ISIS on the verge of taking Ramadi...Thank you Obama

Feel better?
I'm sure you get your rocks off knowing that our soldiers died in vain. Thanks Obama!

WHAT?!? No one who died there, died in vain -- they served their countries and did what was asked of them. I will say that BOTH wars were completely unnecessary and a bad idea from start to finish. It was a stupid idea to demand the hand over of Bin Laden, then invade to attempt his capture.
Bush won the war and your failed Messiah bungled it away. What is happening now? Obama owns it

George "but, but" Boosh won the war, without any help, found the WMD, shot Bin Laden and fixed all of our problems in the middle east?

the war in Iraq was won. We should have built a military base there like we have always done when we win a war, and defeat an enemy, but Obama pulled out as Biden claimed Iraq would be a "great achievement".. Maybe it is in the eye's of Obama?:dunno:

Aside from wasting 800 billion dollars, what exactly did we win?

We get the right to run a shithole of a country with no remaining sewer system?

"Run it"? They have plenty of oil money to run their own country. they should have paid us back for at least part of the cost of the war there. All we needed was a base there so we can strike the islamonazis from it. our military presence there would have been a stabilizing force in the region. Instead, because of Obama, we have isis, and Iraq fighting for control
Bush won the war and your failed Messiah bungled it away. What is happening now? Obama owns it

George "but, but" Boosh won the war, without any help, found the WMD, shot Bin Laden and fixed all of our problems in the middle east?

the war in Iraq was won. We should have built a military base there like we have always done when we win a war, and defeat an enemy, but Obama pulled out as Biden claimed Iraq would be a "great achievement".. Maybe it is in the eye's of Obama?:dunno:

I wish it were this easy to make more of "you people" look stupid and uninformed....

U.S. Troops Are Leaving Because Iraq Doesn't Want Them There
President Obama's speech formally declaring that the last 43,000 U.S. troops will leave Iraq by the end of the year was designed to mask an unpleasant truth: The troops aren't being withdrawn because the U.S. wants them out. They're leaving because the Iraqi government refused to let them stay.

A 2008 security deal between Washington and Baghdad called for all American forces to leave Iraq by the end of the year, but the White House -- anxious about growing Iranian influence and Iraq's continuing political and security challenges -- publicly and privately tried to sell the Iraqis on a troop extension. As recently as last week, the White House was trying to persuade the Iraqis to allow 2,000-3,000 troops to stay beyond the end of the year.

In Washington, many Republican lawmakers had spent recent weeks criticizing Obama for offering to keep a maximum of 3,000 troops in Iraq, far less than the 10,000-15,000 recommended by top American commanders in Iraq. That political point-scoring helped obscure that the choice wasn't Obama's to make. It was the Iraqis', and a recent trip to the country provided vivid evidence of just how unpopular the U.S. military presence there has become -- and just how badly the Iraqi political leadership wanted those troops to go home.

U.S. Troops Are Leaving Because Iraq Doesn t Want Them There - The Atlantic
Bush won the war and your failed Messiah bungled it away. What is happening now? Obama owns it

George "but, but" Boosh won the war, without any help, found the WMD, shot Bin Laden and fixed all of our problems in the middle east?

the war in Iraq was won. We should have built a military base there like we have always done when we win a war, and defeat an enemy, but Obama pulled out as Biden claimed Iraq would be a "great achievement".. Maybe it is in the eye's of Obama?:dunno:

I wish it were this easy to make more of "you people" look stupid and uninformed....

U.S. Troops Are Leaving Because Iraq Doesn't Want Them There
President Obama's speech formally declaring that the last 43,000 U.S. troops will leave Iraq by the end of the year was designed to mask an unpleasant truth: The troops aren't being withdrawn because the U.S. wants them out. They're leaving because the Iraqi government refused to let them stay.

