ISIS on the verge of taking Ramadi...Thank you Obama

Feel better?
I sponsor 2 Wounded Warriors who got their Purple Hearts in Ramadi. They don't feel better, creep.

Eat shit. When were they wounded? Was that Obama's fault too?

He's doing it through the "Wounded Warrior" campaign that is televised. So he sends a check every month, for about $10 and feels better, exactly.
Not at all, shitbird. I visit them, drive them to appointments and take care of administrative matters plus attending their counseling sessions. Believe it or not I am a Wounded Warrior myself. We depend on one another and not depend on shitbirds.
Ramadi falls,It seems like Iraqi forces are doing more "fleeing" than anything:eusa_eh:...

Key Iraqi City Falls to ISIS as Last of Security Forces Flee


BAGHDAD — The last Iraqi security forces fled the provincial capital of Ramadi on Sunday, as the city fell completely to the militants of the Islamic State, who ransacked the provincial military headquarters, seizing a large store of weapons, and carried out executions of people loyal to the government, according to security officials and tribal leaders.

The fall of Ramadi to the Islamic State, despite intensified American airstrikes in recent weeks in a bid to save the city, represented the biggest victory so far this year for the extremist group, which has declared a caliphate, or Islamic state, in the vast areas of Syria and Iraq that it controls. The fall of Ramadi also laid bare the failed strategy of the Iraqi government, which had announced last month a new offensive to retake Anbar Province, a vast desert region in the west of which Ramadi is the capital. The city has fallen,” said Muhannad Haimour, the spokesman for Anbar’s governor. Mr. Haimour said that at least 500 civilians and security personnel had been killed over the last two days in and around Ramadi, either from fighting or executions. Among the dead, he said, was the 3-year-old daughter of a soldier.
Yep. Abandoning tanks and heavy weapons just like in Mosul. The Iraqi army is a awful joke, awful due to all the wasted effort training them and providing them arms - not to mention human suffering due to ISIS.

That they just give up, proves one or more of the following:

- They are underpaid (however true patriots don't run away when their nation's survival is at stake).
- The training was inadequate, and they were totally unprepared for suicide attacks and other terrorist tactics.
- They are totally undisciplined, and have no organization whatsoever.
- They are totally demoralized, and the Iraqi army is incapable of holding ground, even with US air support.

It is obvious that the militias and the Kurds, are the only groups really holding the line, while the Iraqi army just retreats.

Ramadi falls,It seems like Iraqi forces are doing more "fleeing" than anything:eusa_eh:...

Key Iraqi City Falls to ISIS as Last of Security Forces Flee


BAGHDAD — The last Iraqi security forces fled the provincial capital of Ramadi on Sunday, as the city fell completely to the militants of the Islamic State, who ransacked the provincial military headquarters, seizing a large store of weapons, and carried out executions of people loyal to the government, according to security officials and tribal leaders.

The fall of Ramadi to the Islamic State, despite intensified American airstrikes in recent weeks in a bid to save the city, represented the biggest victory so far this year for the extremist group, which has declared a caliphate, or Islamic state, in the vast areas of Syria and Iraq that it controls. The fall of Ramadi also laid bare the failed strategy of the Iraqi government, which had announced last month a new offensive to retake Anbar Province, a vast desert region in the west of which Ramadi is the capital. The city has fallen,” said Muhannad Haimour, the spokesman for Anbar’s governor. Mr. Haimour said that at least 500 civilians and security personnel had been killed over the last two days in and around Ramadi, either from fighting or executions. Among the dead, he said, was the 3-year-old daughter of a soldier.
Yep. Abandoning tanks and heavy weapons just like in Mosul. The Iraqi army is a awful joke, awful due to all the wasted effort training them and providing them arms - not to mention human suffering due to ISIS.

That they just give up, proves one or more of the following:

- They are underpaid (however true patriots don't run away when their nation's survival is at stake).
- The training was inadequate, and they were totally unprepared for suicide attacks and other terrorist tactics.
- They are totally undisciplined, and have no organization whatsoever.
- They are totally demoralized, and the Iraqi army is incapable of holding ground, even with US air support.

It is obvious that the militias and the Kurds, are the only groups really holding the line, while the Iraqi army just retreats.

Obama should have sent heavy weapons to the Kurds... He hasn't. The Iraqi military has been cleansed of good Sunni leadership by Maliki
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Feel better?
I sponsor 2 Wounded Warriors who got their Purple Hearts in Ramadi. They don't feel better, creep.

Eat shit. When were they wounded? Was that Obama's fault too?

He's doing it through the "Wounded Warrior" campaign that is televised. So he sends a check every month, for about $10 and feels better, exactly.
Not at all, shitbird. I visit them, drive them to appointments and take care of administrative matters plus attending their counseling sessions. Believe it or not I am a Wounded Warrior myself. We depend on one another and not depend on shitbirds.
NOT is the usual partisan hack, and only appreciates ex-soldiers that go on their knees and beg Saint Michael Moore for forgiveness for 'fighting for Dick Cheney and big oil'.

