ISIS threatens to destroy Mecca

I have heard unverified reports that ISIS wants to destroy the Ka'aba, which is located within the Al-Masjid al-Haram Mosque. That happens to be the holiest place in all of Islam. ISIS has also destroyed mosques, churches, and shrines while rampaging their way across the Middle East, now they might be targeting Mecca. I am not a Muslim, but this should infuriate all of Islam. I don't care what America has done, or what Bush did. If Islam wishes to stand up to these guys, they will guard the Al-Masjid al-Haram and the Ka'aba with their lives. Such a stand will go a long way towards convincing the world that Islam does not condone this kind of terrorist behavior.

ISIS is leaving a path of destroyed churches, shrines and mosques in its wake as it storms across Syria and Iraq, and has even set its sights on Mecca -- Islam's holiest site.

The nihilistic jihadis, led by self-proclaimed descendant of Prophet Muhammad Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, have already bulldozed or blown up some of the most sacred places in Iraq, and seem bent on killing and destroying anyone or anything that does not measure up to their twisted vision of Islam. Experts say the group, which originally stood for Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, but now simply calls itself "Islamic State," has appointed itself the leading proponent of the Muslim faith.

“They see themselves as the last defenders of Islamic civilization and want to eradicate anything that they see as the enemy of Islam, and any Muslim they perceive as compromising with the West,” Yvonne Haddad, a professor at Georgetown University who specializes in the history of Islam and Christian-Muslim relations, told

ISIS destroys shrines and mosques, may be targeting Mecca | Fox News

Destroying the Kaaba would put them at odds with ALL other Muslims.

I doubt they'd do that.

And yes I know of the 1979 standoff.
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ISIS is building an empire from which they can destroy the west. It would not be surprising for Baghdadi to anoint himself the mahdi.

No, not surprising in the least. One might say he has ruled, in his view, for 8-9 years already. But Abu Bakr isn't interested in only demolishing the West, he is starting in the mid east. He is not pleased with Sunni leaders in Saudi Arabia, and that is known; next stop, the idolatrous Mecca?
Believe me......he does not consider Mecca to be idolatrous.

But yes, I am sure he dislikes the corrupt rulers of Saudi Arabia. ... :cool:
I's a silly rumor.....without substance. .. :cool:

Why then does IS/ISIS destroy mosques?
ISIS is a Sunni organization.......they only destroy Shiite mosques and holy sites. .. :cool:

You better get up to speed my friend. Seriously wrap your brain hard around these mother truckers.

Earlier this week, a series of images emerged showing the destruction of almost a dozen Shia and Sunni religious shrines in Mosul, Iraq's second largest city, and the town of Tal Afar, which is also currently under ISIS control.

ISIS militants believe giving special veneration to tombs and relics is against the teachings of Islam.

Speaking of the latest attack, Ninevah official Zuhair Al-Chalabi, told 'The elements of ISIS [have] controlled the mosque of the Prophet Younis in Mosul since they invaded the city.'

'[They] engaged in the process of tampering with the contents of the Mosque. It is still held by them until now.'

The shrine of the Prophet Seth (Shayth) was also destroyed by rebels, according to reports.

ISIS militants sledgehammer Mosul tomb of Prophet Jonah | Mail Online
ISIS is building an empire from which they can destroy the west. It would not be surprising for Baghdadi to anoint himself the mahdi.

No, not surprising in the least. One might say he has ruled, in his view, for 8-9 years already. But Abu Bakr isn't interested in only demolishing the West, he is starting in the mid east. He is not pleased with Sunni leaders in Saudi Arabia, and that is known; next stop, the idolatrous Mecca?
Believe me......he does not consider Mecca to be idolatrous.

But yes, I am sure he dislikes the corrupt rulers of Saudi Arabia. ... :cool:

Then all reports of Abu Bakr* demanding the destruction of idols are false; gee I hope so. With all the attention of "Baghadadi", how many have looked up the first well kown Abu Bakr? He wasn't engaged in peaceful prayer himself.

*Unlike his fellow tribesmen and most of the Quraish, Abu Bakr was not an idol worshipper.

Shia view of Abu Bakr - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I might as well put up this in TK's thread instead of starting a new one. Here's their latest accomplishment.

Shocking moment ISIS militants take sledgehammers to Mosul tomb of Prophet Jonah as more than 50 blindfolded bodies are found massacred south of Baghdad

These guys are a piece of work. Video at link.

