ISIS Releases New Photos Showing Mass Crucifixions, Beheadings And Cruel Executions

If prostitution is the oldest profession, battle isthe second oldest profession. You can't win a war without spilling blood. As horrible as that is, it is the truth. I don't think jihadists are interested in peace, they are only interested in conversion. They think they are justified by god. The only way to stop them is with the bayonet. They don't want diversity. Imagine the most venomous hateful bigoted Christian on this forum, thatperson is a saint compared to a jihadist. To them diversity is perversity.

The problem with Americans is they don't understand this form of tribalism. In many ways it is savage. Think of the movie divergent. They didn't ask questions they just killed you. That is what we are fighting.these tribes have been at war for centuries.
It's a true shame that when this was going on 10 years ago against the Christians and Iraq was being looted, the only "people" Bush and the Republicans protected were the oil companies and their oil fields. True Story.

Obama has been in ofice 5.6 years, he owns this the now(.)

I shit on my neighbors front lawn. After two days, I tell him, "you own it now, it has nothing to do with me".

yeah. Get serious [MENTION=17668]Peach[/MENTION]. He ran on, in part, getting the hell outta that shithole now you're complaining that we don't have troops there fighting & dying for what? Oil?

BTW- you serve?
Obama has been in ofice 5.6 years, he owns this the now(.)

I shit on my neighbors front lawn. After two days, I tell him, "you own it now, it has nothing to do with me".

yeah. Get serious [MENTION=17668]Peach[/MENTION]. He ran on, in part, getting the hell outta that shithole now you're complaining that we don't have troops there fighting & dying for what? Oil?

BTW- you serve?
Yeah, I don't care who dropped the turd in his yardhe needs to pick it up. Blaming the guy before you is such a loser tactic. If he fixed the problems then he would have had an amazing legacy. He would likely deserve to have his face on some money in 50 years. But he is a whiner, it's not my fault, waa waa waa. Who gives a DAMN! Fix it, you ran for president what the HELL did you think the job was going to be?
Pretty NWS or if you don't have a strong stomach, don't look.... just more of what worldwide muslim terrorists do, to Christians, Jews, and their own muslim's if not the right sect.... Animals wouldn't do this!

ISIS Releases New Photos Showing Mass Crucifixions, Beheadings And Cruel Executions | Walid ShoebatWalid Shoebat


There is only one way to put an end to ISIS. Bring back Saddam, and yes I am serious. Obviously Saddam is not available, but I'm sure they can find another ruthless military person who will wipe out ISIS. There is this false pretense that groups such as ISIS and Al-Qaeda can be fought within the rules of general warfare. They cannot.
Pretty NWS or if you don't have a strong stomach, don't look.... just more of what worldwide muslim terrorists do, to Christians, Jews, and their own muslim's if not the right sect.... Animals wouldn't do this!

ISIS Releases New Photos Showing Mass Crucifixions, Beheadings And Cruel Executions | Walid ShoebatWalid Shoebat


There is only one way to put an end to ISIS. Bring back Saddam, and yes I am serious. Obviously Saddam is not available, but I'm sure they can find another ruthless military person who will wipe out ISIS. There is this false pretense that groups such as ISIS and Al-Qaeda can be fought within the rules of general warfare. They cannot.

Jinni is already out of the bottle, cant tell it to get back in.

We don't have a right to impose dictatorships on other countries for our benefit.

We need to teach (peaceful instruction, preferably by example) those who ask us to and leave the rest to their own devices unless they threaten us, then we deal with it then.

ISIS is way past mere threats and need extermination.
Obama has been in ofice 5.6 years, he owns this the now(.)

I shit on my neighbors front lawn. After two days, I tell him, "you own it now, it has nothing to do with me".

yeah. Get serious [MENTION=17668]Peach[/MENTION]. He ran on, in part, getting the hell outta that shithole now you're complaining that we don't have troops there fighting & dying for what? Oil?

BTW- you serve?

Trying to be "fair & balanced". No, I do not want troops there; I want US support; no one had a crystal ball in 2008. Thus, it may take on the ground resources; I do not know, and again, have no crystal ball to predict the future. I hope the current US support will be sufficient.

