ISIS Torches 1,800-Year-Old Church in Mosul; City Is 'Now Empty of Christians'


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Obama Syrian supported terrorist showing the open mindedness that is so lacking in the world.

ISIS Torches 1,800-Year-Old Church in Mosul; Priest Says City Is 'Now Empty of Christians'

Members of the militant group Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) reportedly torched a 1,800 year-old Catholic Church in Mosul, Iraq and have effectively left that city "empty of Christians" as believers fled the area in fear of their lives, according to Chaldean Catholic Patriarch Louis Sako.

Sources told Shoebat that the ISIS group in Mosul called "Daash" completely burned the Syriac Catholic Diocese and its contents in Mosul. A Chaldean, Syriac and Assyrian Website released photos of the church in flames Saturday.
Can't say I'm surprised if true.

After all Muslims aren't very tolerant of any other religions and I'm sure that they could care less about 1,800 years of history in that church.

Anyone in the ME who isn't Muslim should be leaving ASAP.
I don't have the strength of faith that some others are blessed with, some might feel they think God wants them to be there, and there is nothing wrong with that, but I am reminded of a story.

A 10 story apartment building was on fire. One of the tenants was a devout Christian who spent hours a day in prayer, and had a great relationship with God. When he heard the smoke alarm, he knelt to pray and ask God to spare him. God literally answered the man's prayer and spoke to the man. God said "I will get you out of there my faithful servant."

Not 5 seconds later a banging came on the man's door. "If anyone is in there, we have found a way out, the back staircase is clear, if anyone is in there hurry up and get out of here." the man responded, "no need to worry about me, God has promised to get me out of here." The man was so sure of this, he never got off his knees and continued in prayer.

Within 30 seconds, another banging came at the door. "POLICE, if anyone is in there, they need to get out now, the main staircase is passable, but we need to hurry." the man continued in prayer and never said a word.

2 minutes later, a fireman with an axe broke down the man's door. "We got to get out of here now!" the man answered him " God has promised to get me out of here, and I have faith in that promise." The fireman was stunned, and was just about to grab the man and carry him out, when a support beam collapsed right in front of him, separating the two men. The fireman left and the faithful man was the only fatality in the fire.

When the man awoke, he was in the presence of God. The man was so disappointed, he immediately questioned God and asked, "You promised to save me, yet I died in that fire, why did you not come and get me out?" God answered "My faithful servant, you lived on the top floor of an apartment building, you had the only room on that floor, the roof door was never opened, so there was no one to come by and save you, yet not once, not twice but three times someone came knocking on your door to help you. Each time you ignored those plea's. Who do you think sent those people to help you, and why did you not use the brain that I gave to you? I tried to help you, and you refused."
Iraq is totally devoid of Christians. Where is America? The supposed 'Christian nation'? Under derelict leadership.
Iraq is totally devoid of Christians. Where is America? The supposed 'Christian nation'? Under derelict leadership.

Are you in the Army yet Temp? How about making plans to volunteer in Iraq? No you say to both questions? Then stfu about wanting more war in Iraq for Americans.

YOU go to Iraq Temp. You show em what a bad ass Christian YOU are. But you're a punk suffering from ODS. You won't do shit but sit on a message board bitching.
Obama Syrian supported terrorist showing the open mindedness that is so lacking in the world.

ISIS Torches 1,800-Year-Old Church in Mosul; Priest Says City Is 'Now Empty of Christians'

Members of the militant group Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) reportedly torched a 1,800 year-old Catholic Church in Mosul, Iraq and have effectively left that city "empty of Christians" as believers fled the area in fear of their lives, according to Chaldean Catholic Patriarch Louis Sako.

Sources told Shoebat that the ISIS group in Mosul called "Daash" completely burned the Syriac Catholic Diocese and its contents in Mosul. A Chaldean, Syriac and Assyrian Website released photos of the church in flames Saturday.

Any evidence Obama supports ISIS? I will consider it.
Are you gonna neg rep me again Temp? LMAO. It hurt so bad last time. It really hurt I tell ya. LMAO. Do it again dude.
ISIS Torches 1,800-Year-Old Church in Mosul; City Is 'Now Empty of Christians'
that should make you antichrist libertards happy as pig wallowing in it's own shit.., which is something you retards do all the time.

why do you all hate Christians ? and other people who believe in GOD Almighty ?
ISIS Torches 1,800-Year-Old Church in Mosul; City Is 'Now Empty of Christians'
that should make you antichrist libertards happy as pig wallowing in it's own shit.., which is something you retards do all the time.

why do you all hate Christians ? and other people who believe in GOD Almighty ?

lefties claim to be for tolerance and 'peace'.....

muslims claim to be the 'religion of peace'....

both are liars...
Religion of No Peace strikes again.

And, as usual, President Blunderbrain is silent. Must be golfing again.
Obama Syrian supported terrorist showing the open mindedness that is so lacking in the world.

ISIS Torches 1,800-Year-Old Church in Mosul; Priest Says City Is 'Now Empty of Christians'

Members of the militant group Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) reportedly torched a 1,800 year-old Catholic Church in Mosul, Iraq and have effectively left that city "empty of Christians" as believers fled the area in fear of their lives, according to Chaldean Catholic Patriarch Louis Sako.

Sources told Shoebat that the ISIS group in Mosul called "Daash" completely burned the Syriac Catholic Diocese and its contents in Mosul. A Chaldean, Syriac and Assyrian Website released photos of the church in flames Saturday.
you need a tissue?
ISIS Torches 1,800-Year-Old Church in Mosul; City Is 'Now Empty of Christians'
that should make you antichrist libertards happy as pig wallowing in it's own shit.., which is something you retards do all the time.

why do you all hate Christians ? and other people who believe in GOD Almighty ?

well they arent liberals, so thats wrong.
in fact they are more like Christians than liberals
Iraq, still suffering the consequences of President Bushes invasion and occupation.
The Muslims give us lessons every day...many lessons...why we should never let another damn one of them into this country.
Iraq, still suffering the consequences of President Bushes invasion and occupation.

And an invasion from Obama backed rebels from Syria is how Bush's fault?

Maybe the blunders of both presidents will finally convince future presidents to stop getting involved with or creating conflicts in the Middle East. Nah, we'll still doing the same song and dance 25 years from now.
Iraqi Christians flee after Isis issue Mosul ultimatum


Iraqi Christians are fleeing Mosul after Islamist militants threatened to kill them unless they converted to Islam or paid a "protection tax".

A statement issued by the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isis) was read out at the city's mosques.

It called on Christians to comply by midday on Saturday or face death if they did not leave the northern city.

Isis has control of large parts of Syria and Iraq and said last month it was creating an Islamic caliphate.

The ultimatum cited a historic contract known as "dhimma," under which non-Muslims in Islamic societies who refuse to convert are offered protection if they pay a fee, called a "jizya".

"We offer them three choices: Islam; the dhimma contract - involving payment of jizya; if they refuse this they will have nothing but the sword," the Isis statement said.

BBC News - Iraqi Christians flee after Isis issue Mosul ultimatum

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