ISIS now a FULL BLOWN ARMY, thanks Obama

ISIS Now 'a Full-Blown Army,' State Department Official Says

This is akin to when Clinton let Osama get away. Only 10000 times worse because now they have our own military equipment to use against us.

Once they consolidate their power in Iraq we all know that the west will become their next target. It's only a matter of time.

Thanks Obama for turning some terrorist thugs into a full blown Army through your own inaction.

Americans are the minority now, with Mexicans and Muslims having multiple children per family, compared to non-Mexican and non-Muslims, having 1.5 children per family these days.

I predict America will be taken over by Muslims and Mexicans and those two will battle and war, until there is nothing left of this once great Republic whose people lived and prospered by a rule of law and the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Gone.

I predict that none of your predictions will ever come true.

I was wondering if I was the only one who saw her opinion as asbolfuckinglutely ridiculous and full of paranoia.

Holy shit people...just because she is a female who uses random pics of females doesn't mean you have to agree with her teaperistic lunacy.

Internet geeks and teapers...a horrible mix.
Please explain how ISIS is a threat to us.
Why ISIS threatens the U.S. -- and what we can do about it - CBS News

Not to mention they might disturb that rock you're hiding under.

Sorry, I'm not paranoid about people thousands of miles away. I don't wet myself about terrorists while spending quite a bit of my time in one of the biggest cities in the country.

Paranoia has nothing to do with it. Was Obama being "paranoid" when he bombed Libya? How bout when he wanted to intervene in Syria?

You are an idiot
Why ISIS threatens the U.S. -- and what we can do about it - CBS News

Not to mention they might disturb that rock you're hiding under.

Sorry, I'm not paranoid about people thousands of miles away. I don't wet myself about terrorists while spending quite a bit of my time in one of the biggest cities in the country.

Paranoia has nothing to do with it. Was Obama being "paranoid" when he bombed Libya? How bout when he wanted to intervene in Syria?

You are an idiot

If not paranoia...spite?
And for the umpteenth time, I am not a part of the Tea Party nor have I ever been to their rallies, Nutz.

I agree with their platform as it pertains to budget issues. Simple as that. But lets not derail this thread with your diversionary accusations.
Why ISIS threatens the U.S. -- and what we can do about it - CBS News

Not to mention they might disturb that rock you're hiding under.

Sorry, I'm not paranoid about people thousands of miles away. I don't wet myself about terrorists while spending quite a bit of my time in one of the biggest cities in the country.

Paranoia has nothing to do with it. Was Obama being "paranoid" when he bombed Libya? How bout when he wanted to intervene in Syria?

You are an idiot

Please show me where I supported bombing Libya or intervening in Syria. We need to stay out of that area, every time we "fix" something it just creates another issue.
Sorry, I'm not paranoid about people thousands of miles away. I don't wet myself about terrorists while spending quite a bit of my time in one of the biggest cities in the country.

Paranoia has nothing to do with it. Was Obama being "paranoid" when he bombed Libya? How bout when he wanted to intervene in Syria?

You are an idiot

Please show me where I supported bombing Libya or intervening in Syria. We need to stay out of that area, every time we "fix" something it just creates another issue.

I didn't say anything about you. I asked if Obama was "paranoid"

Guess you're not going to answer.
And for the umpteenth time, I am not a part of the Tea Party nor have I ever been to their rallies, Nutz.

I agree with their platform as it pertains to budget issues. Simple as that. But lets not derail this thread with your diversionary accusations.

I was asking if your concern over this issue is paranoia or spite? You argument makes no sense...blaming Obama for Isis...that is ridiculous and it really isn't a bad thing having Isis killing and being killed throughout the US. You should be giving Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld the credit they deserve for keeping the fight overseas!

As for don't think AquaTeapers comments were nonsense?
And for the umpteenth time, I am not a part of the Tea Party nor have I ever been to their rallies, Nutz.

I agree with their platform as it pertains to budget issues. Simple as that. But lets not derail this thread with your diversionary accusations.

