ISIS Now Have Kurds in Cages, Paraded Thru Iraq

In other words you have no actual proof, it is just what you want to believe, so you can go on blaming the US for all the world's ills.

Carry on, dipshit.
Carry on advocating torture and war, asshole. ISIS got this idea from GITMO, if you hadn't cheerleaded for war in Iraq, there would be no ISIS . You don't have a monopoly on swearing, you know. Thanks for highlighting your hypocrisy.

ISIS isn't that stupid.
Why stupid? ISIS is using alleged abuses to draw support, and in the eyes of its supporters they are taking revenge for 'slights against Muslims', which is ironic (in a disturbing kind of way) considering how many Muslims ISIS has killed.

Islamic terrorists used these sorts of things long before there was a USA.

Get real
Not in this manner, then they didn't have alleged torture abuses to 'avenge' before we got into Iraq and made a mess of GITMO.

They've used that SAME excuse for centuries.

That's what barbarians do.
ISIS isn't that stupid.
Why stupid? ISIS is using alleged abuses to draw support, and in the eyes of its supporters they are taking revenge for 'slights against Muslims', which is ironic (in a disturbing kind of way) considering how many Muslims ISIS has killed.

Islamic terrorists used these sorts of things long before there was a USA.

Get real
Not in this manner, then they didn't have alleged torture abuses to 'avenge' before we got into Iraq and made a mess of GITMO.

bs. Learn some history
BS. Learn some reality, preferably historical reality.

History that you choose to ignore

Why stupid? ISIS is using alleged abuses to draw support, and in the eyes of its supporters they are taking revenge for 'slights against Muslims', which is ironic (in a disturbing kind of way) considering how many Muslims ISIS has killed.

Islamic terrorists used these sorts of things long before there was a USA.

Get real
Not in this manner, then they didn't have alleged torture abuses to 'avenge' before we got into Iraq and made a mess of GITMO.

bs. Learn some history
BS. Learn some reality, preferably historical reality.

History that you choose to ignore

History clearly doesn't matter to you. Comparing Gengius Khan to ISIS is bizarre, if not totally inaccurate. Just don't do it if you visit Mongolia, and parts of Asia.
Just looks fake, give them nice clean little orange jumpsuits and put them in a cage. What is the purpose of them showing these videos? Why would they? To instill fear in us. Usually an enemy doesn't want you to know what they are up to. Its propaganda to instill fear in us, and create hatred for all Muslims in my opinion, and it seems to be working. the media has always been used to alter or thinking. Who says they are kurds, who are the men behind the masks? What have you actually seen, Hollywood.
Probably could be fake, and is definitely propaganda. But nothing really new, considering they already have tried genocide and beheadings. Treating their captives less humanely has always been the goal of ISIS.
It's also the goal of ISIS to lure gullible Americans into attacking them; ISIS clearly wants American ground troops in Syria and Iraq to justify their anti-West, anti-American rhetoric.

This propaganda is intended for an American audience to provoke anger and outrage they hope will facilitate an expanded American military response.

Needless to say most of those gullible Americans are conservatives.
Islamic terrorists used these sorts of things long before there was a USA.

Get real
Not in this manner, then they didn't have alleged torture abuses to 'avenge' before we got into Iraq and made a mess of GITMO.

bs. Learn some history
BS. Learn some reality, preferably historical reality.

History that you choose to ignore

History clearly doesn't matter to you. Comparing Gengius Khan to ISIS is bizarre, if not totally inaccurate. Just don't do it if you visit Mongolia, and parts of Asia.

Ignoring the obvious is a progressive trait. You do it so well
Carry on advocating torture and war, asshole. ISIS got this idea from GITMO, if you hadn't cheerleaded for war in Iraq, there would be no ISIS . You don't have a monopoly on swearing, you know. Thanks for highlighting your hypocrisy.

ISIS isn't that stupid.
Why stupid? ISIS is using alleged abuses to draw support, and in the eyes of its supporters they are taking revenge for 'slights against Muslims', which is ironic (in a disturbing kind of way) considering how many Muslims ISIS has killed.

Islamic terrorists used these sorts of things long before there was a USA.

Get real
Not in this manner, then they didn't have alleged torture abuses to 'avenge' before we got into Iraq and made a mess of GITMO.

They've used that SAME excuse for centuries.

That's what barbarians do.
Define barbarian, as your ancestors were barbarians once too. One side of my family was building temples, roads and studying mathematics; while yours was prancing around nude with war paint. Barbarian is a very vague, and incorrect description, barbarians aren't inherently 'savage' or 'inhumane', so I wouldn't use that term in reference to the actions of ISIS.
So the graves they have found are all fake as well, right. Are you really that daft? Or are you just in denial?
BBC News - Islamic State militants burn to death 45 in Iraq
Islamic State militants 'burn to death 45 in Iraq'

Just looks fake, give them nice clean little orange jumpsuits and put them in a cage. What is the purpose of them showing these videos? Why would they? To instill fear in us. Usually an enemy doesn't want you to know what they are up to. Its propaganda to instill fear in us, and create hatred for all Muslims in my opinion, and it seems to be working. the media has always been used to alter or thinking. Who says they are kurds, who are the men behind the masks? What have you actually seen, Hollywood.
Allen West Republic, seems to have the inside scoop.
ISIS isn't that stupid.
Why stupid? ISIS is using alleged abuses to draw support, and in the eyes of its supporters they are taking revenge for 'slights against Muslims', which is ironic (in a disturbing kind of way) considering how many Muslims ISIS has killed.

