ISIS now a FULL BLOWN ARMY, thanks Obama

Hmm. You have a nation with a secular govt , albeit a dictatorship, that hates al queda and is run mainly by Sunnis, who are the minority, with the kurds and maj shiaa repressed. You take the greatest army the world's ever seen, and topple that govt, and install a shiaa leader. You then waste the army trying to suppress a civil war between the sunni and shiaa, and bring peace when you essentially pay off the Sunni with your treasure. Then, the shiaa govt refuses to integrate the sunnis, and tells you to kiss off. The sunnis then combine with al queda to oppose the shiaa.

And who would say this shite made no sense?
This is just one of many results from the monumental strategic blunder of invading and occupying Iraq.

Bull. When Bush left, Iraq was relativly stable. Then, under Obongo, thnigs started getting bad and when the Iraqi gov't asked for help, Obama was asleep at the switch (as usual).
This is just one of many results from the monumental strategic blunder of invading and occupying Iraq.

Bull. When Bush left, Iraq was relativly stable. Then, under Obongo, thnigs started getting bad and when the Iraqi gov't asked for help, Obama was asleep at the switch (as usual).

LOL Put down the crack pipe and turn off fux "news", then ask someone who was there like a solider when bush the lesser left office , stable :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Hmm. You have a nation with a secular govt , albeit a dictatorship, that hates al queda and is run mainly by Sunnis, who are the minority, with the kurds and maj shiaa repressed. You take the greatest army the world's ever seen, and topple that govt, and install a shiaa leader. You then waste the army trying to suppress a civil war between the sunni and shiaa, and bring peace when you essentially pay off the Sunni with your treasure. Then, the shiaa govt refuses to integrate the sunnis, and tells you to kiss off. The sunnis then combine with al queda to oppose the shiaa.

And who would say this shite made no sense?

This guy points-out the inherent probs w/ that area of the world: Points Malakis unsuitability govern Iraq | Video |
This is just one of many results from the monumental strategic blunder of invading and occupying Iraq.

Bull. When Bush left, Iraq was relativly stable. Then, under Obongo, thnigs started getting bad and when the Iraqi gov't asked for help, Obama was asleep at the switch (as usual).

LOL Put down the crack pipe and turn off fux "news", then ask someone who was there like a solider when bush the lesser left office , stable :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

It was all going to plan. LOL
Gotta love the bi-polar Republican shit-for-brains logic at work that goes something like 1) Obama is a weakling on the world stage, so therefore 2) he is actually the guy pulling the strings behind the entire Muslim Brotherhood.

Love how they try to have it both ways. He's so weak but he's also a strong-arm fascist dictator who only does things his way in his quest to destroy America! Muahahahahahaha!
Hmm. You have a nation with a secular govt , albeit a dictatorship, that hates al queda and is run mainly by Sunnis, who are the minority, with the kurds and maj shiaa repressed. You take the greatest army the world's ever seen, and topple that govt, and install a shiaa leader. You then waste the army trying to suppress a civil war between the sunni and shiaa, and bring peace when you essentially pay off the Sunni with your treasure. Then, the shiaa govt refuses to integrate the sunnis, and tells you to kiss off. The sunnis then combine with al queda to oppose the shiaa.

And who would say this shite made no sense?

This guy points-out the inherent probs w/ that area of the world: Points Malakis unsuitability govern Iraq | Video |

I can't do video from most sites at work, but I liked somebody's comment that Mandela governed like a statesman and all-ah-mucky governed like a warlord. As others have noted for the umpteenth time, when Franks disbanded the Iraqi army, the end was probably inevitable - civil war and chaos.
well, the video i posted points out that the imperial powers carved-up oil rich states to pit people against eachother (see Iraq & Nigeria, among others) so that they could plunder the resources while the indigenous tribes were kept busy fighting amonst themselves for power. This is what our addiction to carbon-based fuels like crude oil leads us to. I already knew this from research I did at a University :)
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well, the video i posted points out that the imperial powers carved-up oil rich states to pit people against eachother (see Iraq & Nigeria, among others) so that they could plunder the resources while the indigenous tribes were kept busy fighting amonst themselves for power. This is what our addiction to carbon-based fuels like crude oil leads us to. I already knew this from research I did at a University :)

Well that's true. Although with Iraq there was also the break up of the remnants of the Ottoman Empire following WWI. The French, who despite having been chewed up on the Western Front, got the place, and chose the Sunnis to continue running the joint, which they'd done previously. Then, beginning with the Young Turks in the former Ottoman Empire, we had various reformist groups, and the Baathists were one of them. Of course Saddam became corrupt, and probably insane and certainly not rational. But the Baathists at least preached unity and secularism.
Without the civil war in Iraq, ISIS never forms.

