Isis Murdering Christian Children

Logical fallacies. No one is talking about all Muslims. Only THOSE Muslims.

If you want to lose your temper with expletives, Jihadi John is the beheader-in-chief. With an accent like Ali G.

"Lose your temper"? :laugh2:

How's the weather on your planet today? Sunny and beautiful here.

I'm really not interested in your strawmen, but I'm not averse to simply pointing them out as fallacies.
I'm not the OP, Opie.

I can't believe you were gullible enough to post this crapola. This is an all-timer.

Do you really think ISIS ISN'T killing Christian children?

Certainly not on the basis of the word of people with a shit-stirring agenda like Jim Hoft, hell the fuck no.

I'll buy it when it comes from an authorized news dealer. Why people want to score their weed from a stranger who accosts the on the street says something about their shopping discrimination if you get my drift. Check those links I left a bit ago. Same thing. News isn't real just because some hair-on-fire wag declares it in the Ipse Dixit Times.
I'm not the OP, Opie.

I can't believe you were gullible enough to post this crapola. This is an all-timer.

Do you really think ISIS ISN'T killing Christian children?

Certainly not on the basis of the word of people with a shit-stirring agenda like Jim Hoft, hell the fuck no.

I'll buy it when it comes from an authorized news dealer. Why people want to score their weed from a stranger who accosts the on the street says something about their shopping discrimination if you get my drift. Check those links I left a bit ago. Same thing. News isn't real just because some hair-on-fire wag declares it in the Ipse Dixit Times.

A picture is worth a thousand words, But in this case, a picture of crucified teens, means not so much since they are Christian? What or who would you accept this horrific truth from?
The lack of outrage on the systematic torture and murder is deafening.
Someone has got to tell it. If the OP is not true. Then where do the pictures come from and who did that to those children?
I'm not the OP, Opie.

I can't believe you were gullible enough to post this crapola. This is an all-timer.

Do you really think ISIS ISN'T killing Christian children?

Certainly not on the basis of the word of people with a shit-stirring agenda like Jim Hoft, hell the fuck no.

I'll buy it when it comes from an authorized news dealer. Why people want to score their weed from a stranger who accosts the on the street says something about their shopping discrimination if you get my drift. Check those links I left a bit ago. Same thing. News isn't real just because some hair-on-fire wag declares it in the Ipse Dixit Times.

"Authorized News Dealer"? Is the government licensing news outlets now?

It's quite easy to stay informed, if you make the effort. ISIS is engaged in genocide against Christians, whether or not you care to acknowledge it.

"Christianity in Mosul is dead, and a Christian holocaust is in our midst," said Mark Arabo, a Californian businessman and Chaldean-American leader. In an interview with CNN's Jonathan Mann, he called what's happening in Iraq a "Christian genocide" and said "children are being beheaded, mothers are being raped and killed, and fathers are being hung."

"Right now, three thousand Christians are in Iraq fleeing to neighboring cities," he told Mann. Arabo is calling on the international community to follow France's lead and offer the Christians of Iraq asylum.

"You're startling me with the severity of what you're describing," the CNN host said. "You said they are --- beheading children?"

"They are systematically beheading children," Arabo repeated slowly. "And mothers and fathers. The world hasn't seen an evil like this for generations."

"There's actually a park in Mosul where they actually beheaded children and put their heads on a stick... this is crimes against humanity. They are doing the most horrendous, the most heart-breaking crimes that you can think of."...

Video interview at the link.

Leader ISIS is Systematically Beheading Children in Christian Genocide CNS News
Logical fallacies. No one is talking about all Muslims. Only THOSE Muslims.

If you want to lose your temper with expletives, Jihadi John is the beheader-in-chief. With an accent like Ali G.

"Lose your temper"? :laugh2:

How's the weather on your planet today? Sunny and beautiful here.

I'm really not interested in your strawmen, but I'm not averse to simply pointing them out as fallacies.

Oh really?

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There are some very disturbing pictures, including ones of murdered children here: warning, very graphic.