A 2008 security deal between Washington and Baghdad called for all American forces to leave Iraq by the end of the year, but the White House -- anxious about growing Iranian influence and Iraq's continuing political and security challenges -- publicly and privately tried to sell the Iraqis on a troop extension. As recently as last week, the White House was trying to persuade the Iraqis to allow 2,000-3,000 troops to stay beyond the end of the year.

In Washington, many Republican lawmakers had spent recent weeks criticizing Obama for offering to keep a maximum of 3,000 troops in Iraq, far less than the 10,000-15,000 recommended by top American commanders in Iraq. That political point-scoring helped obscure that the choice wasn't Obama's to make. It was the Iraqis', and a recent trip to the country provided vivid evidence of just how unpopular the U.S. military presence there has become -- and just how badly the Iraqi political leadership wanted those troops to go home.

U.S. Troops Are Leaving Because Iraq Doesn t Want Them There - The Atlantic

It was Obama's responsibility to negotiate a status of forces agreement. He didn't want it, he never wanted it, which is why it didn't happen. So take your stupid talking point and shove it
Bush won the war and your failed Messiah bungled it away. What is happening now? Obama owns it

George "but, but" Boosh won the war, without any help, found the WMD, shot Bin Laden and fixed all of our problems in the middle east?

the war in Iraq was won. We should have built a military base there like we have always done when we win a war, and defeat an enemy, but Obama pulled out as Biden claimed Iraq would be a "great achievement".. Maybe it is in the eye's of Obama?:dunno:

I wish it were this easy to make more of "you people" look stupid and uninformed....

U.S. Troops Are Leaving Because Iraq Doesn't Want Them There
President Obama's speech formally declaring that the last 43,000 U.S. troops will leave Iraq by the end of the year was designed to mask an unpleasant truth: The troops aren't being withdrawn because the U.S. wants them out. They're leaving because the Iraqi government refused to let them stay.

A 2008 security deal between Washington and Baghdad called for all American forces to leave Iraq by the end of the year, but the White House -- anxious about growing Iranian influence and Iraq's continuing political and security challenges -- publicly and privately tried to sell the Iraqis on a troop extension. As recently as last week, the White House was trying to persuade the Iraqis to allow 2,000-3,000 troops to stay beyond the end of the year.

In Washington, many Republican lawmakers had spent recent weeks criticizing Obama for offering to keep a maximum of 3,000 troops in Iraq, far less than the 10,000-15,000 recommended by top American commanders in Iraq. That political point-scoring helped obscure that the choice wasn't Obama's to make. It was the Iraqis', and a recent trip to the country provided vivid evidence of just how unpopular the U.S. military presence there has become -- and just how badly the Iraqi political leadership wanted those troops to go home.

U.S. Troops Are Leaving Because Iraq Doesn t Want Them There - The Atlantic

It was Obama's responsibility to negotiate a status of forces agreement. He didn't want it, he never wanted it, which is why it didn't happen. So take your stupid talking point and shove it

Boy, you got spanked! I'd be pissed too.
Bush won the war and your failed Messiah bungled it away. What is happening now? Obama owns it

George "but, but" Boosh won the war, without any help, found the WMD, shot Bin Laden and fixed all of our problems in the middle east?

the war in Iraq was won. We should have built a military base there like we have always done when we win a war, and defeat an enemy, but Obama pulled out as Biden claimed Iraq would be a "great achievement".. Maybe it is in the eye's of Obama?:dunno:

I wish it were this easy to make more of "you people" look stupid and uninformed....

U.S. Troops Are Leaving Because Iraq Doesn't Want Them There
President Obama's speech formally declaring that the last 43,000 U.S. troops will leave Iraq by the end of the year was designed to mask an unpleasant truth: The troops aren't being withdrawn because the U.S. wants them out. They're leaving because the Iraqi government refused to let them stay.

A 2008 security deal between Washington and Baghdad called for all American forces to leave Iraq by the end of the year, but the White House -- anxious about growing Iranian influence and Iraq's continuing political and security challenges -- publicly and privately tried to sell the Iraqis on a troop extension. As recently as last week, the White House was trying to persuade the Iraqis to allow 2,000-3,000 troops to stay beyond the end of the year.

