ISIS Releases New Photos Showing Mass Crucifixions, Beheadings And Cruel Executions

That's a lie. The Japanese were perfectly willing to surrender if we let them keep their Emperor, which we let them keep, anyway.

Also, the Atomic Bombs had nothing to do with Japan finally surrendering, the Soviet Entry into the war did.

So after they got hit by the secong atomic bomb they said to themselves " Oh shit the Russians are comming were in trouble". So the fact thattey thought we might drop another one had nothing to do with their surrender?

Um, yeah.

Let's put a few things in perspective.

1) The Atom Bombs did less damage to Japanese cities than the conventional and incendiary bombings we were already doing to them. The firebombing of Tokyo earlier that summer, for instance, killed nearly a million people.

2) The Japanese had zero defense against a Russian invasion. Most of their forces were gathered in the South and East. The northern island of Hokkaido, for instance, had all of two divisions guarding it, and they were deployed along the eastern coast.

3) The Japanese were already hearing stories about the horrible things the Russians were doing to German civilians in their sector of occupied Germany.

4) After the Russians entered the war, they had rolled up the Kwantung Army and the Client state of Manchuko in less than a week.

So their diplomatic strategy had changed from 'Hoping to wear the Americans down" to "not wanting to be partioned with the Russians, who were far worse."

Oh, incidentally, both Eisenhower and MacArthur thought the atomic bombings of Japan were a terrible idea.
Massive strikes today, Kurds taking back towns.

You sound like a LUNATIC..Honestly you do.. Not to mention when Boooooooooosh called on the air campaign, HE MURDERED MOTHERS, DAUGHTERS, SONS.. you liberals are cheering the slaughter of villagers now because your boy king is doing it?? REALLY??

The days of sucking Saudi face and sacrificing US lives to watch a boy play dress up as a soldier are GONE; the USA is fighting terror now.
What the world needs is an American President of Harry Truman's caliber.

Drop a couple of hydrogen bombs on Mecca and Medina.

Then follow them by dropping some of the same on Islamabad, Karachi, Khartoum, Tehran, Tripoli and Damascus.

Then issue executive order to do the Muslims is America what the Muslims do to their victims - whoever they might be - in Muslim countries.
Massive strikes today, Kurds taking back towns.

You sound like a LUNATIC..Honestly you do.. Not to mention when Boooooooooosh called on the air campaign, HE MURDERED MOTHERS, DAUGHTERS, SONS.. you liberals are cheering the slaughter of villagers now because your boy king is doing it?? REALLY??

The days of sucking Saudi face and sacrificing US lives to watch a boy play dress up as a soldier are GONE; the USA is fighting terror now.

ya right :lol:

What the Kurds are doing, they have received arms from several of our allies:

The problem is, of course, the Turks don't like seeing Kurds getting weapons from anyone and they are the 800 pound gorilla in that region, not Iran.

Nope, the Turks are with the USA this time, watch the Yazidi children eating food and drinking water:

The U.S. military said it dropped some 3,804 gallons of fresh drinking water and 16,128 ready-to-eat meals to tens of thousands of Yazidis, who are being targeted by militants in the Islamic State, formerly the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

Marizio Babille of UNICEF told CNN between 100 and 150 people per day were being airlifted by Iraqi security forces off the mountain.

"We are running out of time for thousands who can obviously not be reached by these airdrops," he said.

UNICEF estimates some 40,000 people are in hiding on the mountain, dozens of whom have died of extreme temperatures, and lack of food and water.

Britain and France have committed to assisting the United States in humanitarian airdrops.

Also, Turkey agreed to take in the formerly shunned Yazidis yesterday. Thousands are moving in. Airlifts are picking up, only the beginning but the US is ready this time. No half baked war plan with photo ops as the only reward. As for Saudi butt kissing surrender rats, your day has passed.
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lol, that is funny.

You post that as though Joe will either read it, or think about it, or not turn around and ignore everything you link to and repeat his stupid lies any ole way.

