ISIS now a FULL BLOWN ARMY, thanks Obama

I call bullshit that Obama was going to invade Syria with ground troops. Lie. Lie. Lie. Thats a whopper if I ever heard one.
Which is why I didn't say it. Read me where I said ground troops. Please. Can't do it...can you?

Nothing new under the sun.

Ahh yes...the old Republican/Conservative malady of assigning super-powers to all of Obama (and presumably you guy's as well) adversary.

Just for the sake of argument (and humor), please point out his "fabulous" stratagems and list his heroic victories.

Please. Can't do it...can you!

Nothing new under the sun.

Suicide bombers won't be his game if and when he decides to strike the US. You don't have a clue what you are talking about at all in your post.

Any attack by this group that doesn't involve his "soldiers" willing to die to carry out individual missions, is in fact a suicide mission on the part of ISIS. The only way terrorist groups are able to inflict damage is by asymmetrical warfare...where one of them (or 19) takes out 3,000 of yours and attacking civilian populations that are not equipped or trained for combat.

Any graduate of Fort Benning or Fort Lewis is superior to the ISIS fighters. And I'm not even going to insult the USMC by comparing an ISIS henchman to them.

Get a fucking clue you idiot.

I would put Chicago gangs up against these ISIS thugs any day. :lol:

All those Chicago gangs have are handguns. ISIS has shoulder mounted missile systems, armored vehicles, AK-47s, IED's, and...

So, what was that? Are you really that clueless my friend?
Sure, you speak of sovereignty, but as far as our borders go, you liberals will have nothing of "sovereignty." How ironic.

Stupid have no idea what liberals think of our sovereignty. Why deflect?

Stupid comment. ..synth diverted with the usual boooooooooooooosh syndrome nonsense so why don't you call him/her/it out too? Why not, not be a hypocritical hack?

Bullshit, old man.

Stating facts is not allowed, if those facts occurred between 2001-2009?

I said:

Bush turned sovereignty back over to Iraq in 2004. It's not our problem.

Is it true or not?

How is that booooooooooooosh syndrome nonsense?

Show a little integrity and balls, and explain yourself.
No. I find it reprehensible that we failed to learn anything from Reagan's mistakes. But I also find it laughable that the political blame only goes one way, particularly when the initial mistake maker is St. Ronald, hero of the Right Wingers.

yes however we are in the present

the choice not to stop ISIS lays with obama

yeah, don't expect the Iraqis to do's not like it's their country....

Maliki has been begging for airstrikes for a year. As well the US has been delaying military aircraft that has been on order for ages by Iraq so consequently they have no effective air power to have conducted their own air war.

So coming to Iraq's aid is Iran and Russia. All because Obama wanted regime change in Iraq as well as Syria. He has this penchance for Sunnis. And no it's not my imagination nor is it a conspiracy theory.

He has consistently sided with all Sunnis. Egypt/Muslim Brotherhood/Libya/Sunni militias taking out Gaddafi with Obama's help and NATO's air strikes (note: Helping Sunnis in Libya and telling Maliki to go fuck himself. Maliki is Shia/Sunni paid mercenaries and terrorists in Syria errrrrrrrrrrrr Rebels to overthrow Assad/

There is no doubt that this is a solid pattern. This is a big fuck up in Iraq though. The west has just handed the country to Iran and Russia who is now going to supply Iraq with military aircraft. And that's just for starters.
so what you are saying

is it is ok to never learn from our mistakes
No. I find it reprehensible that we failed to learn anything from Reagan's mistakes. But I also find it laughable that the political blame only goes one way, particularly when the initial mistake maker is St. Ronald, hero of the Right Wingers.

yes however we are in the present

the choice not to stop ISIS lays with obama

Why is that?
ISIS Now 'a Full-Blown Army,' State Department Official Says

This is akin to when Clinton let Osama get away. Only 10000 times worse because now they have our own military equipment to use against us.

Once they consolidate their power in Iraq we all know that the west will become their next target. It's only a matter of time.

Thanks Obama for turning some terrorist thugs into a full blown Army through your own inaction.

