ISIS seizes Saddam's chemical weapons

I know everyone knew it was there ... and the right has a license to rail about it being there because they learned how to spell a new 4 letter word, ISIS.

I am part of the Right, my issue is that even though it is severely degraded in capability it should have been destroyed before we left.

That is a significant loose end.

My opinion is entirely different .. we were there 10 years, why would we walk off and leave anything there that could be used against us or anyone else, degraded or not?

nah, not in the world of terrorism we live in today.
Do you think they will get his nuclear weapons too?

No shithead, as General Sada stated, all of Saddam's nuclear material was taken to a site in Syria, that turned out to be Syria's NUCLEAR REACTOR site, that was bombed out of existence in 2007 by an Israeli Aircraft raid... hardly a word said at the U.N. about that....wonder why? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

So if you have some nuclear material or a nuclear reactor, it's just that simple to make a nuclear weapon? Is that what you think?

You need a nuclear bomb for it to be a WMD? Really?
Vigilante, Pop23, LadyGunSlinger, etc., merely hurt the GOP with their stupidity on this issue and guarantees Dems elections they should not otherwise win.

The Senate has remained Blue for several election cycles because of their idiocy.

And the polling and the courts continue to demonstrate they have lost legal and public approval.

What issue dickhead? Gay marriage??? Homosexuals account for less than 3% of the population.. I'm scared LOL
what % of the population support the gays you twerp.

The MENTALLY DERANGED, the same scum that gave us the Manchurian muslim!:cuckoo:
No shithead, as General Sada stated, all of Saddam's nuclear material was taken to a site in Syria, that turned out to be Syria's NUCLEAR REACTOR site, that was bombed out of existence in 2007 by an Israeli Aircraft raid... hardly a word said at the U.N. about that....wonder why? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

So if you have some nuclear material or a nuclear reactor, it's just that simple to make a nuclear weapon? Is that what you think?

You need a nuclear bomb for it to be a WMD? Really?

Only a tard would say that. I never said it, but, well, obviously, YOU did.
No shithead, as General Sada stated, all of Saddam's nuclear material was taken to a site in Syria, that turned out to be Syria's NUCLEAR REACTOR site, that was bombed out of existence in 2007 by an Israeli Aircraft raid... hardly a word said at the U.N. about that....wonder why? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

So if you have some nuclear material or a nuclear reactor, it's just that simple to make a nuclear weapon? Is that what you think?

You need a nuclear bomb for it to be a WMD? Really?

rdean :poke: Frank57. You know rdean is right Frank57. :(
Do you think they will get his nuclear weapons too?

No shithead, as General Sada stated, all of Saddam's nuclear material was taken to a site in Syria, that turned out to be Syria's NUCLEAR REACTOR site, that was bombed out of existence in 2007 by an Israeli Aircraft raid... hardly a word said at the U.N. about that....wonder why? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

So if you have some nuclear material or a nuclear reactor, it's just that simple to make a nuclear weapon? Is that what you think?

Do you have a functioning brain? Do you know how to comprehend the written word? Or do you just babble, and pull shit out of your ass and post it here, hoping no one actually reads what you write, let alone understands that you are a moron for posting what you supposedly think I said?
Where do you get this stuff? What site or school? 1994 GAO report and investigation, much more at the link and the dual use items listed-
GAO - Iraq: U.S. Military Items Exported or Transferred to Iraq in the 1980s
RESULTS IN BRIEF ------------------------------------------------------------ Letter :1 Since 1980, U.S. policy has been to deny export licenses for commercial sales of defense items to Iraq, except when the items were for the protection of the head of state. As a result of the exception, license applications valued at $48 million were approved. The Department of Defense (DOD) has not made any foreign military sales to Iraq since 1967. In contrast, U.S. policy toward Iraq for sales of dual-use items (items that have both civilian and military uses) was not constrained by national security controls, and there were few applicable foreign policy controls until August 1990. Thus, the Department of Commerce approved the licenses for exporting $1.5 billion of dual-use items to Iraq between 1985 and 1990. Available information showed two cases of unauthorized transfers of U.S. military items to Iraq by Middle East countries. Although three other Middle East countries and one of the other countries had proposed to serve as transshipment points of military equipment for Iraq, the proposals were turned down by the Department of State. There were also two additional cases of diversion to Iraq by two of the three other countries, and one case of possible diversion-related activity by the third. While this data does not suggest patterns of diversion, we were unable to determine whether other unauthorized transfers were made.

they got dirt, the facility was trashed after everything dangerous had been trashed in 1990.. everyone knows Saddam had what Reagan gave him to fight the Russians ..

Reagan gave Saddam weapons to fight the Russians? Srange. I didn't know Russia had invaded Iraq as well as Afghanistan.


