ISIS to Putin: We Are on Our Way to Russia

How about the US and Putin join up as natural allies and tell the people in this area how things will be and then make it that way ?
"Well boys. Do you want to attack the US with BOBO as commander or Russia with Putin as commander?"
Silly question.
The human scum that is ISIS all say an extra prayer of thanks to 'Dingle-Dorff' every day that BOBO will be President for two more years.

They have NOT attacked the U.S., nor can they. They are terrorists and criminals, and they commit terrorism and crimes. They cannot wage war.

Anyone that calls this a "war" is simply trying to trump up outrage and send more U.S. troops on a hopeless foreign invasion again.

Fox and MSNBC are both advocating and pushing the "war" language.
i love who everybody is so shocked the an ultraviolent group is now hiding behind Islam to quake fear into all the world. I don't see it as shocking at all. the world powers have been beating up these people for hundreds of years putting on ruthless puppet regime in after the other and when that regime goes off script we send in our christian/judao mercinaries with all the latest weapons of masses destruction. These people have fled and fled from camp to camp and have watched their cities blown to ashes. Now, that we toughened them even more with a good defeating beatings, we leave them with plenty of weapons we've gladly supplied and wonder why they are now mobilizing with them to fight our evil pyramid corrupt scheme of "democracy" lol. Have your kids keep practicing call of duty cause that's what they are going to be doing as the powers that rule your silly lives watch you kill each other fighting for the scraps off their tables you all set for a feast.

That's going to anger a bunch of folks on this message board, but it's basically true; these so-called terrorists have been created, trained, and funded by CIA, Turkey, NATO nations, Israel, etc. Many harken back to the days of Soviet occupation of Afghanistan and the al-Qaeda in Iraq. They went to Libya to destroy that government, they went to Egypt; now they are in Syria, in Iraq, and they will soon be in Afghanistan again.

The weapons they use are in ample supply, and they have plenty of ammo. Who do you suppose funds it, aquires it, transports it, and hands it out?

Smoke and mirrors for Americans' consumption.
i love who everybody is so shocked the an ultraviolent group is now hiding behind Islam to quake fear into all the world. I don't see it as shocking at all. the world powers have been beating up these people for hundreds of years putting on ruthless puppet regime in after the other and when that regime goes off script we send in our christian/judao mercinaries with all the latest weapons of masses destruction. These people have fled and fled from camp to camp and have watched their cities blown to ashes. Now, that we toughened them even more with a good defeating beatings, we leave them with plenty of weapons we've gladly supplied and wonder why they are now mobilizing with them to fight our evil pyramid corrupt scheme of "democracy" lol. Have your kids keep practicing call of duty cause that's what they are going to be doing as the powers that rule your silly lives watch you kill each other fighting for the scraps off their tables you all set for a feast.

That's going to anger a bunch of folks on this message board, but it's basically true; these so-called terrorists have been created, trained, and funded by CIA, Turkey, NATO nations, Israel, etc. Many harken back to the days of Soviet occupation of Afghanistan and the al-Qaeda in Iraq. They went to Libya to destroy that government, they went to Egypt; now they are in Syria, in Iraq, and they will soon be in Afghanistan again.

The weapons they use are in ample supply, and they have plenty of ammo. Who do you suppose funds it, aquires it, transports it, and hands it out?

Smoke and mirrors for Americans' consumption.
but it's not the war machine or the goldmen sacking of both grande ol parties dems and reps. blood and guts for gold, glory, money and power. It ends us all up in hell as it goes down under a flash of purifying enlightenment? .
The plot thickens!

ISIS to Putin: We Are on Our Way to Russia

Members of the Islamic State, a violent group of extremists presently terrorizing Iraq and Syria, have released a video threatening President Vladimir Putin and vowing to wage war in Russia's restive North Caucasus.

Message to Putin

A video released by Al Arabiya and reportedly filmed in a seized airport in the Syrian province of Raqqa features an Islamic State fighter seated in a military jet, saying: "This message is for you, Vladimir Putin! These are the aircraft you sent to Bashar [Assad], and we're going to send them to you. Remember that!"

The voice of a Russian speaker can also be heard in the video, describing the jets seized by Islamic State fighters. "This is Russian technology," he says.

The Islamic State has openly declared war on the U.S., driving its point home by having beheaded two U.S. journalists in as many weeks. This is the first time members of the group have personally taunted the Russian president.

"We will with the consent of Allah free Chechnya and all of the Caucasus! The Islamic State is here and will stay here, and it will spread with the grace of Allah!" a fighter is shown saying in the video, which is available on YouTube with Russian subtitles.

Addressing Putin personally, the fighter added: "Your throne has already been shaken, it is under threat and will fall with our arrival [in Russia]. … We're already on our way with the of Allah!"

lipush said:

Won't it be interesting to see them try and mess with Putin.


synthaholic said:
Why? Because Putin is such a tough guy?

