ISIS Releases New Photos Showing Mass Crucifixions, Beheadings And Cruel Executions

Yes, brutalized people do brutal things.

30 years of Saddam followed by 10 years of war, we have exactly what we should expect- people who treat violence casually because they've never known anything else.

Why is this our problem again?

Maybe its not our problem. a lot of people said that about Hitler in 1938 aas well. Well ok, attacking them might be an over reaction, but either way is a gamble at this point. If Isis spreads, then they will potenetially be able to become another terrorism exporter. take over a few more countrys..... still not our problem maybe. Taking over a few oil fields maybe, still not our problem commiting genocide. Not sure how much blame to share between Bush, Maliki, and Obama, but they all share some, and right now Obama is showing indecisivness, so he reluctantly dropped two bombs or so. It says nothing to ISIS, Obama makes the mistake as usual of always showing his hand at the card game. They know hes not going to do anything and if he does they know it will be for a short period of time and then will stop. Hes very transparent when it comes to our enemies

Yes, and rehashing what wasn't done, or was done, wrong produces ZIP.
What was the Un created for again?

Corruption, graft, and a few humanitarian aid 'peanuts' tossed into 3rd world countries.

Any other questions?

Exactly,, thats why this is the perfect opportunity to disband their ineffective asses. they step up to the plate like theve done before time and time again. lets not forget how great they were in Rwanda

Those the least, should've been dissolved 25 years ago.
Yes, brutalized people do brutal things.

30 years of Saddam followed by 10 years of war, we have exactly what we should expect- people who treat violence casually because they've never known anything else.

Why is this our problem again?

Maybe its not our problem. a lot of people said that about Hitler in 1938 aas well. Well ok, attacking them might be an over reaction, but either way is a gamble at this point. If Isis spreads, then they will potenetially be able to become another terrorism exporter. take over a few more countrys..... still not our problem maybe. Taking over a few oil fields maybe, still not our problem commiting genocide. Not sure how much blame to share between Bush, Maliki, and Obama, but they all share some, and right now Obama is showing indecisivness, so he reluctantly dropped two bombs or so. It says nothing to ISIS, Obama makes the mistake as usual of always showing his hand at the card game. They know hes not going to do anything and if he does they know it will be for a short period of time and then will stop. Hes very transparent when it comes to our enemies

Yes, and rehashing what wasn't done, or was done, wrong produces ZIP.

Im not saying we shouldnt do anything, I think they should be hit hard, but now is the time for Obama to be working on getting some coordination with other countries in the region to do something real, to stop the genocide. In a perfect world it would be the UN.
sorry you dont recognize sarcasm.
Unfortunantly, some of our best military stratregists are no longer with us. they were removed for crimes against the people. I have some ideas, but you know there are many Americans who dont want us to go back. It looks to me like we are looking at another Hilter regiem.
Maybe its not our problem. a lot of people said that about Hitler in 1938 aas well. Well ok, attacking them might be an over reaction, but either way is a gamble at this point. If Isis spreads, then they will potenetially be able to become another terrorism exporter. take over a few more countrys..... still not our problem maybe. Taking over a few oil fields maybe, still not our problem commiting genocide. Not sure how much blame to share between Bush, Maliki, and Obama, but they all share some, and right now Obama is showing indecisivness, so he reluctantly dropped two bombs or so. It says nothing to ISIS, Obama makes the mistake as usual of always showing his hand at the card game. They know hes not going to do anything and if he does they know it will be for a short period of time and then will stop. Hes very transparent when it comes to our enemies

Yes, and rehashing what wasn't done, or was done, wrong produces ZIP.

Im not saying we shouldnt do anything, I think they should be hit hard, but now is the time for Obama to be working on getting some coordination with other countries in the region to do something real, to stop the genocide. In a perfect world it would be the UN.
sorry you dont recognize sarcasm.
Unfortunantly, some of our best military stratregists are no longer with us. they were removed for crimes against the people. I have some ideas, but you know there are many Americans who dont want us to go back. It looks to me like we are looking at another Hilter regiem.

Yes, and Russia is also sending the Iraqi government. ISIS reminds me of Pol Pot, going beyond its borders.
Hundreds of Yazidi women are being as slaves for the ISIS army. Now go back to bickering like little kids over a candy bar.

Islamic militants hold hundreds of women captive in Iraq, official says

AP ^

The spokesman for Iraq's human rights ministry says hundreds of women from the Yazidi religious minority have been taken captive by militants from the Islamic State group. Kamil Amin says the women are below the age of 35 and some are being held in schools in Iraq's second largest city, Mosul. He said the ministry learned of the captives from their families.


No difference now who did what when, this is today's nightmare.
Yes, and rehashing what wasn't done, or was done, wrong produces ZIP.

Im not saying we shouldnt do anything, I think they should be hit hard, but now is the time for Obama to be working on getting some coordination with other countries in the region to do something real, to stop the genocide. In a perfect world it would be the UN.
sorry you dont recognize sarcasm.
Unfortunantly, some of our best military stratregists are no longer with us. they were removed for crimes against the people. I have some ideas, but you know there are many Americans who dont want us to go back. It looks to me like we are looking at another Hilter regiem.

Yes, and Russia is also sending the Iraqi government. ISIS reminds me of Pol Pot, going beyond its borders.

