ISIS now a FULL BLOWN ARMY, thanks Obama

As the world descends into kaos Obama is mia at a party or golf course somewhere.

And one more time as I have been saying all along ISIS who were johnny mohammed nadas a few years ago trying to play insurgents in Iraq in its early formation are not the same professional group that formed under Baghdadi in Syria.

This is not a group of rag tag terrorists. This is a full blown terror army with mega buckolas. These guys make Bin Laden and Al Qaeda look like Girl Scouts delivering cookies.

You two cons STILL want to be the World's policeman WITHOUT paying for it. Why do you hate future generations so much that you're spending their money before they're even born just to enrich defense contractors like Halliburton, Boeing, KBR, BlackWater, etc...?

Out of Bon Bons?
I got to give G M U his props, He's consistent in his partisan hackery/bickering w/ no basis in reality. :thup:

GHWB Sr. wrote a book about why not to invade Iraq. "Then" Sen. Obama pointed out the disastrous effects an Iraq invasion would bring about.

Fast forward to 2003- Cheney/Kristol/ & Bush Jr do what? Invade Iraq :facepalm:
You're down in the weeds,

Technically, he has his head up his ass.

I'm up at the big picture. I'm not surprised your lightweight tactical brain missed the profundity of my second point.

As to the first point, the only people who can directly vote for or against a war are in Congress, and he used the word, "voted." But you already knew that, didn't you?

As for "you've been told this numerous times"....what a numb nut that can't distinguish between a personality that basically just started posting this week and well known personalities posting on here for months or years. In other words, you just told yet another obvious fucking lie. Go climb back into your snake skin, slurp up some protein, and get lots of sleep. Maybe it will help your small brain work better.

I'm afraid the damage to Pussballs brain go far beyond the medicinal properties of protein shakes....

That boi ain't the sharpest marshmallow in the bag, if you know what I mean.
I got to give G M U his props, He's consistent in his partisan hackery/bickering w/ no basis in reality. :thup:

GHWB Sr. wrote a book about why not to invade Iraq. "Then" Sen. Obama pointed out the disastrous effects an Iraq invasion would bring about.

Fast forward to 2003- Cheney/Kristol/ & Bush Jr do what? Invade Iraq :facepalm:

All true. But now we have Iraq being governed by a shiaa militia. And the RW nutter brigade seems to be blaming Obama for the sunnis being pissed off about it, and figuring Obama can somehow control the sunnis .... or the shiaa for that matter. After Bushii failed so spectacularly.

If Iraq wants peace and unity, there's only one way to get it, and it seems to me that the shiaa don't want it.
OP wants us to get involved in a religious civil war in the middle east w/ people who value life < anyone else on the planet. Didn't you people learn ANYTHING from the follies of the last Repub Admin? ANYTHING?!!!
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ISIS is another U.S. Frankenstein. We're stuck in a No-Win situation on this one. Looks like it will have to be Iran to the rescue in Iraq. Iraq was a horrific blunder and so is funding & arming Rebels in Syria. Maybe it's time for something different? Haven't Americans had enough of this aggressive foreign interventionism stuff?
Wow, after reading several posts on this thread, you do have to come away thinking most Americans are arrogant assholes. Now they're screeching for more 'Regime Change' in Iraq? Their puppet Maliki just has to go.

Why do most Americans feel it's perfectly acceptable to demand 'Regime Change' all over the World? Would they accept other nations demanding it of their own nation? It's time for Americans to adopt a just & moral Foreign Policy... 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.' If we stick to that and our Constitution, we will once again become a just and honorable nation. It's not too late. We can change.
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We all know why the U.S. & other western countries even give a shit about those backwards shitholes, :up: our addiction to fossil fuels WHICH BTW, Repub-voters are well known for championing. They need to add in the cost of being the world's policeman if they want to be honest about the TRUE cost of that dirty fuel.
Maliki has been begging for airstrikes for a year. As well the US has been delaying military aircraft that has been on order for ages by Iraq so consequently they have no effective air power to have conducted their own air war.

So coming to Iraq's aid is Iran and Russia. All because Obama wanted regime change in Iraq as well as Syria. He has this penchance for Sunnis. And no it's not my imagination nor is it a conspiracy theory.

He has consistently sided with all Sunnis. Egypt/Muslim Brotherhood/Libya/Sunni militias taking out Gaddafi with Obama's help and NATO's air strikes (note: Helping Sunnis in Libya and telling Maliki to go fuck himself. Maliki is Shia/Sunni paid mercenaries and terrorists in Syria errrrrrrrrrrrr Rebels to overthrow Assad/

There is no doubt that this is a solid pattern. This is a big fuck up in Iraq though. The west has just handed the country to Iran and Russia who is now going to supply Iraq with military aircraft. And that's just for starters.
Iraq was handed to the Shiite Iran on the day that Shiite Maliki became president, instead of a Sunni Iraqi.

You know that Maliki was persecuted by Saddam, right? And that he exiled himself to Iran until Saddam's overthrow, right?

24 years! 24 years of living in Iran and Syria, his fellow Shiites. In a part of the world with artificial boundaries. He may as well be an Iranian.

Now tell me, TD: do you think that George W. Bush considered any of this when he was endorsing al Maliki as Prime Minister? TWICE???