Joe is a liar and a moron.

I'm not really terribly impressed with this pop-history thing.

Instead, let's look at what GENERALS at the time said about the atomic bombing.

Let's start with Eisenhower-

" [July] 1945... Secretary of War Stimson, visiting my headquarters in Germany, informed me that our government was preparing to drop an atomic bomb on Japan. I was one of those who felt that there were a number of cogent reasons to question the wisdom of such an act. ...the Secretary, upon giving me the news of the successful bomb test in New Mexico, and of the plan for using it, asked for my reaction, apparently expecting a vigorous assent.

"During his recitation of the relevant facts, I had been conscious of a feeling of depression and so I voiced to him my grave misgivings, first on the basis of my belief that Japan was already defeated and that dropping the bomb was completely unnecessary, and secondly because I thought that our country should avoid shocking world opinion by the use of a weapon whose employment was, I thought, no longer mandatory as a measure to save American lives. It was my belief that Japan was, at that very moment, seeking some way to surrender with a minimum loss of 'face'. The Secretary was deeply perturbed by my attitude..."

General MacArthur had a similar opinion. (Ironic, given his willingness to later drop nukes on the Chinese during the Korean War)

Norman Cousins was a consultant to General MacArthur during the American occupation of Japan. Cousins writes of his conversations with MacArthur, "MacArthur's views about the decision to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were starkly different from what the general public supposed." He continues, "When I asked General MacArthur about the decision to drop the bomb, I was surprised to learn he had not even been consulted. What, I asked, would his advice have been? He replied that he saw no military justification for the dropping of the bomb. The war might have ended weeks earlier, he said, if the United States had agreed, as it later did anyway, to the retention of the institution of the emperor."

Hiroshima: Quotes
If that mountain had nothing but trannies, lesbians, filthy homosexuals, paeds and some joooooz on top the liberals would be heating up the phone lines in an effort to get boots on the ground.
What the Kurds are doing, they have received arms from several of our allies:

The problem is, of course, the Turks don't like seeing Kurds getting weapons from anyone and they are the 800 pound gorilla in that region, not Iran.
Conflict Shows New, Closer Turk-Iraqi Kurdish Ties
But since the U.S. invasion of Iraq more than a decade ago, Turkey has built close ties to the Kurdish government in its regional capital of Erbil, Iraq, expanding bilateral trade and coordinating vital policy issues, including the civil war in Syria.

Conflict Shows New, Closer Turk-Iraqi Kurdish Ties - WSJ
What the world needs is an American President of Harry Truman's caliber.

Drop a couple of hydrogen bombs on Mecca and Medina.

Then follow them by dropping some of the same on Islamabad, Karachi, Khartoum, Tehran, Tripoli and Damascus.

Then issue executive order to do the Muslims is America what the Muslims do to their victims - whoever they might be - in Muslim countries.

This is NOT a war between the Muslims and America.

This IS a war between peace loving people who want to live in freedom and a democratic government on one hand and radical Islamacist terrorists on the other who do not speak of even a large minority of Muslims.

If we retaliate against all Muslims we do what the terrorists want us to do and make an enemy of all Muslims.

That would be playing into their hands.

You like that idea?
Turkey & the Kurds:

Almost a thousand armed Turkish Kurds have entered Syria to rescue the Syrian Kurdish city of Korbane from ISIS militants. The AFP reports:

“At least 800 Kurdish fighters crossed the Turkish-Syrian border to help their comrades in Ain al-Arab (Kobane in Kurdish), which is under total siege by Islamic State jihadists,” Syrian Observatory for Human Rights director Rami Abdel Rahman told AFP.

A Kurdish Syrian activist said the flow of fighters came as the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), blacklisted in Turkey as a terrorist organisation, gave orders for Kurdish fighters to move to protect Kobane.

“Fighters started going into Kobane from Turkey some four or five days ago,” said Havidar, who goes by only one name.

