ISIS on the verge of taking Ramadi...Thank you Obama

Of course not.
The reason George HW didn't go to Baghdad and rid the world of Saddam, was the fear of a civil war between the Shiite and the Sunni. George W was also warned prior to the invasion. After the invasion despite US troops, Iraq did have a civil war between the two groups. Maliki came to power and harassed and marginalize the Sunni and this was despite warnings from both W and O. Thus the civil war exploded and the creation of ISIS evolved.
Obama isn't exactly innocent either, he didn't take the ISIS too seriously at all. He acted like a spectator. What was he thinking? I guess he just plain didn't think at all.
In my mind we can blame three leaders, George W and Obama for their shortsightedness and lack of understanding the old wounds between the two, it was too big of a picture for those two presidential disasters.
As far as the withdrawal of the troops, Iraq wanted us out. It's that plain and simple. But once the ISIS started taking Iraqi land, well then things changed. Man, did they want us back then. They even agreed to immunity for our US troops for any crimes committed. That was a big turn-around.
But I think Maliki did the most to contribute to the creation of the ISIS by ignoring the very recent history of civil war. So why he stirred things up between the Sunni and Shiites, he must of thought that the Sunni were going to sit on their hands and take it?
Plus he was drunk with power. When he lost his re-election for Prime Minister, they had to pry his hands away from his title as Prime Minister.
Everybody is just loving pointing the fingers. I suggest both sides look within their own party and leaders.
Why is that partisans don't have the balls to look critically at their own ideology? Neither side is perfect, actually both are quite imperfect and make mistake after mistake.
Iraq was stable until Obama fucked it up...and we win a war we keep a base there, that's how its done. Screw Maliki was an Iranian puppet anyway.

First of all, we left Iraq by following George W Bush's signed agreement.
I remember quite clearly that when the troops withdrawal was complete and Obama took credit, the right got all pissed off st Obama because it was Bush's time table not Obama's. Obama was wrong to take credit, I agreed with the right. Here's an article by Red State, this article echoed what was being said on USMB by posters from the right.
Iraq War ends on Bush’s schedule, not Obama’s
Iraq War ends on Bush s schedule not Obama s RedState

Then there's the body count of Iraqis killed by violence:

Iraq Body Count
Now, whether this count is 100% accurate, who knows. I do however, remember there were car bombs almost daily from Day 1 and continued, troops or no troops. I'm sure you can't disagree with me on that.
In the end, Iraq did slow down in violence and it continued until the ISIS started taking hold. As I stated in my earlier post, I put much of the violence on the shoulders of Maliki. He was even more ignorant and incompetent than W or O.

Obama was supposed to negotiate a status of forces agreement. He did want it, he never wanted it. He wanted out, now look what happened. Obama couldn't negotiate himself out of a paper bag and the world knows he'a a joke. Now he's "negotiating" with Iran. Yeah Iraq "one of Obama's greatest successes alright"

Obama followed the withdrawal the Bush-Maliki agreement and then took credit for the troops leaving Iraq, the right lost it when Obama made that claim. The right got really pissed of that he did make that claim as the linked article by Red State demonstrates. USMB was filled with threads pissing and moaning about Obama's claim, everybody thought (including myself) that Bush deserved the credit.
But when things went south in Iraq, those on the right acted and still act like it was Obama's fault. You folks sure changed your tune in a hurry, all of a sudden it was all Obama's fault, it's like Bush never involved with the troop withdrawal.
Why can't you folks man up and deal with reality and look at your own party/ideology for it's errors? This is a perfect example that partisans of all colors are so manipulated that they ignore the reality of their own ideologies/parties' mistakes. Ideologues are like little children, it's always somebody else's fault.
You will note that I don't put the blame on just one leader, Obama, Bush and Maliki all deserve to be blamed because facts say so.

I never said Bush wasn't a fuck up as well in some respects I'm certainly not a Bush slappy. I would also say however, if Bush were president ISIS wouldn't be what they are today A threat to the region that's i can say for certain

As the media loves to ask Jeb about Iraq....

