ISIS now a FULL BLOWN ARMY, thanks Obama

Who was it that decided to invade Iraq?

And all you can see to blame is Barack Obama.

The Republicans and the Democrats. LOL, the overt hypocrisy in your statement. Both parties did it, but you're, you blame only the Democrats, it was only the Republicans!!!!

You're a tool.

Most Democrats voted against the Iraq war. The disaster of Iraq can be blamed on the American people's failure to recognize the danger of electing Republicans.
In the early 80's I was a teen. Besides, pointing at someone else's fuck ups is no excuse. Get a grip
In the early 1980s I was in my thirties and refusing to own the mistakes of your hero and deflecting the blame for ISIS just to make a political point is laughable.

Blame floats, like shit, on all who are responsible. If we had not made the utterly foolish mistake of invading Iraq, we would not have ISIS today. Who was it that decided to invade Iraq?

And all you can see to blame is Barack Obama.

Why are you ignoring the fact that Obama could have stopped ISIS? WHY? He could have easily targeted & destroyed all the military assets they now posess. Why did he bomb Libya, who was not posing a threat to us but ignore those who are a threat? And why the fuck would you excuse that?

Why is every problem that pops up in the world the responsibility of the United States? Let someone else deal with them. ISIS is not a threat to us.
In the early 1980s I was in my thirties and refusing to own the mistakes of your hero and deflecting the blame for ISIS just to make a political point is laughable.

Blame floats, like shit, on all who are responsible. If we had not made the utterly foolish mistake of invading Iraq, we would not have ISIS today. Who was it that decided to invade Iraq?

And all you can see to blame is Barack Obama.

Why are you ignoring the fact that Obama could have stopped ISIS? WHY? He could have easily targeted & destroyed all the military assets they now posess. Why did he bomb Libya, who was not posing a threat to us but ignore those who are a threat? And why the fuck would you excuse that?

Why is every problem that pops up in the world the responsibility of the United States? Let someone else deal with them. ISIS is not a threat to us.
[ame=]Ostrich - Head in the sand - YouTube[/ame]
Why are you ignoring the fact that Obama could have stopped ISIS? WHY? He could have easily targeted & destroyed all the military assets they now posess. Why did he bomb Libya, who was not posing a threat to us but ignore those who are a threat? And why the fuck would you excuse that?

Why is every problem that pops up in the world the responsibility of the United States? Let someone else deal with them. ISIS is not a threat to us.
[ame=]Ostrich - Head in the sand - YouTube[/ame]

Please explain how ISIS is a threat to us.
In the early 1980s I was in my thirties and refusing to own the mistakes of your hero and deflecting the blame for ISIS just to make a political point is laughable.

Blame floats, like shit, on all who are responsible. If we had not made the utterly foolish mistake of invading Iraq, we would not have ISIS today. Who was it that decided to invade Iraq?

And all you can see to blame is Barack Obama.

Why are you ignoring the fact that Obama could have stopped ISIS? WHY? He could have easily targeted & destroyed all the military assets they now posess. Why did he bomb Libya, who was not posing a threat to us but ignore those who are a threat? And why the fuck would you excuse that?

Why is every problem that pops up in the world the responsibility of the United States? Let someone else deal with them. ISIS is not a threat to us.

ISIS certainly is a threat to foreign interests, and we sent in 300 advisers six weeks ago. And when were ISIS all together? That line comes from Ed Royce, July 23, why did he wait to inform us Obama did "nothing"?. This is what the President said FIVE weeks ago:

Obama says ISIS ?poses a medium- and long-term threat? to Americans - The Washington Post

And Maliki gave the world ISIS, not obama:

Maliki's government used "de-Baathification" laws, introduced to keep members of Saddam Hussein's regime out of government, to target his opponents -- but not his many allies, who also had been senior members of the Baath Party. The 2010 government formation process turned out to be yet another opportunity for politicians of all stripes to grant themselves senior positions which they could use to plunder the state. When tens of thousands of Iraqis took to the streets in February 2011 to protest corruption, they were branded terrorists and were attacked and beaten by security forces and hired thugs. Dozens were killed and thousands arrested and tortured until the protests fizzled. Meanwhile, though terrorist groups were not operating as openly as before, hundreds of civilians continued to be killed every month, particularly in Baghdad, denying Iraqis in many parts of the country even a brief period of normalcy.
At that time, Maliki began referring to himself publicly as Iraq's preeminent military leader. When the 2010 electoral results did not conform to his expectations, he demanded a recount in his "capacity as commander in chief." When he forced senior anti-corruption officials from their positions, he once again inappropriately invoked his military credentials. He called officers on their mobile phones to demand specific actions or that individuals be arrested, circumventing the chain of command. After the new government was formed in November 2010, he refused to appoint ministers of the interior and of defense, preferring to occupy both positions himself. He appointed senior military commanders directly, instead of seeking parliamentary approval as required by the constitution.
There was also much talk about the prime minister's special forces, including the Baghdad Operations Command. Groups of young men were arrested in waves, often in the middle of the night, and would be whisked to secret jails, often never to be seen again. Former Army officers, members of the Awakening, activists who complained too much about corruption, devout Iraqis who prayed a little too often at their local mosques -- all were targeted. Many were never charged with crimes or brought before a judge. Under the pretext of trying to stop the regular explosions that blighted Baghdad, these individuals were subjected to severe abuse.
By 2012, the atmosphere in Tikrit had changed. Joking with the police and the Army had ended. Tikritis were desperately looking for detained relatives, but information was almost impossible to obtain even for the best-connected. The relationship of trust that the Army had built with the general population was ruined by the special forces' activities.

How Maliki Ruined Iraq
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Why is every problem that pops up in the world the responsibility of the United States? Let someone else deal with them. ISIS is not a threat to us.
[ame=]Ostrich - Head in the sand - YouTube[/ame]

Please explain how ISIS is a threat to us.
Why ISIS threatens the U.S. -- and what we can do about it - CBS News

Not to mention they might disturb that rock you're hiding under.

Obama wanted to go into Syria a few months back and would have undoubtedly attacked a lot of the fighters you, me, and everyone else sees in Iraq..

You, me, and every one else was against going into Syria.

It's hilarious that you now blame Obama for their still being there.

As for the threat against the US; we're going to get hit again somewhere, sometime, somehow. It's a mathematical certainty. No amount of deterrence will stop suicide bombers.
ISIS Now 'a Full-Blown Army,' State Department Official Says

This is akin to when Clinton let Osama get away. Only 10000 times worse because now they have our own military equipment to use against us.

Once they consolidate their power in Iraq we all know that the west will become their next target. It's only a matter of time.

Thanks Obama for turning some terrorist thugs into a full blown Army through your own inaction.

Americans are the minority now, with Mexicans and Muslims having multiple children per family, compared to non-Mexican and non-Muslims, having 1.5 children per family these days.

I predict America will be taken over by Muslims and Mexicans and those two will battle and war, until there is nothing left of this once great Republic whose people lived and prospered by a rule of law and the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Gone.

Typical teaper nonsense. Fucking pathetic.
so what you are saying

is it is ok to never learn from our mistakes
No. I find it reprehensible that we failed to learn anything from Reagan's mistakes. But I also find it laughable that the political blame only goes one way, particularly when the initial mistake maker is St. Ronald, hero of the Right Wingers.

Obama & only Obama made the choice not to bomb isis when they were in their infancy in Iraq. Reagan, Clinton & Bush have NOTHING to do with that decision. When ISIS attacks Paris, London or some city in the US the blood will be on Obamas hands

That would have been a waste of American tax payer money you teaper hypocrite. Or perhaps you would have criticized him for using a drone?

Bush was a genious and he created this situation. Obama getting involved would only fuck up the master plan. Who gives a dick about ISIS...let them continue to kill each other while I play on the internet and drink beer.
ISIS Now 'a Full-Blown Army,' State Department Official Says

This is akin to when Clinton let Osama get away. Only 10000 times worse because now they have our own military equipment to use against us.

Once they consolidate their power in Iraq we all know that the west will become their next target. It's only a matter of time.

Thanks Obama for turning some terrorist thugs into a full blown Army through your own inaction.

Obama owns this one. Being so desperate to topple Assad Obama allowed ISIS to grow in power and stature in Syria to the point that by the time ISIS was beheading their way to the outskirts of Baghdad they had become according to reports 10,000 strong.

Then when they took over Mosul they raided the financial institutions and scored over 400 million buckolas.

So now they are the most powerful terrorist army on the planet as well as the wealthiest terrorist army on the planet.