At the time of the visit , Iraq had already been removed from the State Department's list of terrorist countries in 1982; and in the previous month, November, President Reagan had approved National Security Decision Directive 114, on expansion of U.S.-Iraq relations generally. But it was Donald Rumsfeld's trip to Baghdad which opened of the floodgates during 1985-90 for lucrative U.S. weapons exports--some $1.5 billion worth-- including chemical/biological and nuclear weapons equipment and technology, along with critical components for missile delivery systems for all of the above. According to a 1994 GAO Letter Report (GAO/NSIAD-94-98) some 771 weapons export licenses for Iraq were approved during this six year period....not by our European allies, but by the U.S. Department of Commerce.
Obama fucked up in Iraq and ISIS is taking over parts of it, but liberal scum are on the internet blaming Bush.....
Obama fucked up in Iraq and ISIS is taking over parts of it, but liberal scum are on the internet blaming Bush.....

And don't forget Reagan.

Their own fly around with wings, according to them.
Ok I'm going thru the KNB's unclassified documents with a fine tooth comb.

Not the summations that KNB uses to attempt to convince us of President Bush lying to get us into war with Iraq.

Document 7.

Now I'm only on my second cup of coffee, but I don't see this as an evil plot here to invade Iraq specifically at this time considering everyone and their mother in the Bush administration was still reeling from 9/11 and wondering who the hell launched the attack. We're talking only a couple of hours after the planes hit the Towers and the Pentagon.

Here's the document link:

And here's the summation.

Document 7: U.S. Department of Defense, Office of the Under Secretary for Policy Notes from Stephen Cambone [Rumsfeld’s Comments], September 11, 2001.

Indicates that a few hours after the 9/11 attacks Rumsfeld spoke of attacking Iraq as well as Osama bin Laden and directed Defense Department lawyer Jim Hayes to get “support” for a supposed link between Iraq and Osama bin Laden from Paul Wolfowitz.

If you look into all the foundation's supporting that site they all are progressives.

Yeah, the summations don't match the documents that I've read so far.

Document 7 was a perfect example. And as soon as I checked out their notes and saw the name Richard Clarke it was a dead giveaway.

Ok I'm going thru the KNB's unclassified documents with a fine tooth comb.

Not the summations that KNB uses to attempt to convince us of President Bush lying to get us into war with Iraq.

Document 7.

Now I'm only on my second cup of coffee, but I don't see this as an evil plot here to invade Iraq specifically at this time considering everyone and their mother in the Bush administration was still reeling from 9/11 and wondering who the hell launched the attack. We're talking only a couple of hours after the planes hit the Towers and the Pentagon.

Here's the document link:

And here's the summation.

Document 7: U.S. Department of Defense, Office of the Under Secretary for Policy Notes from Stephen Cambone [Rumsfeld’s Comments], September 11, 2001.

Indicates that a few hours after the 9/11 attacks Rumsfeld spoke of attacking Iraq as well as Osama bin Laden and directed Defense Department lawyer Jim Hayes to get “support” for a supposed link between Iraq and Osama bin Laden from Paul Wolfowitz.

If you look into all the foundation's supporting that site they all are progressives.

Yeah, the summations don't match the documents that I've read so far.

Document 7 was a perfect example. And as soon as I checked out their notes and saw the name Richard Clarke it was a dead giveaway.


You noticed that, too? :badgrin:
they got dirt, the facility was trashed after everything dangerous had been trashed in 1990.. everyone knows Saddam had what Reagan gave him to fight the Russians ..

Reagan gave Saddam weapons to fight the Russians? Srange. I didn't know Russia had invaded Iraq as well as Afghanistan.


At the time of the visit , Iraq had already been removed from the State Department's list of terrorist countries in 1982; and in the previous month, November, President Reagan had approved National Security Decision Directive 114, on expansion of U.S.-Iraq relations generally. But it was Donald Rumsfeld's trip to Baghdad which opened of the floodgates during 1985-90 for lucrative U.S. weapons exports--some $1.5 billion worth-- including chemical/biological and nuclear weapons equipment and technology, along with critical components for missile delivery systems for all of the above. According to a 1994 GAO Letter Report (GAO/NSIAD-94-98) some 771 weapons export licenses for Iraq were approved during this six year period....not by our European allies, but by the U.S. Department of Commerce.

Oh heaven's everyone and their mother should know that Reagan armed Iraq. My link request was for you to prove that Reagan gave the weapons to Iraq to fight the Russians.

You just got the wrong war. No big smurf.

It was to fight the Iranians. And btw as much as I loved RR and understood the actions of GH, Clinton, GW I sure as well wished in 20/20 hindsight that they had stayed out of ME affairs.

I wish to hell that the bloody League of Nations hadn't formed Iraq willy nilly.

My "I wish to hell" list just keeps growing and growing with each passing day.

Last edited:

If you read the article you wouldn't need to ask the question.

al-Muthanna is a wasteland full of destroyed chem munitions, razed structures, and unusable war-ravaged facilities... Some of the bunkers contained large quantities of unfilled chemical munitions, conventional munitions, one-ton shipping containers, old disabled production equipment and other hazardous industrial chemical.

I remain endlessly amazed at the lack of reading comprehension
Do you think they will get his nuclear weapons too?

