Isis threatens Americans in their homes

Since 9/11, 74 people in America have been killed by terrorists.

Guess how many have been killed by drunk drivers?

Guess how many have been killed by heart attacks?

Guess how many have been killed in gun homicides?

You are more likely to be killed by a neighbor or your diet than by ISIS, pants-shitters. I don't see you breaking out in a sweat when you pass the ice cream section in the grocery store.


Häagen-Dazs is threatening me in my home!
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I highly doubt ISIS can put together a team of hackers that could even come close to ours.
One never knows. There are plenty of talented hackers/groups out there, and their services are for sale to the highest bidder. They don't give a crap about ideology - only money.
That being said, I think that ISIS, along with similar groups, are all talk. They're not going to do squat here as long as they get their intended panic reactions from the MSM and Gov't. Why should they waste a single dollar/person on a convoluted plan that may or may not work when they can get the same (or better) effect by just posting blurbs on FB and Twitter?
The big Catch-22 is that if we ignore them like we rightfully should, then they could ratchet their game up and actually become dangerous to us.
As it stands now, the only ones that we need to worry about are the weak-willed losers that happen to believe the groups' tripe then go out and act on it.
Isis threatens Americans in their homes

Can't stop em from coming but I reckon I can arrange for them to be limping if they're able to go back.

Since 9/11, 74 people in America have been killed by terrorists.

Guess how many have been killed by drunk drivers?

Guess how many have been killed by heart attacks?

Guess how many have been killed in gun homicides?

You are more likely to be killed by a neighbor or your diet than by ISIS, pants-shitters. I don't see you breaking out in a sweat when you pass the ice cream section in the grocery store.

I think you're mistaken and what you actually see is "eager anticipation".
Soon Very Soon You Will See Pro-Islamic State Hacking Group Issues Chilling Warning to America

obama better kick up myslim immigration so there will be enough to carry out these goals.​
The IKEA superstore near Stockholm which witnessed a double murder this week by Eritrean asylum seekers has responded by ending the sale of kitchen knives in-store, and the government has stepped up its policing at asylum-lodgings to defend against a backlash.
Typical liberal response. Don't address the issue that Muslims don't like anyone who isn't Muslim, ban items that could be used as a weapon, not the people who are doing the crime, and MAKE SURE YOU TELL YOUR CITIZENS NOT TO GO AFTER THE PURPS WHO ARE KILLING YOUR CITIZENS. War is coming, it will be a Holy War, but the liberals will side with the enemy, and appease them, for the liberals are cowards. Doesn't matter, Muslims will kill liberals once they start warring.
We don't know if there was a small minority of Japanese as willing to do harm in 1942 as muslims are today because the Japanese were interned. In 1942, we were a very different people. Had ONE Japanese become "troubled" and shot up a recruiting center, the 1942 Americans would have slaughterd every Japanese in the country. We didn't believe in the virtues of multiculturalism in those days.

There are no "virtues" in Multiculturalism.

Multi-Culturalism is a Trojan Horse concept, which precludes in the minds of the adherents, respect for America, her history, heritage and traditions, thus preventing the means for the culture to bond around that central, uniting core.

Like EVERY aspect of Left-think... such is divisive, harmful and destructive to the individual. And by extension, such is destructive to the culture and the nation that it embodies.
Since 9/11, 74 people in America have been killed by terrorists.

Guess how many have been killed by drunk drivers?

Guess how many have been killed by heart attacks?

Guess how many have been killed in gun homicides?

You are more likely to be killed by a neighbor or your diet than by ISIS, pants-shitters. I don't see you breaking out in a sweat when you pass the ice cream section in the grocery store.

I think you're mistaken and what you actually see is "eager anticipation".

Well, now there's a rancid bag of anti-intellectual shit.

How many of those Drunk Drivers, Heart Attacks, Gun-Murderers were Intent upon mass-murder, as a means to instill fear into the culture, toward the goal of coercing the people to submit to their Collective Political Will?
And how do you and your supporters plan on "culling Islam" from our country?

Your hero Franklin Roosevelt rounded up Japanese Americans and put them in camps didn't he? Another 9/11 with an American Christian in the WH and those camps will open again.

What makes you think I supported the internment of Japanese Americans? It was one of the most shameful periods in our history and if we repeat it, we don't deserve to be Americans.
You people worry about Christians let's not overlook that it was a LIBERAL Democrat who interred the Japs, not Christians. Anyone disagree?
And how do you and your supporters plan on "culling Islam" from our country?

Your hero Franklin Roosevelt rounded up Japanese Americans and put them in camps didn't he? Another 9/11 with an American Christian in the WH and those camps will open again.

What makes you think I supported the internment of Japanese Americans? It was one of the most shameful periods in our history and if we repeat it, we don't deserve to be Americans.
You people worry about Christians let's not overlook that it was a LIBERAL Democrat who interred the Japs, not Christians. Anyone disagree?
Good thing too.

What happened to the mexicans who did nothing more than wear baggy clothes?

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