ISIS now a FULL BLOWN ARMY, thanks Obama

ISIS Now 'a Full-Blown Army,' State Department Official Says

This is akin to when Clinton let Osama get away. Only 10000 times worse because now they have our own military equipment to use against us.

Once they consolidate their power in Iraq we all know that the west will become their next target. It's only a matter of time.

Thanks Obama for turning some terrorist thugs into a full blown Army through your own inaction.

They are an army now and they have a specific mission. To spread and conquer, killing all who are in their way.

Why has Obama remained silent on the slaughter of Christians by ISIS? Christians have a few choices in some countries. Either convert to Islam, leave immediately or die. Obama, as always, stands with the Muslims just like he said he would in his book. He would rather ignore the murders of non-Muslims than to risk offending the radicals. Maybe he agrees with the practice? Or is he such a wimp that he is afraid to stand up to any Muslims ever? He is sure quick to judge people who aren't Muslims. Russia, Israel, the Massachusets cops, the filmmaker, any Republican or anyone who disagrees with him is swiftly bashed as the media repeats anything the administration says like it's gospel.

When it comes to Muslim terrorists, Obama will blame others for upsetting them and causing them to attack. If you burn a Koran, insult their God or criticize their religion, they will respond by murdering as many people as possible. Instead of condemning them, Obama and his ilk chastise those who would criticize them. The message is that if you burn a Koran or make fun of Allah, you deserve whatever horrible punishment they will impose on you. Classic 'blame the victim' mentality. While we know many of the radicals consider it normal to kill those who don't follow them, I am stumped as to why our own media goes along with this craziness. The left claims to support equal rights for all, but remain silent on the brutal treatment of women and infidels by the radical Muslims.

Now people are being slaughtered for not being Muslim and it's happening in record numbers. While one can refrain from openly burning a Koran or ridiculing Allah, it's difficult to stop being an "infidel." They expect you to convert. Will Obama eventually expect us to appease them by converting? It's no more ridiculous than warning us not to offend them by exercising our freedom of speech to disagree with the violent practices of many Muslims. Just how far do we take this habit of humoring them? And our silence has not stopped them or even slowed them down. The violence increases by the day. So, why are we appeasing them? Who was it that said appeasers are the type to go along with the lions eating people in hopes that they won't get eaten themselves?

Being complacent has only caused more violence because the radicals know that they can carry on with their hatred of all infidels and the president of the United States won't say a damn thing, let alone take action.

When Obama and Hillary blamed Benghazi on a film maker and told families that they would get the guy, I knew I was seeing the most corrupt people to ever lead our country. Even if the video had been a factor, the Muslim's actions only proved that the author was spot on in his claims that they are anything but a peaceful religion. They were upset about being called violent so they commit murders in response. And Obama blames the guy who was brave enough to call it like he saw it.

Of course, we know that wasn't the cause of the murders, nor was it even close to an excuse.

Now, we see Christians being slaughtered for not converting. Being a non-Muslim in a Muslim country is considered a crime punishable by death. And the media doesn't report on it because they don't want people talking about it or forming an opinion. It makes it difficult to preach about how we need to be tolerant of all Muslims when they have shown zero tolerance for non-Muslims.

Hamas continues their attempts to invade and attack Israel. Of course, Obama sides with the Muslims and criticizes Israel for striking back after countless invasions, attacks and kidnapping of teen boys. Why do people want Israel to just sit and take whatever punishment the radicals want to dish out? I am so sick of this notion that we should never tell the truth about Muslims or retaliate when they attack. It makes no sense to just sit and let them run roughshod over the world of infidels. When will someone in this administration have the courage to tell it like it is and do something other than ignore the problem? Apologizing and doing nothing to stop them has only emboldened them and increased the violence. The current violence is simply due to people not being Muslim. Millions are guilty of that and they will continue to murder us for it. Why are some willing to stand back and allow them to continue with their reign of terror?

If the peaceful Muslims I keep hearing about would speak out and take a strong stance against the senseless murders, things might change. I hear Muslims, young and old, who insist that the religion is peaceful, yet they will not condem Hamas, The Muslim Brotherhood or even Osama bin Laden. How can they claim to be about peace and love when they won't say that terrorism is evil?

When I see Muslims being interviewed, they say over and over that they are not terrorists and they usually focus on why other governments are wrong, as if to justify the countless attacks over the years. I am sure there are peaceful Muslims, but if they are too scared to speak out against their leaders, they cannot be trusted. Of course, any that might be compelled to speak out would likely face the same fate as the Christians are now. Fear of death definitely serves to keep people in line.