“But the latest entry, last night, came after orders from the higher leadership of the PKK. Last night, there were celebrations in Kobane — fighters were firing into the air as they arrived in the town,” he told AFP.

Turkey’s Prime Minister, Tayyip Recep Erdogan, recently moved to end the decades-old strife between Ankara and Turkey’s ethnic Kurds. And as Adam Garfinkle noted at the very start of the Syrian conflict, Turkey has long been anxious to get a better hold on events in Syria, to the point of supposedly offering to send in troops—an offer the Obama Administration turned down. Despite upping some border patrols, Ankara has been far quieter in response to this news than one would expect.

Meanwhile, rapprochement continues with Iraqi Kurdistan. The President of Iraqi Kurdistan, Masoud Barzani, was in Ankara for talks with Erdogan and Turkish President Abdullah Gul today. They discussed both the oil trade and Iraqi Kurdish independence, with Turkey continuing to take a cautious but not disapproving line.
What the Kurds are doing, they have received arms from several of our allies:

The problem is, of course, the Turks don't like seeing Kurds getting weapons from anyone and they are the 800 pound gorilla in that region, not Iran.

Nope, the Turks are with the USA this time, watch the Yazidi children eating food and drinking water:

U.S. airdrops water, food on Sinjar Mountain in Iraq -

The U.S. military said it dropped some 3,804 gallons of fresh drinking water and 16,128 ready-to-eat meals to tens of thousands of Yazidis, who are being targeted by militants in the Islamic State, formerly the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

Marizio Babille of UNICEF told CNN between 100 and 150 people per day were being airlifted by Iraqi security forces off the mountain.

"We are running out of time for thousands who can obviously not be reached by these airdrops," he said.

UNICEF estimates some 40,000 people are in hiding on the mountain, dozens of whom have died of extreme temperatures, and lack of food and water.

Britain and France have committed to assisting the United States in humanitarian airdrops.

Also, Turkey agreed to take in the formerly shunned Yazidis yesterday. Thousands are moving in. Airlifts are picking up, only the beginning but the US is ready this time. No half baked war plan with photo ops as the only reward. As for Saudi butt kissing surrender rats, your day has passed.

Not talking about humanitarian aid here, Peach.

Not sure that a more reconcilable Turkey is such a good idea anyway. Don't want resurgent dreams of Ottomans in their heads.
What the world needs is an American President of Harry Truman's caliber.

Drop a couple of hydrogen bombs on Mecca and Medina.

Then follow them by dropping some of the same on Islamabad, Karachi, Khartoum, Tehran, Tripoli and Damascus.

Then issue executive order to do the Muslims is America what the Muslims do to their victims - whoever they might be - in Muslim countries.

This is NOT a war between the Muslims and America.

This IS a war between peace loving people who want to live in freedom and a democratic government on one hand and radical Islamacist terrorists on the other who do not speak of even a large minority of Muslims.

If we retaliate against all Muslims we do what the terrorists want us to do and make an enemy of all Muslims.

That would be playing into their hands.

You like that idea?

Neither was it a war against the Japanese people who simply wanted to live in peace.. Pacifism served up the Holocaust and billions of deaths worldwide.. War is about death.. so long as fanatics have the support of a brainwashed people, those peace loving muslims are at risk.. Do we continue to allow the deaths of Americans in their place??? NO.. So like I said, we either blast them from existence or get the hell out and stay out.
Turkey & the Kurds:

Almost a thousand armed Turkish Kurds have entered Syria to rescue the Syrian Kurdish city of Korbane from ISIS militants. The AFP reports:

“At least 800 Kurdish fighters crossed the Turkish-Syrian border to help their comrades in Ain al-Arab (Kobane in Kurdish), which is under total siege by Islamic State jihadists,” Syrian Observatory for Human Rights director Rami Abdel Rahman told AFP.

A Kurdish Syrian activist said the flow of fighters came as the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), blacklisted in Turkey as a terrorist organisation, gave orders for Kurdish fighters to move to protect Kobane.

