Isis Murdering Christian Children

ISIS Crucifixion Of Children Could Lead To A Christian Holocaust

Well I guess this proves that Obama is right, ISIS is not really a Muslim group. After all, Mohammad made it a point to make sure his child adversaries began growing pubic hair before beheading them.

ISIS is just barbaric!!

So let me get this straight....

You found a hair-on-fire website claiming a report of beheading children attributed to no more source that Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit -----

And you believed it?

Listen, I have this bridge....


Gullible's Travels....
Jim Hoft -- the Kevin Trudeau of "news"... :rolleyes:

The Jihadists themselves are putting up videos of them beheading children.

The videos are not lying Pogo
These people are barbaric.
jihad videos beheading children - Bing Videos

Yuh huh. Because terrorists always tell the truth, right? What possible motivation would they -- or the Narcissist Nutball News Service -- have to make this up?

Think about it.


You didn't watch the video did you Pogo?
That is a little girl he was holding up with no head.
ISIS Crucifixion Of Children Could Lead To A Christian Holocaust

Well I guess this proves that Obama is right, ISIS is not really a Muslim group. After all, Mohammad made it a point to make sure his child adversaries began growing pubic hair before beheading them.

ISIS is just barbaric!!

So let me get this straight....

You found a hair-on-fire website claiming a report of beheading children attributed to no more source that Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit -----

And you believed it?

Listen, I have this bridge....


Gullible's Travels....
Jim Hoft -- the Kevin Trudeau of "news"... :rolleyes:

The Jihadists themselves are putting up videos of them beheading children.

The videos are not lying Pogo
These people are barbaric.
jihad videos beheading children - Bing Videos

Yuh huh. Because terrorists always tell the truth, right? What possible motivation would they -- or the Narcissist Nutball News Service -- have to make this up?

Think about it.


You didn't watch the video did you Pogo?
That is a little girl he was holding up with no head.

Your link goes to a search page, not a video.

YouTube as I recall was also used by a demented street preacher to claim he had made a phone call to Kenya to speak to Barack Obama's grandmother to describe his birth "there". Through an interpreter who's voice wasn't even audible.

Yeah, good reliable source there. :rolleyes:

I'm in the wrong business. I should be selling snake oil.
ISIS Crucifixion Of Children Could Lead To A Christian Holocaust

Well I guess this proves that Obama is right, ISIS is not really a Muslim group. After all, Mohammad made it a point to make sure his child adversaries began growing pubic hair before beheading them.

ISIS is just barbaric!!

So let me get this straight....

You found a hair-on-fire website claiming a report of beheading children attributed to no more source that Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit -----

And you believed it?

Listen, I have this bridge....


Gullible's Travels....
Jim Hoft -- the Kevin Trudeau of "news"... :rolleyes:

The Jihadists themselves are putting up videos of them beheading children.

The videos are not lying Pogo
These people are barbaric.
jihad videos beheading children - Bing Videos

Yuh huh. Because terrorists always tell the truth, right? What possible motivation would they -- or the Narcissist Nutball News Service -- have to make this up?

Think about it.


You didn't watch the video did you Pogo?
That is a little girl he was holding up with no head.

Your link goes to a search page, not a video.

YouTube as I recall was also used by a demented street preacher to claim he had made a phone call to Kenya to speak to Barack Obama's grandmother to describe his birth "there". Through an interpreter who's voice wasn't even audible.

Yeah, good reliable source there. :rolleyes:

I'm in the wrong business. I should be selling snake oil.

It is not you tube it's Live Leak.
I have no trouble clicking on it and watching the video.
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I get a page of exactly 152 videos. No I'm not about to sit and watch them all. I suggest you look at the links I posted, particularly the second one, and see if it matches the girl beheaded by an Assad bomb.

...two years ago.

Her name was Fatima Meghlaj.

Again --- truth is the first casualty.
I get a page of exactly 152 videos. No I'm not about to sit and watch them all. I suggest you look at the links I posted, particularly the second one, and see if it matches the girl beheaded by an Assad bomb.

...two years ago.

Her name was Fatima Meghlaj.

Again --- truth is the first casualty.

I see the video has finally been linked. Confirmed -- that's from a bomb strike in 2012, which is exactly what I predicted.
Nothing to do with ISIS. Nothing to do with anyone "beheading children". You should have noticed in your own video they're all mortally wounded, yet only one is decapitated. Two years ago. By a bomb. It's not even terrorism, but civil war.

Wherever this is hawked as "ISIS terrorism, it's done by dishonest shit-stirrers whose ethics are so black-hole they're not above using child war casualties to drum up fake outrage to stoke the war drums. And some of y'all just line up to buy this swill, no questions asked.

Would it kill some of y'all to break a synapse sweat and just not swallow everything the Pam Gellers hold out in spoonfuls for the gullible? Is it all that difficult to consider the source?

ISIS Crucifixion Of Children Could Lead To A Christian Holocaust

Well I guess this proves that Obama is right, ISIS is not really a Muslim group. After all, Mohammad made it a point to make sure his child adversaries began growing pubic hair before beheading them.

ISIS is just barbaric!!

So your reasoning is -- "because I'd like to believe it, it must be true".

I have a lump of dirt on eBay. Wanna buy it? :rofl:

Are you suggesting that they are only beheading adults in mass and not children?

They are beheading both but the important thing is not defining them by Shia or Sunni - Islam is Islam - they are all reading the same book - but rather it imoportant to realize that their god is not the God of Judaism and Christianity. For anyone to continue to claim such a thing is sheer lunacy. That is the difference and that is the only difference that needs to be made to make sense of what otherwise would make no sense at all.
I'm not the OP, Opie.

I can't believe you were gullible enough to post this crapola. This is an all-timer.