No shithead, as General Sada stated, all of Saddam's nuclear material was taken to a site in Syria, that turned out to be Syria's NUCLEAR REACTOR site, that was bombed out of existence in 2007 by an Israeli Aircraft raid... hardly a word said at the U.N. about that....wonder why? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

So if you have some nuclear material or a nuclear reactor, it's just that simple to make a nuclear weapon? Is that what you think?

Are you just ignorant? How do you think you take raw Uranium, and end up with a nuclear bomb?

You do know that making a nuclear bomb, the functional aspect, is actually very very easy.

In 1964, the US army hired two professors in physics, neither of whom knew anything about nuclear power, or nuclear bomb making, and asked them to find out whatever they could from common public knowledge, and see of they could make a bomb.

In two years... just with public knowledge, they were able to make the bomb.

The absolute most difficult part of making a bomb, is not the part and components, and putting it together. That's all relatively easy.

The hard part is getting the fuel. If you can get the fuel, you can make the bomb.

So then the question is, why is the fuel so hard to get?

The answer is simple. You need tons and tons of Uranium, to make a Uranium based bomb. Even then, you have to have that Uranium enriched. Natural Uranium is only 0.7% U-285. In order to make a bomb, you need 90% U-285. And that costs tons of money. A common nuclear power plant only requires 3% to 4% U-285 to run.

There is no way that Syria could afford the massive amounts of Uranium, or the extreme cost of enrichment required for a bomb.

But there is another method for getting weapons grade fuel.

Plutonium. The key here is, Plutonium can't be found, it has to be made. Made in a Nuclear reactor. A Nuclear reactor that could be powered by cheap, non-weapons grade Uranium, can easily make Plutonium that could make bombs with. And the 5MW design, would make enough Plutonium for a bomb each year.

Further, Plutonium makes a 'safer' bomb. Making a bomb out of Uranium, is risky. There are a number of potential failures that make a plutonium bomb by far more preferable, and not to mention more effective.

The only question left is, what do you think Syria was going to use the nuclear reactor for?

Well... that doesn't seem too hard of a question to me. First, there is absolutely nothing to indicate, or evidence showing that they had built any sort of power, or electrical generation facilities. No generators. No power distribution system, or transformers for that purpose.

Additionally, they already had smaller nuclear reactors for producing medical treatment with short-lived radioactive components.

Plus, they had yet another reactor for conducting scientific experimentation.

So what do you think the purpose of this 5 MW reactor was? For me, it seems clear, the only possible use was for nuclear weapons development.
What issue dickhead? Gay marriage??? Homosexuals account for less than 3% of the population.. I'm scared LOL
what % of the population support the gays you twerp.

The MENTALLY DERANGED, the same scum that gave us the Manchurian muslim!:cuckoo:

Yup, the paranoid schizophrenics like Vigilante call deranged those who understand .

Normal defense reaction by idiots in the foolish far right.

Those Dems are winning senate seats because of certain GOP candidates' stupidity about marriage equality and hatred for women.

The Senate should have been Red in 2010, but, no, we nominate the biggest assholes we can find to throw the elections to the Dems.
According to our Government, these Terrorist Groups are the 'Good Guys' in Syria. But these same groups are the 'Bad Guys' in Iraq. They want Assad dead because he's Shiite Iranian-backed. Yet they're gonna spend more American Tax Dollars and possibly lives, supporting the Shiite Iranian-backed Government in Iraq. Is it just me, or is there something very wrong with this picture?

Iraq militants take Syria-border post in drive for caliphate


Sunni fighters seized a border post on the Iraq-Syria frontier, security sources said on Saturday, smashing a line drawn by colonial powers almost a century ago with the aim of creating an Islamic Caliphate stretching from the Mediterranean Sea to Iran.

The militants, led by the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), first moved into the nearby town of al-Qaim on Friday, pushing out security forces, the sources said.

Once border guards heard that al-Qaim had fallen, they left their posts and militants moved in, the sources said.

Sameer al-Shwiali, media adviser to the commander of Iraq's anti-terrorist squad, told Reuters that the Iraqi army was still in control of al-Qaim.

Al-Qaim and its neighbouring Syrian counterpart Albukamal are on a strategic supply route. A three-year civil war in Syria has left most of eastern Syria in the hands of Sunni militants, including the Albukamal-Qaim crossing...

Iraq militants take Syria-border post in drive for caliphate
[ame=]Cheney in 1994 on Iraq - YouTube[/ame]
He was misinformed...I don't think he lied as nearly everyone believed saddam had wmd's and voted for it. It was the cess fire that saddam broke...

You know what a cessfire is, right?

Why did Bush and everyone else think Saddam had WMDs to begin with.

For one thing, he used WMDs against the Kurds and Iranians. For another, British Intelligence told them Saddam had WMDs. For yet another, ISIS just took over one of the WMD factories that Saddam had active in his years. Finally, Saddam refused to allow UN inspectors to determine that there were no WMDs.

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