I see also the Kurdish are begging for weapons to protect themselves from ISIS as they are getting overrun. No one will ever count on the US again in time of need, youll see them turning to China and Russia instead. we also continue to slash our military which is probably not a good move right about now. I thought the world had decided if a Hitler ever rose again he would be stopped. Their tactics are beyond horrendous
Im not saying we shouldnt do anything, I think they should be hit hard, but now is the time for Obama to be working on getting some coordination with other countries in the region to do something real, to stop the genocide. In a perfect world it would be the UN.
sorry you dont recognize sarcasm.
Unfortunantly, some of our best military stratregists are no longer with us. they were removed for crimes against the people. I have some ideas, but you know there are many Americans who dont want us to go back. It looks to me like we are looking at another Hilter regiem.

Yes, and Russia is also sending the Iraqi government. ISIS reminds me of Pol Pot, going beyond its borders.

I see also the Kurdish are begging for weapons to protect themselves from ISIS as they are getting overrun. No one will ever count on the US again in time of need, youll see them turning to China and Russia instead. we also continue to slash our military which is probably not a good move right about now. I thought the world had decided if a Hitler ever rose again he would be stopped. Their tactics are beyond horrendous

Actually, the Kurds are thanking the US, Russia isn't sending supplies anywhere but to Baghdad, China remains...............UNAVAILABLE; I posted the exact quote earlier.

More on humanitarian work for the victims:

The International Rescue Committee said it was providing emergency medical care for up to 4,000 dehydrated Yazidis, mostly women and children, who survived without food or water for up to six days before fleeing to a refugee camp in Syria.

A senior Kurdish official said US airstrikes on Friday had destroyed a convoy of 10 Islamic State armored vehicles that were on their way to Arbil, but said the city was safe for now.
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Hundreds of Yazidi women are being as slaves for the ISIS army. Now go back to bickering like little kids over a candy bar.

Well Obama dropped two bombs and went on vacation now. I think he needs to do something a little more creative.

60 of 72 airdrops got to the Yazidis, and the UK, France, and UN are with the USA. Enough water for 4,000 from a UN agency.
Hundreds of Yazidi women are being as slaves for the ISIS army. Now go back to bickering like little kids over a candy bar.

Well Obama dropped two bombs and went on vacation now. I think he needs to do something a little more creative.

60 of 72 airdrops got to the Yazidis, and the UK, France, and UN are with the USA. Enough water for 4,000 from a UN agency.

Up to now no one is capable of stopping ISIS, food and water not going to be enough
Yes, and Russia is also sending the Iraqi government. ISIS reminds me of Pol Pot, going beyond its borders.

I see also the Kurdish are begging for weapons to protect themselves from ISIS as they are getting overrun. No one will ever count on the US again in time of need, youll see them turning to China and Russia instead. we also continue to slash our military which is probably not a good move right about now. I thought the world had decided if a Hitler ever rose again he would be stopped. Their tactics are beyond horrendous

Actually, the Kurds are thanking the US, Russia isn't sending supplies anywhere but to Baghdad, China remains...............UNAVAILABLE; I posted the exact quote earlier.

More on humanitarian work for the victims:

The International Rescue Committee said it was providing emergency medical care for up to 4,000 dehydrated Yazidis, mostly women and children, who survived without food or water for up to six days before fleeing to a refugee camp in Syria.

A senior Kurdish official said US airstrikes on Friday had destroyed a convoy of 10 Islamic State armored vehicles that were on their way to Arbil, but said the city was safe for now.

Thats great, we should up the air strikes or cruiz missiles where effective.
It's a true shame that when this was going on 10 years ago against the Christians and Iraq was being looted, the only "people" Bush and the Republicans protected were the oil companies and their oil fields. True Story.

Dean being true to matter what....its those nasty Republicans....
It's a true shame that when this was going on 10 years ago against the Christians and Iraq was being looted, the only "people" Bush and the Republicans protected were the oil companies and their oil fields. True Story.

Obama has been in ofice 5.6 years, he owns this the now(.)

I shit on my neighbors front lawn. After two days, I tell him, "you own it now, it has nothing to do with me".

you shit on your neighbors lawn? must be great to live next too....
I see also the Kurdish are begging for weapons to protect themselves from ISIS as they are getting overrun. No one will ever count on the US again in time of need, youll see them turning to China and Russia instead. we also continue to slash our military which is probably not a good move right about now. I thought the world had decided if a Hitler ever rose again he would be stopped. Their tactics are beyond horrendous

Actually, the Kurds are thanking the US, Russia isn't sending supplies anywhere but to Baghdad, China remains...............UNAVAILABLE; I posted the exact quote earlier.

More on humanitarian work for the victims:

The International Rescue Committee said it was providing emergency medical care for up to 4,000 dehydrated Yazidis, mostly women and children, who survived without food or water for up to six days before fleeing to a refugee camp in Syria.

A senior Kurdish official said US airstrikes on Friday had destroyed a convoy of 10 Islamic State armored vehicles that were on their way to Arbil, but said the city was safe for now.

Thats great, we should up the air strikes or cruiz missiles where effective.

Yes, any place we can limit civilian casualties; of course, ISIS now heads to populated areas, after the two strikes.
Hundreds of Yazidi women are being as slaves for the ISIS army.

Has Moochelle been notified? We need another Hashtag Photo-op!

This. ISIS uses Twitter, and as such they've left themselves especially vulnerable to President Obama's hashtag diplomacy. Once we mount another Tweet-offensive of #BringBackOurGyrls proportions, ISIS will have to release those womyn, otherwise their e-cred will be permanently damaged.

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