ISIS now a FULL BLOWN ARMY, thanks Obama

Maliki has been begging for airstrikes for a year. As well the US has been delaying military aircraft that has been on order for ages by Iraq so consequently they have no effective air power to have conducted their own air war.

So coming to Iraq's aid is Iran and Russia. All because Obama wanted regime change in Iraq as well as Syria. He has this penchance for Sunnis. And no it's not my imagination nor is it a conspiracy theory.

He has consistently sided with all Sunnis. Egypt/Muslim Brotherhood/Libya/Sunni militias taking out Gaddafi with Obama's help and NATO's air strikes (note: Helping Sunnis in Libya and telling Maliki to go fuck himself. Maliki is Shia/Sunni paid mercenaries and terrorists in Syria errrrrrrrrrrrr Rebels to overthrow Assad/

There is no doubt that this is a solid pattern. This is a big fuck up in Iraq though. The west has just handed the country to Iran and Russia who is now going to supply Iraq with military aircraft. And that's just for starters.
Iraq was handed to the Shiite Iran on the day that Shiite Maliki became president, instead of a Sunni Iraqi.

You know that Maliki was persecuted by Saddam, right? And that he exiled himself to Iran until Saddam's overthrow, right?

24 years! 24 years of living in Iran and Syria, his fellow Shiites. In a part of the world with artificial boundaries. He may as well be an Iranian.

Now tell me, TD: do you think that George W. Bush considered any of this when he was endorsing al Maliki as Prime Minister? TWICE???

So stop with the "Obama lost Iraq to Iran" crap. It just makes you look ignorant.

Bullshit that he might as well be Iranian. He is a very proud and patriotic Iraqi.

Now to handing over Iraq to Iran. You are saying that it happened the day Maliki was elected are you? I'm praying you mean figuratively.

Because Iran is really really involved now. Tell me. Were Iranian troops deployed in 2006 to help Iraq when you say the hand over happened? Of course they weren't.

You do know that considering Obama wasn't doing jack shit that Iranian forces were accepted to help defend Baghdad correct?

And I said more than Iraq lost to Iran. Obama's administration weren't getting the purchased military planes ready for Iraq and so now Russia will supply the hardware.

I'm not talking in general terms like you are. I'm talking hard core specifics. Iran has boots on the ground and Russia is supplying hardware.

Not "Oh he might as well be Iranian". Give me a freaking break Syn. AND to top it all off Maliki and the Iraqis feel betrayed by Obama. For a reason. Because they were betrayed by Obama.

Well if Sunni want to help Sunni so be it and the same goes for Shia, this is not about Iran taking over Iraq, it's about people fighting over who should rule the Islamic areas..Been going on since Muhammad died...How is it that we are going to make any difference? Let them settle their affairs..Just like they let us do the same..
You two are smokin crack. Education would only be the answer if their minds were open, which they will never be until they are a conquered people. Bomb them savages into the stone ages, rule them or breed them out. You aren't gonna change thousands of years of inbred bullshit with some "outreach" program.

That is such a defeatist attitude, or just hateful. I'm not sure which. Of course, if those children were not taught to hate, they would not hate. They are that way because that is what they are taught and shown. The real problems with terrorism come from the absolute poorest and most destitute regions on earth that sorely lack any kind of acceptable education or access and interaction with the rest of the civilized world.
Iraq was handed to the Shiite Iran on the day that Shiite Maliki became president, instead of a Sunni Iraqi.

You know that Maliki was persecuted by Saddam, right? And that he exiled himself to Iran until Saddam's overthrow, right?

24 years! 24 years of living in Iran and Syria, his fellow Shiites. In a part of the world with artificial boundaries. He may as well be an Iranian.

Now tell me, TD: do you think that George W. Bush considered any of this when he was endorsing al Maliki as Prime Minister? TWICE???

So stop with the "Obama lost Iraq to Iran" crap. It just makes you look ignorant.

Bullshit that he might as well be Iranian. He is a very proud and patriotic Iraqi.

Now to handing over Iraq to Iran. You are saying that it happened the day Maliki was elected are you? I'm praying you mean figuratively.

Because Iran is really really involved now. Tell me. Were Iranian troops deployed in 2006 to help Iraq when you say the hand over happened? Of course they weren't.

You do know that considering Obama wasn't doing jack shit that Iranian forces were accepted to help defend Baghdad correct?