As for my service, I was "only" part of a military family, did not have my father around for months at a time, as a child. Courts state military families serve, but a couple here shoot that fact down. I never enlisted in the military service, NO. My father said "COLLEGE", as his was interrupted by three wars, I followed his instruction. My sister, a disabled Vet, died this March, too young. She was injured while on duty years ago, NON COMBAT.
I shit on my neighbors front lawn. After two days, I tell him, "you own it now, it has nothing to do with me".

yeah. Get serious [MENTION=17668]Peach[/MENTION]. He ran on, in part, getting the hell outta that shithole now you're complaining that we don't have troops there fighting & dying for what? Oil?

BTW- you serve?

Trying to be "fair & balanced". No, I do not want troops there; I want US support; no one had a crystal ball in 2008. Thus, it may take on the ground resources; I do not know, and again, have no crystal ball to predict the future. I hope the current US support will be sufficient.

As for my service, I was "only" part of a military family, did not have my father around for months at a time, as a child. Courts state military families serve, but a couple here shoot that fact down. I never enlisted in the military service, NO. My father said "COLLEGE", as his was interrupted by three wars, I followed his instruction. My sister, a disabled Vet, died this March, too young. She was injured while on duty years ago, NON COMBAT.

Sooo..... you DIDN'T serve. Got it ;) YET you are giving out strategic advice just like the life-long civilians in the last republican (Bu$h) Admin who started that circular-firing squad of an UNPAID-FOR, foreign adventure. :thup: It broke our bank (Bu$h II gave tax-cuts during the occupation :eusa_shhh: ) and resulted in 4500 casualties.

They have to fight for themselves. We gave them training & weapons and they dropped them and ran at the first site if the enemy on the horizon. 13 yrs of holding their hands, on the taxpayer dime mind you, is enough. BTW- I did serve.

In conclusion- this conflict is religion-based and won't be won in any battle. The people have to stand on their own feet & say enough. Meanwhile in MURICA our defense contractors are getting fabulously rich (do you know where their money comes from? Its :up: redistributed from the taxpayers to them) & our infrastructure is crumbling around us but, according to you- we need to spend more money abroad. Save it Sugar Tits :eusa_hand:
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yeah. Get serious [MENTION=17668]Peach[/MENTION]. He ran on, in part, getting the hell outta that shithole now you're complaining that we don't have troops there fighting & dying for what? Oil?

BTW- you serve?

Trying to be "fair & balanced". No, I do not want troops there; I want US support; no one had a crystal ball in 2008. Thus, it may take on the ground resources; I do not know, and again, have no crystal ball to predict the future. I hope the current US support will be sufficient.

As for my service, I was "only" part of a military family, did not have my father around for months at a time, as a child. Courts state military families serve, but a couple here shoot that fact down. I never enlisted in the military service, NO. My father said "COLLEGE", as his was interrupted by three wars, I followed his instruction. My sister, a disabled Vet, died this March, too young. She was injured while on duty years ago, NON COMBAT.

Sooo..... you DIDN'T serve. Got it ;) YET you are giving out strategic advice just like the life-long civilians in the last republican (Bu$h) Admin who started that circular-firing squad of an UNPAID-FOR, foreign adventure. :thup: It broke our bank (Bu$h II gave tax-cuts during the occupation :eusa_shhh: ) and resulted in 4500 casualties.

They have to fight for themselves. We gave them training & weapons and they dropped them and ran at the first site if the enemy on the horizon. 13 yrs of holding their hands, on the taxpayer dime mind you, is enough. BTW- I did serve.

In conclusion- this conflict is religion-based and won't be won in any battle. The people have to stand on their own feet & say enough. Meanwhile in MURICA our defense contractors are getting fabulously rich (do you know where their money comes from? Its :up: redistributed from the taxpayers to them) & our infrastructure is crumbling around us but, according to you- we need to spend more money abroad. Save it Sugar Tits :eusa_hand:

I wrote "want", and "do not know"; thus, no strategic "adivice", just desire. I leave stratagy to the military. And I expect perfection from none in the military, only that they do their jobs, to the best of their abilities. Yes, I believe (if I may have an opinion) the iraq disaster lined pockets, not not with liberty; no WMDs, no hint of nuclear threat. Thank you for your service.

