Why the Roman Catholic Church is the Greatest Organization in the History of the World.

Link it moron. Then you can count the number of people who have been killed by the crusades, catholic imperialism in the new world, Philippines, S. Pacific, Asia and Europe. You folks think it is perfectly acceptable to murder anyone who disagrees with your belief and nothing has changed to this day. Would you care to address sexual abuse by the priethood?
And he wonders why I oppose is suggestion to rule the US with Catholic laws.
If Catholics really had killed as many people as the ridiculous old Protestant propaganda claims they killed, Europe would have been depopulated by the 12th century and would have been speaking Mongolese by now.
Would you care to address sexual abuse by the priethood?

Yes: It's a prime example of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' re allowing a bunch of faggots into any organization and letting them near children. They weren't abused by 'priests', they were abused by faggots; get it right. Same with the Boy Scouts.
Hello -

This is not completely the case

What you say is very true, but lets look at the facts

At one time long ago, the DNA MAKEUP of most of Europe was a pure Caucasian and mostly all white race - racially - and not populated with a multiracial aspect as we see today -

being white and pure is not something I am term as racial purity or racist in any way, I think all races can be pure in their own racial aspect. THIS IS NOT ABOUT ABOUT A NEGATIVE RACISM - but meaning simply, at one time Europe was - " not as mixed " - and was simply mostly pure, white DNA.

As the heretic's were being killed by the Roman Catholic Church - Islam was also moving and heavily populating Europe

Starting as early as the year
711, the Muslims who were Canaanite - Persian - Arabian darker / darker skin completions were conquering and populating large swathes of Northern Mediterranean shores and set up Caliphates and Emirates mainly in the Iberian Peninsula for more than seven centuries.

The Canaanite - Persian - Arabian darker / darker skin completions populated - Balkans, Southeastern Europe, Caucasus, Crimea, and the Volga region

The Canaanite - Persian - Arabians populated the Albanians, Greeks, Romani, Balkan Turks, Pomaks, Bosniaks, Yörüks, Crimean Tatars, and Megleno-Romanians

The term "Muslim Europe" is used to refer to the Muslim-majority countries in the Balkans (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Kosovo) and in Eastern Europe

Also, - Bulgaria, Montenegro, Serbia, North Macedonia - and some republics of Russia) that constitute large populations of European Muslims The Canaanite - Persian - Arabian expanded and entered into Southern Europe through the expansion after the Umayyad conquest of Hispania in the 8th–10th centuries;

Muslim conquered and populated Spain, Portugal, Sicily, and Malta during the Middle Ages.

Eventually when the Europeans began to organize and defend themselves and overpower the Muslims - MOST ALL OF THE Muslim populations in all of Europe were either converted to Christianity or expelled by the end of the 15th century.

The Canaanite, Persian Arabian populations spread into the Ottoman Empire further expanded into Southeastern Europe - invading and conquering huge portions of the Serbian Empire, Bulgarian Empire, and all the remaining territories of the Byzantine Empire in the 14th and 15th centuries

Over the centuries, the Ottoman Empire gradually lost almost all of its European territories, until it was defeated and eventually collapsed in 1922.

Islam spread in Eastern Europe via the conversion of the Volga Bulgars, Cuman-Kipchaks, and later the Golden Horde and its successor khanates, with its various Muslim populations called "Tatars" in Russia. This is nearly 1,000 years of populations who were not - European invading and populating through invasion

Lately - in the 20 th and 21 st centuries - The Catholic Church has also been also working to re - crop and re - settle and re - locate - millions upon millions of Canaanite, Persian Arabian darker males that they possibly can into Europe ....

European countries JUST IN in 2020.

Germany had the highest number of accepted asylum seekers in Europe at over 128,000 , Spain at over 124,000 and France at 86,000 IN JUST ONE SINGLE YEAR

For the last 200 years - The Catholic Church has worked to the
removing the Darker Males of the Canaanite, Persian Arabian Male out of the Mid East in order to make massive financial profits, where the Catholic and Lutheran organizations are well paid to bring in these unwanted darker males and take care of them.

The USA government filters trillions of dollars working with the Roman Catholic and Lutheran organizations as they seize the funds from American taxpayers.