And I said more than Iraq lost to Iran. Obama's administration weren't getting the purchased military planes ready for Iraq and so now Russia will supply the hardware.

I'm not talking in general terms like you are. I'm talking hard core specifics. Iran has boots on the ground and Russia is supplying hardware.

Not "Oh he might as well be Iranian". Give me a freaking break Syn. AND to top it all off Maliki and the Iraqis feel betrayed by Obama. For a reason. Because they were betrayed by Obama.

Well if Sunni want to help Sunni so be it and the same goes for Shia, this is not about Iran taking over Iraq, it's about people fighting over who should rule the Islamic areas..Been going on since Muhammad died...How is it that we are going to make any difference? Let them settle their affairs..Just like they let us do the same..

Sorry you misunderstood my post. I didn't mean to come across as saying Iran will take over Iraq. I meant only that now Iraq feels betrayed by America and are turning to Iran and Russia as allies.

Now back to ISIS. This is not your run of the mill Mohammed six pack you put sugar in my coffee jihad!!!!!!!kind of terror group who just want to blow up others in the desert just tp fight for another sand dune.

Oh nooooooooooooo. Check this out. I do hope our higher ups a really going to keep a very very close eye on ISIS now.

Especially considering our asshole leaders turned a blind eye to ISIS as it was growing in power, stature and wealth.

How an arrest in Iraq revealed Isis's $2bn jihadist network
Seizure of 160 computer flash sticks revealed the inside story of Isis, the band of militants that came from nowhere with nothing to having Syrian oil fields and control of Iraq's second city

You catching that dollar figure?

From the article:

Over the past year, foreign intelligence officials had learned that Isis secured massive cashflows from the oilfields of eastern Syria, which it had commandeered in late 2012, and some of which it had sold back to the Syrian regime. It was also known to have reaped windfalls from smuggling all manner of raw materials pillaged from the crumbling state, as well as priceless antiquities from archaeological digs.

But here before them in extraordinary detail were accounts that would have breezed past forensic accountants, giving a full reckoning of a war effort. It soon became clear that in less than three years, Isis had grown from a ragtag band of extremists to perhaps the most cash-rich and capable terror group in the world.

"They had taken $36m from al-Nabuk alone [an area in the Qalamoun mountains west of Damascus]. The antiquities there are up to 8,000 years old," the intelligence official said. "Before this, the western officials had been asking us where they had gotten some of their money from, $50,000 here, or $20,000 there. It was peanuts. Now they know and we know. They had done this all themselves. There was no state actor at all behind them, which we had long known. They don't need one."

The scale of Isis's resources seems to have prepared it for the improbable. But even by its ruthless standards, occupying two major cities in Iraq in three days, holding on to parts of Falluja and Ramadi, and menacing Kirkuk and Samara, was quite an accomplishment.

How an arrest in Iraq revealed Isis's $2bn jihadist network | World news | The Guardian
And one more time as I have been saying all along ISIS who were johnny mohammed nadas a few years ago trying to play insurgents in Iraq in its early formation are not the same professional group that formed under Baghdadi in Syria.

This is not a group of rag tag terrorists. This is a full blown terror army with mega buckolas. These guys make Bin Laden and Al Qaeda look like Girl Scouts delivering cookies.
You two are smokin crack. Education would only be the answer if their minds were open, which they will never be until they are a conquered people. Bomb them savages into the stone ages, rule them or breed them out. You aren't gonna change thousands of years of inbred bullshit with some "outreach" program.

That is such a defeatist attitude, or just hateful. I'm not sure which. Of course, if those children were not taught to hate, they would not hate. They are that way because that is what they are taught and shown. The real problems with terrorism come from the absolute poorest and most destitute regions on earth that sorely lack any kind of acceptable education or access and interaction with the rest of the civilized world.

Which they will NEVER have. Teaching the "children" is not an option. The "adults" that control those areas have 0 interest in joining the rest of the civilized world. NONE

It's not a defeatist attitude, it's the reality of the situation and it's been that way for thousands of years.
Which they will NEVER have. Teaching the "children" is not an option. The "adults" that control those areas have 0 interest in joining the rest of the civilized world. NONE

It's not a defeatist attitude, it's the reality of the situation and it's been that way for thousands of years.

Do you think all the adults that live there think that way? Every single one of them? I don't think so.
Which they will NEVER have. Teaching the "children" is not an option. The "adults" that control those areas have 0 interest in joining the rest of the civilized world. NONE

It's not a defeatist attitude, it's the reality of the situation and it's been that way for thousands of years.

