ISIS morale "bottoms", 100 deserters shot, Obama strategy working?


There's no way for the general public to know exactly what Obama is having done over there, or how we're coordinating with other countries, intelligence matters, any of that stuff.

Looks like whatever it is, is working, though. Too bad, ISIS, my condolences.


There are some on the reprehensible right with such unwarranted hatred for the president that they actually wish to see efforts against ISIS fail.
Yes it is true the obama strategy is working. Isis has moved from just killing to organ trafficking. No use letting all that human meat go to waste.

Syrian TV - Daily Mail newspaper ISIS traffics human organs moves them into Saudi Arabia and Turkey

Can we hear a thank you obama?
Well at least you are admitting the US forces are finding success and getting the job done. You seem to have problem adjusting to the changing tactics and acts of desperation caused when a hostile force is having it's resources depleted. Daesh has transitioned from robbing banks inside the zone of an expanding zone of occupation, sale of black market oil and foreign donations of cash and supplies to an entity that has had to resort to selling body parts. It's zone of occupation is shrinking, there are no new banks to rob. It's ability to sell black market oil has been drastically reduced with the bombing of it's wells, refineries and transport vehicles. It's donation resources have similarly drying up.
150 women were killed because they refused to become wives. Is that part of obumble's strategy too?
duh. link?
What makes you so stupid? You can't or won't read.

ISIS Does Killing Spree Of Over 150 Women Girls Because They Refused To Marry Mad Crazy Jihadists - International Business Times
So that's Obama's fault, brainwashed hater dupe? What's your solution, another dumbass chickenhawk moron GOP invasion that made the ME hates us and screwed up the "good" Afghan war?
Lol. Isis number have been increasing. Frankie graces us all by another loonbat thread.
And now it appears they're not, fear mongered ding bat. And their morale sucks and they're losing a lot of battles. Go Kurds. And the Islamic ME is getting involved in fighting fundies THEMSELVES. Change the channel, fool of greedy idiot racist bought off megarich GOP charlatans...
So that's Obama's fault, brainwashed hater dupe?

yes, liberals pulled out of Vietnam too soon and Iraq too soon thus losing both.
You mean Nixon, jackass? BS- all we had to do was kill all the Vietnamese, twit lol. The Iraqi mess is all on Booosh's idiot RWer Maliki, who pissed off every Sunni in the ME. Change the channel and lose the idiocy.
So that's Obama's fault, brainwashed hater dupe?

yes, liberals pulled out of Vietnam too soon and Iraq too soon thus losing both.
You mean Nixon, jackass? BS- all we had to do was kill all the Vietnamese, twit lol. The Iraqi mess is all on Booosh's idiot RWer Maliki, who pissed off every Sunni in the ME. Change the channel and lose the idiocy.

dear, obama pulled out of Iraq not Bush. Think before you post.
They can lose territory as fast as they gained it. Puhleeze. US bombing, arming help a lot without pissing off the ME- get it? We're the good guys AGAIN. Intelligent adults leading helps..
They can lose territory as fast as they gained it. Puhleeze. US bombing, arming help a lot without pissing off the ME- get it? We're the good guys AGAIN. Intelligent adults leading helps..

dear, there would be no ISIS if Barry had not pulled out like they did in Nam.
They got their asses handed to them in Kobani....they tried to overrun a US base and got SMOKED....and they have a logistics problem because any convoy they send to resupply their battalions gets hammered by US fast movers. Little wonder they're experiencing deserters....most of their followers aren't sadistic torturing murderers....the thrill is gone and so will ISIL by May Day.
So that's Obama's fault, brainwashed hater dupe?

yes, liberals pulled out of Vietnam too soon and Iraq too soon thus losing both.
You mean Nixon, jackass? BS- all we had to do was kill all the Vietnamese, twit lol. The Iraqi mess is all on Booosh's idiot RWer Maliki, who pissed off every Sunni in the ME. Change the channel and lose the idiocy.

dear, obama pulled out of Iraq not Bush. Think before you post.
On Bush's schedule. All idiot RWer Maliki's fault. Read something, hater dupe.
BBC News - Sinjar battle Kurds take control of large area from IS

Kurds seem to have ISIS on the run...oh, not on your radar, dingbat?

yes thanks to American help. Lets hope Barry does not pull out again so he can concentrate on more crippling welfare programs at home and more soviet interference in our economy.!!
Absolute idiocy lol. There is no new welfare program, just helping in the usual way, but STILL 400 billion a year to victims of Bush's corrupt meltdown. Soviets ended in 1991, dingbat. RUSSIA'S economy is Fecked, dingbat. GO READ A PAPER!

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