...why won't they ask Bill's wife why she didn't quit when Obama pulled all troops out of Iraq...inviting ISIS in?
Iraq was stable until Obama fucked it up...and we win a war we keep a base there, that's how its done. Screw Maliki was an Iranian puppet anyway.

First of all, we left Iraq by following George W Bush's signed agreement.
I remember quite clearly that when the troops withdrawal was complete and Obama took credit, the right got all pissed off st Obama because it was Bush's time table not Obama's. Obama was wrong to take credit, I agreed with the right. Here's an article by Red State, this article echoed what was being said on USMB by posters from the right.
Iraq War ends on Bush’s schedule, not Obama’s
Iraq War ends on Bush s schedule not Obama s RedState

Then there's the body count of Iraqis killed by violence:

Iraq Body Count
Now, whether this count is 100% accurate, who knows. I do however, remember there were car bombs almost daily from Day 1 and continued, troops or no troops. I'm sure you can't disagree with me on that.
In the end, Iraq did slow down in violence and it continued until the ISIS started taking hold. As I stated in my earlier post, I put much of the violence on the shoulders of Maliki. He was even more ignorant and incompetent than W or O.

Obama was supposed to negotiate a status of forces agreement. He did want it, he never wanted it. He wanted out, now look what happened. Obama couldn't negotiate himself out of a paper bag and the world knows he'a a joke. Now he's "negotiating" with Iran. Yeah Iraq "one of Obama's greatest successes alright"

Obama followed the withdrawal the Bush-Maliki agreement and then took credit for the troops leaving Iraq, the right lost it when Obama made that claim. The right got really pissed of that he did make that claim as the linked article by Red State demonstrates. USMB was filled with threads pissing and moaning about Obama's claim, everybody thought (including myself) that Bush deserved the credit.
But when things went south in Iraq, those on the right acted and still act like it was Obama's fault. You folks sure changed your tune in a hurry, all of a sudden it was all Obama's fault, it's like Bush never involved with the troop withdrawal.
Why can't you folks man up and deal with reality and look at your own party/ideology for it's errors? This is a perfect example that partisans of all colors are so manipulated that they ignore the reality of their own ideologies/parties' mistakes. Ideologues are like little children, it's always somebody else's fault.
You will note that I don't put the blame on just one leader, Obama, Bush and Maliki all deserve to be blamed because facts say so.

I never said Bush wasn't a fuck up as well in some respects I'm certainly not a Bush slappy. I would also say however, if Bush were president ISIS wouldn't be what they are today A threat to the region that's i can say for certain

As the media loves to ask Jeb about Iraq....

...why won't they ask Bill's wife why she didn't quit when Obama pulled all troops out of Iraq...inviting ISIS in?
Where is Bill's wife anyway? She may be busy destroying documents or something:dunno:
Let's see, 14 years of the War on Terror and what do we got?

ISIS in all 50 States.

You think maybe the US Government ISNT fighting to win?

Or the REAL adversary is someone other than ISIS?

The REAL objective is something else?
Isis in all 50 states? You ARE "mad". Worse than man, insane.
Iraq was stable until Obama fucked it up...and we win a war we keep a base there, that's how its done. Screw Maliki was an Iranian puppet anyway.

First of all, we left Iraq by following George W Bush's signed agreement.
I remember quite clearly that when the troops withdrawal was complete and Obama took credit, the right got all pissed off st Obama because it was Bush's time table not Obama's. Obama was wrong to take credit, I agreed with the right. Here's an article by Red State, this article echoed what was being said on USMB by posters from the right.
Iraq War ends on Bush’s schedule, not Obama’s
Iraq War ends on Bush s schedule not Obama s RedState

Then there's the body count of Iraqis killed by violence:

Iraq Body Count
Now, whether this count is 100% accurate, who knows. I do however, remember there were car bombs almost daily from Day 1 and continued, troops or no troops. I'm sure you can't disagree with me on that.
In the end, Iraq did slow down in violence and it continued until the ISIS started taking hold. As I stated in my earlier post, I put much of the violence on the shoulders of Maliki. He was even more ignorant and incompetent than W or O.