You wingnuts believe everything you're told by your wingnut masters.

What makes you believe Putin is tough? Because of the way he defeated the Chechen rebels? Oh, that's right - he didn't. Because of the way he annexed Crimea, which was willing to be Annexed?


Lipush isn't a "wingnut", dumbass.
You're all wingnuts.
Why? Because Putin is such a tough guy?

You wingnuts believe everything you're told by your wingnut masters.

What makes you believe Putin is tough? Because of the way he defeated the Chechen rebels? Oh, that's right - he didn't. Because of the way he annexed Crimea, which was willing to be Annexed?


Do you see a situation in which Da'esh attackes Russia and Putin says things like "I'm disgusted" without responding?

I don't
I'm just looking for examples of his 'toughness'.

Is it because he likes to get photographed with no shirt on?

Is it because he never smiles?

The plot thickens!

ISIS to Putin: We Are on Our Way to Russia

Members of the Islamic State, a violent group of extremists presently terrorizing Iraq and Syria, have released a video threatening President Vladimir Putin and vowing to wage war in Russia's restive North Caucasus.

Message to Putin

A video released by Al Arabiya and reportedly filmed in a seized airport in the Syrian province of Raqqa features an Islamic State fighter seated in a military jet, saying: "This message is for you, Vladimir Putin! These are the aircraft you sent to Bashar [Assad], and we're going to send them to you. Remember that!"

The voice of a Russian speaker can also be heard in the video, describing the jets seized by Islamic State fighters. "This is Russian technology," he says.

The Islamic State has openly declared war on the U.S., driving its point home by having beheaded two U.S. journalists in as many weeks. This is the first time members of the group have personally taunted the Russian president.

"We will with the consent of Allah free Chechnya and all of the Caucasus! The Islamic State is here and will stay here, and it will spread with the grace of Allah!" a fighter is shown saying in the video, which is available on YouTube with Russian subtitles.

Addressing Putin personally, the fighter added: "Your throne has already been shaken, it is under threat and will fall with our arrival [in Russia]. … We're already on our way with the of Allah!"

lipush said:

Won't it be interesting to see them try and mess with Putin.


synthaholic said:
Why? Because Putin is such a tough guy?

You wingnuts believe everything you're told by your wingnut masters.

What makes you believe Putin is tough? Because of the way he defeated the Chechen rebels? Oh, that's right - he didn't. Because of the way he annexed Crimea, which was willing to be Annexed?


eighteen sharts and a dozen roses said:
Lipush isn't a "wingnut", dumbass.

synthaholic said:
You're all wingnuts.

I feel so "informed", thank you. :badgrin:
"Well boys. Do you want to attack the US with BOBO as commander or Russia with Putin as commander?"
Silly question.
The human scum that is ISIS all say an extra prayer of thanks to 'Dingle-Dorff' every day that BOBO will be President for two more years.

They have NOT attacked the U.S., nor can they. They are terrorists and criminals, and they commit terrorism and crimes. They cannot wage war.

Anyone that calls this a "war" is simply trying to trump up outrage and send more U.S. troops on a hopeless foreign invasion again.

Fox and MSNBC are both advocating and pushing the "war" language.
I was with you until the last sentence.

Who is pushing for war on MSNBC? Maybe Joe Scarborough. Maybe Chris Matthews, a bit.

Certainly not Hayes, Maddow, O'Donnell, Melber, Hall, Brezinski, Ball, Wagner, Sharpton, Shultz, Dias Belart, Farrow, Mitchell.
The plot thickens!

ISIS to Putin: We Are on Our Way to Russia

Members of the Islamic State, a violent group of extremists presently terrorizing Iraq and Syria, have released a video threatening President Vladimir Putin and vowing to wage war in Russia's restive North Caucasus.

Message to Putin

A video released by Al Arabiya and reportedly filmed in a seized airport in the Syrian province of Raqqa features an Islamic State fighter seated in a military jet, saying: "This message is for you, Vladimir Putin! These are the aircraft you sent to Bashar [Assad], and we're going to send them to you. Remember that!"

The voice of a Russian speaker can also be heard in the video, describing the jets seized by Islamic State fighters. "This is Russian technology," he says.

The Islamic State has openly declared war on the U.S., driving its point home by having beheaded two U.S. journalists in as many weeks. This is the first time members of the group have personally taunted the Russian president.

"We will with the consent of Allah free Chechnya and all of the Caucasus! The Islamic State is here and will stay here, and it will spread with the grace of Allah!" a fighter is shown saying in the video, which is available on YouTube with Russian subtitles.