RIP, Dona Sue no no.....
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I see some of us are using ISIS doctrine, if you can't convert them to peace (Allah), kill them. Ah to own an ammunition depot near Epril... and carry special!
Trying to be "fair & balanced". No, I do not want troops there; I want US support; no one had a crystal ball in 2008. Thus, it may take on the ground resources; I do not know, and again, have no crystal ball to predict the future. I hope the current US support will be sufficient.

As for my service, I was "only" part of a military family, did not have my father around for months at a time, as a child. Courts state military families serve, but a couple here shoot that fact down. I never enlisted in the military service, NO. My father said "COLLEGE", as his was interrupted by three wars, I followed his instruction. My sister, a disabled Vet, died this March, too young. She was injured while on duty years ago, NON COMBAT.

Sooo..... you DIDN'T serve. Got it ;) YET you are giving out strategic advice just like the life-long civilians in the last republican (Bu$h) Admin who started that circular-firing squad of an UNPAID-FOR, foreign adventure. :thup: It broke our bank (Bu$h II gave tax-cuts during the occupation :eusa_shhh: ) and resulted in 4500 casualties.

They have to fight for themselves. We gave them training & weapons and they dropped them and ran at the first site if the enemy on the horizon. 13 yrs of holding their hands, on the taxpayer dime mind you, is enough. BTW- I did serve.

In conclusion- this conflict is religion-based and won't be won in any battle. The people have to stand on their own feet & say enough. Meanwhile in MURICA our defense contractors are getting fabulously rich (do you know where their money comes from? Its :up: redistributed from the taxpayers to them) & our infrastructure is crumbling around us but, according to you- we need to spend more money abroad. Save it Sugar Tits :eusa_hand:

I wrote "want", and "do not know"; thus, no strategic "adivice", just desire. I leave stratagy to the military. ....

I am pretty sure that is STRATEGERY.

You are welcome.

By what twisted, distorted, perverse "logic" is it that ISIS or HAMAS are seen as good guys or victims?

Don't know? No problem; just ask a couple of the USMB's more strident, mindless and rancid modern American "liberals."
Yes, brutalized people do brutal things.

30 years of Saddam followed by 10 years of war, we have exactly what we should expect- people who treat violence casually because they've never known anything else.

Why is this our problem again?

^Blaming us as usual... You should leave the Country.


^Blaming us as usual... You should leave the Country.



How about owning up to our responsibilities.

The CIA put Saddam into power in the 1960's. He was our guy, and we turned a blind eye when he gassed the Kurds (whom we can't stop weeping for now) and the Shi'ites and fought a long,pointless war with Iran.

Then he invaded Kuwait, and we spent 13 years brutalizing the country with sanctions and bombings before invading and occupying it for another 8.

Iraq should be an object lesson of why we shouldn't stick our noses in other people's countries.
By what twisted, distorted, perverse "logic" is it that ISIS or HAMAS are seen as good guys or victims?

Don't know? No problem; just ask a couple of the USMB's more strident, mindless and rancid modern American "liberals."

You got it. They are both murdering bands of assholes. ISIS is murdering Christians and Hamas has said they want to kill every jew on the planet. Yup. Great guys one and all.

They both need to be removed from the planet.
How about owning up to our responsibilities.

The CIA put Saddam into power in the 1960's. He was our guy, and we turned a blind eye when he gassed the Kurds (whom we can't stop weeping for now) and the Shi'ites and fought a long,pointless war with Iran.

Then he invaded Kuwait, and we spent 13 years brutalizing the country with sanctions and bombings before invading and occupying it for another 8.

Iraq should be an object lesson of why we shouldn't stick our noses in other people's countries.

You Blame us first... It's what you do.


Well you know the old saying.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Thats why we back folks like Hussein and UBL. Of course it always come back to bite us in the ass but works when it needs to.

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