ISIS Releases New Photos Showing Mass Crucifixions, Beheadings And Cruel Executions

Yes, brutalized people do brutal things.

30 years of Saddam followed by 10 years of war, we have exactly what we should expect- people who treat violence casually because they've never known anything else.

Why is this our problem again?

Basically people who think like you.
No lies, no distortions and the UN is standing behind the US, no longer confounded by the bizarre behavior of 2002-2008. Once again Bush is gone, the world trusts the US again....................except for radical Islam, they are not getting a free pass like Bush gave them, after 9/11/01.
It's somewhat shocking that a group as brutal as ISIS would be considered as susceptible to diplomacy of any kind. It takes a special kind of willful ignorance to believe they can be dealt with diplomatically.
Obama has been in ofice 5.6 years, he owns this the now(.)

Why is this our problem?

It seems to me that it should be up to the IRaqis to police their own country, not us.

Was 9/11 YOUR problem, or you just didn't care that the SAME EXACT PEOPLE attacked America? ......You deserve to be drop kicked into Gaza, see if you can find a tunnel to get away from the killers and make it back to the Jews! ....They LOVE American's!


Look, dumb fuck, 100,000 to 1,000,000 Iranians gathered around the US embassy and lit candles for our dead that night. And then Bush declared them part of an evil axis. And when we invaded Iraq on the basis of lies, we created the Mad Hatter.

Now we have a situation where there is overwhelming evil in action now in Iraq. We should act, and act decisively. In concert with forces from Russia and Iran, and do a total wipeout on these Perpetrators of horror.
Why is this our problem?

It seems to me that it should be up to the IRaqis to police their own country, not us.

Was 9/11 YOUR problem, or you just didn't care that the SAME EXACT PEOPLE attacked America? ......You deserve to be drop kicked into Gaza, see if you can find a tunnel to get away from the killers and make it back to the Jews! ....They LOVE American's!


Look, dumb fuck, 100,000 to 1,000,000 Iranians gathered around the US embassy and lit candles for our dead that night. And then Bush declared them part of an evil axis. And when we invaded Iraq on the basis of lies, we created the Mad Hatter.

Now we have a situation where there is overwhelming evil in action now in Iraq. We should act, and act decisively. In concert with forces from Russia and Iran, and do a total wipeout on these Perpetrators of horror.

Iran, Russia, Germany, France, UK, all agree with US action, the stain of the Bush era is fading, finally.
Why is this our problem?

It seems to me that it should be up to the IRaqis to police their own country, not us.

Was 9/11 YOUR problem, or you just didn't care that the SAME EXACT PEOPLE attacked America? ......You deserve to be drop kicked into Gaza, see if you can find a tunnel to get away from the killers and make it back to the Jews! ....They LOVE American's!


Look, dumb fuck, 100,000 to 1,000,000 Iranians gathered around the US embassy and lit candles for our dead that night. And then Bush declared them part of an evil axis. And when we invaded Iraq on the basis of lies, we created the Mad Hatter.

Now we have a situation where there is overwhelming evil in action now in Iraq. We should act, and act decisively. In concert with forces from Russia and Iran, and do a total wipeout on these Perpetrators of horror.

Why yes they did in 2001, and then the fucking Obomanation let them Iranian terrorist regime get away with this, without Doing ANYTHING to help these tortured people!

So now you think THE IRANIANS have the same feelings for the scumbag president that continues to this day to DO NOTHING?
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Hundreds of Yazidi women are being as slaves for the ISIS army.

Has Moochelle been notified? We need another Hashtag Photo-op!

This. ISIS uses Twitter, and as such they've left themselves especially vulnerable to President Obama's hashtag diplomacy. Once we mount another Tweet-offensive of #BringBackOurGyrls proportions, ISIS will have to release those womyn, otherwise their e-cred will be permanently damaged.

I may be off base here, but I doubt they are overly concerned about their "e-cred".
Hundreds of Yazidi women are being as slaves for the ISIS army.

Has Moochelle been notified? We need another Hashtag Photo-op!

This. ISIS uses Twitter, and as such they've left themselves especially vulnerable to President Obama's hashtag diplomacy. Once we mount another Tweet-offensive of #BringBackOurGyrls proportions, ISIS will have to release those womyn, otherwise their e-cred will be permanently damaged.

I actually think this bimbo believes the shit above!

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Yes, brutalized people do brutal things.

30 years of Saddam followed by 10 years of war, we have exactly what we should expect- people who treat violence casually because they've never known anything else.

Why is this our problem again?

Basically people who think like you.

I don't see you running down to the recruiting station signing up.

Or better yet, what you guys need to do is form your own private brigades to join the fight. Bill Krystol can be your Colonel, and you can start your own version of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade.

Because his advice was so good when we started this thing.
It's a true shame that when this was going on 10 years ago against the Christians and Iraq was being looted, the only "people" Bush and the Republicans protected were the oil companies and their oil fields. True Story.

Obama has been in ofice 5.6 years, he owns this the now(.)

I shit on my neighbors front lawn. After two days, I tell him, "you own it now, it has nothing to do with me".

First thing you've ever said that I believed.
Question: Why are links to violent material like this okay, but links to nudity not allowed even with warnings?

Go to a porn site if you want to display nude pics.. Better yet, start your own forum and stop biatching.. You're a guest here who is welcome to donate toward a membership.. there are these little things called, "rules."
Yes, brutalized people do brutal things.

30 years of Saddam followed by 10 years of war, we have exactly what we should expect- people who treat violence casually because they've never known anything else.

Why is this our problem again?

Basically people who think like you.

I don't see you running down to the recruiting station signing up.

Or better yet, what you guys need to do is form your own private brigades to join the fight. Bill Krystol can be your Colonel, and you can start your own version of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade.

Because his advice was so good when we started this thing.

Why don't you address the FACT that the very people you hail in all threads are TORTURING children and beheading them????
No lies, no distortions and the UN is standing behind the US, no longer confounded by the bizarre behavior of 2002-2008. Once again Bush is gone, the world trusts the US again....................except for radical Islam, they are not getting a free pass like Bush gave them, after 9/11/01.

:lol::lol: You must get up each morning, look in the mirror and parrot DNC talking points in order to believe that horse shit. The world laughs at your boy king. He is literally the standing joke, the paper rainbow unicorn who rides sissy bicycles and tip toes down Air Force 1. He is a disgrace and a traitor to the United States Constitution. He has damaged this country beyond the scope of what we can fully understand as of yet and you say the stupid shit above.
"Once again Bush is gone, the world trusts the US again..."

...Except Germany, Russia, China, Pakistan, the whole of Africa..." :)

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