Obama was supposed to negotiate a status of forces agreement. He did want it, he never wanted it. He wanted out, now look what happened. Obama couldn't negotiate himself out of a paper bag and the world knows he'a a joke. Now he's "negotiating" with Iran. Yeah Iraq "one of Obama's greatest successes alright"

Obama followed the withdrawal the Bush-Maliki agreement and then took credit for the troops leaving Iraq, the right lost it when Obama made that claim. The right got really pissed of that he did make that claim as the linked article by Red State demonstrates. USMB was filled with threads pissing and moaning about Obama's claim, everybody thought (including myself) that Bush deserved the credit.
But when things went south in Iraq, those on the right acted and still act like it was Obama's fault. You folks sure changed your tune in a hurry, all of a sudden it was all Obama's fault, it's like Bush never involved with the troop withdrawal.
Why can't you folks man up and deal with reality and look at your own party/ideology for it's errors? This is a perfect example that partisans of all colors are so manipulated that they ignore the reality of their own ideologies/parties' mistakes. Ideologues are like little children, it's always somebody else's fault.
You will note that I don't put the blame on just one leader, Obama, Bush and Maliki all deserve to be blamed because facts say so.

I never said Bush wasn't a fuck up as well in some respects I'm certainly not a Bush slappy. I would also say however, if Bush were president ISIS wouldn't be what they are today A threat to the region that's i can say for certain

As the media loves to ask Jeb about Iraq....

...why won't they ask Bill's wife why she didn't quit when Obama pulled all troops out of Iraq...inviting ISIS in?
Why ask her something so stupid, ignorant and untrue?
Ramadi falls,It seems like Iraqi forces are doing more "fleeing" than anything:eusa_eh:...

Key Iraqi City Falls to ISIS as Last of Security Forces Flee


BAGHDAD — The last Iraqi security forces fled the provincial capital of Ramadi on Sunday, as the city fell completely to the militants of the Islamic State, who ransacked the provincial military headquarters, seizing a large store of weapons, and carried out executions of people loyal to the government, according to security officials and tribal leaders.

The fall of Ramadi to the Islamic State, despite intensified American airstrikes in recent weeks in a bid to save the city, represented the biggest victory so far this year for the extremist group, which has declared a caliphate, or Islamic state, in the vast areas of Syria and Iraq that it controls. The fall of Ramadi also laid bare the failed strategy of the Iraqi government, which had announced last month a new offensive to retake Anbar Province, a vast desert region in the west of which Ramadi is the capital. The city has fallen,” said Muhannad Haimour, the spokesman for Anbar’s governor. Mr. Haimour said that at least 500 civilians and security personnel had been killed over the last two days in and around Ramadi, either from fighting or executions. Among the dead, he said, was the 3-year-old daughter of a soldier.
Feel better?
I sponsor 2 Wounded Warriors who got their Purple Hearts in Ramadi. They don't feel better, creep.
Don't let LoneLaughter bother you, LoneLaughter lives in his own little world, which I put on ignore.

He wouldn't care about ISIS and terrorism, unless his suburban bubble was shattered, and his high horse lost a leg.

In the real world, ISIS is just one of many islamic extremists groups that would love nothing more than to kill people (whether they are Jews, Muslims, Christians,etc) and encourage lone wolf attacks.
Feel better?
I sponsor 2 Wounded Warriors who got their Purple Hearts in Ramadi. They don't feel better, creep.
Don't let LoneLaughter bother you, LoneLaughter lives in his own little world, which I put on ignore.

He wouldn't care about ISIS and terrorism, unless his suburban bubble was shattered, and his high horse lost a leg.

In the real world, ISIS is just one of many islamic extremists groups that would love nothing more than to kill people (whether they are Jews, Muslims, Christians,etc) and encourage lone wolf attacks.

What? Another barely literate dummy has put me on iggy??!! What a shock!
Would this be happening had we never invaded Iraq in the first place?

No, it would not be happening because Saddam Hussein would still be alive and in power.