Is it really that hard to believe the Muslims who send their own children into the streets to blow themselves up would also kill infidel chldren?

The demon god baal allah is a pre-islamic god and has always required blood sacrifice. Nothing has changed but the story - and that is a cover up. It is what it is. You know it by its fruits. Satanists do same blood sacrifice to Baal ( different rituals still same god - Satan - Baal worshippers always are involved in blood sacrifice and even killing their own children and the children of others. The Police files are full of evidence to confirm it, youtube videos, books, testimonies of serial killers in prison who converted will admit it - (some) it is the same devil and the same old lie - if they bow down and worship him - he promises them the world -instead they get hell. Truth seen too late. Sad but true. It matters not who they claim they serve - look at the fruit here - pure evil.
Allah of the muslims is the same Jehovah G-d of the Jews. ..... :cool:

No allah is the demon god called- baal allah and is a pre- islamic god that recieved blood sacrifices just as it does today. This is not the God of Judaism and Christianity. Not even "close".
ISIS Crucifixion Of Children Could Lead To A Christian Holocaust

Well I guess this proves that Obama is right, ISIS is not really a Muslim group. After all, Mohammad made it a point to make sure his child adversaries began growing pubic hair before beheading them.

ISIS is just barbaric!!

So let me get this straight....

You found a hair-on-fire website claiming a report of beheading children attributed to no more source that Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit -----

And you believed it?

Listen, I have this bridge....

Gullible's Travels....

I can only hope it is not true and that ISIS is checking the pubes on those they are rounding up and killing before killing them, just like Mohammad did.

Mohammad permitted the murder of women and children in night raids - they had to stop the slaughter before daybreak. It is in the haddiths.
ISIS Crucifixion Of Children Could Lead To A Christian Holocaust

Well I guess this proves that Obama is right, ISIS is not really a Muslim group. After all, Mohammad made it a point to make sure his child adversaries began growing pubic hair before beheading them.

ISIS is just barbaric!!

So your reasoning is -- "because I'd like to believe it, it must be true".

I have a lump of dirt on eBay. Wanna buy it? :rofl:

Are you suggesting that they are only beheading adults in mass and not children?

They are beheading both
but the important thing is not defining them by Shia or Sunni - Islam is Islam - they are all reading the same book - but rather it imoportant to realize that their god is not the God of Judaism and Christianity. For anyone to continue to claim such a thing is sheer lunacy. That is the difference and that is the only difference that needs to be made to make sense of what otherwise would make no sense at all.

They are, huh?

Based on what?
Allah of the muslims is the same Jehovah G-d of the Jews. ..... :cool:

No allah is the demon god called- baal allah and is a pre- islamic god that recieved blood sacrifices just as it does today. This is not the God of Judaism and Christianity. Not even "close".
I made no mention of the polytheistic pagan religion called Christianity.

I was just referring to the two religions that only believe in the same 1 G-d.......Islam and Judaism ....... :cool:
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I get a page of exactly 152 videos. No I'm not about to sit and watch them all. I suggest you look at the links I posted, particularly the second one, and see if it matches the girl beheaded by an Assad bomb.

...two years ago.

Her name was Fatima Meghlaj.

Again --- truth is the first casualty.

I see the video has finally been linked. Confirmed -- that's from a bomb strike in 2012, which is exactly what I predicted.
Nothing to do with ISIS. Nothing to do with anyone "beheading children". You should have noticed in your own video they're all mortally wounded, yet only one is decapitated. Two years ago. By a bomb. It's not even terrorism, but civil war.

Wherever this is hawked as "ISIS terrorism, it's done by dishonest shit-stirrers whose ethics are so black-hole they're not above using child war casualties to drum up fake outrage to stoke the war drums. And some of y'all just line up to buy this swill, no questions asked.

Would it kill some of y'all to break a synapse sweat and just not swallow everything the Pam Gellers hold out in spoonfuls for the gullible? Is it all that difficult to consider the source?


Not one of them gave a shit about the innocent children being killed when we illegally invaded Iraq. Not one freaking RWinger!

Allah of the muslims is the same Jehovah G-d of the Jews. ..... :cool:

Mohammad claims to serve the God of the Jews, however, Muslims only follow Mohammad's teachings on the God of the Bible.

Mohammad speaks for God if you are a Muslim. Conversely, if you are a Christian then Jesus is the mouth of God.

In case you had not noticed, there is a huge difference between the two. When they came to hang Jesus on the cross, his servant Peter drew a sword and cut off the man's ear. Jesus then rebuked him and reattached the ear. However, Mohammad beheaded infidels, about 600 personally.

It should then be no wonder that Islam is driven by bands of warlords, like Mohammad. It should also be no wonder that Christians are once again being thrown to the lions.
Allah of the muslims is the same Jehovah G-d of the Jews. ..... :cool:

Mohammad claims to serve the God of the Jews, however, Muslims only follow Mohammad's teachings on the God of the Bible.

Mohammad speaks for God if you are a Muslim. Conversely, if you are a Christian then Jesus is the mouth of God.

In case you had not noticed, there is a huge difference between the two. When they came to hang Jesus on the cross, his servant Peter drew a sword and cut off the man's ear. Jesus then rebuked him and reattached the ear. However, Mohammad beheaded infidels, about 600 personally.

It should then be no wonder that Islam is driven by bands of warlords, like Mohammad. It should also be no wonder that Christians are once again being thrown to the lions.

It should be no wonder that a wag with your level of gullibility would swallow that one too.
You'd have us believe that the Romans -- who reserved crucifixion for treason against Rome, something they took very seriously and execution for which they were in the process of carrying out -- stood by while one guy cut off a centurion's ear and continued to stand by while their prisoner reattached it huh?

Holey shit. :uhh:

Listen, I can do you a quantity discount on bridges...

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