ISIS slaughters 300 (more) Yizidis and media doesn't require Obama to comment

aka Had you been in charge in WWII you'd have said WHO CARES.............

i already knew that about you........................

With you in charge Hitler would have won Mr. Chamberland

Uh, guy, Chamberlain went to war with Hitler when he probably shouldn't have. He gave the Polish Colonels a blank check they couldn't cash.

The thing that saved the UK was that Hitler had no interest in conquering it to start with. He was perfectly content to let the British Empire continue. Instead Chamberlain and Chruchill brought down the British Empire in a death struggle with the Third Reich, because they had to promise all those "wogs" (as they called the people they ruled) independence to get them to fight for them.
Thanks for proving my point............You even ditch Chamberlain for going to War........proving you are even a bigger dumb ass than he.................

What comment do you want

ISIS is bad?

I want accountability. That's why we elect a fucking president.
But wait...isn't he accountable when he pops off with some asinine glorification of some crook that "got his", for no other reason than that crook is black? Don't you consider Obozo accountable when he sends his racist, biased, affirmative-action appointees to "investigate" any and all law enforcement agencies whose employees do their duty by protecting their communities against criminal animals?
Thanks for proving my point............You even ditch Chamberlain for going to War........proving you are even a bigger dumb ass than he...

Going to war when you aren't ready is always a terrible idea.

The United Kingdom was not ready for a war in 1939. But instead, they made a promise to the Polish Colonels (Poland was not a democracy) to back their play no matter how unreasonable they were willing to be on the issue of the Danzig Corridor. That in turn drove Hitler into an alliance with the USSR and Poland was done for in six weeks.

Then the germans pretty much mopped up Western Europe by summer, and the ONLY thing that kept them from invading England was their lack of naval forces and the fact Hitler wanted a separate peace with the UK so he could attack Stalin.

So it was kind of a dumb position, only saved by Hitler's incompetence.
What comment do you want

ISIS is bad?

I want accountability. That's why we elect a fucking president.
How is President Obama (praise be unto Him!) 'accountable' for Muslim-on-Muslim violence occurring in Muslim countries?

You mean besides his impassioned pledge to stand by the Muslims? :lol:

And the Yazidis aren't Muslims, dude.
What has he defined "standing by the Muslims" as meaning?

What do you imagine it to mean?
But whether or not we militaristically get involved, we should at least be spotlighting the issue. Liberals all the time are talking about standing up for what's right; except when it doesn't suit them is the thing.

How is it not being spotlighted? Isn't FOXNEWS covering it? Aren't they the #1 cable news station? Doesn't Al Jazeera cover it? They are the biggest cable news in the Middle East. Isn't the BBC covering it? They are the world's largest news service, broadcast in more places and languages than CNN.

So what are you whining about?
Muslims can get away with a equivalent of a My lai massacre for every couple of days now, and threaten free thought to boot. And we can't question that? Christians aren't doing that, Jews aren't doing this. Muslims. When I say "muslim", I feel like I need to wipe my mouth with toilet paper.

Try using some that isn't soiled next time.
Muslims can get away with a equivalent of a My lai massacre for every couple of days now, and threaten free thought to boot. And we can't question that? Christians aren't doing that, Jews aren't doing this. Muslims. When I say "muslim", I feel like I need to wipe my mouth with toilet paper.

Try using some that isn't soiled next time.

Aww, did MaryL hurt your feelings some time back; and now you need to awkwardly lash out like the child you are? :lol:
Seriously? Saddam wouldn't have continued killing his own people and attacking neighbors?

Do you actually have a clue when you babble?

well, let's look at that. We invaded Iraq in 2003. Saddam hadn't invaded a neighbor since 1991, and was pretty much kept from fucking with the Kurds and Shi'ites with the No Fly zones.

He was essentially the "Mayor of Baghdad".

Let us all shed a tear for the gangster / dictator who lost his life.
Muslims can get away with a equivalent of a My lai massacre for every couple of days now, and threaten free thought to boot. And we can't question that? Christians aren't doing that, Jews aren't doing this. Muslims. When I say "muslim", I feel like I need to wipe my mouth with toilet paper.

Try using some that isn't soiled next time.

Aww, did MaryL hurt your feelings some time back; and now you need to awkwardly lash out like the child you are? :lol:

No, but thanks for asking.
Let us all shed a tear for the gangster / dictator who lost his life.

No, I shed tears for the 4500 Americans who died unnecessarily bcause Bush wanted to avenge his pappy.

And the million or so Iraqis who also died. I'm a little upset about them.

We are going to be paying for Bush's folly for decades.
Muslims can get away with a equivalent of a My lai massacre for every couple of days now, and threaten free thought to boot. And we can't question that? Christians aren't doing that, Jews aren't doing this. Muslims. When I say "muslim", I feel like I need to wipe my mouth with toilet paper.

Try using some that isn't soiled next time.

Aww, did MaryL hurt your feelings some time back; and now you need to awkwardly lash out like the child you are? :lol:

No, but thanks for asking.

Oh, so this is just you being a pro-active butt.
Let us all shed a tear for the gangster / dictator who lost his life.

No, I shed tears for the 4500 Americans who died unnecessarily bcause Bush wanted to avenge his pappy.

And the million or so Iraqis who also died. I'm a little upset about them.

We are going to be paying for Bush's folly for decades.

Sorry, guy....Monsters don't shed tears. You don't cry over whomever dying while applauding genocide. Just not how it works....not how it'll ever work.
What comment do you want

ISIS is bad?

I want accountability. That's why we elect a fucking president.
How is President Obama (praise be unto Him!) 'accountable' for Muslim-on-Muslim violence occurring in Muslim countries?

You mean besides his impassioned pledge to stand by the Muslims? :lol:

And the Yazidis aren't Muslims, dude.
What has he defined "standing by the Muslims" as meaning?

What do you imagine it to mean?
What comment do you want

ISIS is bad?

I want accountability. That's why we elect a fucking president.
How is President Obama (praise be unto Him!) 'accountable' for Muslim-on-Muslim violence occurring in Muslim countries?

You mean besides his impassioned pledge to stand by the Muslims? :lol:

And the Yazidis aren't Muslims, dude.
What has he defined "standing by the Muslims" as meaning?

What do you imagine it to mean?

You did that w/o anyone telling you to go bump yourself. :lmao:
Guy, the Devil Worshipers aren't a race. They are a cult.

Yea, you can claim to not believe in hell. But don't think there isn't a special part of it booked for you. Just a few of the faces of the Yazidis that you advocate butchering:






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