ISIS Releases New Photos Showing Mass Crucifixions, Beheadings And Cruel Executions

What the world needs is an American President of Harry Truman's caliber.

Drop a couple of hydrogen bombs on Mecca and Medina.

Then follow them by dropping some of the same on Islamabad, Karachi, Khartoum, Tehran, Tripoli and Damascus.

Then issue executive order to do the Muslims is America what the Muslims do to their victims - whoever they might be - in Muslim countries.

This is NOT a war between the Muslims and America.

This IS a war between peace loving people who want to live in freedom and a democratic government on one hand and radical Islamacist terrorists on the other who do not speak of even a large minority of Muslims.

If we retaliate against all Muslims we do what the terrorists want us to do and make an enemy of all Muslims.

That would be playing into their hands.

You like that idea?

The way - the ONLY WAY - to win a war is to totally destroy and demoralize the enemy. When that happens, the worst enemies become friends in time.

What my post proposed happened to Japan. I don`t see any Japanese terrorist groups similar to the followers of the pedophile illiterate terrorist who call their pseudo-religion, ignorantly called a `religion of peace` by GWB.

I don`t see any terrorist groups threatening to kill Americans in Germany after their cities like Leipzip, Munich, Hamburg, Berlin were bombed and pulverized.

Treat the Muslim animals (pardon the redundancy) with velvet gloves and you will have one 9-11 after an other with more and more devastating results.
Neither was it a war against the Japanese people who simply wanted to live in peace.. Pacifism served up the Holocaust and billions of deaths worldwide.. War is about death.. so long as fanatics have the support of a brainwashed people, those peace loving muslims are at risk.. Do we continue to allow the deaths of Americans in their place??? NO.. So like I said, we either blast them from existence or get the hell out and stay out.

Does it look like the Muslims that the ISIS rule WANT them there?

I have the impression that most do not and merely live in fear.

Not all.. but certainly not enough.. There are a billion and a half Muslims worldwide- Pew Research Center. World's Muslim population more widespread than you might think. There are about 1.6 billion Muslims, or 23% of the world's population, making Islam the second-largest religion.

IF they truly wanted to step in and stop ISIS, they could.. where are they? WHERE ARE THEY?? We are not the worlds police..

That is why I hate the whole notion that we are the worlds cop; when we need to do our own dirty work we might not have the resources or morale to do so.

I think ISIS is al Qaeda on steroids. We either destroy them or they will eventually destroy much of our nation till we retreat into a corner and leave them to whatever they want.
What the world needs is an American President of Harry Truman's caliber.

Drop a couple of hydrogen bombs on Mecca and Medina.

Then follow them by dropping some of the same on Islamabad, Karachi, Khartoum, Tehran, Tripoli and Damascus.

Then issue executive order to do the Muslims is America what the Muslims do to their victims - whoever they might be - in Muslim countries.

This is NOT a war between the Muslims and America.

This IS a war between peace loving people who want to live in freedom and a democratic government on one hand and radical Islamacist terrorists on the other who do not speak of even a large minority of Muslims.

If we retaliate against all Muslims we do what the terrorists want us to do and make an enemy of all Muslims.

That would be playing into their hands.

You like that idea?

The way - the ONLY WAY - to win a war is to totally destroy and demoralize the enemy. When that happens, the worst enemies become friends in time.

What my post proposed happened to Japan. I don`t see any Japanese terrorist groups similar to the followers of the pedophile illiterate terrorist who call their pseudo-religion, ignorantly called a `religion of peace` by GWB.

I don`t see any terrorist groups threatening to kill Americans in Germany after their cities like Leipzip, Munich, Hamburg, Berlin were bombed and pulverized.

Treat the Muslim animals (pardon the redundancy) with velvet gloves and you will have one 9-11 after an other with more and more devastating results.

The Muslims are not a monolithic totalitarian state as the Japanese and Nazis were.

The Muslims are of many different minds and opinions that will become singularly focues if we hit Mecca, their holiest shrine.
What the world needs is an American President of Harry Truman's caliber.

Drop a couple of hydrogen bombs on Mecca and Medina.

Then follow them by dropping some of the same on Islamabad, Karachi, Khartoum, Tehran, Tripoli and Damascus.

Then issue executive order to do the Muslims is America what the Muslims do to their victims - whoever they might be - in Muslim countries.

This is NOT a war between the Muslims and America.

