ISIS Now Have Kurds in Cages, Paraded Thru Iraq

nope----you and BBC kinda misconstrued. The Jihadist that they describe
as BEING THERE are the TALIBUGS----they are the fighters against USSR---
AL-q benefitted from US help only thru its association with the TALIBUGS as
"FREEDOM FIGHTERS" against the USSR. in the 1980s

We funded pashtun fighters, not outsider arabs in Afghanistan....prog liars don't know the difference or much of anything about anything other than being queer-bait racists. bin-Laden never got a dime from the CIA nor did the taliban...we funded the Northern Alliance.
CLINTON gave us 9/11 and no ARAB jihadist ever got a dime from the CIA. You're a fucking liar and a stooge for America hating leftist cowards.
BS. Thanks for denying reality and blaming a President that has nothing at all to do with it. No wonder I prefer listening to Ron Paul, one of the sane voices left in the Republican party.
Well look who you are discussing with.....the human cigarette....It wasn't just Central Asian terrorist but Central American right winged militia's that killed and tortured also...during that period....
Yep. A joyous period of mass murder in the name of 'supporting democracyTM'.* Then they accuse Clinton of enabling 9/11, even though virtually all of his Presidency was engaged in putting an end to wars.

*Side effects may include: Believing deposing democratic governments and putting in place dictators, is 'creating democracy'.
Just like Kuwait has been in dispute between Iraq and Kuwait since it became a nation...the borders were created by Europeans for European is not surprising after the Brits allowed Israel to exist, that the Arabs would turn anti-Western...

BS ---all that "it ain't our fault----WESTERN COLONIALISM DID IT
Still haven't learned from 2008 have you? The anti-war movement won the argument, and eventually the Democrats got both Houses on account of the mess that was Iraq and GITMO. Then Obama got elected, again on promises to close GITMO and get us out of Iraq. You are still living in 2003.
Still haven't learned from 2008 have you? The anti-war movement won the argument, and eventually the Democrats got both Houses on account of the mess that was Iraq and GITMO. Then Obama got elected, again on promises to close GITMO and get us out of Iraq. You are still living in 2003.

GITMO is still open, although Barry is now trading terrorists for a deserter or "time served". Obozo now has to go back into Iraq after losing a war that was won. He's also lost Afghanistan. 2008 was about the biggest con job in the history of the world....putting a Kenyan ACTOR in the WH to destroy our economy and healthcare. Enjoy it while it lasts....he could well end up in Leavenworth.
Still haven't learned from 2008 have you? The anti-war movement won the argument, and eventually the Democrats got both Houses on account of the mess that was Iraq and GITMO. Then Obama got elected, again on promises to close GITMO and get us out of Iraq. You are still living in 2003.

GITMO is still open, although Barry is now trading terrorists for a deserter or "time served". Obozo now has to go back into Iraq after losing a war that was won. He's also lost Afghanistan. 2008 was about the biggest con job in the history of the world....putting a Kenyan ACTOR in the WH to destroy our economy and healthcare. Enjoy it while it lasts....he could well end up in Leavenworth.
Obama didn't 'lose Afghanistan', lol. Iraq was lost well before Obama got elected, and had the sense to get us out of there.
If I'm an 'idiot' then clearly you're high on something. Maybe the war jingo is still on, and manifest destiny is what drives your Sundays.

You're sub-idiot....a brain-dead loser who gets his "news" from the Daley show and Huffy don't understand politics, geo-politics. or warfare. Your work here is embarrassing to the public schools that hatched you.
I have a hard time believing this.
Why? They are just copycating what they saw of torture in Iraq and Guantaumino Bay. Isis so far has been all about reaching new depths of brutality and inhumanity, to be the most evil terrorist group ever is their goal.

We did not behead or burn alive anyone.

Some white trash bitch that enlisted because she couldn't get a job put some stinky panties over some fuckin' woman fearing Muslim and some guards scared some with dogs, which they irrationally fear like women, and a few got mildly waterboarded.

Only a big deal to libs because Bush was President.

This President drones children in ineffective token resistance to ISIS, and not a peep from the left.
And? Torture isn't acceptable, nor are drone strikes. There was plenty of 'peeps' from the left especially from Amnesty International.
You are a leftist drone.

