ISIS now a FULL BLOWN ARMY, thanks Obama

It took about 20 hours on two other threads this week to explain and enlighten the uninformed and easily misguided about the immunity issue with Iraq. But after reading how voluminous the abject ignorance is among liberals in this thread, it would probably be easier to get ALL their addresses and have a doctor mail them Risperdal, Clozaril, Seroquel, Geodon, or Zyprexa for their extreme delusions.

At some point trying to counter the rotted brain that insists the US lost WWII and the Japanese won it gets to be a waste of time, even if one spends 100s of hours. But alas, listening to the bullshit spouted by the left in this thread (when they're not engaging in personal attacks) is akin to just THAT.

Good luck to those fighting the good fight....but a rotted brain is like a rotted peach. It can't be saved and it can't be changed.

neat! you wasted a post saying nothing

Sooo . . . what do you think we should do about the Iraq issue? Nothing? Something? What are your ideas?
It took about 20 hours on two other threads this week to explain and enlighten the uninformed and easily misguided about the immunity issue with Iraq. But after reading how voluminous the abject ignorance is among liberals in this thread, it would probably be easier to get ALL their addresses and have a doctor mail them Risperdal, Clozaril, Seroquel, Geodon, or Zyprexa for their extreme delusions.

At some point trying to counter the rotted brain that insists the US lost WWII and the Japanese won it gets to be a waste of time, even if one spends 100s of hours. But alas, listening to the bullshit spouted by the left in this thread (when they're not engaging in personal attacks) is akin to just THAT.

Good luck to those fighting the good fight....but a rotted brain is like a rotted peach. It can't be saved and it can't be changed.

neat! you wasted a post saying nothing

Sooo . . . what do you think we should do about the Iraq issue? Nothing? Something? What are your ideas?

Let them fight it out and let's not lose another American over it.
neat! you wasted a post saying nothing

Sooo . . . what do you think we should do about the Iraq issue? Nothing? Something? What are your ideas?

Let them fight it out and let's not lose another American over it.

And what happens after that? What if the ISIS takes over the entire country? Not that the ME is EVER stable, but this would certainly tend to destabilize that region even more.

I also wonder, what is the POINT of the UN? They are pretty much useless if you ask me.
This is akin to when Clinton let Osama get away. Only 10000 times worse because now they have our own military equipment to use against us.

Once they consolidate their power in Iraq we all know that the west will become their next target. It's only a matter of time.

Thanks Obama for turning some terrorist thugs into a full blown Army through your own inaction.

While I too am concerned about the situation in Iraq, I don't think we would have to be concerned with any attacks on us, at least for the time being because they have their hands full with fighting amongst themselves.

I am concerned that all of the money, effort, not to mention BLOOD that we spent on this country has been wasted. I really don't see things getting much better there, and it's too bad that Obama could not have negotiated with Al Maliki to stay a while longer to properly train those troops. Such a shame. :(

I agree ISIS is preoccupied at the moment over THERE but for anyone paying attention to FBI reports, there are at least 70 Americans that have gone to Syria, have clean passports and documents, and at least some of whom have tried to come back - according to the FBI.

If you look at our southern has more holes than swiss cheese. It's porous as shit. ISIS has also publicly stated we are in their crosshairs. Anyone doing any kind of risk analysis would have to conclude the probability of an ISIS attack here is greater than 50%.
This is akin to when Clinton let Osama get away. Only 10000 times worse because now they have our own military equipment to use against us.

Once they consolidate their power in Iraq we all know that the west will become their next target. It's only a matter of time.

Thanks Obama for turning some terrorist thugs into a full blown Army through your own inaction.

While I too am concerned about the situation in Iraq, I don't think we would have to be concerned with any attacks on us, at least for the time being because they have their hands full with fighting amongst themselves.

I am concerned that all of the money, effort, not to mention BLOOD that we spent on this country has been wasted. I really don't see things getting much better there, and it's too bad that Obama could not have negotiated with Al Maliki to stay a while longer to properly train those troops. Such a shame. :(

I agree ISIS is preoccupied at the moment over THERE but for anyone paying attention to FBI reports, there are at least 70 Americans that have gone to Syria, have clean passports and documents, and at least some of whom have tried to come back - according to the FBI.