What Bush failed to explain to the U.S. is what every military officer would have told you: A sheikdom is going to return to being a sheikdom regardless of any western country intervening and imposing democracy. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and his soldiers proves this out.
Feel better?
I sponsor 2 Wounded Warriors who got their Purple Hearts in Ramadi. They don't feel better, creep.
Don't let LoneLaughter bother you, LoneLaughter lives in his own little world, which I put on ignore.

He wouldn't care about ISIS and terrorism, unless his suburban bubble was shattered, and his high horse lost a leg.

In the real world, ISIS is just one of many islamic extremists groups that would love nothing more than to kill people (whether they are Jews, Muslims, Christians,etc) and encourage lone wolf attacks.

What? Another barely literate dummy has put me on iggy??!! What a shock!

It's an honor. I think I'm on the ignore list of at least a dozen here. They are just cowards who can't hold their own and obsess about losing favor in their echo chamber. Pussies.
Well...color some more very ancient places gone. The jack hammers, axes, crowbars will soon be busily at work.
Ramadi falls,It seems like Iraqi forces are doing more "fleeing" than anything:eusa_eh:...

Key Iraqi City Falls to ISIS as Last of Security Forces Flee


BAGHDAD — The last Iraqi security forces fled the provincial capital of Ramadi on Sunday, as the city fell completely to the militants of the Islamic State, who ransacked the provincial military headquarters, seizing a large store of weapons, and carried out executions of people loyal to the government, according to security officials and tribal leaders.

The fall of Ramadi to the Islamic State, despite intensified American airstrikes in recent weeks in a bid to save the city, represented the biggest victory so far this year for the extremist group, which has declared a caliphate, or Islamic state, in the vast areas of Syria and Iraq that it controls. The fall of Ramadi also laid bare the failed strategy of the Iraqi government, which had announced last month a new offensive to retake Anbar Province, a vast desert region in the west of which Ramadi is the capital. The city has fallen,” said Muhannad Haimour, the spokesman for Anbar’s governor. Mr. Haimour said that at least 500 civilians and security personnel had been killed over the last two days in and around Ramadi, either from fighting or executions. Among the dead, he said, was the 3-year-old daughter of a soldier.
Yep. Abandoning tanks and heavy weapons just like in Mosul. The Iraqi army is a awful joke, awful due to all the wasted effort training them and providing them arms - not to mention human suffering due to ISIS.

That they just give up, proves one or more of the following:

- They are underpaid (however true patriots don't run away when their nation's survival is at stake).
- The training was inadequate, and they were totally unprepared for suicide attacks and other terrorist tactics.
- They are totally undisciplined, and have no organization whatsoever.
- They are totally demoralized, and the Iraqi army is incapable of holding ground, even with US air support.

It is obvious that the militias and the Kurds, are the only groups really holding the line, while the Iraqi army just retreats.
Feel better?
I sponsor 2 Wounded Warriors who got their Purple Hearts in Ramadi. They don't feel better, creep.
Don't let LoneLaughter bother you, LoneLaughter lives in his own little world, which I put on ignore.

He wouldn't care about ISIS and terrorism, unless his suburban bubble was shattered, and his high horse lost a leg.

In the real world, ISIS is just one of many islamic extremists groups that would love nothing more than to kill people (whether they are Jews, Muslims, Christians,etc) and encourage lone wolf attacks.

What? Another barely literate dummy has put me on iggy??!! What a shock!
You are just a partisan troll. Grow up, and graduate pre-school.
Iraq was stable until Obama fucked it up...and we win a war we keep a base there, that's how its done. Screw Maliki was an Iranian puppet anyway.

First of all, we left Iraq by following George W Bush's signed agreement.
I remember quite clearly that when the troops withdrawal was complete and Obama took credit, the right got all pissed off st Obama because it was Bush's time table not Obama's. Obama was wrong to take credit, I agreed with the right. Here's an article by Red State, this article echoed what was being said on USMB by posters from the right.
Iraq War ends on Bush’s schedule, not Obama’s
Iraq War ends on Bush s schedule not Obama s RedState

Then there's the body count of Iraqis killed by violence:

Iraq Body Count
Now, whether this count is 100% accurate, who knows. I do however, remember there were car bombs almost daily from Day 1 and continued, troops or no troops. I'm sure you can't disagree with me on that.
In the end, Iraq did slow down in violence and it continued until the ISIS started taking hold. As I stated in my earlier post, I put much of the violence on the shoulders of Maliki. He was even more ignorant and incompetent than W or O.