NOT can't understand that even though Saint Obama and his drones, spread joy across the land, the Muslims don't love him.
Iran a leader in Obama's Iraq

Iran-aligned Shiite militias gather to join fight against Islamic State gains

BAGHDAD —Iranian-aligned Shiite militias readied Monday to join Iraqi government forces seeking to regroup after Islamic State militants staged a stunning advance that left them in control of the key city of Ramadi and potential routes toward Baghdad.

The addition of the Shiite factions added important firepower for an expected counter offensive, but it also raised sensitive sectarian and political issues in the Sunni heartland of Anbar Province west of Baghdad.

The Shiite groups have played a role in previous battles against the Islamic State, including helping drive out the militants from the important city of Tikrit last month. Yet some Sunni tribal leaders have been wary of battlefield alliances with the Shiite fighters.

Washington, meanwhile, faces another complicated strategic equation of indirectly siding with the Tehran-aided militiamen — which once battled U.S. troops after the 2003 invasion.

In further sign of Iran’s deep involvement in Iraq, the Iranian defense minister, Brig. Gen. Hossein Dehqan, arrived for talks Monday in Baghdad even as Iraqi forces plotted how to reclaim Ramadi, just 80 miles to the west.

Iran-aligned Shiite militias gather to join fight against Islamic State gains - The Washington Post
How in the fuck is this Obama's fault? George W. Lush, that moronic fool, went into Iraq, dismantled the country, caused thousands of innocent and american's to die and for what? A gotdamned lie and now that the middle east which by the way will NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER BE A DEMOCRATIZED NATION, let alone civilized...when you got parents encouraging their kids to be suicide bombers and the kids cool with it???????????????, YOU WANT TO BLAME THE PRESIDENT? This is Bush's war, will always be Bush's war and he alone, not OBama will carry the shame and burden on his fuckin back to the fuckin grave.

How in the fuck is this Obama's fault? George W. Lush, that moronic fool, went into Iraq, dismantled the country, caused thousands of innocent and american's to die and for what? A gotdamned lie and now that the middle east which by the way will NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER BE A DEMOCRATIZED NATION, let alone civilized...when you got parents encouraging their kids to be suicide bombers and the kids cool with it???????????????, YOU WANT TO BLAME THE PRESIDENT? This is Bush's war, will always be Bush's war and he alone, not OBama will carry the shame and burden on his fuckin back to the fuckin grave.

Reagan, Bush Sr, Bush Jr, and Obama all carry the shame of messing up the Middle East. The victims of drone strikes, Al Qaeda, and of ISIS, would disagree with you that it wasn't America's fault.

Who is the commander and chief right now? Not Bush. So blaming Bush, for Obama's regime changing game in Syria, is rather pathetic.
How in the hell is this Obama's fault? George W. Lush, that moronic fool, went into Iraq, dismantled the country, caused thousands of innocent and american's to die and for what? A gotdamned lie and now that the middle east which by the way will NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER BE A DEMOCRATIZED NATION, let alone civilized...when you got parents encouraging their kids to be suicide bombers and the kids cool with it???????????????, YOU WANT TO BLAME THE PRESIDENT? This is Bush's war, will always be Bush's war and he alone, not OBama will carry the shame and burden on his frickin back to the frickin grave.

Reagan, Bush Sr, Bush Jr, and Obama all carry the shame of messing up the Middle East. The victims of drone strikes, Al Qaeda, and of ISIS, would disagree with you that it wasn't America's fault.

Who is the commander and chief right now? Not Bush. So blaming Bush, for Obama's regime changing game in Syria, is rather pathetic.

Every single conservative to date, encourages this war to continue, they all do. Obama wanted to get out, but played politics. No, Bush will own this war and most people that I speak too agree.
Reagan, Bush Sr, Bush Jr, and Obama all carry the shame of messing up the Middle East. The victims of drone strikes, Al Qaeda, and of ISIS, would disagree with you that it wasn't America's fault.

Who is the commander and chief right now? Not Bush. So blaming Bush, for Obama's regime changing game in Syria, is rather pathetic.

Every single conservative to date, encourages this war to continue, they all do. Obama wanted to get out, but played politics. No, Bush will own this war and most people that I speak too agree.
Who do you speak to that's smarter than everyone in government and the military? The guys sitting on the steps drinking T-Bird and Kool-Aid from a brown paper bag?
Obama's Iraq taking hold:mad:

Islamic State crisis: Militants seize Ramadi stronghold

Islamic State militants have seized the main government building in Ramadi, the capital of Iraq's largest province

As many as six suicide car bombs and mortars were used in the assault on the compound that houses the main police HQ and governor's office.

At least 50 police officers are reported to have been taken prisoner at the site.