Just STFU about torture.

You don't know jack shit.
And you're a rightist drone who refuses to acknowledge the truth.

Worst yet, many of your fellow rightists actually advocate sending American ground troops to the ME to needlessly die.

And of course that's the point of this and similar threads – to create a false perception concerning ISIS to sell yet another failed war to the American people.
BS. Thanks for denying reality and blaming a President that has nothing at all to do with it. No wonder I prefer listening to Ron Paul, one of the sane voices left in the Republican party.
Well look who you are discussing with.....the human cigarette....It wasn't just Central Asian terrorist but Central American right winged militia's that killed and tortured also...during that period....
Yep. A joyous period of mass murder in the name of 'supporting democracyTM'.* Then they accuse Clinton of enabling 9/11, even though virtually all of his Presidency was engaged in putting an end to wars.

*Side effects may include: Believing deposing democratic governments and putting in place dictators, is 'creating democracy'.
Just like Kuwait has been in dispute between Iraq and Kuwait since it became a nation...the borders were created by Europeans for European is not surprising after the Brits allowed Israel to exist, that the Arabs would turn anti-Western...

BS ---all that "it ain't our fault----WESTERN COLONIALISM DID IT
Still haven't learned from 2008 have you? The anti-war movement won the argument, and eventually the Democrats got both Houses on account of the mess that was Iraq and GITMO. Then Obama got elected, again on promises to close GITMO and get us out of Iraq. You are still living in 2003.

What arguement? "getting out of there" is not--- "WESTERN IMPERIALISM
If I'm an 'idiot' then clearly you're high on something. Maybe the war jingo is still on, and manifest destiny is what drives your Sundays.

You're sub-idiot....a brain-dead loser who gets his "news" from the Daley show and Huffy don't understand politics, geo-politics. or warfare. Your work here is embarrassing to the public schools that hatched you.
Eh? Public schools. I had private tutors, and entered a school system that worked in another country. As you, there is no saving you from being a Fox News tin foil junkie, who trades partisan barbs for blow jobs from Romney and the ww3 cheerleading squad.
And you're a rightist drone who refuses to acknowledge the truth.

Worst yet, many of your fellow rightists actually advocate sending American ground troops to the ME to needlessly die.

And of course that's the point of this and similar threads – to create a false perception concerning ISIS to sell yet another failed war to the American people.

You'd prefer losing another 3,000 office workers like Clinturd did on 9/11 when he could have taken bin-Laden into custody twice but didn't? You'd prefer suicide bombers in our shopping malls? You've never served so shut your stinking mouth about "unnecessary" wars you piece of's creeps like you causing the messes we have to go clean up...
Eh? Public schools. I had private tutors, and entered a school system that worked in another country. As you, there is no saving you from being a Fox News tin foil junkie, who trades partisan barbs for blow jobs from Romney and the ww3 cheerleading squad.

So you were born with a silver spoon shoved up your ass in some other country?
Well look who you are discussing with.....the human cigarette....It wasn't just Central Asian terrorist but Central American right winged militia's that killed and tortured also...during that period....
Yep. A joyous period of mass murder in the name of 'supporting democracyTM'.* Then they accuse Clinton of enabling 9/11, even though virtually all of his Presidency was engaged in putting an end to wars.

*Side effects may include: Believing deposing democratic governments and putting in place dictators, is 'creating democracy'.
Just like Kuwait has been in dispute between Iraq and Kuwait since it became a nation...the borders were created by Europeans for European is not surprising after the Brits allowed Israel to exist, that the Arabs would turn anti-Western...

BS ---all that "it ain't our fault----WESTERN COLONIALISM DID IT
Still haven't learned from 2008 have you? The anti-war movement won the argument, and eventually the Democrats got both Houses on account of the mess that was Iraq and GITMO. Then Obama got elected, again on promises to close GITMO and get us out of Iraq. You are still living in 2003.