Obama was supposed to negotiate a status of forces agreement. He did want it, he never wanted it. He wanted out, now look what happened. Obama couldn't negotiate himself out of a paper bag and the world knows he'a a joke. Now he's "negotiating" with Iran. Yeah Iraq "one of Obama's greatest successes alright"

Obama followed the withdrawal the Bush-Maliki agreement and then took credit for the troops leaving Iraq, the right lost it when Obama made that claim. The right got really pissed of that he did make that claim as the linked article by Red State demonstrates. USMB was filled with threads pissing and moaning about Obama's claim, everybody thought (including myself) that Bush deserved the credit.
But when things went south in Iraq, those on the right acted and still act like it was Obama's fault. You folks sure changed your tune in a hurry, all of a sudden it was all Obama's fault, it's like Bush never involved with the troop withdrawal.
Why can't you folks man up and deal with reality and look at your own party/ideology for it's errors? This is a perfect example that partisans of all colors are so manipulated that they ignore the reality of their own ideologies/parties' mistakes. Ideologues are like little children, it's always somebody else's fault.
You will note that I don't put the blame on just one leader, Obama, Bush and Maliki all deserve to be blamed because facts say so.

I never said Bush wasn't a fuck up as well in some respects I'm certainly not a Bush slappy. I would also say however, if Bush were president ISIS wouldn't be what they are today A threat to the region that's i can say for certain

As the media loves to ask Jeb about Iraq....

...why won't they ask Bill's wife why she didn't quit when Obama pulled all troops out of Iraq...inviting ISIS in?

Do some homework, PoliticalTwit. ISIS was started in Camp Bucca in Iraq in 2005 by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Obama had nothing to do with it.

Who Is ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi?

Whether he spent one or two years there, it was a fruitful time for him. Camp Bucca was like a summer camp for ambitious terrorists. Under the eyes of the Americans, the inmates interacted, traded information and battle tactics and made important contacts for the future. They were inspired by the abuses at Abu Ghraib, the success of al-Zarqawi and the discontent among Sunnis. Historian Jeremi Suri calls the prison “virtual terrorist university.”

“Camp Bucca was a place where a lot of jihadists got to know each other and a lot of former Baathists radicalized and linked up with Islamic groups,” says Aron Lund, editor of the Syria in Crisis website. “Lots and lots of Islamic State leaders passed through here.”

Jiyad says it’s unlikely al-Baghdadi was an active militant prior to the U.S. invasion, and he believes Camp Bucca was a turning point for al-Baghdadi. “It would have been an opportunity for him to build his new career as an insurgent,” he says. One of al-Baghdadi’s contacts from his time in Camp Bucca was Taha Sobhi Falaha, also known as Abu Muhammad al-Adnani, the spokesman for ISIS.
Feel better?
I sponsor 2 Wounded Warriors who got their Purple Hearts in Ramadi. They don't feel better, creep.
Don't let LoneLaughter bother you, LoneLaughter lives in his own little world, which I put on ignore.

He wouldn't care about ISIS and terrorism, unless his suburban bubble was shattered, and his high horse lost a leg.

In the real world, ISIS is just one of many islamic extremists groups that would love nothing more than to kill people (whether they are Jews, Muslims, Christians,etc) and encourage lone wolf attacks.

What? Another barely literate dummy has put me on iggy??!! What a shock!

It's an honor. I think I'm on the ignore list of at least a dozen here. They are just cowards who can't hold their own and obsess about losing favor in their echo chamber. Pussies.
So you are all fine with a 24/hr Westboro Baptist broadcast into your house? And I will let the Islamic preachers know that your house can be used as a prayer mat.