In Washington, many Republican lawmakers had spent recent weeks criticizing Obama for offering to keep a maximum of 3,000 troops in Iraq, far less than the 10,000-15,000 recommended by top American commanders in Iraq. That political point-scoring helped obscure that the choice wasn't Obama's to make. It was the Iraqis', and a recent trip to the country provided vivid evidence of just how unpopular the U.S. military presence there has become -- and just how badly the Iraqi political leadership wanted those troops to go home.

U.S. Troops Are Leaving Because Iraq Doesn t Want Them There - The Atlantic

It was Obama's responsibility to negotiate a status of forces agreement. He didn't want it, he never wanted it, which is why it didn't happen. So take your stupid talking point and shove it

Boy, you got spanked! I'd be pissed too.

Nobody got spanked but that Howdy Doody in the Oval Office should be bitch slapped.
Obama's Iraq taking hold:mad:

Islamic State crisis: Militants seize Ramadi stronghold

Islamic State militants have seized the main government building in Ramadi, the capital of Iraq's largest province

As many as six suicide car bombs and mortars were used in the assault on the compound that houses the main police HQ and governor's office.

At least 50 police officers are reported to have been taken prisoner at the site.

IS and Iraqi troops have been battling for months to take control of the strategically important Anbar province.

This latest attack comes a day after Islamic State put out an audio message it claimed was from its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,who Iraq had said was seriously wounded in a coalition air strike in March.

The White House said on Friday US Vice-President Joe Biden had spoken to Iraq's PM Haidar al-Abadi and pledged to deliver heavy weaponry, including shoulder-held rockets and additional ammunition, as well as supplies to the Iraqi forces.

Execution fears
IS militants launched their raid on Ramadi overnight, driving suicide car bombs into the compound housing a number of government buildings.

At least 10 police officers were killed and dozens of others wounded in the attack, officials said.

Islamic State crisis Militants seize Ramadi stronghold - BBC News

Seems to me ISIS is doing what we ourselves tried to do. Twice. But failed. So all the annimosity towards them seem hypocritical to say the least.

seriously? your comparing ISIS's mission to our mission in Ramadi? maybe Im misunderstanding you. you cant seriously mean that.
Bush won the war and your failed Messiah bungled it away. What is happening now? Obama owns it

George "but, but" Boosh won the war, without any help, found the WMD, shot Bin Laden and fixed all of our problems in the middle east?

the war in Iraq was won. We should have built a military base there like we have always done when we win a war, and defeat an enemy, but Obama pulled out as Biden claimed Iraq would be a "great achievement".. Maybe it is in the eye's of Obama?:dunno:

Well, there's something to be said for that, as unpopular as it would be with many. We left bases in Germany and Japan after the war, I suppose because back then our politicians at least understood what the cost of failure would be if we pulled the boot off the neck. Today, they are more concerned about what the next poll is going to say around election time. Then again the Nazis and even the Japanese were not quite the religious fanatics as these, it would take longer
Obama's Iraq taking hold:mad:

Islamic State crisis: Militants seize Ramadi stronghold

Islamic State militants have seized the main government building in Ramadi, the capital of Iraq's largest province

As many as six suicide car bombs and mortars were used in the assault on the compound that houses the main police HQ and governor's office.

At least 50 police officers are reported to have been taken prisoner at the site.

IS and Iraqi troops have been battling for months to take control of the strategically important Anbar province.

This latest attack comes a day after Islamic State put out an audio message it claimed was from its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,who Iraq had said was seriously wounded in a coalition air strike in March.

The White House said on Friday US Vice-President Joe Biden had spoken to Iraq's PM Haidar al-Abadi and pledged to deliver heavy weaponry, including shoulder-held rockets and additional ammunition, as well as supplies to the Iraqi forces.

Execution fears
IS militants launched their raid on Ramadi overnight, driving suicide car bombs into the compound housing a number of government buildings.

At least 10 police officers were killed and dozens of others wounded in the attack, officials said.