In America, we have always fought against this sort of oppression and tyranny. Now we are expected to tolerate it. Enough is enough.

With illegal immigration to the U.S. the latest craze, we will have more anti-American people and we are expected to welcome them and tolerate their extreme views. While the media and the administration focus on the children, the worst scum of the earth are coming in. Hundreds of thousands of violent gangs and terrorists are among those sneaking in our southern border. The media doesn't dare show footage or report on the real danger. They just talk about the children and pretend that only innocent refugees are pouring in. When Texas opted to take action and secure the border, the leftist idiots automatically stepped up to accuse them of wanting to shoot children. Are some really that stupid or just so invested in the liberal agenda that they will say anything to protect this administration?

Terrorism by radical Muslims has been reduced to workplace violence or rogue protesters. The adminstration has yet to ever speak of Muslim terrorists or blame them for anything. Obama claims to be a Christian. He claims to support women's rights. He claims to support minority rights. Time for him to match his words with his actions.

The terrorist group has cut off the area’s main water supply in an effort to further drive Christians out of the region they’ve inhabited for 2,000 years.

Katherine Gorka, president of the Council on Global Security, cited a conversation with the Syrian Catholic Archbishop Yohanna Moshe, saying he had reported that ISIS is now just 2 kilometers outside of Qaraqosh, sparking grave concern of a potential Christian genocide.
“ISIS is using water as a weapon,” Gorka says. “Christians are being eradicated. ISIS’ goal is to push the Christians out of the land that they claim as the caliphate.”

Christians fled Friday with little choice under the strict ISIS demand: Leave immediately, convert to Islam or be killed. Those who fled were robbed of all possessions with the exception of the “clothing on their backs,” according to CNN.

ISIS Continues to Force Christians Out of Iraq
This is akin to when Clinton let Osama get away. Only 10000 times worse because now they have our own military equipment to use against us.

Once they consolidate their power in Iraq we all know that the west will become their next target. It's only a matter of time.

Thanks Obama for turning some terrorist thugs into a full blown Army through your own inaction.

While I too am concerned about the situation in Iraq, I don't think we would have to be concerned with any attacks on us, at least for the time being because they have their hands full with fighting amongst themselves.

I am concerned that all of the money, effort, not to mention BLOOD that we spent on this country has been wasted. I really don't see things getting much better there, and it's too bad that Obama could not have negotiated with Al Maliki to stay a while longer to properly train those troops. Such a shame. :(

If they dropped their guns and ran after being trained for years on the US Taxpayer dime, they'd do the same thing no matter how much more borrowed, tax dollars you or OP wants to spend.

The simple solution was, as then Sen. Obama pointed out : DON'T INVADE IRAQ.
What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war. What I am opposed to is the cynical attempt by Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz and other armchair, weekend warriors in this administration to shove their own ideological agendas down our throats, irrespective of the costs in lives lost and in hardships borne.

What I am opposed to is the attempt by political hacks like Karl Rove to distract us from a rise in the uninsured, a rise in the poverty rate, a drop in the median income — to distract us from corporate scandals and a stock market that has just gone through the worst month since the Great Depression. That's what I'm opposed to. A dumb war. A rash war. A war based not on reason but on passion, not on principle but on politics.
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While I too am concerned about the situation in Iraq, I don't think we would have to be concerned with any attacks on us, at least for the time being because they have their hands full with fighting amongst themselves.

I am concerned that all of the money, effort, not to mention BLOOD that we spent on this country has been wasted. I really don't see things getting much better there, and it's too bad that Obama could not have negotiated with Al Maliki to stay a while longer to properly train those troops. Such a shame. :(

If they dropped their guns and ran after being trained for years on the US Taxpayer dime, they'd do the same thing no matter how much more borrowed, tax dollars OP wants to spend. The simple solution was, as then Sen. Obama pointed out : DON'T INVADE IRAQ.

What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war. What I am opposed to is the cynical attempt by Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz and other armchair, weekend warriors in this administration to shove their own ideological agendas down our throats, irrespective of the costs in lives lost and in hardships borne.

What I am opposed to is the attempt by political hacks like Karl Rove to distract us from a rise in the uninsured, a rise in the poverty rate, a drop in the median income — to distract us from corporate scandals and a stock market that has just gone through the worst month since the Great Depression. That's what I'm opposed to. A dumb war. A rash war. A war based not on reason but on passion, not on principle but on politics.