This is the shocking moment ISIS militants took sledgehammers to Iraqi tombstones - smashing them to pieces.

The rebels, who are members of the Islamic State terror group, were filmed attacking centuries-old graves in the north-west city of Mosul in Ninevah province.

Donning balaclavas and black coats, they swung sledgehammers into the tombs, causing pieces of dust and stone to fly through the air.

One of the devastated tombstones belonged to the Prophet Jonah (Younis in Arabic) and was revered by Muslims and Christians alike, according to Iraqi authorities.

The prophet, who is the central figure in the Hebrew Bible's Book of Jonah, is best known for being swallowed by a fish or a whale, depending on translation.


ISIS militants sledgehammer Mosul tomb of Prophet Jonah | Mail Online
So, still think this claim is preposterous folks? I think TD here has put that to rest.

The most extreme people are the most unpredictable ones.
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After 9/11, who didn't feel the urge to nuke Mecca and Medina? OK, now Muslims want to tear themselves apart, go for it. Karma, hubris, whatever. Until they can all get together and establish a unified and peaceful coexistence with the rest of the non-Muslim world, I wish them all the worst. Extinguish each other. It's Allah's will.


Nobody (in their right minds) wants to commit genocide, Mary.

Don't condescend to me, WHAT religion in it's right mind would entice young men into crashing airplanes in Manhattan Island? Genocide? What do they WANT? And what if those self same creeps had nukes, they wouldn't have any qualms using them against the west and unarmed, unprepared civilians, would they? What world do you live in, TemplarKormac? Because the one I live in is now paranoid of these Muslim suicidal jerks.
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I's a silly rumor.....without substance. .. :cool:

Why then does IS/ISIS destroy mosques?
ISIS is a Sunni organization.......they only destroy Shiite mosques and holy sites. .. :cool:

This quote attributed to a IS leader makes no distinction:

If Allah wills, we will kill those who worship stones in Mecca and destroy the Kaaba. People go to Mecca to touch the stones, not for Allah.
I find this rumor incredibly hard to believe.

It's understandable (sort of) that they'd be intent on destroying the Shi'a holy sites in Iraq - but Sunnis and Shi'a both worship at the Ka'aba - and Saudi Arabia is already a Sunni state (that more than likely is already funding ISIS in one way or another)

i agree. there is no way they would be contemplating this. it is holy to them as well. further, they would be annihilated by massive islamic armies. i don't believe any muslim supports destroying their most holy site.
I find this rumor incredibly hard to believe.

It's understandable (sort of) that they'd be intent on destroying the Shi'a holy sites in Iraq - but Sunnis and Shi'a both worship at the Ka'aba - and Saudi Arabia is already a Sunni state (that more than likely is already funding ISIS in one way or another)

i agree. there is no way they would be contemplating this. it is holy to them as well. further, they would be annihilated by massive islamic armies. i don't believe any muslim supports destroying their most holy site.

No attention was paid to the declartions of al Qaeda in 2001 either, why would they kill those in the US, there are Muslims in all metropolitatan areas, aren't there?
After 9/11, who didn't feel the urge to nuke Mecca and Medina? OK, now Muslims want to tear themselves apart, go for it. Karma, hubris, whatever. Until they can all get together and establish a unified and peaceful coexistence with the rest of the non-Muslim world, I wish them all the worst. Extinguish each other. It's Allah's will.


Nobody (in their right minds) wants to commit genocide, Mary.

Don't condescend to me, WHAT religion in it's right mind would entice young men into crashing airplanes in Manhattan Island? Genocide? What do they WANT? And what if those self same creeps had nukes, they wouldn't have any qualms using them against the west and unarmed, unprepared civilians? what world you live in, TemplarKormac? Because the one I live in is now paranoid of these Muslim suicidal jerks.

Wow. Nobody was condescending to anyone. Your zeal has blinded you to reality.

Just because they kill 3,000 of our people doesn't justify starting a nuclear holocaust. What world do I live in? The world I live in is a one of restraint. The world you live in miss, is one where we destroy and kill anyone associated with Islam, regardless of whom. Women and children alike would not be spared in your world, because they are all responsible. You know what that would show the world? That we are ruthless barbarians, with no respect for the innocent. No. I will not shed the blood of millions innocents for my frothing mouth paranoia that an entire religion is out to get me. Far left liberals act like that about Christianity, and you far rightists do the same thing about Islam.