Just from the invasion and settlement of Islam populations alone , with all of the other races that were brought into Europe from this invasion, this has populated Europe with vey high numbers that have sustained the population rate.

Just take a look at Europeans today, what do you see ?

In most all of Europe - you see a slightly smaller minority of pure white DNA with the majority mixed with the Canaanite, Persian Arabian DNA.

In addition, the Roman Catholic Church was based in Italy - what DNA makeup are Italians ? - Italians are themselves - Canaanite, Persian Arabian - Europeans, So also, these Italian / Canaanite populations were also heavily moved into Europe and set up as authority over the populations.

The population in great wealth, power and authority will very prone to spread their generational seed into the direction they choose. Europe is no longer JUST Europe - many millions of non - Europeans have been created and blended with Europe from around the world throughout history.

This would be a Roman Catholic deceiver stating that the 40 - 50 million native cultures that have been killed were not really killed because there are such a great population in their invaded lands

This, and every Roman Catholic argument demands that one fall to the most ignorant defiled thought process possible - Catholics literally demand worship and celebrate of complete ignorance in order to hide their lies.

The facts become criminal.

Just look at South America and Mexico - the majority are Canaanite, Persian Arabian European Natives called Latinos - this is what Islamic and Catholic invasion does to populations and lands and areas they conquer. Millions upon Millions of the original population are crushed and exterminated as they mix and mingle the population through " Catholislamic " adultery marriage system that are nothing but religions of prostitution and total mass orgy fornication and child abandonment.

What's in you wallet ? - I am a Catholic or a Muslim and I am having a lot of sex this year - You will FUND all of my sexual journeys, pleasures, sexual joys and delights - you wicked heretic
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Link it moron. Then you can count the number of people who have been killed by the crusades, catholic imperialism in the new world, Philippines, S. Pacific, Asia and Europe. You folks think it is perfectly acceptable to murder anyone who disagrees with your belief and nothing has changed to this day. Would you care to address sexual abuse by the priethood?
When are you going to address the 100 millions atheists killed? Call me a moron again, and this conversation is over.
I love Catholic and Muslim people and have had friends who I loved dearly, yes truly however, the religion system and faith of CATHOLISLAMIC is what is truly evil, deceptive and corruption that entices and deceives and also enslaves all.
You're all over the place, guy. In the same thread, you ridicule belief God, then talk about the kingdom of God. Do you even HAVE a belief? Try to put your philosophy down in a coherent objective manner without the snark. I'll listen.

Ok. You want clarification. Fair enough.

First of all, I will state some facts.

There has never been and never will be a human being who was God or became God either before during or after their human existence.

God is incorporeal. He has no visible shape or material form. He is unequalled and so there is no other God in existence either above or below him. That being said God was not wearing diapers on Christmas. Jesus, a Jewish man, was born. Jesus was not a perfect sacrifice, crucified, so that "believers" can sin with impunity for life as long as they celebrate his death and worship and eat him in the form of a lifeless matzo made by human hands, neither is he a co equal part of any triune god. Do you have any idea how hard it is to not ridicule those beliefs?

Your beliefs about God do not correspond to any real living being ever in existence. They are a fabrication of Rome, a counterfeit Jesus, the antichrist, first unleashed on the world in 325.c.e.

Jesus, a human being, was the Messiah. By saying, "eat my flesh" he was teaching that the subject of kosher law is not about what you put into your mouth but what you put into your mind, whether clean or unclean. The Body of Christ, the body of his teaching, is that flesh is a metaphor for teaching, the described creatures whether clean or unclean represent human archetypes.

Swine are unclean creatures because they do not ruminate, chew things over, think deeply. Their flesh, teaching, "just believe" etc., defiles and contaminates the mind. If you eat that flesh you will lose your mind. That is the death consequent to setting aside the law of God. Insanity.

This revelation of Jesus, that the words of God used in the law are figurative and the subjects hidden, did not render the law obsolete. Only the wrong way to follow the law became obsolete.

Do you hear what I am telling you? Is there something you still don't understand?
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Ok. You want clarification. Fair enough.

First of all, I will state some facts.

There has never been and never will be a human being who was God or became God either before during or after their human existence.

