ISIS Cuts Pay--Only For Secular Kamikazes, Not 1.5 Bil. Real Moslems


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The Administration air strikes in Syria recently blew up millions of payroll dollars held for ISIS troops. Some leaked or captured internal ISIS documents show a 50% pay cut in place, based on continuing ISIL losses. Area Secular Kamikaze recruiting efforts are likely being impacted. Videos of the Republican presidential nomination campaign are least still available. Democrats, in contrast, already take heart from easily thousands upon millions of Hispanic and Moslem campaign volunteers--just from the newscasts and ads. ISIL was actually using secular, financial recruiting incentives. Now those are diminished, along with the perception of them being a winning side.

50 percent pay cut: a tough break for ISIS fighters

Likely also disappearing are the other various campaign issues of the sensationalist, television news plagues. The 1960's first saw the impact with Vietnam War screenings every night on the network news shows. The phenomenon was relatively new, and not central government scripted or controlled. The "War On Poverty" was not a front-page issue, an outcome of Civil Rights press attention. Lyndon Johnson withdrew from further campaigning.

Senator Sanders has been able to benefit, in contrast, with a focus on economic problems. So instead of being identified with waning issues: The Democrats, and specifically Sanders, are more readily identified with election year issues. Visuals are likely to be happening soon.

The RNC has been critical of "The Media" ever since the 1960's. The press coverage moments of Ronald Reagan, usually out of context with on-going events, were shown to be a viable working tool. Those visuals could focus on something immediate, and in the policy script, and so the concept of a "Photo Opportunity," came about. This year, that means the Republicans wanted last year's issues to take center place. Instead the Democrats now have the compare and contrast advantages. The script can be adjusted to their advantage.

One problem diminishing is ISIS. The second problem diminishing is Immigration. Suddenly that is more a Mexican issue, with undocumented arrivals now basically leaving the United States. It actually now works as a recruiting tool to the advantage of Democrats needing campaign volunteers.

Soon even the Oil Price drop will be less of an issue. The Shia of Iran are in a Market Share battle with the Sunni from Saudi Arabia. That is becoming a public attention matter, unrelated to the global economic prospects. There is too much oil since neither side wants to lose customers, mainly. The Chinese economy is shown moving forward. The U. S. employment data are not in recession. The perception that the Great Recession has created mostly paper wealth, heavily with basis in law and politics, is clearly a whole new set of visuals for which the Republican candidates are unprepared.

And so it will soon be election year 2016.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Much diversity in Hollywood Oscar Nominations(?) more likely about law and politics. Taking away precedence of many peoples, can even be said textbook-level stuff, like debates(?)! )

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