Obama has fucked up everything he has touched.
Iraq has the power and ability to stop ISIS, but unfortunately the majority of the military personnel are cowards,
Thank You Oblama!
How do you score 400 billion dollars? You have a link?
Iraq has the power and ability to stop ISIS, but unfortunately the majority of the military personnel are cowards,
Thank You Oblama!
Obama trained the Iraqi Army? Why would it need to be trained? Because it was disbanded? Who in their right minds would have disbanded the Iraqi Army in the midst of a sectarian civil war? Who could that possibly be?
Please explain how ISIS is a threat to us.
Why ISIS threatens the U.S. -- and what we can do about it - CBS News

Not to mention they might disturb that rock you're hiding under.

Obama wanted to go into Syria a few months back and would have undoubtedly attacked a lot of the fighters you, me, and everyone else sees in Iraq..

You, me, and every one else was against going into Syria.

It's hilarious that you now blame Obama for their still being there.

As for the threat against the US; we're going to get hit again somewhere, sometime, somehow. It's a mathematical certainty. No amount of deterrence will stop suicide bombers.

I call bullshit that Obama was going to invade Syria with ground troops. Lie. Lie. Lie. Thats a whopper if I ever heard one.

Now to suicide bombers. You fool. Bagdhadi who is the leader of ISIS is a fabulous military strategist.

Suicide bombers won't be his game if and when he decides to strike the US. You don't have a clue what you are talking about at all in your post.
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Iraq has the power and ability to stop ISIS, but unfortunately the majority of the military personnel are cowards,
Thank You Oblama!
Obama trained the Iraqi Army? Why would it need to be trained? Because it was disbanded? Who in their right minds would have disbanded the Iraqi Army in the midst of a sectarian civil war? Who could that possibly be?

Oblama did not train any Iraq soldiers, private contractors did..disbanding was done by the Iraqi president and he also kept Sunnis out of the govt. so he is the one that set up the problem in Iraq..

Sorry, I'm not paranoid about people thousands of miles away. I don't wet myself about terrorists while spending quite a bit of my time in one of the biggest cities in the country.
ISIS Now 'a Full-Blown Army,' State Department Official Says

This is akin to when Clinton let Osama get away. Only 10000 times worse because now they have our own military equipment to use against us.

Once they consolidate their power in Iraq we all know that the west will become their next target. It's only a matter of time.

Thanks Obama for turning some terrorist thugs into a full blown Army through your own inaction.

Americans are the minority now, with Mexicans and Muslims having multiple children per family, compared to non-Mexican and non-Muslims, having 1.5 children per family these days.

I predict America will be taken over by Muslims and Mexicans and those two will battle and war, until there is nothing left of this once great Republic whose people lived and prospered by a rule of law and the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Gone.

I predict that none of your predictions will ever come true.
ISIS Now 'a Full-Blown Army,' State Department Official Says

This is akin to when Clinton let Osama get away. Only 10000 times worse because now they have our own military equipment to use against us.

Once they consolidate their power in Iraq we all know that the west will become their next target. It's only a matter of time.

Thanks Obama for turning some terrorist thugs into a full blown Army through your own inaction.

Americans are the minority now, with Mexicans and Muslims having multiple children per family, compared to non-Mexican and non-Muslims, having 1.5 children per family these days.

I predict America will be taken over by Muslims and Mexicans and those two will battle and war, until there is nothing left of this once great Republic whose people lived and prospered by a rule of law and the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Gone.


why suffer any longer ? there's a tall building with your name on it.
ISIS Now 'a Full-Blown Army,' State Department Official Says

This is akin to when Clinton let Osama get away. Only 10000 times worse because now they have our own military equipment to use against us.

Once they consolidate their power in Iraq we all know that the west will become their next target. It's only a matter of time.

Thanks Obama for turning some terrorist thugs into a full blown Army through your own inaction.

1. Clinton never let the Reagan supported and backed, Osama Bin Laden "get away". That would have been George W. Bush.

2. ISIS would have never gotten a foothold on anything or even been started had George W. Bush not invaded Iraq.

3. Osama Bin Laden and the muj would have been crushed by the Soviets had Reagan not supported their efforts.

This is a world you folks made.
Please explain how ISIS is a threat to us.
Why ISIS threatens the U.S. -- and what we can do about it - CBS News

Not to mention they might disturb that rock you're hiding under.

Sorry, I'm not paranoid about people thousands of miles away. I don't wet myself about terrorists while spending quite a bit of my time in one of the biggest cities in the country.

I am not either, since this has been going on since the dawn of the agriculture revolution in 2000BC.

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