WARNING GRAPHIC PHOTOS RAW - ISIS begins killing Christians in Mosul CHILDREN BEHEADED - Middle East - International - News - Catholic Online

This is what ISLAM is; and unless there is a real revolution in which moderate Muslims repudiate and destroy ISIS, then Islam is the enemy.

Pogo and the other leftists don't mind though, To democrats of the Obama strain, genocide of Christians isn't a problem, just a really good idea.
There are some very disturbing pictures, including ones of murdered children here: warning, very graphic.

WARNING GRAPHIC PHOTOS RAW - ISIS begins killing Christians in Mosul CHILDREN BEHEADED - Middle East - International - News - Catholic Online

This is what ISLAM is; and unless there is a real revolution in which moderate Muslims repudiate and destroy ISIS, then Islam is the enemy.

Pogo and the other leftists don't mind though, To democrats of the Obama strain, genocide of Christians isn't a problem, just a really good idea.

Agreed---there would probably more of an outcry if it was announced that children of atheist were being killed.
There are some very disturbing pictures, including ones of murdered children here: warning, very graphic.

WARNING GRAPHIC PHOTOS RAW - ISIS begins killing Christians in Mosul CHILDREN BEHEADED - Middle East - International - News - Catholic Online

This is what ISLAM is; and unless there is a real revolution in which moderate Muslims repudiate and destroy ISIS, then Islam is the enemy.

Pogo and the other leftists don't mind though, To democrats of the Obama strain, genocide of Christians isn't a problem, just a really good idea.

Agreed---there would probably more of an outcry if it was announced that children of atheist were being killed.

The Lefties are more outraged if American kids eat french fries at school than they are about Christian Toddlers in the Middle East being beheaded.
There are some very disturbing pictures, including ones of murdered children here: warning, very graphic.

WARNING GRAPHIC PHOTOS RAW - ISIS begins killing Christians in Mosul CHILDREN BEHEADED - Middle East - International - News - Catholic Online

This is what ISLAM is; and unless there is a real revolution in which moderate Muslims repudiate and destroy ISIS, then Islam is the enemy.

Pogo and the other leftists don't mind though, To democrats of the Obama strain, genocide of Christians isn't a problem, just a really good idea.

Agreed---there would probably more of an outcry if it was announced that children of atheist were being killed.

The Lefties are more outraged if American kids eat french fries at school than they are about Christian Toddlers in the Middle East being beheaded.

Check out the links on post #44.

Then check out the dates to those links.
ISIS Crucifixion Of Children Could Lead To A Christian Holocaust

Well I guess this proves that Obama is right, ISIS is not really a Muslim group. After all, Mohammad made it a point to make sure his child adversaries began growing pubic hair before beheading them.

ISIS is just barbaric!!

So let me get this straight....

You found a hair-on-fire website claiming a report of beheading children attributed to no more source that Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit -----

And you believed it?

Listen, I have this bridge....


Gullible's Travels....
Jim Hoft -- the Kevin Trudeau of "news"... :rolleyes:
So you think they wouldn't haven't nor will not??

Talk about arguable and dense!!?? Yep they are just a good sound group,looking to ensure happiness and peace for all.

Proof positive that there are some on the lfrt that would argue the the sky doen't look blue and water isn't wet.
Just for the arument.
All I know is that people should start shaving their pubes before going over to the Middle East. That way when they go to behead you, pull down your pants and say, "Stop, no pubics!"

That is, of course, unless they are not true followers of Mohammad.

So its plan to see you think its funny,and are willing to play stupid party politics over a proven group of killers,got it your priorities are in order.
Do you really think ISIS ISN'T killing Christian children?

Certainly not on the basis of the word of people with a shit-stirring agenda like Jim Hoft, hell the fuck no.

I'll buy it when it comes from an authorized news dealer. Why people want to score their weed from a stranger who accosts the on the street says something about their shopping discrimination if you get my drift. Check those links I left a bit ago. Same thing. News isn't real just because some hair-on-fire wag declares it in the Ipse Dixit Times.

"Authorized News Dealer"? Is the government licensing news outlets now?