True, but we already did that. ;) Now, we have to deal with the unintended consequences.
Now people are being slaughtered for not being Muslim and it's happening in record numbers. While one can refrain from openly burning a Koran or ridiculing Allah, it's difficult to stop being an "infidel." They expect you to convert. Will Obama eventually expect us to appease them by converting? It's no more ridiculous than warning us not to offend them by exercising our freedom of speech to disagree with the violent practices of many Muslims. Just how far do we take this habit of humoring them? And our silence has not stopped them or even slowed them down. The violence increases by the day. So, why are we appeasing them? Who was it that said appeasers are the type to go along with the lions eating people in hopes that they won't get eaten themselves?

record numbers? How mother fucking retarded are you? you are an insult to history and the people that died.

stupid fuck
Now people are being slaughtered for not being Muslim and it's happening in record numbers. While one can refrain from openly burning a Koran or ridiculing Allah, it's difficult to stop being an "infidel." They expect you to convert. Will Obama eventually expect us to appease them by converting? It's no more ridiculous than warning us not to offend them by exercising our freedom of speech to disagree with the violent practices of many Muslims. Just how far do we take this habit of humoring them? And our silence has not stopped them or even slowed them down. The violence increases by the day. So, why are we appeasing them? Who was it that said appeasers are the type to go along with the lions eating people in hopes that they won't get eaten themselves?
record numbers? How mother fucking retarded are you? you are an insult to history and the people that died.

stupid fuck

And might I add that you are an insult to those who are living in the present?

Ignorant buffoon.
Sure, you speak of sovereignty, but as far as our borders go, you liberals will have nothing of "sovereignty." How ironic.

Stupid have no idea what liberals think of our sovereignty. Why deflect?

Stupid comment. ..synth diverted with the usual boooooooooooooosh syndrome nonsense so why don't you call him/her/it out too? Why not, not be a hypocritical hack?

Are you suggesting that I should call out people for deflecting?

See posts 69-71. Then, apologize like a man.
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Now people are being slaughtered for not being Muslim and it's happening in record numbers. While one can refrain from openly burning a Koran or ridiculing Allah, it's difficult to stop being an "infidel." They expect you to convert. Will Obama eventually expect us to appease them by converting? It's no more ridiculous than warning us not to offend them by exercising our freedom of speech to disagree with the violent practices of many Muslims. Just how far do we take this habit of humoring them? And our silence has not stopped them or even slowed them down. The violence increases by the day. So, why are we appeasing them? Who was it that said appeasers are the type to go along with the lions eating people in hopes that they won't get eaten themselves?
record numbers? How mother fucking retarded are you? you are an insult to history and the people that died.

stupid fuck

And might I add that you are an insult to those who are living in the present?

Ignorant buffoon.

really you fat fuck? Record numbers? All one has to do is look at the Mongols, Russia, Hilter, the crusades, N. Korea, etc etc....

Record numbers....shut up before you pull your back trying to think.
I see you're back to Retard Mode.

We're not the world's policemen.

Bush turned sovereignty back over to Iraq in 2004. It's not our problem.

Sure, you speak of sovereignty, but as far as our borders go, you liberals will have nothing of "sovereignty." How ironic.

Stupid have no idea what liberals think of our sovereignty. Why deflect?

Not a deflection, an irony really. What liberals think of our sovereignty can be seen flooding across our borders and being dumped on hapless cities all across the US.

And all you have is 'stupid comment.' Really what that tells me is that you didn't have a sufficient rebuttal.
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record numbers? How mother fucking retarded are you? you are an insult to history and the people that died.

stupid fuck

And might I add that you are an insult to those who are living in the present?

Ignorant buffoon.

really you fat fuck? Record numbers? All one has to do is look at the Mongols, Russia, Hilter, the crusades, N. Korea, etc etc....

Record numbers....shut up before you pull your back trying to think.

Spare me your false outrage. Shut up before you over exert the last two brain cells you have in that vacuous head of yours.
Sure, you speak of sovereignty, but as far as our borders go, you liberals will have nothing of "sovereignty." How ironic.

Stupid have no idea what liberals think of our sovereignty. Why deflect?

Not a deflection, an irony really. What liberals think of our sovereignty can be seen flooding across our borders and being dumped on hapless cities all across the US.

And all you have is 'stupid comment.' Really what that tells me is that you didn't have a sufficient rebuttal.

was our nation invaded by a foreign country, our government demolished, our troops disbanded, which then had to be rebuilt, maintained and funded?

What no its not the samething you are saying? no kidding

go get a job
so what you are saying

is it is ok to never learn from our mistakes
No. I find it reprehensible that we failed to learn anything from Reagan's mistakes. But I also find it laughable that the political blame only goes one way, particularly when the initial mistake maker is St. Ronald, hero of the Right Wingers.

yes however we are in the present

the choice not to stop ISIS lays with obama
And might I add that you are an insult to those who are living in the present?

