don't want to believe ISIS can be in Mexico same as you'd never believe Hezbolla has a base in central america. Fact is you don't want to know the truth or for anybody else to either....
They are probably there operating as narco dollars for the cause...
I've been on the Arizona border with Minutemen a few times and in conversations with BP agents, there's little doubt hundreds of muslims have crossed into the US in the last 6 years. Prayer rugs, korans, anecdotal evidence from ranchers in the area who've found evidence of middle-easterners crossing. You progs think you're showing "bravery" laughing at the reports but you're imbeciles. They've come across and disappeared....they sure ain't here looking for construction jobs or to pick fruit.

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