After trump contradicts himself in the same speech, Fact-checker zings the disgraced ex-president for his major flub at Waco event

It cracks me up reading how dems think things were bad when Trump was in office compared to how they are now.
I mean seriously,things under biden and the the new world order are fucked up beyond belief yet they still try and claim things are better when it obvious things are going to shit..
It seems every leftwing idiot on USMB is delusional to the point of being insane.
Yes, I am worried that their is a chance Trump could be President. It is a small chance but still a chance.
There has never been a Presidential candidate that had a real chance of being in jail in JANUARY 2025.
Jail or President. CRAZY.
Worried the destruction of the country will be delayed with another Trump term?
It cracks me up reading how dems think things were bad when Trump was in office compared to how they are now.
I mean seriously,things under biden and the the new world order are fucked up beyond belief yet they still try and claim things are better when it obvious things are going to shit..
It seems every leftwing idiot on USMB is delusional to the point of being insane.
Thank you for providing us a good laugh by your predicted post.

A factual post that a person cannot not argue even if they would still vote for Trump. The fun starts watching the Trump braindead minions, falling all over themselves, to say there is no truth to your post. They are desperate to say Trump never contradicts himself, everything he says is the truth, he is a perfect human, he is our savior. Very sick people.
Thank you for providing us a good laugh by your predicted post.

A factual post that a person cannot not argue even if they would still vote for Trump. The fun starts watching the Trump braindead minions, falling all over themselves, to say there is no truth to your post. They are desperate to say Trump never contradicts himself, everything he says is the truth, he is a perfect human, he is our savior. Very sick people.

You dems are delusional if you think things are better under biden.
Seriously you'd have to be an utter moron to actually believe that or you're complete liar's.
The numbers dont lie ya fucken moron.
You dems are delusional if you think things are better under biden.
Seriously you'd have to be an utter moron to actually believe that or you're complete liar's.
The numbers dont lie ya fucken moron.
GDP was down under Trump. It is growing in positive numbers, 2.1%, under Biden. Unemployment is down under Biden.
Numbers don't lie.
They are too fucking stupid and juvenile to handle cognitive dissonance of any kind.
They like to think they are tough and manly but they are too dense to realize they are complete pussies.

Would a real man whine about kneeling football players, black mermaids or the gender of M&Ms? Of course not.
They are too fucking stupid and juvenile to handle cognitive dissonance of any kind.
They like to think they are tough and manly but they are too dense to realize they are complete pussies.

Would a real man whine about kneeling football players, black mermaids or the gender of M&Ms? Of course not.
It is more proof that right-wingnut rage can be motivated by extremely foolish issues.


After trump contradicts himself in the same speech, Fact-checker zings the disgraced ex-president for his major flub at Waco event

“Among the many lies that Donald Trump told during his Saturday rally in Waco, Texas, was his ongoing claim that he kept his promise to build a wall on the southern border and force Mexico to pay for it. It didn't happen before he left office on Jan. 20, 2021.”

Despite his obvious failure to deliver a two-thousand-mile-long border wall (and, he never received as much as a peso from Mexico’s government), trump’s blindly faithful followers believe his every word. So, it is more than apparent there is no point in any attempt to explain to them that, along those two thousand miles of border there are sections where the natural formations do not lend themselves to obstructions of any kind. One example, fast moving desert flash flood waters flowing across the U.S./Mexican border carrying brush and other debris will turn certain border wall segments into short-lived dams. These structures, built by crooked trump cronies in other locations, have already collapsed simply due to shoddy work and materials. They would be carried away immediately when hit by floodwaters in the Southwestern deserts.

It is well-known that trump’s cult members are unable to face reality, understanding reality is completely beyond their comprehension.

Its too bad nobody listened to his speech... not even the folks in attendance apparently.
And you are the retard that still thinks that the orange douchebag won the election.

Good, everyone is up to speed. Now, fuck off.
Wrong again dumbass. You worthless leftist traitors crack me up.
This is a silly thread, but let's look at one aspect of it. President Trump promised to do everything in his power to build a border "wall" (barrier) on our southern border, and to make Mexico pay for it.

The Democrats in Congress LEGALLY PREVENTED HIM FROM DOING THAT (the Mexican payment was to come as a tax on remittances across the border, which total in the BILLIONS every year).

And because the Democrats in Congress prevented Trump from doing what he hoped to do, HE IS A LIAR???????

Are you fucking kidding me?

Are you stupid or evil? Which is it? There is no other explanation.

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