IS and Iraqi troops have been battling for months to take control of the strategically important Anbar province.

This latest attack comes a day after Islamic State put out an audio message it claimed was from its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,who Iraq had said was seriously wounded in a coalition air strike in March.

The White House said on Friday US Vice-President Joe Biden had spoken to Iraq's PM Haidar al-Abadi and pledged to deliver heavy weaponry, including shoulder-held rockets and additional ammunition, as well as supplies to the Iraqi forces.

Execution fears
IS militants launched their raid on Ramadi overnight, driving suicide car bombs into the compound housing a number of government buildings.

At least 10 police officers were killed and dozens of others wounded in the attack, officials said.

Islamic State crisis Militants seize Ramadi stronghold - BBC News

Seems to me ISIS is doing what we ourselves tried to do. Twice. But failed. So all the annimosity towards them seem hypocritical to say the least.
Reagan, Bush Sr, Bush Jr, and Obama all carry the shame of messing up the Middle East. The victims of drone strikes, Al Qaeda, and of ISIS, would disagree with you that it wasn't America's fault.

Who is the commander and chief right now? Not Bush. So blaming Bush, for Obama's regime changing game in Syria, is rather pathetic.

Every single conservative to date, encourages this war to continue, they all do. Obama wanted to get out, but played politics. No, Bush will own this war and most people that I speak too agree.

Bush won the war and your failed Messiah bungled it away. What is happening now? Obama owns it
Reagan, Bush Sr, Bush Jr, and Obama all carry the shame of messing up the Middle East. The victims of drone strikes, Al Qaeda, and of ISIS, would disagree with you that it wasn't America's fault.

Who is the commander and chief right now? Not Bush. So blaming Bush, for Obama's regime changing game in Syria, is rather pathetic.

Every single conservative to date, encourages this war to continue, they all do. Obama wanted to get out, but played politics. No, Bush will own this war and most people that I speak too agree.

Bush won the war and your failed Messiah bungled it away. What is happening now? Obama owns it
Are you implying that Herr General Feldmarshall Obmamma is another General Jubilation T. Cornpone?
Reagan, Bush Sr, Bush Jr, and Obama all carry the shame of messing up the Middle East. The victims of drone strikes, Al Qaeda, and of ISIS, would disagree with you that it wasn't America's fault.

Who is the commander and chief right now? Not Bush. So blaming Bush, for Obama's regime changing game in Syria, is rather pathetic.

Every single conservative to date, encourages this war to continue, they all do. Obama wanted to get out, but played politics. No, Bush will own this war and most people that I speak too agree.

Bush won the war and your failed Messiah bungled it away. What is happening now? Obama owns it
Are you implying that Herr General Feldmarshall Obmamma is another General Jubilation T. Cornpone?

Pretty much....that and an unmitigated disaster
Obama's Iraq taking hold:mad:

Islamic State crisis: Militants seize Ramadi stronghold

Islamic State militants have seized the main government building in Ramadi, the capital of Iraq's largest province

As many as six suicide car bombs and mortars were used in the assault on the compound that houses the main police HQ and governor's office.

At least 50 police officers are reported to have been taken prisoner at the site.

IS and Iraqi troops have been battling for months to take control of the strategically important Anbar province.

This latest attack comes a day after Islamic State put out an audio message it claimed was from its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,who Iraq had said was seriously wounded in a coalition air strike in March.

The White House said on Friday US Vice-President Joe Biden had spoken to Iraq's PM Haidar al-Abadi and pledged to deliver heavy weaponry, including shoulder-held rockets and additional ammunition, as well as supplies to the Iraqi forces.

Execution fears
IS militants launched their raid on Ramadi overnight, driving suicide car bombs into the compound housing a number of government buildings.

At least 10 police officers were killed and dozens of others wounded in the attack, officials said.

Islamic State crisis Militants seize Ramadi stronghold - BBC News

Seems to me ISIS is doing what we ourselves tried to do. Twice. But failed. So all the annimosity towards them seem hypocritical to say the least.
ok Ill mark you as a supporter:uhoh3:
Bush won the war and your failed Messiah bungled it away. What is happening now? Obama owns it

George "but, but" Boosh won the war, without any help, found the WMD, shot Bin Laden and fixed all of our problems in the middle east?

the war in Iraq was won. We should have built a military base there like we have always done when we win a war, and defeat an enemy, but Obama pulled out as Biden claimed Iraq would be a "great achievement".. Maybe it is in the eye's of Obama?:dunno:

[QUOTE="Jroc, post: 11424477, member: 25505"the war in Iraq was won. We should have built a military base there like we have always done when we win a war, and defeat an enemy, but Obama pulled out as Biden claimed Iraq would be a "great achievement".. Maybe it is in the eye's of Obama?:dunno:

Aside from wasting 800 billion dollars, what exactly did we win?

We get the right to run a shithole of a country with no remaining sewer system?


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