Do you think all the adults that live there think that way? Every single one of them? I don't think so.

Bullshit that he might as well be Iranian. He is a very proud and patriotic Iraqi.

Now to handing over Iraq to Iran. You are saying that it happened the day Maliki was elected are you? I'm praying you mean figuratively.

Because Iran is really really involved now. Tell me. Were Iranian troops deployed in 2006 to help Iraq when you say the hand over happened? Of course they weren't.

You do know that considering Obama wasn't doing jack shit that Iranian forces were accepted to help defend Baghdad correct?

And I said more than Iraq lost to Iran. Obama's administration weren't getting the purchased military planes ready for Iraq and so now Russia will supply the hardware.

I'm not talking in general terms like you are. I'm talking hard core specifics. Iran has boots on the ground and Russia is supplying hardware.

Not "Oh he might as well be Iranian". Give me a freaking break Syn. AND to top it all off Maliki and the Iraqis feel betrayed by Obama. For a reason. Because they were betrayed by Obama.

Well if Sunni want to help Sunni so be it and the same goes for Shia, this is not about Iran taking over Iraq, it's about people fighting over who should rule the Islamic areas..Been going on since Muhammad died...How is it that we are going to make any difference? Let them settle their affairs..Just like they let us do the same..

Sorry you misunderstood my post. I didn't mean to come across as saying Iran will take over Iraq. I meant only that now Iraq feels betrayed by America and are turning to Iran and Russia as allies.

Now back to ISIS. This is not your run of the mill Mohammed six pack you put sugar in my coffee jihad!!!!!!!kind of terror group who just want to blow up others in the desert just tp fight for another sand dune.

Oh nooooooooooooo. Check this out. I do hope our higher ups a really going to keep a very very close eye on ISIS now.

Especially considering our asshole leaders turned a blind eye to ISIS as it was growing in power, stature and wealth.

How an arrest in Iraq revealed Isis's $2bn jihadist network
Seizure of 160 computer flash sticks revealed the inside story of Isis, the band of militants that came from nowhere with nothing to having Syrian oil fields and control of Iraq's second city

You catching that dollar figure?

From the article:

Over the past year, foreign intelligence officials had learned that Isis secured massive cashflows from the oilfields of eastern Syria, which it had commandeered in late 2012, and some of which it had sold back to the Syrian regime. It was also known to have reaped windfalls from smuggling all manner of raw materials pillaged from the crumbling state, as well as priceless antiquities from archaeological digs.

But here before them in extraordinary detail were accounts that would have breezed past forensic accountants, giving a full reckoning of a war effort. It soon became clear that in less than three years, Isis had grown from a ragtag band of extremists to perhaps the most cash-rich and capable terror group in the world.

"They had taken $36m from al-Nabuk alone [an area in the Qalamoun mountains west of Damascus]. The antiquities there are up to 8,000 years old," the intelligence official said. "Before this, the western officials had been asking us where they had gotten some of their money from, $50,000 here, or $20,000 there. It was peanuts. Now they know and we know. They had done this all themselves. There was no state actor at all behind them, which we had long known. They don't need one."

The scale of Isis's resources seems to have prepared it for the improbable. But even by its ruthless standards, occupying two major cities in Iraq in three days, holding on to parts of Falluja and Ramadi, and menacing Kirkuk and Samara, was quite an accomplishment.

How an arrest in Iraq revealed Isis's $2bn jihadist network | World news | The Guardian

Then why were the iraqis so fast to tell us to get out? We spent billions if not trillions rebuilding their nation and their military, if these cowards can only take the money and run then they deserve what they get...I believe we learned that in Nam..
And one more time as I have been saying all along ISIS who were johnny mohammed nadas a few years ago trying to play insurgents in Iraq in its early formation are not the same professional group that formed under Baghdadi in Syria.

This is not a group of rag tag terrorists. This is a full blown terror army with mega buckolas. These guys make Bin Laden and Al Qaeda look like Girl Scouts delivering cookies.

Yeah, no they dont...that's just typical hype trying to scare people. They aren't doing anything new. Stop listening to hannity and company.

They are a group of many factions.
Which they will NEVER have. Teaching the "children" is not an option. The "adults" that control those areas have 0 interest in joining the rest of the civilized world. NONE

It's not a defeatist attitude, it's the reality of the situation and it's been that way for thousands of years.