That's not Obama's fault, it's the fault and failure of the Iraqi government we spent billions on creating through two Administrations. I am willing to bet that if President agreed to a SOFA that allowed Our troops to be subject to Iraqi law, many republicans and conservatives would be "outraged" about that as well and hurl their typical jargon that is dumbed down to the mentality of a WWE fan. :)

Why is it that some republicans/conservatives don't mind spending billions if not trillions of dollars decimating and then subsequently "rebuilding" Iraq and Afghanistan, but bitch and moan about spending a FRACTION of that money to help Our people here in America?
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yes however we are in the present

the choice not to stop ISIS lays with obama

yeah, don't expect the Iraqis to do's not like it's their country....

Maliki has been begging for airstrikes for a year. As well the US has been delaying military aircraft that has been on order for ages by Iraq so consequently they have no effective air power to have conducted their own air war.

So coming to Iraq's aid is Iran and Russia. All because Obama wanted regime change in Iraq as well as Syria. He has this penchance for Sunnis. And no it's not my imagination nor is it a conspiracy theory.

He has consistently sided with all Sunnis. Egypt/Muslim Brotherhood/Libya/Sunni militias taking out Gaddafi with Obama's help and NATO's air strikes (note: Helping Sunnis in Libya and telling Maliki to go fuck himself. Maliki is Shia/Sunni paid mercenaries and terrorists in Syria errrrrrrrrrrrr Rebels to overthrow Assad/

There is no doubt that this is a solid pattern. This is a big fuck up in Iraq though. The west has just handed the country to Iran and Russia who is now going to supply Iraq with military aircraft. And that's just for starters.
Iraq was handed to the Shiite Iran on the day that Shiite Maliki became president, instead of a Sunni Iraqi.

You know that Maliki was persecuted by Saddam, right? And that he exiled himself to Iran until Saddam's overthrow, right?

24 years! 24 years of living in Iran and Syria, his fellow Shiites. In a part of the world with artificial boundaries. He may as well be an Iranian.

Now tell me, TD: do you think that George W. Bush considered any of this when he was endorsing al Maliki as Prime Minister? TWICE???

So stop with the "Obama lost Iraq to Iran" crap. It just makes you look ignorant.
ISIS Now 'a Full-Blown Army,' State Department Official Says

This is akin to when Clinton let Osama get away. Only 10000 times worse because now they have our own military equipment to use against us.

Once they consolidate their power in Iraq we all know that the west will become their next target. It's only a matter of time.

Thanks Obama for turning some terrorist thugs into a full blown Army through your own inaction.

Cool. So does this mean I can blame you for the rampant crime in Chicago?
Not a deflection, an irony really. What liberals think of our sovereignty can be seen flooding across our borders and being dumped on hapless cities all across the US.

And all you have is 'stupid comment.' Really what that tells me is that you didn't have a sufficient rebuttal.

was our nation invaded by a foreign country, our government demolished, our troops disbanded, which then had to be rebuilt, maintained and funded?

What no its not the same thing you are saying? no kidding

go get a job

Merriam Webster's Dictionary defines 'invasion' two ways:

1) By an armed force who aggressively enters another territory or nation state or;

2) The incoming or the spreading of something harmful.

The second definition works nicely here. When you come here illegally, take jobs from legal citizens, drain our economy and such, you are spreading something hurtful across our country, with ill regard for our sovereignty.

Actually speaking, the first one works too, since the runners at the border have a nasty habit of shooting at our agents while trying to smuggle drugs or immigrants across the border.

Wait yes, it is the exact same thing I'm talking about, Plasmabrain.

yet most of them pay taxes, have decent jobs, ( unlike you moocher ) And are doing nothing more than the other immigrants who came here long ago.

See the difference is they actually want to better themselves, work, and support their family. The are already above you in almost everyway. The fact they are sick doesnt shock me. Look how they lived, its to be expected.

yes not every person who crosses the border or who comes here, comes with good intentions. Thats not an excuse either.

But neat how you deflected away from the fact of what Clem said was absolutely stupid and an insult to history.

Btw how many of these jobs have you lost out to because the company wanted to higher an illegal over you? You can't even go fucking bag groceries at a supermarket you fat fuck, yet you want to cry about them taking our jobs.

Fuck off you stupid twat
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Spare me your false outrage. Shut up before you over exert the last two brain cells you have in that vacuous head of yours.

ah so you have nothing to offer as per usual. You just wanted to troll and prove how stupid you are. congrats you didnt need to prove to everyone how stupid you are. we know.

good job taking my insult and just recycling it. Probably the closest thing to green you have ever been near fatty.

been meaning to ask you this. someone hit you in the side of the head with a bowling ball. Your head is very odd shaped. I mean dont get me wrong, your head is perfect for the lump of shit your body is currently.

