ISIS slaughters 300 (more) Yizidis and media doesn't require Obama to comment

You did that w/o anyone telling you to go bump yourself. :lmao:
^^^ Mighty fine backpedaling.

Did I not soothe your neurosis? Ah well.....
You made an assertion and have refused to back it up, as usual.

Same shit, new thread.

I made a statement of general knowledge. If you think I'm going to go looking for common knowledge links every time that you whine like a bitch, like you've done before, are doing, and will almost certainly do again, then allow me to save some time and just give you a blanket fuck off for all of them :finger3:
The faces of the people whom JoeB justifies butchering:





Yea, you can claim to not believe in hell. But don't think there isn't a special part of it booked for you. Just a few of the faces of the Yazidis that you advocate butchering:

Wow, how long did it take you to find ones who look like White People?

I don't advocate butchering them. I just realize this isn't my problem. And it isn't yours, either, other than, "Something else I can blame on the Black Guy!" (even though Bush is the one who fucked that situation up.)
Yea, you can claim to not believe in hell. But don't think there isn't a special part of it booked for you. Just a few of the faces of the Yazidis that you advocate butchering:

Wow, how long did it take you to find ones who look like White People?

I don't advocate butchering them. I just realize this isn't my problem. And it isn't yours, either, other than, "Something else I can blame on the Black Guy!" (even though Bush is the one who fucked that situation up.)

Advocate? Well, let's call it a callous and belligerently offensive indifference if we must split hairs.

And so do you. Would you sacrifice the person you love most in the world to save a Yazidi? a hundred Yazidis?

I wouldn't. Simply, I just don't care about the Yazidis. And neither would you if you weren't able to blame their demise on Obama for not doubling down more American lives on Bush's mistake.

Yazidis are a fringe tribe that no one every really liked, but I keep asking you, why is this our problem again. Yes, we made it worse when your boy Bush inflicted chaos on the region, but it is still so not our problem.

I'm just not seeing the bad behavior of Obama realizing there isn't a military solution to this problem.

It's not our problem. I'm glad we have a president who understands that.

And simply, I don't give a fuck about them

I don't care if the Peacock Angel is the Devil or Not. I don't think it's worth one American life because they want to have their own silly religion.
You did that w/o anyone telling you to go bump yourself. :lmao:
^^^ Mighty fine backpedaling.

Did I not soothe your neurosis? Ah well.....
You made an assertion and have refused to back it up, as usual.

Same shit, new thread.

I made a statement of general knowledge. If you think I'm going to go looking for common knowledge links every time that you whine like a bitch, like you've done before, are doing, and will almost certainly do again, then allow me to save some time and just give you a blanket fuck off for all of them :finger3:
The fact is he has never defined what "standing by the Muslims" entails.

That is, if he actually even said it. You provided no link. Usually that means you're making it up again.
Advocate? Well, let's call it a callous and belligerently offensive indifference if we must split hairs.

These people chose to have a weird religion in a region not known for religious tolerance. It's kind of on them, isn't it? If these people want to fight over how many Peacock Angels can dance on the head of a pin, that's really not our problem, is it?
Advocate? Well, let's call it a callous and belligerently offensive indifference if we must split hairs.

These people chose to have a weird religion in a region not known for religious tolerance. It's kind of on them, isn't it? If these people want to fight over how many Peacock Angels can dance on the head of a pin, that's really not our problem, is it?
aka The World should look the other way when they see Genocide..............put their heads under the rug........because these people don't believe as you it's Ok that they get slaughtered............because you don't agree with their views...................Standing by as they chop the heads off these little girls and put their heads on pikes...............

Hell you don't even compare to Chamberlain.....................are you Amish...................
aka The World should look the other way when they see Genocide..............put their heads under the rug........because these people don't believe as you it's Ok that they get slaughtered............because you don't agree with their views...................Standing by as they chop the heads off these little girls and put their heads on pikes...............

Hell you don't even compare to Chamberlain.....................are you Amish

First, the Yazidis are not a race, they are a religion. They aren't even really a religion so much as a heretical sect of Islam.

Second, the Yazidis getting wiped out m ight be sad and all, but it has nothing to do with the United States. This is a religious argument that has nothing to do with us. Are we going to go in there and prove the Peacock Angel isn't Satan?
aka The World should look the other way when they see Genocide..............put their heads under the rug........because these people don't believe as you it's Ok that they get slaughtered............because you don't agree with their views...................Standing by as they chop the heads off these little girls and put their heads on pikes...............

Hell you don't even compare to Chamberlain.....................are you Amish

First, the Yazidis are not a race, they are a religion. They aren't even really a religion so much as a heretical sect of Islam.