Islamic terrorists used these sorts of things long before there was a USA.

Get real
Not in this manner, then they didn't have alleged torture abuses to 'avenge' before we got into Iraq and made a mess of GITMO.

They've used that SAME excuse for centuries.

That's what barbarians do.
Define barbarian, as your ancestors were barbarians once too. One side of my family was building temples, roads and studying mathematics; while yours was prancing around nude with war paint. Barbarian is a very vague, and incorrect description, barbarians aren't inherently 'savage' or 'inhumane', so I wouldn't use that term in reference to the actions of ISIS.

Ahhhhh, this is 2015, not 315 AD.

being a barbarian today is far different today.

Nice deflection though
I have a hard time believing this.
Why? They are just copycating what they saw of torture in Iraq and Guantaumino Bay. Isis so far has been all about reaching new depths of brutality and inhumanity, to be the most evil terrorist group ever is their goal.
Of course, everything is George W's fault.

You dumbfucks really need to get a life.

Camp Bucca is the birthplace of ISIS. It was NOT opened by Clinton or Obama. Us dumbfucks know how to pay attention.

How the Islamic State evolved in an American prison

How the Islamic State evolved in an American prison - The Washington Post

In all, nine members of the Islamic State’s top command did time at Bucca,according to the terrorism research firm Soufan Group. Apart from Baghdadi himself, who spent five years there, his deputy, Abu Muslim al-Turkmani, as well as senior military leader Haji Bakr, now deceased, and the leader of foreign fighters, Abu Qasim, were incarcerated there, Soufansaid. Though it’s likely that the men were extremists when they entered Bucca, the group added, it’s certain they were when they left.

“Before their detention, Mr. al-Baghdadi and others were violent radicals, intent on attacking America,” wrote military veteran Andrew Thompson and academic Jeremi Suri in the New York Times this month. “Their time in prison deepened their extremism and gave them opportunities to broaden their following. … The prisons became virtual terrorist universities: The hardened radicals were the professors, the other detainees were the students, and the prison authorities played the role of absent custodian.”
“Before their detention, Mr. al-Baghdadi and others were violent radicals, intent on attacking America,”

I have a hard time believing this.
Why? They are just copycating what they saw of torture in Iraq and Guantaumino Bay. Isis so far has been all about reaching new depths of brutality and inhumanity, to be the most evil terrorist group ever is their goal.
Of course, everything is George W's fault.

You dumbfucks really need to get a life.

Camp Bucca is the birthplace of ISIS. It was NOT opened by Clinton or Obama. Us dumbfucks know how to pay attention.

How the Islamic State evolved in an American prison

How the Islamic State evolved in an American prison - The Washington Post

In all, nine members of the Islamic State’s top command did time at Bucca,according to the terrorism research firm Soufan Group. Apart from Baghdadi himself, who spent five years there, his deputy, Abu Muslim al-Turkmani, as well as senior military leader Haji Bakr, now deceased, and the leader of foreign fighters, Abu Qasim, were incarcerated there, Soufansaid. Though it’s likely that the men were extremists when they entered Bucca, the group added, it’s certain they were when they left.

“Before their detention, Mr. al-Baghdadi and others were violent radicals, intent on attacking America,” wrote military veteran Andrew Thompson and academic Jeremi Suri in the New York Times this month. “Their time in prison deepened their extremism and gave them opportunities to broaden their following. … The prisons became virtual terrorist universities: The hardened radicals were the professors, the other detainees were the students, and the prison authorities played the role of absent custodian.”
Got an example of this torture policy being used?
Sure you saw this reported at least once: Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

No actual torture happened, and it wasn't policy. In fact the humiliation abuse was against army policy, which is why the army was investigating it as a crime. The Army Times broke the story, not the liberal media. It wasn't until photos were released that it became a big story. The facts don't line up with the narrative that it was systematic torture policy along with a cover up, if the Army itself was investigating it at the time.

So I will ask again, got any actual proof of torture? You mentioned Gitmo, what torture happened there?
Lol. You realize that even if torture takes place it is denied right? If you want proof visit the amnesty international website or human rights watch, or watch RT if you want a foreign government.

In other words you have no actual proof, it is just what you want to believe, so you can go on blaming the US for all the world's ills.

Carry on, dipshit.
Carry on advocating torture and war, asshole. ISIS got this idea from GITMO, if you hadn't cheerleaded for war in Iraq, there would be no ISIS . You don't have a monopoly on swearing, you know. Thanks for highlighting your hypocrisy.

Oh right, Muslims wouldn't be slaughtering non-Muslims and rival faction Muslims if we never went into Iraq. You know, because Muslims haven't been doing that for 1400 years.

It is obvious they got the idea for orange jumpsuits from Gitmo, but it is meant for idiots like you. Idiots that are more than happy to blame the US for everything, idiots that are more than happy to defend them over the US. It's idiots like you that show them that their propaganda is working.

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