If you look at our southern has more holes than swiss cheese. It's porous as shit. ISIS has also publicly stated we are in their crosshairs. Anyone doing any kind of risk analysis would have to conclude the probability of an ISIS attack here is greater than 50%.

I agree that eventually they will become OUR problem unfortunately. We definitely need to do something about our problems with the border. It's a complicated situation though. Especially when you have people who are persistent and desperate, they will always find new ways to sneak into the country undocumented.

One of our problems is that we cannot go balls to the wall with these insurgents because of the massive civilian casualties that would be inflicted (we all know these jerks use human shields and hide in schools and hospitals and things like that).

I just don't see what we can do about this issue besides sending ground troops, and then it would be Iraq II, and I don't want to see that happen either. We are like between a rock and a hard place right now.
Sooo . . . what do you think we should do about the Iraq issue? Nothing? Something? What are your ideas?

Let them fight it out and let's not lose another American over it.

And what happens after that? What if the ISIS takes over the entire country? Not that the ME is EVER stable, but this would certainly tend to destabilize that region even more.

I also wonder, what is the POINT of the UN? They are pretty much useless if you ask me.
The Middle East has been unstable for as long as I can remember. We are not the world's police and would do best to stay out of someone else's sectarian civil war. Again, let them fight it out. This is basically the Reagan doctrine. I would have thought Conservatives would embrace it?
This is akin to when Clinton let Osama get away. Only 10000 times worse because now they have our own military equipment to use against us.

Once they consolidate their power in Iraq we all know that the west will become their next target. It's only a matter of time.

Thanks Obama for turning some terrorist thugs into a full blown Army through your own inaction.

While I too am concerned about the situation in Iraq, I don't think we would have to be concerned with any attacks on us, at least for the time being because they have their hands full with fighting amongst themselves.

I am concerned that all of the money, effort, not to mention BLOOD that we spent on this country has been wasted. I really don't see things getting much better there, and it's too bad that Obama could not have negotiated with Al Maliki to stay a while longer to properly train those troops. Such a shame. :(

I agree ISIS is preoccupied at the moment over THERE but for anyone paying attention to FBI reports, there are at least 70 Americans that have gone to Syria, have clean passports and documents, and at least some of whom have tried to come back - according to the FBI.

If you look at our southern has more holes than swiss cheese. It's porous as shit. ISIS has also publicly stated we are in their crosshairs. Anyone doing any kind of risk analysis would have to conclude the probability of an ISIS attack here is greater than 50%.

wow, if you look at a map of the US it has 4 sides and all are only think that people sneak in from the south? Talk about small minds...ahem,,,is your shit really porous?
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While I too am concerned about the situation in Iraq, I don't think we would have to be concerned with any attacks on us, at least for the time being because they have their hands full with fighting amongst themselves.

I am concerned that all of the money, effort, not to mention BLOOD that we spent on this country has been wasted. I really don't see things getting much better there, and it's too bad that Obama could not have negotiated with Al Maliki to stay a while longer to properly train those troops. Such a shame. :(

I agree ISIS is preoccupied at the moment over THERE but for anyone paying attention to FBI reports, there are at least 70 Americans that have gone to Syria, have clean passports and documents, and at least some of whom have tried to come back - according to the FBI.

If you look at our southern has more holes than swiss cheese. It's porous as shit. ISIS has also publicly stated we are in their crosshairs. Anyone doing any kind of risk analysis would have to conclude the probability of an ISIS attack here is greater than 50%.

I agree that eventually they will become OUR problem unfortunately. We definitely need to do something about our problems with the border. It's a complicated situation though. Especially when you have people who are persistent and desperate, they will always find new ways to sneak into the country undocumented.

One of our problems is that we cannot go balls to the wall with these insurgents because of the massive civilian casualties that would be inflicted (we all know these jerks use human shields and hide in schools and hospitals and things like that).

I just don't see what we can do about this issue besides sending ground troops, and then it would be Iraq II, and I don't want to see that happen either. We are like between a rock and a hard place right now.