Second, the Yazidis getting wiped out m ight be sad and all, but it has nothing to do with the United States. This is a religious argument that has nothing to do with us. Are we going to go in there and prove the Peacock Angel isn't Satan?
aka We and the world stand by as children and helpless people get slaughtered..................We wouldn't be there for a Peacock...........or Satan...................but to end Genocide.................

Not because we agree there is a Peacock God.................

We have and are at War with Radical Islam...............kinda a population control issue with those barbaric assholes.............

Either'd look the other way if this were happening in our own country..........or Canada...............None of our business..................

You'd have stood by and let Hitler win and do as he wished instead of fight.....................

I hope you don't have children..............the gene pool doesn't need any more of your genes.
Your right, its not the job of the US to defend the indefensible.
It's certainly not the job of the U.S. to be the world's policeman.

But they (govenment) can condemn it strongly, at least. Ive never seen anyone from the Administration show any sort of passion in condemnation of genocide. Obama does not want to strongly condemn Muslims radical or not.

They did however when it came to Lybia, and the Egyptian uprising. There seems to be some picking and choosing on when to get involved. student uprising in Iran? not so much.
Duh! Ya think? :lol: I thought I was excruciatingly clear. What is it about the words "I don't care" that you are having such a snitfit dealing with. Obama and the media are ignoring these deaths? Good. I agree with that policy.

The "barbarians" have been coming their way for months. If I was in the desert and I knew my life was at risk I would prepare for a long walk through the desert and get my butt out of harm's way. That is because I'm not STUPID. I'm sure these dumb asses were just sitting around PRAYING. It appears that god was busy when they were praying. OOPS! OH well! Looks like "god" loves an atrocity. He sure allows a hell of a lot of it. Maybe it was YOUR fault. Maybe YOU didn't PRAY hard enough for these dead dumb fuckers.

Ya.. I blame you.

It take a huge coward to justify the mass butchering of women and children. Congrats, dude.
Custer had no problem with it...
They must have left off the part in history where Custer attacked the Yazidis....
Duh! Ya think? :lol: I thought I was excruciatingly clear. What is it about the words "I don't care" that you are having such a snitfit dealing with. Obama and the media are ignoring these deaths? Good. I agree with that policy.

The "barbarians" have been coming their way for months. If I was in the desert and I knew my life was at risk I would prepare for a long walk through the desert and get my butt out of harm's way. That is because I'm not STUPID. I'm sure these dumb asses were just sitting around PRAYING. It appears that god was busy when they were praying. OOPS! OH well! Looks like "god" loves an atrocity. He sure allows a hell of a lot of it. Maybe it was YOUR fault. Maybe YOU didn't PRAY hard enough for these dead dumb fuckers.

Ya.. I blame you.

It take a huge coward to justify the mass butchering of women and children. Congrats, dude.
Custer had no problem with it...
They must have left off the part in history where Custer attacked the Yazidis....
That kat got around..
aka We and the world stand by as children and helpless people get slaughtered..................We wouldn't be there for a Peacock...........or Satan...................but to end Genocide......

Something we didn't do in Rwanda, we didn't do in Bosnia, we didn't do in Cambodia, we didn't do in a lot of other places that don't have oil underneath them.

"quick, save the oil... I mean the Yazidis. Yes, the Yazidis!!!"

We have and are at War with Radical Islam...............kinda a population control issue with those barbaric assholes....

so your answer to fighting genocide is to kill a lot of people? Really?

Either'd look the other way if this were happening in our own country..........or Canada...............None of our business..................

You'd have stood by and let Hitler win and do as he wished instead of fight...

small, fighting groups of Muslims aren't Hitler. Hitler doesn't become the answer to everything. ISIL is bad and all, but they can barely hold small chunks of Iraq and Syria. They are not an existential threat to the United States.

Here's the thing. Turkey could wipe out ISIL in a few weeks. They have a 500,000 man army with 6000 tanks. They aren't doing it, though, even though that shit is going down right next door to them.
But the Crusades, the Crusades!

Don't think about this, think about the Crusades!

They were really, really bad too!

You did that w/o anyone telling you to go bump yourself. :lmao:
^^^ Mighty fine backpedaling.

Did I not soothe your neurosis? Ah well.....
You made an assertion and have refused to back it up, as usual.

Same shit, new thread.

I made a statement of general knowledge. If you think I'm going to go looking for common knowledge links every time that you whine like a bitch, like you've done before, are doing, and will almost certainly do again, then allow me to save some time and just give you a blanket fuck off for all of them :finger3:
The fact is he has never defined what "standing by the Muslims" entails.

That is, if he actually even said it. You provided no link. Usually that means you're making it up again.

Obama has been quite explicit about what his allegiance to Muslims in that speech.

Here's the reality, I stated an indisputable concept and you wanted me to go into some sort of abstract that you could nitpick at. You probably think you're smooth as butter; but you're a transparent fucker. I didn't play your game and you threw a tantrum. What a sad lil' bitch.
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