So stop with the "Obama lost Iraq to Iran" crap. It just makes you look ignorant.

Bullshit that he might as well be Iranian. He is a very proud and patriotic Iraqi.

Now to handing over Iraq to Iran. You are saying that it happened the day Maliki was elected are you? I'm praying you mean figuratively.

Because Iran is really really involved now. Tell me. Were Iranian troops deployed in 2006 to help Iraq when you say the hand over happened? Of course they weren't.

You do know that considering Obama wasn't doing jack shit that Iranian forces were accepted to help defend Baghdad correct?

And I said more than Iraq lost to Iran. Obama's administration weren't getting the purchased military planes ready for Iraq and so now Russia will supply the hardware.

I'm not talking in general terms like you are. I'm talking hard core specifics. Iran has boots on the ground and Russia is supplying hardware.

Not "Oh he might as well be Iranian". Give me a freaking break Syn. AND to top it all off Maliki and the Iraqis feel betrayed by Obama. For a reason. Because they were betrayed by Obama.

The United States has provided 400 out of 500 Hellfire missiles recently purchased by Iraq, and the final 100 missiles would arrive in Baghdad with a few weeks, he said.

And the Pentagon continues to supply Iraqi forces with small arms and ammunition that are of “immediate” use, he added.

The Defense Department plans to sell Iraq up to 24 Apache attack helicopters as well, but Baghdad has not yet paid for the choppers, according to Warren.

The key to resolving the conflict in Iraq was not supplying Baghdad with weapons but instead forging a political settlement addressing the country’s sectarian tensions, he said.

“The solution to this problem is an inclusive government, not firepower,” he said.

Unrest in Iraq Could Delay Delivery of US F-16s | Defense News |
We all know why the U.S. & other western countries even give a shit about those backwards shitholes, :up: our addiction to fossil fuels WHICH BTW, Repub-voters are well known for championing. They need to add in the cost of being the world's policeman if they want to be honest about the TRUE cost of that dirty fuel.

'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.' We just need to stick with that and our Constitution. Then we won't have anymore of these costly interventionist blunders. We shouldn't be demanding 'Regime Change' all over the World. That's just wrong. We sure wouldn't like other nations demanding that here in our own nation. We have to end this permanent state of war we're stuck in. We need change.
We all know why the U.S. & other western countries even give a shit about those backwards shitholes, :up: our addiction to fossil fuels WHICH BTW, Repub-voters are well known for championing. They need to add in the cost of being the world's policeman if they want to be honest about the TRUE cost of that dirty fuel.

'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.' We just need to stick with that and our Constitution. Then we won't have anymore of these costly interventionist blunders. We shouldn't be demanding 'Regime Change' all over the World. That's just wrong. We sure wouldn't like other nations demanding that here in our own nation. We have to end this permanent state of war we're stuck in. We need change.

The Fed, defense contractors & their lobbies are behind all this "borrowing TRILLIONS $$$ for unwinnable military conflicts" Those are the only two entities who profit from these disastrous forays.
We all know why the U.S. & other western countries even give a shit about those backwards shitholes, :up: our addiction to fossil fuels WHICH BTW, Repub-voters are well known for championing. They need to add in the cost of being the world's policeman if they want to be honest about the TRUE cost of that dirty fuel.

'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.' We just need to stick with that and our Constitution. Then we won't have anymore of these costly interventionist blunders. We shouldn't be demanding 'Regime Change' all over the World. That's just wrong. We sure wouldn't like other nations demanding that here in our own nation. We have to end this permanent state of war we're stuck in. We need change.

The Fed, defense contractors & their lobbies are behind all this "borrowing TRILLIONS $$$ for unwinnable military conflicts" Those are the only two entities who profit from these disastrous forays.

The Global Elites. Just like VP Biden's little brat son getting rich in Ukraine. They are the only ones who benefit.
OP wants us to get involved in a religious civil war in the middle east w/ people who value life < anyone else on the planet. Didn't you pepole learn ANYTHING from the follies of the last Repub Admin? ANYTHING?!!!

You stupid bitch. I called for bombing their assets and camps. You know, the same thing obama did in Libya and wanted to do in Syria. Course you won't call him to task cause you're a dumb bitch.
OP wants us to get involved in a religious civil war in the middle east w/ people who value life < anyone else on the planet. Didn't you pepole learn ANYTHING from the follies of the last Repub Admin? ANYTHING?!!!

You stupid bitch. I called for bombing their assets and camps. You know, the same thing obama did in Libya and wanted to do in Syria. Course you won't call him to task cause you're a dumb bitch.

You'd only complain if he did...
really you fat fuck? Record numbers? All one has to do is look at the Mongols, Russia, Hilter, the crusades, N. Korea, etc etc....

Record numbers....shut up before you pull your back trying to think.

The Mongols were Muslim?

Hitler was Muslim?

Who knew? :dunno:

Pussball, what you lack in intellect, you make up for with sheer stupidity.

The mongols wiped out entire towns and cities. In fact the Mongols are the ones who set the Middle east back to the stone age.
Hilter murder over 6 million people in camps
The crusades saw everyone dying.

this is nothing.

yeah thats neat, you think im stupid, like you havent said that before, but saying they dont count because they are muslim. So somehow making these killings worse is just lame. But typical for you.
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