Can it.

I offered more than that liberal mind of yours could wrap itself around.

Interesting how you're the one calling me fat piece of shit, and all at the same time accusing me of having nothing to offer. My ginormous gut is doing the wave, no, the tsunami, as I laugh at your puny attempts to debate me on equal standing.

But I must say, you really do know what shit looks like since you have had your head planted up that backside of yours for so long.

so more nothing.

Debate you? you havent done much debating in this thread at all. Youve done nothing more than post hypocritical opinions. I see also we have moved onto the bloated ego part of debating with you, where you decide that you are too much of a mastermind, that nobody is your equal when it comes to things.

when the reality is you are just a poor fat loser who uses the internet as a crutch to find some sense of worth among people, because outside of the internet you are alone ( besides the grandma). you are alone, you are too busy making excuses for yourself to gain some sympathy because you didnt have that growing up. Nobody cared for you or was friends with you. Just a fat loser sitting in his room with a bloated sense of self worth. Seen it a dozen times, its always the same deal with your type. Regardless of political leaning. Ive seen it with liberals as well as conservatives.

ok well, unlike some of us around here, i have to get ready for work.
Who was it that decided to invade Iraq?

And all you can see to blame is Barack Obama.

The Republicans and the Democrats. LOL, the overt hypocrisy in your statement. Both parties did it, but you're, you blame only the Democrats, it was only the Republicans!!!!

You're a tool.

Most Democrats voted against the Iraq war. The disaster of Iraq can be blamed on the American people's failure to recognize the danger of electing Republicans.

I think you need to take another look at the Congressional vote. Many Democrats begged for a second vote so they could be on record for voting FOR, including the glorious Hillary Rodham.
  • Thanks
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so what you are saying

is it is ok to never learn from our mistakes
No. I find it reprehensible that we failed to learn anything from Reagan's mistakes. But I also find it laughable that the political blame only goes one way, particularly when the initial mistake maker is St. Ronald, hero of the Right Wingers.

yes however we are in the present

the choice not to stop ISIS lays with obama
That is complete fabrication on your part. Fantasy at best; delusion at worst. You seem to forget that when we invaded Iraq in 2003, it was with 150,000 troops and peeked at around 250,000. That didn't stop an insurgency from fighting us for years. Had either Bush or Obama forged an immunity agreement with Iraq to leave some American troops there, it would have been a fraction of our deployment during the war. You have not an iota of proof that ISIS wouldn't have declared a caliphate there even had we left a contingency of troops. It would have happened anyway only it would have turned an 8 year war in Iraq into an 11 year war (and counting).

What would have prevented ISIS from declaring a caliphate? Had we never invaded Iraq.
It took about 20 hours on two other threads this week to explain and enlighten the uninformed and easily misguided about the immunity issue with Iraq. But after reading how voluminous the abject ignorance is among liberals in this thread, it would probably be easier to get ALL their addresses and have a doctor mail them Risperdal, Clozaril, Seroquel, Geodon, or Zyprexa for their extreme delusions.

At some point trying to counter the rotted brain that insists the US lost WWII and the Japanese won it gets to be a waste of time, even if one spends 100s of hours. But alas, listening to the bullshit spouted by the left in this thread (when they're not engaging in personal attacks) is akin to just THAT.

Good luck to those fighting the good fight....but a rotted brain is like a rotted peach. It can't be saved and it can't be changed.
It took about 20 hours on two other threads this week to explain and enlighten the uninformed and easily misguided about the immunity issue with Iraq. But after reading how voluminous the abject ignorance is among liberals in this thread, it would probably be easier to get ALL their addresses and have a doctor mail them Risperdal, Clozaril, Seroquel, Geodon, or Zyprexa for their extreme delusions.

At some point trying to counter the rotted brain that insists the US lost WWII and the Japanese won it gets to be a waste of time, even if one spends 100s of hours. But alas, listening to the bullshit spouted by the left in this thread (when they're not engaging in personal attacks) is akin to just THAT.