Islamic State crisis Militants seize Ramadi stronghold - BBC News

Seems to me ISIS is doing what we ourselves tried to do. Twice. But failed. So all the annimosity towards them seem hypocritical to say the least.

seriously? your comparing ISIS's mission to our mission in Ramadi? maybe Im misunderstanding you. you cant seriously mean that.

No he thinks the U.S. is no better. That's his dumb ass point
Why is it Oblama's fault for Iraq troops running with pants on fire?

When will Congress pass Oblama's request for more power to use the military as needed in the area?
Why is it Oblama's fault for Iraq troops running with pants on fire?

When will Congress pass Oblama's request for more power to use the military as needed in the area?

Obama has all the power he needs. He's not serious about beating back the islamonazis...

The Unserious Air War Against ISIS

The campaign against Serbia in 1999 averaged 138 strike sorties daily. Against Islamic State in Iraq and Syria: seven.

Since U.S. planes first struck targets in Iraq on Aug. 8, a debate has raged over the effectiveness of the Obama administration’s air campaign against Islamic State. The war of words has so far focused on the need to deploy American boots on the ground to provide accurate intelligence and possibly force ISIS fighters to defend key infrastructure they have seized, such as oil facilities. But debate is now beginning to focus on the apparent failure of airstrikes to halt the terror group’s advances in Iraq and Syria—especially Islamic State’s pending seizure of Kobani on the Syrian border with Turkey.

While it is still too early to proclaim the air campaign against Islamic State a failure, it may be instructive to compare it with other campaigns conducted by the U.S. military since the end of the Cold War that were deemed successes. For instance, during the 43-day Desert Storm air campaign against Saddam Hussein’s forces in 1991, coalition fighters and bombers flew 48,224 strike sorties.

This translates to roughly 1,100 sorties a day. Twelve years later, the 31-day air campaign that helped free Iraq from Saddam’s government averaged more than 800 offensive sorties a day. By contrast, over the past two months U.S. aircraft and a small number of partner forces have conducted 412 total strikes in Iraq and Syria—an average of seven strikes a day. With Islamic State in control of an area approaching 50,000 square miles, it is easy to see why this level of effort has not had much impact on its operations.

Of course, air operations during Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom were each supported by a massive coalition force on the ground. Thus it may be more appropriate to compare current operations against Islamic State with the 78-day air campaign against Serbian forces and their proxies in 1999, or the 75-day air campaign in Afghanistan that was instrumental in forcing the Taliban out of power in 200

The Unserious Air War Against ISIS CSBA
Obama's Iraq taking hold:mad:

Islamic State crisis: Militants seize Ramadi stronghold

Islamic State militants have seized the main government building in Ramadi, the capital of Iraq's largest province

As many as six suicide car bombs and mortars were used in the assault on the compound that houses the main police HQ and governor's office.

At least 50 police officers are reported to have been taken prisoner at the site.

IS and Iraqi troops have been battling for months to take control of the strategically important Anbar province.

This latest attack comes a day after Islamic State put out an audio message it claimed was from its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,who Iraq had said was seriously wounded in a coalition air strike in March.

The White House said on Friday US Vice-President Joe Biden had spoken to Iraq's PM Haidar al-Abadi and pledged to deliver heavy weaponry, including shoulder-held rockets and additional ammunition, as well as supplies to the Iraqi forces.

Execution fears
IS militants launched their raid on Ramadi overnight, driving suicide car bombs into the compound housing a number of government buildings.

At least 10 police officers were killed and dozens of others wounded in the attack, officials said.

Islamic State crisis Militants seize Ramadi stronghold - BBC News

Seems to me ISIS is doing what we ourselves tried to do. Twice. But failed. So all the annimosity towards them seem hypocritical to say the least.

seriously? your comparing ISIS's mission to our mission in Ramadi? maybe Im misunderstanding you. you cant seriously mean that.

No he thinks the U.S. is no better. That's his dumb ass point

Its mind boggling

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