This IS a war between peace loving people who want to live in freedom and a democratic government on one hand and radical Islamacist terrorists on the other who do not speak of even a large minority of Muslims.

If we retaliate against all Muslims we do what the terrorists want us to do and make an enemy of all Muslims.

That would be playing into their hands.

You like that idea?

You are right, this is not a war between Muslims and America.
This is a war between Muslims and humans all over the world.

Obviously you have you forgotten the Muslim terrorist attacks in India, Bali, Spain and elsewhere.
There's no good fucking answer here.. We're damned if we do and damned if we don't. We either have the resolve to utterly annihilate HAMAS, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, etc etc.. I've heard this description concerning ISIL: ISIL is an unholy combination of al-Qaeda, the Khmer Rouge, and the Nazis. They are an offshoot of Al Qaeda that this President swore was decimated and defeated in Iraq. HE lied and damn well knew from intelligence he was lying to the American people.. Regardless, we have a situation now with an emboldened enemy who has promised to come to the shores of North America and slaughter our children.. Now we either take that threat seriously or we bring our boys back home, beef up our fucking borders, replenish our military, and watch with a wise eye.. The moment the first peep of any act of terrorism is overheard, we demolish it.. But this Bush-Obama doctrine of invading countries who have not attacked us is simply stupid unless you have the teeth to fucking win.. It's the same dynamic of Vietnam.. all fucking political throwing our forces in to a slaughter house and tying their fucking hands with the ROE.
There's no good fucking answer here.. We're damned if we do and damned if we don't. We either have the resolve to utterly annihilate HAMAS, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, etc etc.. I've heard this description concerning ISIL: ISIL is an unholy combination of al-Qaeda, the Khmer Rouge, and the Nazis. They are an offshoot of Al Qaeda that this President swore was decimated and defeated in Iraq. HE lied and damn well knew from intelligence he was lying to the American people.. Regardless, we have a situation now with an emboldened enemy who has promised to come to the shores of North America and slaughter our children.. Now we either take that threat seriously or we bring our boys back home, beef up our fucking borders, replenish our military, and watch with a wise eye.. The moment the first peep of any act of terrorism is overheard, we demolish it.. But this Bush-Obama doctrine of invading countries who have not attacked us is simply stupid unless you have the teeth to fucking win.. It's the same dynamic of Vietnam.. all fucking political throwing our forces in to a slaughter house and tying their fucking hands with the ROE.

The one thing Nazis, Communists, Muslims and politically correct Democrats all have in common is anti Semitism. You know, the all consuming envy of people who are so much better than you. Not only now, but thru history.

When you are stupid, you blame the Jews.
Yes, brutalized people do brutal things.

30 years of Saddam followed by 10 years of war, we have exactly what we should expect- people who treat violence casually because they've never known anything else.

Why is this our problem again?

You are obviously an idiot if you have to ask that question.

Joe is an idiot and a liar as well.

You didn't know this?

I knew he was an idiot. I just didn't know he was stupid enough to ask "Why is this our problem?".
What the Kurds are doing, they have received arms from several of our allies:

The problem is, of course, the Turks don't like seeing Kurds getting weapons from anyone and they are the 800 pound gorilla in that region, not Iran.

Boo hoo.

If i were Turkey, i'd consider putting aside the hate-on for Kurds and send some troops to help them, because once ISIS is done with the Kurds and then Southern Iraq, guess who's next?
Nothing about the situation surprises me.

How Shiites and Sunnis have reacted.
How the Kurds were treated.
How terrorists rebounded.
How Obama is surprised and unprepared.
ISIS is quite a ways beyond platitudes.

Yes, they are.

and why is this our problem again?

Because shit like this inevitably comes back to bite us in the ass.

These guys are nuts. They are cleaning the clocks of Iraqis. And they may be engaged in Genocide.

Time to bomb them.
The Iraqi army with about 250,000 versus ISIS with about 7,000 should be cleaning their clock. However, in Mosul, Iraq's second most populous city, about 800 ISIS fighters invaded and sent 30,000 Iraqi army troops running. The Iraqi problem is two fold. First they have mostly an untested force with little training and organization. Secondly, they have little air power to support the troops. The US intervention can certainly provide the air power to slow ISIS down but it will be ultimately up to the Iraqi army. If the the US maintains aerial attacks, it will make it impossible for ISIS to control the country, however if the Iraqi army doesn't get their act together, the fighting could go on for long time.