Good luck to those fighting the good fight....but a rotted brain is like a rotted peach. It can't be saved and it can't be changed.

neat! you wasted a post saying nothing
It took about 20 hours on two other threads this week to explain and enlighten the uninformed and easily misguided about the immunity issue with Iraq. But after reading how voluminous the abject ignorance is among liberals in this thread, it would probably be easier to get ALL their addresses and have a doctor mail them Risperdal, Clozaril, Seroquel, Geodon, or Zyprexa for their extreme delusions.

At some point trying to counter the rotted brain that insists the US lost WWII and the Japanese won it gets to be a waste of time, even if one spends 100s of hours. But alas, listening to the bullshit spouted by the left in this thread (when they're not engaging in personal attacks) is akin to just THAT.

Good luck to those fighting the good fight....but a rotted brain is like a rotted peach. It can't be saved and it can't be changed.

neat! you wasted a post saying nothing

Neat, you're exhibit #1 of my profound point.
The Republicans and the Democrats. LOL, the overt hypocrisy in your statement. Both parties did it, but you're, you blame only the Democrats, it was only the Republicans!!!!

You're a tool.

Most Democrats voted against the Iraq war. The disaster of Iraq can be blamed on the American people's failure to recognize the danger of electing Republicans.

I think you need to take another look at the Congressional vote. Many Democrats begged for a second vote so they could be on record for voting FOR, including the glorious Hillary Rodham.

i love this talking point. You guys love using it as if the left are all lock in step and if these tards voted for it, then it must mean the left also agrees with them. Its a typical hack argument used by bottom of the barrel people.

The reality is they were wrong, you've also been told this numerous times in these type of debates, but as per usual repeat the meme, it must be real.

Good for you, two lazy posts in a row!

We already have a fake wannabe intellectual in Political Chic.
It took about 20 hours on two other threads this week to explain and enlighten the uninformed and easily misguided about the immunity issue with Iraq. But after reading how voluminous the abject ignorance is among liberals in this thread, it would probably be easier to get ALL their addresses and have a doctor mail them Risperdal, Clozaril, Seroquel, Geodon, or Zyprexa for their extreme delusions.

At some point trying to counter the rotted brain that insists the US lost WWII and the Japanese won it gets to be a waste of time, even if one spends 100s of hours. But alas, listening to the bullshit spouted by the left in this thread (when they're not engaging in personal attacks) is akin to just THAT.

Good luck to those fighting the good fight....but a rotted brain is like a rotted peach. It can't be saved and it can't be changed.

neat! you wasted a post saying nothing

Neat, you're exhibit #1 of my profound point.

you didnt have a point. You deemed it a waste of time to debate with the left because of zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz same old boring posts ive seen before by hundreds of others on here.

good job, you literally become part of the wall of posters as in forgettable
Most Democrats voted against the Iraq war. The disaster of Iraq can be blamed on the American people's failure to recognize the danger of electing Republicans.

I think you need to take another look at the Congressional vote. Many Democrats begged for a second vote so they could be on record for voting FOR, including the glorious Hillary Rodham.

i love this talking point. You guys love using it as if the left are all lock in step and if these tards voted for it, then it must mean the left also agrees with them. Its a typical hack argument used by bottom of the barrel people.

The reality is they were wrong, you've also been told this numerous times in these type of debates, but as per usual repeat the meme, it must be real.

Good for you, two lazy posts in a row!

We already have a fake wannabe intellectual in Political Chic.

You're down in the weeds, I'm up at the big picture. I'm not surprised your lightweight tactical brain missed the profundity of my second point.

As to the first point, the only people who can directly vote for or against a war are in Congress, and he used the word, "voted." But you already knew that, didn't you?

As for "you've been told this numerous times"....what a numb nut that can't distinguish between a personality that basically just started posting this week and well known personalities posting on here for months or years. In other words, you just told yet another obvious fucking lie. Go climb back into your snake skin, slurp up some protein, and get lots of sleep. Maybe it will help your small brain work better.
neat! you wasted a post saying nothing

Neat, you're exhibit #1 of my profound point.

you didnt have a point. You deemed it a waste of time to debate with the left because of zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz same old boring posts ive seen before by hundreds of others on here.

good job, you literally become part of the wall of posters as in forgettable

Oh I'm so broken up by your lame ass attacks. You can't even do that with any kind of verve. What are you 90 years old or 300 pounds or something?

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