I was asking if your concern over this issue is paranoia or spite? You argument makes no sense...blaming Obama for Isis...that is ridiculous and it really isn't a bad thing having Isis killing and being killed throughout the US. You should be giving Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld the credit they deserve for keeping the fight overseas! If you go by your standards...every success is Obama's too. (If you were fair and balanced without hypocrisy)

As for don't think AquaTeapers comments were nonsense?
ISIS Now 'a Full-Blown Army,' State Department Official Says

This is akin to when Clinton let Osama get away. Only 10000 times worse because now they have our own military equipment to use against us.

Once they consolidate their power in Iraq we all know that the west will become their next target. It's only a matter of time.

Thanks Obama for turning some terrorist thugs into a full blown Army through your own inaction.
When Reagan armed the Muhjabim in Afghanistan in the early 1980s allowing them to evolve into Al Qeada, were you just as miffed? President Obama and President Bush (43) made the same mistakes as President Reagan. But political expedience means you will either ignore that or spin it in some incomprehensible way.

In the early 80's I was a teen. Besides, pointing at someone else's fuck ups is no excuse. Get a grip

Worse is trying to blame the fuck up on someone who never wanted any part of it.
Paranoia has nothing to do with it. Was Obama being "paranoid" when he bombed Libya? How bout when he wanted to intervene in Syria?

You are an idiot

Please show me where I supported bombing Libya or intervening in Syria. We need to stay out of that area, every time we "fix" something it just creates another issue.

I didn't say anything about you. I asked if Obama was "paranoid"

Guess you're not going to answer.

No, he is being (mis)led by the MIC who are the ones who would benefit from involvement in both countries. Have to keep the gravy train flowing.
Paranoia has nothing to do with it. Was Obama being "paranoid" when he bombed Libya? How bout when he wanted to intervene in Syria?

You are an idiot

Please show me where I supported bombing Libya or intervening in Syria. We need to stay out of that area, every time we "fix" something it just creates another issue.

I didn't say anything about you. I asked if Obama was "paranoid"

Guess you're not going to answer.

How would anyone know but Oblama? Ask him..
Who was it that decided to invade Iraq?

And all you can see to blame is Barack Obama.

The Republicans and the Democrats. LOL, the overt hypocrisy in your statement. Both parties did it, but you're, you blame only the Democrats, it was only the Republicans!!!!

You're a tool.

Most Democrats voted against the Iraq war. The disaster of Iraq can be blamed on the American people's failure to recognize the danger of electing Republicans.

More deflection.

Sorry, but that dog won't hunt.

The current Dumbass-in-Chief stated without caveat or qualification that Bush's Iraq Policies delivered a sovereign, stable Iraq.

All Obama had to do was sustain the stability.

He failed miserably...the recurring theme of his presidency.

ISIS Now 'a Full-Blown Army,' State Department Official Says

This is akin to when Clinton let Osama get away. Only 10000 times worse because now they have our own military equipment to use against us.

Once they consolidate their power in Iraq we all know that the west will become their next target. It's only a matter of time.

Thanks Obama for turning some terrorist thugs into a full blown Army through your own inaction.

He was warned not to fund these very questionable Rebel groups in Syria. This is the awful Blow Back on that. Pretty shocking he just demanded another $500 Million in Tax Dollars for Syrian Rebels. Talk about Double-Downing on insanity? Yikes.
ISIS Now 'a Full-Blown Army,' State Department Official Says

This is akin to when Clinton let Osama get away. Only 10000 times worse because now they have our own military equipment to use against us.

Once they consolidate their power in Iraq we all know that the west will become their next target. It's only a matter of time.

Thanks Obama for turning some terrorist thugs into a full blown Army through your own inaction.
When Reagan armed the Muhjabim in Afghanistan in the early 1980s allowing them to evolve into Al Qeada, were you just as miffed? President Obama and President Bush (43) made the same mistakes as President Reagan. But political expedience means you will either ignore that or spin it in some incomprehensible way.