Why the Iraqi army can't defeat ISIS - Vox
The Iraqi army with about 250,000 versus ISIS with about 7,000 should be cleaning their clock. However, in Mosul, Iraq's second most populous city, about 800 ISIS fighters invaded and sent 30,000 Iraqi army troops running. The Iraqi problem is two fold. First they have mostly an untested force with little training and organization. Secondly, they have little air power to support the troops. The US intervention can certainly provide the air power to slow ISIS down but it will be ultimately up to the Iraqi army. If the the US maintains aerial attacks, it will make it impossible for ISIS to control the country, however if the Iraqi army doesn't get their act together, the fighting could go on for long time.

Why the Iraqi army can't defeat ISIS - Vox

Boots on the ground is how you control ISIS. That said, without air support, that is a tough job.
Neither was it a war against the Japanese people who simply wanted to live in peace.. Pacifism served up the Holocaust and billions of deaths worldwide.. War is about death.. so long as fanatics have the support of a brainwashed people, those peace loving muslims are at risk.. Do we continue to allow the deaths of Americans in their place??? NO.. So like I said, we either blast them from existence or get the hell out and stay out.

Does it look like the Muslims that the ISIS rule WANT them there?

I have the impression that most do not and merely live in fear.

Not all.. but certainly not enough.. There are a billion and a half Muslims worldwide- Pew Research Center. World's Muslim population more widespread than you might think. There are about 1.6 billion Muslims, or 23% of the world's population, making Islam the second-largest religion.

IF they truly wanted to step in and stop ISIS, they could.. where are they? WHERE ARE THEY?? We are not the worlds police..
And they aren't either.
There is no reason to expect Muslims in other countries to involve themselves. They aren't being attacked.
LGS has a good point. New terrorists will come from radical cleric teachings. Muslims MUST stand up and insist that this stop.
Islamic State kills at least 500 from Iraq's Yazidi minority: Baghdad

Reuters ^

Islamic State militants have killed at least 500 members of Iraq's Yazidi minority in northern Iraq, burying some of their victims alive and kidnapping hundreds of women, a Baghdad government minister said on Sunday. Iraq's human rights minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani told Reuters that he had evidence that the Sunni militants had thrown the Yazidi dead into mass graves, adding that some of those buried alive were women and children. About 300 women had been forced into slavery, he said.

And last week, you had no idea what a Yazidi was.

But now it's "something you can blame Obama For".

What are you talking about, cock sucker? You don't care for the story, because you're a terrorist loving, subversive bitch!
What the world needs is an American President of Harry Truman's caliber.

Drop a couple of hydrogen bombs on Mecca and Medina.

Then follow them by dropping some of the same on Islamabad, Karachi, Khartoum, Tehran, Tripoli and Damascus.

Then issue executive order to do the Muslims is America what the Muslims do to their victims - whoever they might be - in Muslim countries.

This is NOT a war between the Muslims and America.

This IS a war between peace loving people who want to live in freedom and a democratic government on one hand and radical Islamacist terrorists on the other who do not speak of even a large minority of Muslims.

If we retaliate against all Muslims we do what the terrorists want us to do and make an enemy of all Muslims.

That would be playing into their hands.

You like that idea?

The way - the ONLY WAY - to win a war is to totally destroy and demoralize the enemy. When that happens, the worst enemies become friends in time.

What my post proposed happened to Japan. I don`t see any Japanese terrorist groups similar to the followers of the pedophile illiterate terrorist who call their pseudo-religion, ignorantly called a `religion of peace` by GWB.

I don`t see any terrorist groups threatening to kill Americans in Germany after their cities like Leipzip, Munich, Hamburg, Berlin were bombed and pulverized.

Treat the Muslim animals (pardon the redundancy) with velvet gloves and you will have one 9-11 after an other with more and more devastating results.
Unlike Japan, the war is not against a country but an idea that exists in every nation on earth.
Question: Why are links to violent material like this okay, but links to nudity not allowed even with warnings?

Why is that issue so important to you? The reality of innocent people being beheaded, crucified ad otherwise murdered, may not be what you want to see.

So go have your little fantasy in one of your own health and lifestyle threads. No one asked you to look
LGS has a good point. New terrorists will come from radical cleric teachings. Muslims MUST stand up and insist that this stop.

The problem is not gonna happen on any scale that would make a difference. The qu'ran says what it says.

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