ISIS threatens to destroy Mecca

More power to them. Hopefully it enrages 10s of millions of the animals and they slaughter each other into oblivion. The latest wars over there are going great, they're killing each other instead of focusing on blowing up civilians in the West, and it's even drawing the vermin out of western countries to go kill somebody over there. I sincerely hope they blow it up; if they don't we should. We should have bombed it to gravel when the vermin hijacked those airliners and hit the towers.
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This is based off of these tweets here:

I??D Kabe?yi Y?kma Karar? Ald?

One, supposedly from Abu Turab Al Mugaddasi, as ISIS member says:

“If Allah wills, we will kill those who worship stones in Mecca and destroy the Kaaba. People go to Mecca to touch the stones, not for Allah.”

That twitter account has been suspended by Twitter-for now.

Here is another article from Huffington Post on the same issue as the OP, but with the update the Twitter account was closed.

Reported ISIS Member Says They Will Destroy The Kaaba In Mecca, 'Kill Those Who Worship Stones' [UPDATE]
Why then does IS/ISIS destroy mosques?
ISIS is a Sunni organization.......they only destroy Shiite mosques and holy sites. .. :cool:

This quote attributed to a IS leader makes no distinction:

If Allah wills, we will kill those who worship stones in Mecca and destroy the Kaaba. People go to Mecca to touch the stones, not for Allah.

Agreed. Many believe that this is idolatry. ISIS is not alone in thinking this albeit they are now the one group who could potentially pull off the destruction of the Kaaba. All one has to do is to type in "Mecca Idolatry" in google and whoop there it is.

I don't find this surprising at all but then I've been involved in women's rights in the ME for two decades now so to me this extremism is nothing out of the ordinary.

For example over the years with all the hype we have heard from our leaders that there is such an entitity as a "moderate Taliban" many have forgotten that the Taliban were hard core Islamists who when they took over Afghanistan put the country right back into the stone age. With glee.

They completely banned weather predictions as they considered this to be prophesy. Kites were banned because the material that made the kite may have come from a recycled Koran and the practice of flying kites was considered un Islamic. And those examples are just one sliver of ice off an iceberg of Taliban rules and regulations.

Granted Taliban leaders had every perk known to mankind in their homes but their subjects had less than the Flintstones and the Rubbles.
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I have heard unverified reports that ISIS wants to destroy the Ka'aba, which is located within the Al-Masjid al-Haram Mosque. That happens to be the holiest place in all of Islam. ISIS has also destroyed mosques, churches, and shrines while rampaging their way across the Middle East, now they might be targeting Mecca. I am not a Muslim, but this should infuriate all of Islam. I don't care what America has done, or what Bush did. If Islam wishes to stand up to these guys, they will guard the Al-Masjid al-Haram and the Ka'aba with their lives. Such a stand will go a long way towards convincing the world that Islam does not condone this kind of terrorist behavior.

ISIS is leaving a path of destroyed churches, shrines and mosques in its wake as it storms across Syria and Iraq, and has even set its sights on Mecca -- Islam's holiest site.

The nihilistic jihadis, led by self-proclaimed descendant of Prophet Muhammad Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, have already bulldozed or blown up some of the most sacred places in Iraq, and seem bent on killing and destroying anyone or anything that does not measure up to their twisted vision of Islam. Experts say the group, which originally stood for Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, but now simply calls itself "Islamic State," has appointed itself the leading proponent of the Muslim faith.

“They see themselves as the last defenders of Islamic civilization and want to eradicate anything that they see as the enemy of Islam, and any Muslim they perceive as compromising with the West,” Yvonne Haddad, a professor at Georgetown University who specializes in the history of Islam and Christian-Muslim relations, told

ISIS destroys shrines and mosques, may be targeting Mecca | Fox News

They wanna do what? YOu know, upon reflection I think the US should assist ISIS and send them explosives...;)
ISIS is a Sunni organization.......they only destroy Shiite mosques and holy sites. .. :cool:

This quote attributed to a IS leader makes no distinction:

If Allah wills, we will kill those who worship stones in Mecca and destroy the Kaaba. People go to Mecca to touch the stones, not for Allah.

Agreed. Many believe that this is idolatry. ISIS is not alone in thinking this albeit they are now the one group who could potentially pull off the destruction of the Kaaba. All one has to do is to type in "Mecca Idolatry" in google and whoop there it is.

I don't find this surprising at all but then I've been involved in women's rights in the ME for two decades now so to me this extremism is nothing out of the ordinary.

For example over the years with all the hype we have heard from our leaders that there is such an entitity as a "moderate Taliban" many have forgotten that the Taliban were hard core Islamists who when they took over Afghanistan put the country right back into the stone age. With glee.