God is incorporeal. He has no visible shape or material form. He is unequalled and so there is no other God in existence either above or below him. That being said God was not wearing diapers on Christmas. Jesus, a Jewish man, was born. Jesus was not a perfect sacrifice, crucified, so that "believers" can sin with impunity for life as long as they celebrate his death and worship and eat him in the form of a lifeless matzo made by human hands, neither is he a co equal part of any triune god. Do you have any idea how hard it is to not ridicule those beliefs?

Your beliefs about God do not correspond to any real living being ever in existence. They are a fabrication of Rome, a counterfeit Jesus, the antichrist, first unleashed on the world in 325.c.e.

Jesus, a human being, was the Messiah. By saying, "eat my flesh" he was teaching that the subject of kosher law is not about what you put into your mouth but what you put into your mind, whether clean or unclean. The Body of Christ, the body of his teaching, is that flesh is a metaphor for teaching, the described creatures whether clean or unclean represent human archetypes.

Swine are unclean creatures because they do not ruminate, chew things over, think deeply. Their flesh, teaching, "just believe" etc., defiles and contaminates the mind. If you eat that flesh you will lose your mind. That is the death consequent to setting aside the law of God. Insanity.

This revelation of Jesus, that the words of God used in the law are figurative and the subjects hidden, did not render the law obsolete. Only the wrong way to follow the law became obsolete.

Do you hear what I am telling you? Is there something you still don't understand?
What religious denomination are you a member of?
When are you going to address the 100 millions atheists killed? Call me a moron again, and this conversation is over.
Adios, moron. You can't define athiests as anything more than anyone who you disagree with. You and Torquemada would have gotten along well.
What religious denomination are you a member of?

Seriously? Damn.

In your entire life what religious denomination, past or present, have you ever heard of saying such things?

If you had a genuine love for God and truth and if you understood a single thing that I told you you would not have asked me that question or asked me anything. You would be doing something.

How is it that you do not know the right course to take?
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There's an old saying that "religion is the bane of humanity." Of the estimated four thousand plus recognized religions in the world, the Abrahamic religions (which includes Catholicism), are the worst of the lot. In the Hundred Year's war alone, 1337-1453 alone, an estimate of up to 10 million people were killed because of the Catholic church had such influence over the head's of states and pushing to wage war on nations that turned away from Catholicism. Whenever any religion gains control over a government, the result tends to be violence against those deemed to be non-believers and the Catholic church is one of them.
Whenever any religion gains control over a government, the result tends to be violence against those deemed to be non-believers and the Catholic church is one of them.
More accurately, "When any power gains control over a government, the result tends to be violence against those not in step with said power." Religion is not exempt but nor is it the worst culprit.
Seriously? Damn.

In your entire life what religious denomination, past or present, have you ever heard of saying such things?

If you had a genuine love for God and truth and if you understood a single thing that I told you you would not have asked me that question or asked me anything. You would be doing something.

How is it that you do not know the right course to take?
I do. The right course is Jesus' Church which is Roman Catholicism. There is not a doubt in my mind.
I do. The right course is Jesus' Church which is Roman Catholicism. There is not a doubt in my mind.

OK. So you may never become a rational thinker. I can live with that. FYI Jesus has absolutely nothing to do with the Roman church which has become the habitation of every sort of foul and loathsome beast and bird. It's as obvious as a white boulder in the middle of a plowed field.

There is no doubt in your mind because you were terrified as a child by the church teaching that any doubt that arises in your own mind is a satanic assault on your 'faith' and so you stopped thinking. In other words you died in the very day you first got down on your knees in the deranged adoration of a lifeless matzo made by human hands that you worship and eat for spiritual life.


Obstinate stupidity is never the right course.
OK. So you may never become a rational thinker. I can live with that. FYI Jesus has absolutely nothing to do with the Roman church which has become the habitation of every sort of foul and loathsome beast and bird. It's as obvious as a white boulder in the middle of a plowed field.

There is no doubt in your mind because you were terrified as a child by the church teaching that any doubt that arises in your own mind is a satanic assault on your 'faith' and so you stopped thinking. In other words you died in the very day you first got down on your knees in the deranged adoration of a lifeless matzo made by human hands that you worship and eat for spiritual life.


Obstinate stupidity is never the right course.
I can only imagine the torture you must have endured to make you have such a hard heart towards others.

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