Wow, you just admitted Obama is as bad as Bush and Reagan.... Crazy times we live in. Oh, wait, you did it as a way to skirt the fact that Obama turned out to be a shitty President. How that's logical I don't know.
In the early 80's I was a teen. Besides, pointing at someone else's fuck ups is no excuse. Get a grip
In the early 1980s I was in my thirties and refusing to own the mistakes of your hero and deflecting the blame for ISIS just to make a political point is laughable.

Blame floats, like shit, on all who are responsible. If we had not made the utterly foolish mistake of invading Iraq, we would not have ISIS today. Who was it that decided to invade Iraq?

And all you can see to blame is Barack Obama.

Why are you ignoring the fact that Obama could have stopped ISIS? WHY? He could have easily targeted & destroyed all the military assets they now posess. Why did he bomb Libya, who was not posing a threat to us but ignore those who are a threat? And why the fuck would you excuse that?

The fact is Obama needs to remain a non war President while being a bigger war President than Bush. The left does not care if the US kills people in Pakistan, Libya, Egypt, Syria or Afghanistan... The left does know "Iraq bad." Obama held onto the Iraq war for 3 years, 3 years longer than his campaign promise in fact. Now Obama is trying to figure out how to go back into Iraq and call sending soldiers there anything but "boots on the ground."
The Republicans and the Democrats. LOL, the overt hypocrisy in your statement. Both parties did it, but you're, you blame only the Democrats, it was only the Republicans!!!!

You're a tool.

Most Democrats voted against the Iraq war. The disaster of Iraq can be blamed on the American people's failure to recognize the danger of electing Republicans.

More deflection.

Sorry, but that dog won't hunt.

The current Dumbass-in-Chief stated without caveat or qualification that Bush's Iraq Policies delivered a sovereign, stable Iraq.

All Obama had to do was sustain the stability.

He failed miserably...the recurring theme of his presidency.


He's a tool. Actually, 40% of House Democrats voted for it and a clear majority (29-21) of Senate Democrats voted for it. That "most Democrats voted against the Iraq war" is just a fabrication. And of the Democrats who voted against it, many of them just said they wanted to give the inspectors more time. And virtually all of them said there were WMDs.

You're right, that dog won't hunt.
ISIS Now 'a Full-Blown Army,' State Department Official Says

This is akin to when Clinton let Osama get away. Only 10000 times worse because now they have our own military equipment to use against us.

Once they consolidate their power in Iraq we all know that the west will become their next target. It's only a matter of time.

Thanks Obama for turning some terrorist thugs into a full blown Army through your own inaction.

He was warned not to fund these very questionable Rebel groups in Syria. This is the awful Blow Back on that. Pretty shocking he just demanded another $500 Million in Tax Dollars for Syrian Rebels. Talk about Double-Downing on insanity? Yikes.

Warned by whom? Since it was McCain that led the operation of arming the Syrian rebels...
Please show me where I supported bombing Libya or intervening in Syria. We need to stay out of that area, every time we "fix" something it just creates another issue.

I didn't say anything about you. I asked if Obama was "paranoid"

Guess you're not going to answer.

How would anyone know but Oblama? Ask him..

Ask him if he's paranoid? How does that work exactly? If he's paranoid, by definition he won't think he's paranoid since he thinks his paranoid feelings are reasonable.
Why are you ignoring the fact that Obama could have stopped ISIS? WHY? He could have easily targeted & destroyed all the military assets they now posess. Why did he bomb Libya, who was not posing a threat to us but ignore those who are a threat? And why the fuck would you excuse that?

Why is every problem that pops up in the world the responsibility of the United States? Let someone else deal with them. ISIS is not a threat to us.
[ame=]Ostrich - Head in the sand - YouTube[/ame]

Let me see if I understand your video to the topic. An army that could have been beat by a simple drone strike is now a threat to the USA? Are you suggesting ISIS is further along than say North Korea with military power and capabilities? ISIS exists as it does today because of American funding in the first place...

Honest question.
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