Addressing Putin personally, the fighter added: "Your throne has already been shaken, it is under threat and will fall with our arrival [in Russia]. … We're already on our way with the of Allah!"

lipush said:

Won't it be interesting to see them try and mess with Putin.


synthaholic said:
Why? Because Putin is such a tough guy?

You wingnuts believe everything you're told by your wingnut masters.

What makes you believe Putin is tough? Because of the way he defeated the Chechen rebels? Oh, that's right - he didn't. Because of the way he annexed Crimea, which was willing to be Annexed?


eighteen sharts and a dozen roses said:
Lipush isn't a "wingnut", dumbass.

synthaholic said:
You're all wingnuts.

I feel so "informed", thank you. :badgrin:
Then click my 'informative' button, bitch!
The plot thickens!

ISIS to Putin: We Are on Our Way to Russia

Members of the Islamic State, a violent group of extremists presently terrorizing Iraq and Syria, have released a video threatening President Vladimir Putin and vowing to wage war in Russia's restive North Caucasus.

Message to Putin

A video released by Al Arabiya and reportedly filmed in a seized airport in the Syrian province of Raqqa features an Islamic State fighter seated in a military jet, saying: "This message is for you, Vladimir Putin! These are the aircraft you sent to Bashar [Assad], and we're going to send them to you. Remember that!"

The voice of a Russian speaker can also be heard in the video, describing the jets seized by Islamic State fighters. "This is Russian technology," he says.

The Islamic State has openly declared war on the U.S., driving its point home by having beheaded two U.S. journalists in as many weeks. This is the first time members of the group have personally taunted the Russian president.

"We will with the consent of Allah free Chechnya and all of the Caucasus! The Islamic State is here and will stay here, and it will spread with the grace of Allah!" a fighter is shown saying in the video, which is available on YouTube with Russian subtitles.

Addressing Putin personally, the fighter added: "Your throne has already been shaken, it is under threat and will fall with our arrival [in Russia]. … We're already on our way with the of Allah!"

lipush said:

Won't it be interesting to see them try and mess with Putin.


synthaholic said:
Why? Because Putin is such a tough guy?

You wingnuts believe everything you're told by your wingnut masters.

What makes you believe Putin is tough? Because of the way he defeated the Chechen rebels? Oh, that's right - he didn't. Because of the way he annexed Crimea, which was willing to be Annexed?


eighteen sharts and a dozen roses said:
Lipush isn't a "wingnut", dumbass.

synthaholic said:
You're all wingnuts.

the shart in the sky keeps on turnin' said:
I feel so "informed", thank you. :badgrin:

synthaholic said:
Then click my 'informative' button, bitch!

I did, hun.

You should do the same to us a few times.

After all, we brought you here, did we not? :badgrin:
How about supporting Senator Bill Nelson of Florida, and McCarthy in the House; both have introduced bills allowing air strikes in SYRIA, the home base of ISIS.

a few good sharts said:
Why do we need to waste the life of one more American soldier in a war there, when these ISIS idiots are now openly being defiant toward Vladimir Putin, who we all know won't put up with their bullshit???

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend."

Again: get 'em, Putin.

peach said:

Have you ever had anyone in your close family go to war, Peach?

Yes, my father served in WWII at age 17, then Korea. When I was a small child he did a tour of Vietnam. He was against the first Gulf War, he did not live to see the invasion of Iraq.
isis is most likely led by blackwater to install many regimes worldwide including here in the u.s. By using fear to rattle your small brains you will be blind to what's really going on.
wow, what a dumb assumption
How so? We now have had a well trained and equipped private army for hire for some time. Being born from the right wing war machine, that invaded countries for profit right before your stupid blind eyes, why wouldn't they continue to the same? Plenty of angry stupid sheep to lead to war, just need some training and start up cash. we've given them plenty of both.
It's not an army, it's a private company of mercenaries.

right wing war machine, :lol: I love the stewpud on display.

history lesson for the lying buffoons;

WW 1 started by a (D)
WW 2 started by a (D)
Korea started by a (D)
Viet Nam started by a (D)
Cuba started by a (D)

Not until Somalia do you catch a break and stop murdering Americans for your one world view

Gavilo Princip was a Democrat? was Tojo.........South Korea was invaded by USSR backed North Korea, and Eisenhower sent the first advisors to Vietnam.......Cuba of course took power in 1959. Again, Eisenhower was in office.

Truman was President when 21 countries of the United Nations began support for South Korea, .5 on that one. History isn't your area, obviously. :D
more bullshit from leftist

we never wanted to go to any of those wars, but all the (D) pushed our future enemies to act, you know it, so stop lying.

jfk sent in troops to VN, so stop lying
jfk sent people to die in the Bay of Pigs, so stop lying

leftist hands are soaked in the blood of Americans, you people wanted us out of our isolation and if getting us killed was the only way, so be it.

Now we are mired in a never ending war in the ME

thanks to people like you.

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