Yes, good analysis. Yes, we are fucked because this weak ass useless coward president of ours pulled ALL our troops out and allowed to happen exactly what many of us warned would happen. There's nothing we can do to fix it now, because under idiot's leadership, the enemy will not retreat. That's because they know he's weak. We just have to wait till we're hurt somehow and react then.
While I too am concerned about the situation in Iraq, I don't think we would have to be concerned with any attacks on us, at least for the time being because they have their hands full with fighting amongst themselves.

I am concerned that all of the money, effort, not to mention BLOOD that we spent on this country has been wasted. I really don't see things getting much better there, and it's too bad that Obama could not have negotiated with Al Maliki to stay a while longer to properly train those troops. Such a shame. :(

I agree ISIS is preoccupied at the moment over THERE but for anyone paying attention to FBI reports, there are at least 70 Americans that have gone to Syria, have clean passports and documents, and at least some of whom have tried to come back - according to the FBI.

If you look at our southern has more holes than swiss cheese. It's porous as shit. ISIS has also publicly stated we are in their crosshairs. Anyone doing any kind of risk analysis would have to conclude the probability of an ISIS attack here is greater than 50%.

wow, if you look at a map of the US it has 4 sides and all are only think that people sneak in from the south? Talk about small minds...ahem,,,is your shit really porous?

Uh, the east and west coasts have oceans as their border. Lol! Canada? How many illegal immigrants come in our country from Canada. Your post is just intellectual dishonesty. Everyone knows darn well that our problem is with the southern border.
While I too am concerned about the situation in Iraq, I don't think we would have to be concerned with any attacks on us, at least for the time being because they have their hands full with fighting amongst themselves.

I am concerned that all of the money, effort, not to mention BLOOD that we spent on this country has been wasted. I really don't see things getting much better there, and it's too bad that Obama could not have negotiated with Al Maliki to stay a while longer to properly train those troops. Such a shame. :(

I agree ISIS is preoccupied at the moment over THERE but for anyone paying attention to FBI reports, there are at least 70 Americans that have gone to Syria, have clean passports and documents, and at least some of whom have tried to come back - according to the FBI.

If you look at our southern has more holes than swiss cheese. It's porous as shit. ISIS has also publicly stated we are in their crosshairs. Anyone doing any kind of risk analysis would have to conclude the probability of an ISIS attack here is greater than 50%.

wow, if you look at a map of the US it has 4 sides and all are only think that people sneak in from the south? Talk about small minds...ahem,,,is your shit really porous?

I'm talking about where we're MOST vulnerable of the 4 sides genius, but thanks for making my point.
I agree ISIS is preoccupied at the moment over THERE but for anyone paying attention to FBI reports, there are at least 70 Americans that have gone to Syria, have clean passports and documents, and at least some of whom have tried to come back - according to the FBI.

If you look at our southern has more holes than swiss cheese. It's porous as shit. ISIS has also publicly stated we are in their crosshairs. Anyone doing any kind of risk analysis would have to conclude the probability of an ISIS attack here is greater than 50%.

I agree that eventually they will become OUR problem unfortunately. We definitely need to do something about our problems with the border. It's a complicated situation though. Especially when you have people who are persistent and desperate, they will always find new ways to sneak into the country undocumented.

One of our problems is that we cannot go balls to the wall with these insurgents because of the massive civilian casualties that would be inflicted (we all know these jerks use human shields and hide in schools and hospitals and things like that).

I just don't see what we can do about this issue besides sending ground troops, and then it would be Iraq II, and I don't want to see that happen either. We are like between a rock and a hard place right now.

Yes, good analysis. Yes, we are fucked because this weak ass useless coward president of ours pulled ALL our troops out and allowed to happen exactly what many of us warned would happen. There's nothing we can do to fix it now, because under idiot's leadership, the enemy will not retreat. That's because they know he's weak. We just have to wait till we're hurt somehow and react then.

He is weak. He is too busy trying to please everybody all the time and he has no balls IMO. All of those Arab leaders are laughing at President Obama, and that makes our entire country look weak.
I agree ISIS is preoccupied at the moment over THERE but for anyone paying attention to FBI reports, there are at least 70 Americans that have gone to Syria, have clean passports and documents, and at least some of whom have tried to come back - according to the FBI.