“Fighters started going into Kobane from Turkey some four or five days ago,” said Havidar, who goes by only one name.

“But the latest entry, last night, came after orders from the higher leadership of the PKK. Last night, there were celebrations in Kobane — fighters were firing into the air as they arrived in the town,” he told AFP.

Turkey’s Prime Minister, Tayyip Recep Erdogan, recently moved to end the decades-old strife between Ankara and Turkey’s ethnic Kurds. And as Adam Garfinkle noted at the very start of the Syrian conflict, Turkey has long been anxious to get a better hold on events in Syria, to the point of supposedly offering to send in troops—an offer the Obama Administration turned down. Despite upping some border patrols, Ankara has been far quieter in response to this news than one would expect.

Meanwhile, rapprochement continues with Iraqi Kurdistan. The President of Iraqi Kurdistan, Masoud Barzani, was in Ankara for talks with Erdogan and Turkish President Abdullah Gul today. They discussed both the oil trade and Iraqi Kurdish independence, with Turkey continuing to take a cautious but not disapproving line.

That is largely welcome news as long as the Turks don't let it go to their turbans.
What the world needs is an American President of Harry Truman's caliber.

Drop a couple of hydrogen bombs on Mecca and Medina.

Then follow them by dropping some of the same on Islamabad, Karachi, Khartoum, Tehran, Tripoli and Damascus.

Then issue executive order to do the Muslims is America what the Muslims do to their victims - whoever they might be - in Muslim countries.

This is NOT a war between the Muslims and America.

This IS a war between peace loving people who want to live in freedom and a democratic government on one hand and radical Islamacist terrorists on the other who do not speak of even a large minority of Muslims.

If we retaliate against all Muslims we do what the terrorists want us to do and make an enemy of all Muslims.

That would be playing into their hands.

You like that idea?

Neither was it a war against the Japanese people who simply wanted to live in peace.. Pacifism served up the Holocaust and billions of deaths worldwide.. War is about death.. so long as fanatics have the support of a brainwashed people, those peace loving muslims are at risk.. Do we continue to allow the deaths of Americans in their place??? NO.. So like I said, we either blast them from existence or get the hell out and stay out.

Does it look like the Muslims that the ISIS rule WANT them there?

I have the impression that most do not and merely live in fear.
Turkey & the Kurds:

Almost a thousand armed Turkish Kurds have entered Syria to rescue the Syrian Kurdish city of Korbane from ISIS militants. The AFP reports:

“At least 800 Kurdish fighters crossed the Turkish-Syrian border to help their comrades in Ain al-Arab (Kobane in Kurdish), which is under total siege by Islamic State jihadists,” Syrian Observatory for Human Rights director Rami Abdel Rahman told AFP.

A Kurdish Syrian activist said the flow of fighters came as the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), blacklisted in Turkey as a terrorist organisation, gave orders for Kurdish fighters to move to protect Kobane.

“Fighters started going into Kobane from Turkey some four or five days ago,” said Havidar, who goes by only one name.

“But the latest entry, last night, came after orders from the higher leadership of the PKK. Last night, there were celebrations in Kobane — fighters were firing into the air as they arrived in the town,” he told AFP.

Turkey’s Prime Minister, Tayyip Recep Erdogan, recently moved to end the decades-old strife between Ankara and Turkey’s ethnic Kurds. And as Adam Garfinkle noted at the very start of the Syrian conflict, Turkey has long been anxious to get a better hold on events in Syria, to the point of supposedly offering to send in troops—an offer the Obama Administration turned down. Despite upping some border patrols, Ankara has been far quieter in response to this news than one would expect.

Meanwhile, rapprochement continues with Iraqi Kurdistan. The President of Iraqi Kurdistan, Masoud Barzani, was in Ankara for talks with Erdogan and Turkish President Abdullah Gul today. They discussed both the oil trade and Iraqi Kurdish independence, with Turkey continuing to take a cautious but not disapproving line.