It's quite easy to stay informed, if you make the effort. ISIS is engaged in genocide against Christians, whether or not you care to acknowledge it.

Leader ISIS is Systematically Beheading Children in Christian Genocide CNS News

There are some very disturbing pictures, including ones of murdered children, here: warning, very graphic.

WARNING GRAPHIC PHOTOS RAW - ISIS begins killing Christians in Mosul CHILDREN BEHEADED - Middle East - International - News - Catholic Online

This is what ISLAM is; and unless there is a real revolution in which moderate Muslims repudiate and destroy ISIS, then Islam is the enemy.

A picture is worth a thousand words, But in this case, a picture of crucified teens, means not so much since they are Christian? What or who would you accept this horrific truth from?
The lack of outrage on the systematic torture and murder is deafening.
Someone has got to tell it. If the OP is not true. Then where do the pictures come from and who did that to those children?

Excellent question....

>> Others maintain that such claims are largely fiction and are just more of the usual exaggerated atrocity stories typically circulated as propaganda during wars to sway public opinion against one side (and in this case provide a prompt or justification for U.S. military intervention). For example, the picture of the decapitated girl shown above had been circulated two years earlier as an example of an atrocity committed by the Assad government in Syria when a helicopter gunship reportedly open fired on unarmed civilians. ---- Snopes
It should have been obvious, "authorized" is a metaphor for "legitimate". Look at the sources here -- CNS News and Catholic Online, on top of Jim Hoft? Really?

Note that the page references both CNS News and "Cathollic online".

Summa y'all have really got to take the blinders off and recognize when you're being played.

Oh by the way -- there's a tarantula on your back. :ack-1:
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Brought forth from another thread -- where it was brought from a prior thread (for such is the nature of mob mentality):

Shifting an act of political terrorism into the realm of the religious has a specific manipulative purpose.

A political act results, predictably, out of a political history - international politics in this case. Understanding that background requires a great deal of study of contexts and history. You have to navigate all kinds of complexities including your own country's part in that history, and what it means here, and what it means there, and third parties, and fourth parties, in order to grok the "why" of it. That produces a large swath of POVs and contingencies and mitigating factors. It can make the brain hurt.

But convert the same political act into a religious one, and eeeeeverything suddenly gets much easier. Now you can sell the despised religion as the enemy -- no matter if the perpetrators weren't even religious people if you can sell them as adherents to that religion, you sell the idea of "Evil". Evil is a base emotion, divorced from the rational, and serves as a tool to open up the can of Rabid that you want from the populace.

The Rabid that you want, that is, if you're trying to sell a war. You can't start a war with rationality.

The concept "Evil" is an advertising tool, just as fast food stores paint their environment red because it makes people hungry. As an emotion, fear is a gut reaction. It shoots first and asks questions later (if at all). And that's what the advertiser wants -- the image (perception) of the Emmanuel Goldstein entity as the embodiment of pure Evil, to be despised and eradicated from the planet. No more international political study-- new Instant Religi-whiz, now with special ingredient Fear-it-all, gets those brain-hurts out and leaves a nice rabid populace ready to kill. No muss, no fuss.

And it begins with simple terminology -- truth is always the first casualty in warmongering. You don't have to sell 9/11 as a "religious" basis --- it's already been sold to you in the phrase "Islamic militants" (and in this case the fearnonger pseudojournalism quoted) and you dutifully ingest and do what you're expected to do --- pass it on to the Grand Meme. That serves as one more affirmation.

And that's what they want. Not only does it sell war in the long run -- it sells papers in the present. How many clicks did Catholic Online and CNS and Jim Hoft get from a "story" that has no confirmation at all?

By the time Obama became president, it was too late. There weren't that many Christians left. The precedent had been established. 99% of the damage had been inflicted.
Just trying to gauge how barbaric these rat fuckers are.

I had no idea they were doing this to rats as well.

Sick, sick, Mohamadians.

And they eat them after the fucking...

Just trying to gauge how barbaric these rat fuckers are.

I had no idea they were doing this to rats as well.

Sick, sick, Mohamadians.

And they eat them after the fucking...

Waste not want not.

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