Nothing worse than a raving hypocrite, and you obviously want to join the club.
First of all, we left Iraq by following George W Bush's signed agreement.
I remember quite clearly that when the troops withdrawal was complete and Obama took credit, the right got all pissed off st Obama because it was Bush's time table not Obama's. Obama was wrong to take credit, I agreed with the right. Here's an article by Red State, this article echoed what was being said on USMB by posters from the right.
Iraq War ends on Bush’s schedule, not Obama’s
Iraq War ends on Bush s schedule not Obama s RedState

Then there's the body count of Iraqis killed by violence:

Iraq Body Count
Now, whether this count is 100% accurate, who knows. I do however, remember there were car bombs almost daily from Day 1 and continued, troops or no troops. I'm sure you can't disagree with me on that.
In the end, Iraq did slow down in violence and it continued until the ISIS started taking hold. As I stated in my earlier post, I put much of the violence on the shoulders of Maliki. He was even more ignorant and incompetent than W or O.

Obama was supposed to negotiate a status of forces agreement. He did want it, he never wanted it. He wanted out, now look what happened. Obama couldn't negotiate himself out of a paper bag and the world knows he'a a joke. Now he's "negotiating" with Iran. Yeah Iraq "one of Obama's greatest successes alright"

Obama followed the withdrawal the Bush-Maliki agreement and then took credit for the troops leaving Iraq, the right lost it when Obama made that claim. The right got really pissed of that he did make that claim as the linked article by Red State demonstrates. USMB was filled with threads pissing and moaning about Obama's claim, everybody thought (including myself) that Bush deserved the credit.
But when things went south in Iraq, those on the right acted and still act like it was Obama's fault. You folks sure changed your tune in a hurry, all of a sudden it was all Obama's fault, it's like Bush never involved with the troop withdrawal.
Why can't you folks man up and deal with reality and look at your own party/ideology for it's errors? This is a perfect example that partisans of all colors are so manipulated that they ignore the reality of their own ideologies/parties' mistakes. Ideologues are like little children, it's always somebody else's fault.
You will note that I don't put the blame on just one leader, Obama, Bush and Maliki all deserve to be blamed because facts say so.

I never said Bush wasn't a fuck up as well in some respects I'm certainly not a Bush slappy. I would also say however, if Bush were president ISIS wouldn't be what they are today A threat to the region that's i can say for certain

As the media loves to ask Jeb about Iraq....

...why won't they ask Bill's wife why she didn't quit when Obama pulled all troops out of Iraq...inviting ISIS in?

Do some homework, PoliticalTwit. ISIS was started in Camp Bucca in Iraq in 2005 by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Obama had nothing to do with it.

Who Is ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi?

Whether he spent one or two years there, it was a fruitful time for him. Camp Bucca was like a summer camp for ambitious terrorists. Under the eyes of the Americans, the inmates interacted, traded information and battle tactics and made important contacts for the future. They were inspired by the abuses at Abu Ghraib, the success of al-Zarqawi and the discontent among Sunnis. Historian Jeremi Suri calls the prison “virtual terrorist university.”

“Camp Bucca was a place where a lot of jihadists got to know each other and a lot of former Baathists radicalized and linked up with Islamic groups,” says Aron Lund, editor of the Syria in Crisis website. “Lots and lots of Islamic State leaders passed through here.”

Jiyad says it’s unlikely al-Baghdadi was an active militant prior to the U.S. invasion, and he believes Camp Bucca was a turning point for al-Baghdadi. “It would have been an opportunity for him to build his new career as an insurgent,” he says. One of al-Baghdadi’s contacts from his time in Camp Bucca was Taha Sobhi Falaha, also known as Abu Muhammad al-Adnani, the spokesman for ISIS.
Obama's crusade to destroy Assad in Syria, created ISIS. It was previously aligned with Al Qaeda, and didn't have an opportunity to thrive till we started throwing weapons and training at so-called 'rebels'.

Damn. You are virtually swimming in US government propaganda. Doubt you have read a thing by Robert Fisk, as your ignorance of reality is showing.

Obama is Bush 2.0, as far as foreign policy, and is just messing up the Middle East all over again.

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