What civil war in Iraq? There is no civil war. This invasion of Iraq was launched from Syria by Baghdadi. ISIS up until he took over after Obama released him were piss ants in the world of terrorism.

Baghdadi based himself out of Syria and Obama AND the west turned a blind eye to his growing stature and ISIS's power because our asshole leaders were hell bent for leather to depose Assad.

Bloody fools didn't think ahead did they that with all the recruits ISIS were able to get globally that they turned a small AQ affiliated terror group into a terrorist army.

No civil war?

Iraq VP to U.S.: Stay Out of Our Civil War - The Daily Beast


Ah Blind Boo. You didn't read the article did you? You don't realize who the Daily Beast is interviewing do you?

You just grabbed a headline that said "civil war".
Good conspiracy thread OP :thup: Oh!!! Wait!!! He's serious :eusa_doh:

Can you stop being a rw partisan hack for one day of your life? ONE?!!!

BTW- you people still claim to be deficit hawks whilst simultaneously demanding that we police the world using borrowed Chinese money?
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well, the video i posted points out that the imperial powers carved-up oil rich states to pit people against eachother (see Iraq & Nigeria, among others) so that they could plunder the resources while the indigenous tribes were kept busy fighting amonst themselves for power. This is what our addiction to carbon-based fuels like crude oil leads us to. I already knew this from research I did at a University :)

Build the Keystone :eusa_angel: We don't want to behead you or blow you up and we have fabulous donuts and coffee at Tim Horton's and awesome beer.
At any given point in time we can look at one sliver of history and blame something that is happening in the present on the past instead of being honest and dealing in the here and now.

Obama OWNS ISIS's rise to power.

no he doesnt you sack of shit. Remove Saddam and you created a vacuum. We told you this would happen and you ignored it because Saddam was a bad man and such....

Go fuck yourself.

Fuck you. You don't have a clue what you are talking about when it comes to ISIS. Oh and by the way, I had no problem with removing Saddam and more importantly the true WMD's in Iraq his insane sons.

But I had a huge problem with the nation building. That's what cost so many lives.

Now freaking fast forward. Iraq had stabalized and was trucking along quite well till we in the west decided to stick our noses into Syria and attempt to depose Assad.

Because of melee in Syria, ISIS was able to come to power and form a terrorist army. We in the west turned a blind eye to the terror groups and the paid mercenaries because of the desire to take out Assad permanently.

Our leaders are assholes. They let this pus laden crazy jihadist sons of bitches grow right under their noses.

They aren't just an army now. Because no one on our side did anything to help Maliki when he was begging for drone strikes against ISIS for a year, ISIS was able to not only behead their way to the outskirts of Baghdad but to raid Mosuls banks to the tune of 400 million buckolas plus making them the wealthiest terrorist army on the planet.

You are entitled to your own opinion Plas, but not your own facts.

ISIS is made up of many factions at the moment that will eventually split up when the time is right. What you are seeing is something that has gone on for centuries. Eventually you will most likely see this settle into a 3 state section with the kurds in the north and the other two taking their own. Eventually Saddams fighters will break off and try to form their own nation.

You dumb shit, Removing saddam means you have to nation build. You can't have one without the other. If it wasnt ISIS it would be some other group coming to power. Its what they do.

Maliki can go fuck himself. This is what you get when you wont come to a good agreement and said we should leave, the IRAQ people wanted us gone.

Yeah they ran through Iraq like mexican water, because iraq's forces are worthtless now. Had Saddam been there this most likely would never of happened. Again not Obamas fault.