They completely banned weather predictions as they considered this to be prophesy. Kites were banned because the material that made the kite may have come from a recycled Koran and the practice of flying kites was considered un Islamic. And those examples are just one sliver of ice off an iceberg of Taliban rules and regulations.

Granted Taliban leaders had every perk known to mankind in their homes but their subjects had less than the Flintstones and the Rubbles.

Perhaps Abu Bakr deems the world too evil to be saved, he might welcome a billion at war, and destruction of all humans.
If they took out Mecca we'd have Muslims pissed off at Muslims. What's the downside?

Chill the beer, pop the corn, and watch them kill each other on the tube. The reality show of all reality shows.
unverified reports

Well, there you have it.
They seem to have been destroying churches, shrines to humans and mosques they disagree with, but it's highly unlikely they'd try to do anything anywhere near Mecca.
They'd set the whole Muslim world against them.

Of course, you have to look at who is printing the story to get an idea if there's any truth to it.

ISIS Threaten to Destroy Mecca | Friends of Syria

Probably bullshit.
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ISIS militants sledgehammer Mosul tomb of Prophet Jonah | Mail Online

These creeps took a sledgehammer to the tomb of the Prophet Jonah, he is important to all 3 Abrahamic faiths(I don't consider Islam as Abrahamic, but oh well), and they will disrespect his resting place like that, punks. I hope they all kill each other, God willing.

Blow up the Kaaba, along with the entire city of Mecca. But I do worry that the Bammster would get us involved with helping the lesser of Muslim evil(The only ones that are decent are the Druze in Israel, IMO), that would be no good...
Blow up the Kaaba, along with the entire city of Mecca. But I do worry that the Bammster would get us involved with helping the lesser of Muslim evil(The only ones that are decent are the Druze in Israel, IMO), that would be no good...
The Druze aren't fact nobody.....including the Druze......knows what they are. .. :cool:
Blow up the Kaaba, along with the entire city of Mecca. But I do worry that the Bammster would get us involved with helping the lesser of Muslim evil(The only ones that are decent are the Druze in Israel, IMO), that would be no good...
The Druze aren't fact nobody.....including the Druze......knows what they are. .. :cool:

They claim they are Muslims. I actually like you as a person, Sunni Man, so I won't claim all Sunni's are like ISIS, but I have a question for you.

Are all Sunnis supporting what they're doing? Destroying the tomb of Jonah because it is "idolatry" to bury the dead in tombs? What's the deal with that?

They disrespected all Abrahamic religions doing this..what authority do they have to claim tombs are equal to idolatry?
I have heard unverified reports that ISIS wants to destroy the Ka'aba, which is located within the Al-Masjid al-Haram Mosque. That happens to be the holiest place in all of Islam. ISIS has also destroyed mosques, churches, and shrines while rampaging their way across the Middle East, now they might be targeting Mecca. I am not a Muslim, but this should infuriate all of Islam. I don't care what America has done, or what Bush did. If Islam wishes to stand up to these guys, they will guard the Al-Masjid al-Haram and the Ka'aba with their lives. Such a stand will go a long way towards convincing the world that Islam does not condone this kind of terrorist behavior.

ISIS is leaving a path of destroyed churches, shrines and mosques in its wake as it storms across Syria and Iraq, and has even set its sights on Mecca -- Islam's holiest site.

The nihilistic jihadis, led by self-proclaimed descendant of Prophet Muhammad Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, have already bulldozed or blown up some of the most sacred places in Iraq, and seem bent on killing and destroying anyone or anything that does not measure up to their twisted vision of Islam. Experts say the group, which originally stood for Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, but now simply calls itself "Islamic State," has appointed itself the leading proponent of the Muslim faith.

“They see themselves as the last defenders of Islamic civilization and want to eradicate anything that they see as the enemy of Islam, and any Muslim they perceive as compromising with the West,” Yvonne Haddad, a professor at Georgetown University who specializes in the history of Islam and Christian-Muslim relations, told

ISIS destroys shrines and mosques, may be targeting Mecca | Fox News

I am no supporter of ISIS, I would like to see all of them in the ground. However, I think this is propaganda. It much in the way they defame Jews by saying they control the world's banks, world's government and use the blood of gentiles for their matzo. ISIS might be destroying mosques, but those are Shia mosques. In Iraq that Shia majority are their ideological enemy. They aren't touching Sunni mosques.

They are religious zealots. While they are barbaric and animalistic nutjobs, I highly doubt they will touch Mecca or Medina. They might seek to conquer Saudi Arabia, but they aren't going to touch Islam's holy sites.

ISIS's enemies want to circulate that they seek to destroy Mecca and Medina as a way to get the Sunni's to not support them. In reality that isn't happening. The Sunnis especially the one's in Saudi Arabia are fully supporting ISIS, even with monetary support!

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