Ignorant buffoon.

really you fat fuck? Record numbers? All one has to do is look at the Mongols, Russia, Hilter, the crusades, N. Korea, etc etc....

Record numbers....shut up before you pull your back trying to think.

Spare me your false outrage. Shut up before you over exert the last two brain cells you have in that vacuous head of yours.

ah so you have nothing to offer as per usual. You just wanted to troll and prove how stupid you are. congrats you didnt need to prove to everyone how stupid you are. we know.

good job taking my insult and just recycling it. Probably the closest thing to green you have ever been near fatty.

been meaning to ask you this. someone hit you in the side of the head with a bowling ball. Your head is very odd shaped. I mean dont get me wrong, your head is perfect for the lump of shit your body is currently.
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Stupid have no idea what liberals think of our sovereignty. Why deflect?

Not a deflection, an irony really. What liberals think of our sovereignty can be seen flooding across our borders and being dumped on hapless cities all across the US.

And all you have is 'stupid comment.' Really what that tells me is that you didn't have a sufficient rebuttal.

was our nation invaded by a foreign country, our government demolished, our troops disbanded, which then had to be rebuilt, maintained and funded?

What no its not the same thing you are saying? no kidding

go get a job

Merriam Webster's Dictionary defines 'invasion' two ways:

1) By an armed force who aggressively enters another territory or nation state or;

2) The incoming or the spreading of something harmful.

The second definition works nicely here. When you come here illegally, take jobs from legal citizens, drain our economy and such, you are spreading something hurtful across our country, with ill regard for our sovereignty.

Actually speaking, the first one works too, since the runners at the border have a nasty habit of shooting at our agents while trying to smuggle drugs or immigrants across the border.

Wait yes, it is the exact same thing I'm talking about, Plasmabrain.
so what you are saying

is it is ok to never learn from our mistakes
No. I find it reprehensible that we failed to learn anything from Reagan's mistakes. But I also find it laughable that the political blame only goes one way, particularly when the initial mistake maker is St. Ronald, hero of the Right Wingers.

yes however we are in the present

the choice not to stop ISIS lays with obama

yeah, don't expect the Iraqis to do's not like it's their country....
really you fat fuck? Record numbers? All one has to do is look at the Mongols, Russia, Hilter, the crusades, N. Korea, etc etc....

Record numbers....shut up before you pull your back trying to think.

Spare me your false outrage. Shut up before you over exert the last two brain cells you have in that vacuous head of yours.

ah so you have nothing to offer as per usual. You just wanted to troll and prove how stupid you are. congrats you didnt need to prove to everyone how stupid you are. we know.

good job taking my insult and just recycling it. Probably the closest thing to green you have ever been near fatty.

been meaning to ask you this. someone hit you in the side of the head with a bowling ball. Your head is very odd shaped. I mean dont get me wrong, your head is perfect for the lump of shit your body is currently.

Can it.

I offered more than that liberal mind of yours could wrap itself around.

Interesting how you're the one calling me fat piece of shit, and all at the same time accusing me of having nothing to offer. My ginormous gut is doing the wave, no, the tsunami, as I laugh at your puny attempts to debate me on equal standing.

But I must say, you really do know what shit looks like since you have had your head planted up that backside of yours for so long.
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Obama wanted to go into Syria a few months back and would have undoubtedly attacked a lot of the fighters you, me, and everyone else sees in Iraq..

You, me, and every one else was against going into Syria.

It's hilarious that you now blame Obama for their still being there.

As for the threat against the US; we're going to get hit again somewhere, sometime, somehow. It's a mathematical certainty. No amount of deterrence will stop suicide bombers.

I call bullshit that Obama was going to invade Syria with ground troops. Lie. Lie. Lie. Thats a whopper if I ever heard one.
Which is why I didn't say it. Read me where I said ground troops. Please. Can't do it...can you?

Nothing new under the sun.

Now to suicide bombers. You fool. Bagdhadi who is the leader of ISIS is a fabulous military strategist.

Ahh yes...the old Republican/Conservative malady of assigning super-powers to all of Obama (and presumably you guy's as well) adversary.

Just for the sake of argument (and humor), please point out his "fabulous" stratagems and list his heroic victories.

Please. Can't do it...can you!

Nothing new under the sun.

Suicide bombers won't be his game if and when he decides to strike the US. You don't have a clue what you are talking about at all in your post.