I am against using nuclear weapons, even on terrorists. They can be easily taken out by conventional means, if our president would simply grow a spine.

Nobody (in their right minds) wants to commit genocide, Mary.

Don't condescend to me, WHAT religion in it's right mind would entice young men into crashing airplanes in Manhattan Island? Genocide? What do they WANT? And what if those self same creeps had nukes, they wouldn't have any qualms using them against the west and unarmed, unprepared civilians? what world you live in, TemplarKormac? Because the one I live in is now paranoid of these Muslim suicidal jerks.

Wow. Nobody was condescending to anyone. Your zeal has blinded you to reality.

Just because they kill 3,000 of our people doesn't justify starting a nuclear holocaust. What world do I live in? The world I live in is a one of restraint. The world you live in miss, is one where we destroy and kill anyone associated with Islam, regardless of whom. Women and children alike would not be spared in your world, because they are all responsible. You know what that would show the world? That we are ruthless barbarians, with no respect for the innocent. No. I will not shed the blood of millions innocents for my frothing mouth paranoia that an entire religion is out to get me. Far left liberals act like that about Christianity, and you far rightists do the same thing about Islam.

I am against using nuclear weapons, even on terrorists. They can be easily taken out by conventional means, if our president would simply grow a spine.

My zeal? What the hell does that mean? Who are you kidding here? Muslims ZEAL is what this is all about. Their blind zealotry and adherence to goofy mindless principles remind me of Nazism. But oddly enough, the Nazis had more respect for human life that Muslims seem to. They were genocidal, but they didn't leverage the afterlife and silly promises of virgins in paradise to entice disillusioned males to commit suicide to further their cause. Unlike that OTHER group. And they, those nameless superstitious minions of blind ignorance, Muslims, I don't find them very appealing. Genocide? Muslims will be the death of mankind, if we are not careful.
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Only if someone would want to unleash the hellish anger and blood curdling wrath of a billion people would they even consider doing this.
Islamic males are dominate, and Islamic females are seen as inferior. They have to be hidden away. Burkas, or be submissive. I wonder, why any person that has been unfortunate to be born female, what does ISLAM hold over her anyway? What is the meaning of Islam to a WOMAN. Not a man, but why do you allow men to dominate you if you have free will? Or perhaps it isn't domination, you really believe this ... Why? Besides acculturation and all that...WHY? Just curious.
Don't condescend to me, WHAT religion in it's right mind would entice young men into crashing airplanes in Manhattan Island? Genocide? What do they WANT? And what if those self same creeps had nukes, they wouldn't have any qualms using them against the west and unarmed, unprepared civilians? what world you live in, TemplarKormac? Because the one I live in is now paranoid of these Muslim suicidal jerks.

Wow. Nobody was condescending to anyone. Your zeal has blinded you to reality.

Just because they kill 3,000 of our people doesn't justify starting a nuclear holocaust. What world do I live in? The world I live in is a one of restraint. The world you live in miss, is one where we destroy and kill anyone associated with Islam, regardless of whom. Women and children alike would not be spared in your world, because they are all responsible. You know what that would show the world? That we are ruthless barbarians, with no respect for the innocent. No. I will not shed the blood of millions innocents for my frothing mouth paranoia that an entire religion is out to get me. Far left liberals act like that about Christianity, and you far rightists do the same thing about Islam.

I am against using nuclear weapons, even on terrorists. They can be easily taken out by conventional means, if our president would simply grow a spine.

My zeal? What the hell does that mean? Who are you kidding here? Muslims ZEAL is what this is all about. Their blind zealotry and adherence to goofy mindless principles remind me of Nazism. But oddly enough, the Nazis had more respect for human life that Muslims seem to. They were genocidal, but they didn't leverage the afterlife and silly promises of virgins in paradise to entice disillusioned males to commit suicide to further their cause. Unlike that OTHER group. And they, those nameless superstitious minions of blind ignorance, Muslims, I don't find them very appealing. Genocide? Muslims will be the death of mankind, if we are not careful.

Zeal. As in the type that would lead you commit the same types atrocities the Islamists commit. Nuking them would be the greatest atrocity of them all. Now explain to me how irradiating them would solve our problems? In order to defeat your enemy, don't become your enemy.

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