Do you think all the adults that live there think that way? Every single one of them? I don't think so.

and thus why you are irrelevant.
ISIS Now 'a Full-Blown Army,' State Department Official Says

This is akin to when Clinton let Osama get away. Only 10000 times worse because now they have our own military equipment to use against us.

Once they consolidate their power in Iraq we all know that the west will become their next target. It's only a matter of time.

Thanks Obama for turning some terrorist thugs into a full blown Army through your own inaction.

the rise in ISIS

is directly the prezbos fault

Iraq begged him to send in the drones

several months ago

he refused

The drones were busy killing Americans in Ally countries.
Most Democrats voted against the Iraq war. The disaster of Iraq can be blamed on the American people's failure to recognize the danger of electing Republicans.

I think you need to take another look at the Congressional vote. Many Democrats begged for a second vote so they could be on record for voting FOR, including the glorious Hillary Rodham.

i love this talking point. You guys love using it as if the left are all lock in step and if these tards voted for it, then it must mean the left also agrees with them. Its a typical hack argument used by bottom of the barrel people.

The reality is they were wrong, you've also been told this numerous times in these type of debates, but as per usual repeat the meme, it must be real.

Good for you, two lazy posts in a row!

We already have a fake wannabe intellectual in Political Chic.

I love this talking point. If you read the actual discussion, the claim made by our liberal friend was that "most" democrats voted against it.

No one said Democrats were "lock step." The claim was factually wrong. Again, had you read the discussion, you'd already know that and you wouldn't be a dolt now arguing a strawman.
The Republicans and the Democrats. LOL, the overt hypocrisy in your statement. Both parties did it, but you're, you blame only the Democrats, it was only the Republicans!!!!

You're a tool.

Most Democrats voted against the Iraq war. The disaster of Iraq can be blamed on the American people's failure to recognize the danger of electing Republicans.

I think you need to take another look at the Congressional vote. Many Democrats begged for a second vote so they could be on record for voting FOR, including the glorious Hillary Rodham.

Hillary Clinton voted for it the first time, genius.

I think someone just got their Junior Rightwing Propagandist Starter Kit.

Is the decoder ring still cheap plastic?
so what you are saying

is it is ok to never learn from our mistakes
No. I find it reprehensible that we failed to learn anything from Reagan's mistakes. But I also find it laughable that the political blame only goes one way, particularly when the initial mistake maker is St. Ronald, hero of the Right Wingers.

so you object to Reagan destroying the USSR ?
I suppose, that the whole situation with ISIS has reason to blame Obama. Is it really not strange that ISIS from gang of crazy grown into an entire army, which now threatens to half of the world! All these data on sources of funding seems not like the truth. Well, where do they get so much money?
I suppose, that the whole situation with ISIS has reason to blame Obama. Is it really not strange that ISIS from gang of crazy grown into an entire army, which now threatens to half of the world! All these data on sources of funding seems not like the truth. Well, where do they get so much money?

They robbed all the banks & museums in Iraq.
Irrelevant yo the subject at hand & my past is well known. Troll harder loser

Seems like you're hot to trot for war as long as you yourself don't have to fight in one
Ask him if he and his Repub-voting brethren are willing to pay for it NOW by having their taxes raised :eusa_whistle:

Would you Communists be willing to acknowledge, that at least in the realm of foreign policy, Obama is the worst president in history?

Can you say "cluster fuck?"

I knew you could.
As the world descends into kaos Obama is mia at a party or golf course somewhere.

And one more time as I have been saying all along ISIS who were johnny mohammed nadas a few years ago trying to play insurgents in Iraq in its early formation are not the same professional group that formed under Baghdadi in Syria.

This is not a group of rag tag terrorists. This is a full blown terror army with mega buckolas. These guys make Bin Laden and Al Qaeda look like Girl Scouts delivering cookies.

You two cons STILL want to be the World's policeman WITHOUT paying for it. Why do you hate future generations so much that you're spending their money on unwinnable overseas conflicts before they're even born just to enrich defense contractors like Halliburton, Boeing, KBR, BlackWater, etc...?

BTW- either one of you serve? when, where?
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really you fat fuck? Record numbers? All one has to do is look at the Mongols, Russia, Hilter, the crusades, N. Korea, etc etc....

Record numbers....shut up before you pull your back trying to think.

The Mongols were Muslim?

Hitler was Muslim?

Who knew? :dunno:

Pussball, what you lack in intellect, you make up for with sheer stupidity.

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