What arguement? "getting out of there" is not--- "WESTERN IMPERIALISM
Lol. Of course it is, without us 'invading their countries, killing their leaders, and converting them to Christianity', we wouldn't be in the same mess. A lot of those countries would have democratic governments, just like Iraq and Iran used to have before we played around with the ME.
Just looks fake, give them nice clean little orange jumpsuits and put them in a cage. What is the purpose of them showing these videos? Why would they? To instill fear in us. Usually an enemy doesn't want you to know what they are up to. Its propaganda to instill fear in us, and create hatred for all Muslims in my opinion, and it seems to be working. the media has always been used to alter or thinking. Who says they are kurds, who are the men behind the masks? What have you actually seen, Hollywood.
Eh? Public schools. I had private tutors, and entered a school system that worked in another country. As you, there is no saving you from being a Fox News tin foil junkie, who trades partisan barbs for blow jobs from Romney and the ww3 cheerleading squad.

So you were born with a silver spoon shoved up your ass in some other country?
If you were born watching anti-commie propaganda.
Yep. A joyous period of mass murder in the name of 'supporting democracyTM'.* Then they accuse Clinton of enabling 9/11, even though virtually all of his Presidency was engaged in putting an end to wars.

*Side effects may include: Believing deposing democratic governments and putting in place dictators, is 'creating democracy'.
Just like Kuwait has been in dispute between Iraq and Kuwait since it became a nation...the borders were created by Europeans for European is not surprising after the Brits allowed Israel to exist, that the Arabs would turn anti-Western...

BS ---all that "it ain't our fault----WESTERN COLONIALISM DID IT
Still haven't learned from 2008 have you? The anti-war movement won the argument, and eventually the Democrats got both Houses on account of the mess that was Iraq and GITMO. Then Obama got elected, again on promises to close GITMO and get us out of Iraq. You are still living in 2003.

What arguement? "getting out of there" is not--- "WESTERN IMPERIALISM
Lol. Of course it is, without us 'invading their countries, killing their leaders, and converting them to Christianity', we wouldn't be in the same mess. A lot of those countries would have democratic governments, just like Iraq and Iran used to have before we played around with the ME.

Just like Iraq and Iran had-----WHEN????
Just looks fake, give them nice clean little orange jumpsuits and put them in a cage. What is the purpose of them showing these videos? Why would they? To instill fear in us. Usually an enemy doesn't want you to know what they are up to. Its propaganda to instill fear in us, and create hatred for all Muslims in my opinion, and it seems to be working. the media has always been used to alter or thinking. Who says they are kurds, who are the men behind the masks? What have you actually seen, Hollywood.
Probably could be fake, and is definitely propaganda. But nothing really new, considering they already have tried genocide and beheadings. Treating their captives less humanely has always been the goal of ISIS.
"In 630, Muslims conquered Mecca. Muhammad died in June 632. The Battle of Yamama was fought in December of the same year, between the forces of the first caliph Abu Bakr and Musailima."

What did they use to draw support back in the 630's?

No actual torture happened, and it wasn't policy. In fact the humiliation abuse was against army policy, which is why the army was investigating it as a crime. The Army Times broke the story, not the liberal media. It wasn't until photos were released that it became a big story. The facts don't line up with the narrative that it was systematic torture policy along with a cover up, if the Army itself was investigating it at the time.

So I will ask again, got any actual proof of torture? You mentioned Gitmo, what torture happened there?
Lol. You realize that even if torture takes place it is denied right? If you want proof visit the amnesty international website or human rights watch, or watch RT if you want a foreign government.

In other words you have no actual proof, it is just what you want to believe, so you can go on blaming the US for all the world's ills.

Carry on, dipshit.
Carry on advocating torture and war, asshole. ISIS got this idea from GITMO, if you hadn't cheerleaded for war in Iraq, there would be no ISIS . You don't have a monopoly on swearing, you know. Thanks for highlighting your hypocrisy.

ISIS isn't that stupid.
Why stupid? ISIS is using alleged abuses to draw support, and in the eyes of its supporters they are taking revenge for 'slights against Muslims', which is ironic (in a disturbing kind of way) considering how many Muslims ISIS has killed.
If you were born watching anti-commie propaganda.

I'm a Viet Vet shithead....I've seen communism in wouldn't care for it in person...they tend to murder your kind once you're no longer useful.
I didn't need to see communism in action. North Vietnam was a home grown communist dictatorship, and the South was a foreign influenced one. Dictatorships suck, period.

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