ISIS slaughters 300 (more) Yizidis and media doesn't require Obama to comment

ISIS slaughters hundreds more Yazidis officials say -

No requirement of a comment from Obama; not even a mention that they tried to reach him for comment. They have fully taken up his agenda of indifference towards the slaughter of innocents.

We are in the fight. If you don't like the way things are going, pick up a rifle and get in the fight yourself.

You really didn't respond to the OP, honestly. Maybe, try again, pal.
  1. Islamic

  2. Also called Yezidi, Daasin, or Ezidi, the Yazidi are a Kurdish-speaking ethnoreligious community based in Northern Iraq who practice a syncretic religion influenced by pre-Islamic Assyrian traditions, Sufi and ShiiteIslam, Nestorian Christianity, andZoroastrianism
yazidis religion
Do you think you could get Congress to okay increased miilitary pressure and presence in the ISIS region like Oblama has requested and the GOP lead Congress are sitting on their hands trying to pass a budget with a poisoned pill amendment on de-funding Oblamacare for the 53rd time?-
Try arguing honestly. We've been over this. Your case for the 'devil worshipping' stuff is ecclesiastical based upon Muslim doctrine. It has no basis in what you or I believe. So knock that shit off unless you want to basically admit that you're a phony.

I guess I'm having a hard time thinking we need to get upset about who is worshiping which imaginary pixie in the sky. But you want to blame it on the Black Guy.

And I care when Muslims are going into people's lands and butchering them because they're not Muslim. It's not fake outrage. Being called 'fake' by a phony doesn't mean much anyhow.

Uh, the Yazidis were on the Muslims' land, not the other way around. But do find it interesting that you think going into someone else's land and butchering them is a bad thing, since this country was built on doing that to the native peoples. Why do you hate America, you commie?

You're such a pussy too trying to bring it back to blaming the black man. Such a pussy you are, guy.

BTW, pussy why do you cap Black Guy? Are you now officially subservient to the black race? I guess you are, pussy.

Guy, at the end of the day, the only thing that motivates you Obama Haters is your extreme racism.
Try arguing honestly. We've been over this. Your case for the 'devil worshipping' stuff is ecclesiastical based upon Muslim doctrine. It has no basis in what you or I believe. So knock that shit off unless you want to basically admit that you're a phony.

I guess I'm having a hard time thinking we need to get upset about who is worshiping which imaginary pixie in the sky. But you want to blame it on the Black Guy.

And I care when Muslims are going into people's lands and butchering them because they're not Muslim. It's not fake outrage. Being called 'fake' by a phony doesn't mean much anyhow.

Uh, the Yazidis were on the Muslims' land, not the other way around. But do find it interesting that you think going into someone else's land and butchering them is a bad thing, since this country was built on doing that to the native peoples. Why do you hate America, you commie?

You're such a pussy too trying to bring it back to blaming the black man. Such a pussy you are, guy.

BTW, pussy why do you cap Black Guy? Are you now officially subservient to the black race? I guess you are, pussy.

Guy, at the end of the day, the only thing that motivates you Obama Haters is your extreme racism.

You can spin it all you want. If you use devil worshipper as a bad adjective that you don't believe, that's what called being a phony. You wouldn't use the fucking adjective if it meant nothing Dumb fuck.

Yea, and I got the memo that according to Allah Muslims own all barren middle east land if not the world (sarcasm). No, the Yizidis are indigenous people living in the mountains cos a bunch of fucking cavemen forced them up there. Dumb fuck.

At the end of the day, you like to play the racism card. Too bad the only 2016 presidential candidate that I've spoken of in favorable terms is black. Dumb fuck.
Where is the burn exactly? Is it "dumb fuck"? You used that twice.

If that's a burn, it's possibly a sunburn or maybe a diaper rash.
I remember the my Lai massacre. I remember the outrage that followed. Isis or boko haram does that every few days. Muslims perpetrate a my Lai' every day, and where is the outrage?
Where is the burn exactly? Is it "dumb fuck"? You used that twice.

If that's a burn, it's possibly a sunburn or maybe a diaper rash.

I get that you have a hard time understanding any sort of humor that can't be put on the back of a Laffy Taffy wrapper.
I remember the my Lai massacre. I remember the outrage that followed. Isis or boko haram does that every few days. Muslims perpetrate a my Lai' every day, and where is the outrage?

Exactly. Liberal outrage is always a matter of convenience.
You can spin it all you want. If you use devil worshipper as a bad adjective that you don't believe, that's what called being a phony. You wouldn't use the fucking adjective if it meant nothing Dumb fuck.

I use it to show how silly this is. YOu didn't give a crap about the Devil Worshiping Yazers until Obama didn't use them as an excuse to escalate our involvement in what is left of Iraq.

Yea, and I got the memo that according to Allah Muslims own all barren middle east land if not the world (sarcasm). No, the Yizidis are indigenous people living in the mountains cos a bunch of fucking cavemen forced them up there. Dumb fuck.

Yazidis are a fringe tribe that no one every really liked, but I keep asking you, why is this our problem again. Yes, we made it worse when your boy Bush inflicted chaos on the region, but it is still so not our problem.

At the end of the day, you like to play the racism card. Too bad the only 2016 presidential candidate that I've spoken of in favorable terms is black. Dumb fuck.

Just because you found an Uncle Tom who validates your racism doesn't impress anyone.

"Yah, Boss, we sho be shiftless!"
I remember the my Lai massacre. I remember the outrage that followed. Isis or boko haram does that every few days. Muslims perpetrate a my Lai' every day, and where is the outrage?

Again, you keep mistaking Muslims for "The Borg".
I remember the my Lai massacre. I remember the outrage that followed. Isis or boko haram does that every few days. Muslims perpetrate a my Lai' every day, and where is the outrage?

The outrage is at the tips of our bombs. Where else?
Islam gets away with mass murder every day, because they have no conscience . The free word pulls a stupid stunt like this once in 50 years,wowza.! Islam does it every day, no biggie. What is up with that?
Dude, you're so stupid that you don't even realize that you just validated my point.

Uh, not really guy. Frankly, you just have terminal stage ODS (Obama Derangement Syndrome). This is a sad look at your future.

You just can't help yourself, can you? You have to throw out one canned argument after another. Aside from the OP, I've not even been critical of Obama (nor was I in the quote you're quoting). I don't care what the president's name is either. If he's looking the other way on the massacres of innocents, then he is a disgrace. That's not having a syndrome. That's having common fucking decency, guy.

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