You cons fucked up, and now we see the fruits of that mistake. Instead of owning up to it, you want to blame Obama for your failures. As usual you only can think short term and not long term. You people are dangerous and should never have any real say in any real serious situations.

you people really are sacks of shit. The balls you people have to sit there and try to push off this failure on other people
no he doesnt you sack of shit. Remove Saddam and you created a vacuum.


Iraq is a sheikdom. If ISIS conquers, then they'll establish a new bully king like Saddam. They will never be a democracy.
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Please learn that things that happen impact the future. You cannot view what is happening today without considering what happened yesterday. You fucking idiots.

Lone Laughter no one is denying that the past always has an influence in the here and now, just like the here and now will influence the future.

As far as the middle east politics are concerned we could turn every thread into a history forum thread.

All I'm saying is that I don't think that say for example when we are discussing Islamic extremism it does not help the current discussion to keep rewinding to the freaking Crusades.

I'm sorry. I actually like to think that most of the individuals I post with are intelligent enough to know historical timelines that lead to a discussion in the here and now.

Frankly I expect intelligent posters to know their history. I just don't think we have to post an in depth historical profile of a region or events every time we discuss a current issue.
no he doesnt you sack of shit. Remove Saddam and you created a vacuum. We told you this would happen and you ignored it because Saddam was a bad man and such....

Go fuck yourself.

Fuck you. You don't have a clue what you are talking about when it comes to ISIS. Oh and by the way, I had no problem with removing Saddam and more importantly the true WMD's in Iraq his insane sons.

But I had a huge problem with the nation building. That's what cost so many lives.

Now freaking fast forward. Iraq had stabalized and was trucking along quite well till we in the west decided to stick our noses into Syria and attempt to depose Assad.

Because of melee in Syria, ISIS was able to come to power and form a terrorist army. We in the west turned a blind eye to the terror groups and the paid mercenaries because of the desire to take out Assad permanently.

Our leaders are assholes. They let this pus laden crazy jihadist sons of bitches grow right under their noses.

They aren't just an army now. Because no one on our side did anything to help Maliki when he was begging for drone strikes against ISIS for a year, ISIS was able to not only behead their way to the outskirts of Baghdad but to raid Mosuls banks to the tune of 400 million buckolas plus making them the wealthiest terrorist army on the planet.

You are entitled to your own opinion Plas, but not your own facts.

ISIS is made up of many factions at the moment that will eventually split up when the time is right. What you are seeing is something that has gone on for centuries. Eventually you will most likely see this settle into a 3 state section with the kurds in the north and the other two taking their own. Eventually Saddams fighters will break off and try to form their own nation.

You dumb shit, Removing saddam means you have to nation build. You can't have one without the other. If it wasnt ISIS it would be some other group coming to power. Its what they do.

Maliki can go fuck himself. This is what you get when you wont come to a good agreement and said we should leave, the IRAQ people wanted us gone.

Yeah they ran through Iraq like mexican water, because iraq's forces are worthtless now. Had Saddam been there this most likely would never of happened. Again not Obamas fault.

You cons fucked up, and now we see the fruits of that mistake. Instead of owning up to it, you want to blame Obama for your failures. As usual you only can think short term and not long term. You people are dangerous and should never have any real say in any real serious situations.

you people really are sacks of shit. The balls you people have to sit there and try to push off this failure on other people

I think it's interesting that BushII said the invasion and nationbuilding (though he idiotically thought there was a democracy and middle class just ready to emerge by itself to form a unity govt) thought we would usher in a wave of democratic uprisings against despots.

I don't think BushII caused the emergence of the Muslim Brotherhood anymore than Obama caused it. Nor did we cause the rebellion in Syria. Or Libya. It's simply more difficult to control what people hear and see and say.

Obama seemed naively intriqued with the change in Egypt, only to come screaming to his senses in seeing the reality of democracy. When a minority takes control of any political group (the TPM in the gop) you generally see chaos and a refusal to compromise.

The question remains, how can govts in the ME rule, and not become arms of minority zealots (-:, without being autocratic. Turkey is probably the best module, and Obama's pissed of Erdogon that he won't take Obama's calls. LOL

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