If you look at our southern has more holes than swiss cheese. It's porous as shit. ISIS has also publicly stated we are in their crosshairs. Anyone doing any kind of risk analysis would have to conclude the probability of an ISIS attack here is greater than 50%.

wow, if you look at a map of the US it has 4 sides and all are only think that people sneak in from the south? Talk about small minds...ahem,,,is your shit really porous?

Uh, the east and west coasts have oceans as their border. Lol! Canada? How many illegal immigrants come in our country from Canada. Your post is just intellectual dishonesty. Everyone knows darn well that our problem is with the southern border.

Is that your racist side showing???Oceans don't stop people from illegally entering this nation. Dishonesty about intelligence? How many president have militarized the border in the last 75 years??? None.....the crisis we are having now is the same problem us Natives had to go through with you white devils, how does it feel to have the shoe on the other foot?
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I agree that eventually they will become OUR problem unfortunately. We definitely need to do something about our problems with the border. It's a complicated situation though. Especially when you have people who are persistent and desperate, they will always find new ways to sneak into the country undocumented.

One of our problems is that we cannot go balls to the wall with these insurgents because of the massive civilian casualties that would be inflicted (we all know these jerks use human shields and hide in schools and hospitals and things like that).

I just don't see what we can do about this issue besides sending ground troops, and then it would be Iraq II, and I don't want to see that happen either. We are like between a rock and a hard place right now.

Yes, good analysis. Yes, we are fucked because this weak ass useless coward president of ours pulled ALL our troops out and allowed to happen exactly what many of us warned would happen. There's nothing we can do to fix it now, because under idiot's leadership, the enemy will not retreat. That's because they know he's weak. We just have to wait till we're hurt somehow and react then.

He is weak. He is too busy trying to please everybody all the time and he has no balls IMO. All of those Arab leaders are laughing at President Obama, and that makes our entire country look weak.

How many presidents since WWII has been able to control the ME? None....Even Reagan had his ass handed to him in Lebanon...and he legalized all the illegals, I believe that to be weaker than what Oblama has done...
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I agree that eventually they will become OUR problem unfortunately. We definitely need to do something about our problems with the border. It's a complicated situation though. Especially when you have people who are persistent and desperate, they will always find new ways to sneak into the country undocumented.

One of our problems is that we cannot go balls to the wall with these insurgents because of the massive civilian casualties that would be inflicted (we all know these jerks use human shields and hide in schools and hospitals and things like that).

I just don't see what we can do about this issue besides sending ground troops, and then it would be Iraq II, and I don't want to see that happen either. We are like between a rock and a hard place right now.

Yes, good analysis. Yes, we are fucked because this weak ass useless coward president of ours pulled ALL our troops out and allowed to happen exactly what many of us warned would happen. There's nothing we can do to fix it now, because under idiot's leadership, the enemy will not retreat. That's because they know he's weak. We just have to wait till we're hurt somehow and react then.

He is weak. He is too busy trying to please everybody all the time and he has no balls IMO. All of those Arab leaders are laughing at President Obama, and that makes our entire country look weak.

Chris, I keep hitting the "THANKS" button and something's wrong with either my software or USMB software.....sorry they're not showing up.

Anyway, good post.
I agree ISIS is preoccupied at the moment over THERE but for anyone paying attention to FBI reports, there are at least 70 Americans that have gone to Syria, have clean passports and documents, and at least some of whom have tried to come back - according to the FBI.

If you look at our southern has more holes than swiss cheese. It's porous as shit. ISIS has also publicly stated we are in their crosshairs. Anyone doing any kind of risk analysis would have to conclude the probability of an ISIS attack here is greater than 50%.

wow, if you look at a map of the US it has 4 sides and all are only think that people sneak in from the south? Talk about small minds...ahem,,,is your shit really porous?

I'm talking about where we're MOST vulnerable of the 4 sides genius, but thanks for making my point.

North and south, there are fewer border patrol agents on the northern border, but hey, how can you tell a white guy is an illegal since he isn't brown?
Yes, good analysis. Yes, we are fucked because this weak ass useless coward president of ours pulled ALL our troops out and allowed to happen exactly what many of us warned would happen. There's nothing we can do to fix it now, because under idiot's leadership, the enemy will not retreat. That's because they know he's weak. We just have to wait till we're hurt somehow and react then.