Any attack by this group that doesn't involve his "soldiers" willing to die to carry out individual missions, is in fact a suicide mission on the part of ISIS. The only way terrorist groups are able to inflict damage is by asymmetrical warfare...where one of them (or 19) takes out 3,000 of yours and attacking civilian populations that are not equipped or trained for combat.

Any graduate of Fort Benning or Fort Lewis is superior to the ISIS fighters. And I'm not even going to insult the USMC by comparing an ISIS henchman to them.

Get a fucking clue you idiot.

I would put Chicago gangs up against these ISIS thugs any day. :lol:
U.S. Embassy in Ankara Headquarter for ISIS War on Iraq – Hariri Insider
Christof Lehmann (nsnbc) : The green light for the use of ISIS brigades to carve up Iraq, widen the Syria conflict into a greater Middle East war and to throw Iran off-balance was given behind closed doors at the Atlantic Council meeting in Turkey, in November 2013, told a source close to Saudi – Lebanese billionaire Saad Hariri, adding that the U.S. Embassy in Ankara is the operation’s headquarter.
Photo:Aydinlik Daily

Photo:Aydinlik Daily

A “trusted source” close to the Saudi – Lebanese multi-billionaire and former Lebanese P.M. Saad Hariri told on condition of anonymity, that the final green light for the war on Iraq with ISIS or ISIL brigades was given behind closed doors, at the sidelines of the Atlantic Council’s Energy Summit in Istanbul, Turkey, on November 22 – 23, 2013.

The Atlantic Council is one of the most influential U.S. think tanks with regard to U.S. and NATO foreign policy and geopolitics. Atlantic Council President Frederick Kempe stressed the importance of the Energy Summit and the situation in the Middle East before the summit in November, saying:

“We view the current period as a turning point, just like 1918 and 1945. Turkey is in every way a central country, as a creator of regional stability. However much the USA and Turkey can work in unison, that is how effective they will be.”
“The situation was a disaster because in June Hariri, Yidiz, Hawrami, Scowcroft, and everybody was ready to talk about how to share the oil between the U.S., Turkey and E.U.. The Summit in November should have dealt with a fait accompli”, the Hariri source stressed, adding that Washington put a gun to al-Maliki’s head when he was invited to the White House.

Both the President of the Kurdish region of Iraq, Masoud Barzani and Iraqi PM Nouri al-Maliki were invited to Washington in early November 2013.

KurdishElection“Certain circles in Washington put a hell of a lot of pressure on Obama to put a gun to al-Maliki’s head”, said the Hariri source, adding that “time was running out and Obama was hesitant”. Asked what he meant with “time was running out” and if he could specify who it was that pushed Obama, he said:

“Barzani was losing his grip in the North (Kurdish Iraq); the election [in September] was a setback. All plans for distributing Iraqi oil via Turkey and for sidelining Baghdad were set between Kirkuk and Ankara in early November…

“Who exactly pressured Obama? I don’t know who delivered the message to Obama. I suspect Kerry had a word. It’s more important from where the message came, Kissinger, Scowcroft, Nuland and the Keagan clan, Stavridis, Petreaus, Riccardione, and the neo-con crowd at the [Atlantic] Council. … As far as I know ´someone` told Obama that he’d better pressure al-Maliki to go along with Kurdish autonomy by November or else. Who exactly ´advised` Obama is not as important as the fact that those people let him know that they would go ahead, with, or without him”.

Asked whether he knew details, how the final green light for the ISIS campaign was given, he said:

” Behind closed doors, in the presence of both Scowcroft, Hariri, and a couple of other people”. To my question “if he could be more specific” he replied “I could; I want to stay alive you know; Riccardione was tasked with the operation that day”.
Obama has about as much control over when and what is going to happen as a clerk has over a CEO at a company. He's a puppet of the global elites. If he doesn't listen he'll end up like Kennedy, or if he's lucky, they miss like they did with Reagan.

:lol:, or nsnbc ìnternational, is a lowercase alternative news site created in 2013 by a Danish man named Christoff Lehmann as a replacement for his blog.[1] The website is one of the more professional-looking crank sites. However, under the shiny exterior, the website supports a wide range of conspiracy theories and woo.
nsnbc features articles supporting 9/11 conspiracy theories,[2][3] FEMA concentration camps,[2][4] Bilderberg conspiracies,[2][5] Zionist conspiracies,[6] Rothschild conspiracies,[6] Monsanto conspiracies,[7] Séralini's discredited rat study,[8] vaccine-induced autism,[9] fluoride conspiracies,[10] and cancer woo.[11]

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