That is largely welcome news as long as the Turks don't let it go to their turbans.

ISIS MAY, repeat MAY, be a wake up call for many nations. France, Germany, Russia are all behind the efort to eliminate the ISIS threat.
This is NOT a war between the Muslims and America.

This IS a war between peace loving people who want to live in freedom and a democratic government on one hand and radical Islamacist terrorists on the other who do not speak of even a large minority of Muslims.

If we retaliate against all Muslims we do what the terrorists want us to do and make an enemy of all Muslims.

That would be playing into their hands.

You like that idea?

Neither was it a war against the Japanese people who simply wanted to live in peace.. Pacifism served up the Holocaust and billions of deaths worldwide.. War is about death.. so long as fanatics have the support of a brainwashed people, those peace loving muslims are at risk.. Do we continue to allow the deaths of Americans in their place??? NO.. So like I said, we either blast them from existence or get the hell out and stay out.

Does it look like the Muslims that the ISIS rule WANT them there?

I have the impression that most do not and merely live in fear.

Not all.. but certainly not enough.. There are a billion and a half Muslims worldwide- Pew Research Center. World's Muslim population more widespread than you might think. There are about 1.6 billion Muslims, or 23% of the world's population, making Islam the second-largest religion.

IF they truly wanted to step in and stop ISIS, they could.. where are they? WHERE ARE THEY?? We are not the worlds police..
Turkey & the Kurds:

Almost a thousand armed Turkish Kurds have entered Syria to rescue the Syrian Kurdish city of Korbane from ISIS militants. The AFP reports:

“At least 800 Kurdish fighters crossed the Turkish-Syrian border to help their comrades in Ain al-Arab (Kobane in Kurdish), which is under total siege by Islamic State jihadists,” Syrian Observatory for Human Rights director Rami Abdel Rahman told AFP.

A Kurdish Syrian activist said the flow of fighters came as the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), blacklisted in Turkey as a terrorist organisation, gave orders for Kurdish fighters to move to protect Kobane.

“Fighters started going into Kobane from Turkey some four or five days ago,” said Havidar, who goes by only one name.

“But the latest entry, last night, came after orders from the higher leadership of the PKK. Last night, there were celebrations in Kobane — fighters were firing into the air as they arrived in the town,” he told AFP.

Turkey’s Prime Minister, Tayyip Recep Erdogan, recently moved to end the decades-old strife between Ankara and Turkey’s ethnic Kurds. And as Adam Garfinkle noted at the very start of the Syrian conflict, Turkey has long been anxious to get a better hold on events in Syria, to the point of supposedly offering to send in troops—an offer the Obama Administration turned down. Despite upping some border patrols, Ankara has been far quieter in response to this news than one would expect.

Meanwhile, rapprochement continues with Iraqi Kurdistan. The President of Iraqi Kurdistan, Masoud Barzani, was in Ankara for talks with Erdogan and Turkish President Abdullah Gul today. They discussed both the oil trade and Iraqi Kurdish independence, with Turkey continuing to take a cautious but not disapproving line.

That is largely welcome news as long as the Turks don't let it go to their turbans.

ISIS MAY, repeat MAY, be a wake up call for many nations. France, Germany, Russia are all behind the efort to eliminate the ISIS threat.

God knows I pray you are right, but unfortunately history has plenty of examples of public posturing of sympathy while passing aid to the heathen under the table.

The key question is who benefits from ISIS being such blatant thugs?

Do the Russians get more heat from the Ukrainian land grabs or less?

Do the North Koreans mind sharing the limelight of global hatred?

Does al Qaeda mind the competition, or do they see them as allies against the Satanic West?

Do the Western Europeans really want the US to deploy troops or will they?

This whole thing is so freaking complicated, and made worse by the lies and hypocrisy that is normal every day diplomacy.

We should lead the effort to destroy ISIS and let the rest follow as they may and not depend on any of these lying bastards.

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