He is weak. He is too busy trying to please everybody all the time and he has no balls IMO. All of those Arab leaders are laughing at President Obama, and that makes our entire country look weak.

Chris, I keep hitting the "THANKS" button and something's wrong with either my software or USMB software.....sorry they're not showing up.

Anyway, good post.

No problem. LOL! It's the thought that counts!
yeah, don't expect the Iraqis to do's not like it's their country....

Maliki has been begging for airstrikes for a year. As well the US has been delaying military aircraft that has been on order for ages by Iraq so consequently they have no effective air power to have conducted their own air war.

So coming to Iraq's aid is Iran and Russia. All because Obama wanted regime change in Iraq as well as Syria. He has this penchance for Sunnis. And no it's not my imagination nor is it a conspiracy theory.

He has consistently sided with all Sunnis. Egypt/Muslim Brotherhood/Libya/Sunni militias taking out Gaddafi with Obama's help and NATO's air strikes (note: Helping Sunnis in Libya and telling Maliki to go fuck himself. Maliki is Shia/Sunni paid mercenaries and terrorists in Syria errrrrrrrrrrrr Rebels to overthrow Assad/

There is no doubt that this is a solid pattern. This is a big fuck up in Iraq though. The west has just handed the country to Iran and Russia who is now going to supply Iraq with military aircraft. And that's just for starters.
Iraq was handed to the Shiite Iran on the day that Shiite Maliki became president, instead of a Sunni Iraqi.

You know that Maliki was persecuted by Saddam, right? And that he exiled himself to Iran until Saddam's overthrow, right?

24 years! 24 years of living in Iran and Syria, his fellow Shiites. In a part of the world with artificial boundaries. He may as well be an Iranian.

Now tell me, TD: do you think that George W. Bush considered any of this when he was endorsing al Maliki as Prime Minister? TWICE???

So stop with the "Obama lost Iraq to Iran" crap. It just makes you look ignorant.

Bullshit that he might as well be Iranian. He is a very proud and patriotic Iraqi.

Now to handing over Iraq to Iran. You are saying that it happened the day Maliki was elected are you? I'm praying you mean figuratively.

Because Iran is really really involved now. Tell me. Were Iranian troops deployed in 2006 to help Iraq when you say the hand over happened? Of course they weren't.

You do know that considering Obama wasn't doing jack shit that Iranian forces were accepted to help defend Baghdad correct?

And I said more than Iraq lost to Iran. Obama's administration weren't getting the purchased military planes ready for Iraq and so now Russia will supply the hardware.

I'm not talking in general terms like you are. I'm talking hard core specifics. Iran has boots on the ground and Russia is supplying hardware.

Not "Oh he might as well be Iranian". Give me a freaking break Syn. AND to top it all off Maliki and the Iraqis feel betrayed by Obama. For a reason. Because they were betrayed by Obama.
wow, if you look at a map of the US it has 4 sides and all are only think that people sneak in from the south? Talk about small minds...ahem,,,is your shit really porous?

I'm talking about where we're MOST vulnerable of the 4 sides genius, but thanks for making my point.

North and south, there are fewer border patrol agents on the northern border, but hey, how can you tell a white guy is an illegal since he isn't brown?

Because we don't NEED them there. Duh! Canadians have it good. They are not flocking to enter our country illegal like the Mexicans. They're country sucks and is falling to pieces! Not to mention that there is big money in being a coyote. WTH?! This is just common sense for MOST people anyway.
Yes, good analysis. Yes, we are fucked because this weak ass useless coward president of ours pulled ALL our troops out and allowed to happen exactly what many of us warned would happen. There's nothing we can do to fix it now, because under idiot's leadership, the enemy will not retreat. That's because they know he's weak. We just have to wait till we're hurt somehow and react then.

He is weak. He is too busy trying to please everybody all the time and he has no balls IMO. All of those Arab leaders are laughing at President Obama, and that makes our entire country look weak.

How many presidents since WWII has been able to control the ME? None....Even Reagan had his ass handed to him in Lebanon...and he legalized all the illegals, I believe that to be weaker than what Oblama has done...

With all due respect, Moonglow, you're probably a nice guy, but you think in overly simplistic terms. And the "racist" comment to Chris really dinged your cred, so you may want to change your approach a little.

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