Islam is not inherently evil

See, I can't relate to the Muslim violence against gays, because those folks are soo different from me. I expect that kind of violence in countries that are so different from democracy.

But when I find American Christians with a similiar mindset to violent Muslims I find it horrifying. I think that's because I identify more with American Christians than Middle Eastern Muslims.

I was raised in a RCC family. When the RCC calls for kill gays legislation in Uganda it's horrifying to me. My family are RCC. It brings the horror closer.

So the ones who exhort that kind of bigoted violence and who engage in it -- religiously -- get a free pass.

Objectivity aint your strong suit, Fly.
Consider your motivation Si mo fo. What is it you want to get out of posting photos of violence committed against gays?

How do you feel? What is it you need?
Asked and answered. And how I feel is irrelevant to your reality.
How you feel is completely relevant because you have personalized this entire thread to me. Many of your posts in this thread are personal attacks to me, mo fo.
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Anti-gay violence in the Middle East doesn't get a pass from me. It is less horrifying to me, because I cannot relate to Islam or Arabic culture.

When Christians propose the same kind of violence as it carried out in the Middle East it disturbs me more because I can relate closer to American Christians than Middle Eastern Arabic Muslims.
Anti-gay violence in the Middle East doesn't get a pass from me. It is less horrifying to me, because I cannot relate to Islam or Arabic culture.

When Christians propose the same kind of violence as it carried out in the Middle East it disturbs me more because I can relate closer to American Christians than Middle Eastern Arabic Muslims.

Ah. The determining factor for you, Fly, is whether you can RELATE to the irrational calls for violence from a FEW Christian pastors but not to the FACT of wholesale murder in the name of Allah somewhere in some other land.
According to sources inside Iraq, as the result of this new surge of anti-gay violence close to 40 people have been kidnapped, brutally tortured and murdered. The Iraqi authorities have neither responded to this targeted violence nor have they publically denounced it. It is widely believed that these atrocities are being committed by a group of the Shiite militia.

The Organisation of Women’s Freedom in Iraq provides (WARNING: link contains graphic photo) further information about the crimes, including method of execution:

New barbaric attacks started against the Iraqi lgbt in many cities like Baghdad and Basra while using inhumane methods such as hitting the head and body parts of gay victims with building concrete blocks repeatedly till death or by pushing them over high building roof which took place in Basra city. . . News confirmed that 42 gay men were tortured and killed so far, mostly by concrete blocks, while some by dismembering.

The Iraqi government and other world governments, particularly that of the United States of America, must unequivocally condemn the violent campaign of intimidation and murder being waged against Iraqi LGBTs.
Truth Wins Out - Horrifying Wave of Brutal Anti-Gay Murders in Iraq
See, I can't relate to the Muslim violence against gays, because those folks are soo different from Americans. I expect that kind of violence in countries without democracy.

But when I find American Christians with a similiar anti-gay mindset to violent Muslims I find it horrifying. I think that's because I identify more with American Christians than Middle Eastern Muslims.

I was raised in a RCC family. When the RCC calls for kill gays legislation in Uganda it's horrifying to me. My family are RCC. It brings the horror closer.

You're confused, dear. The Roman Catholic Church is not calling or gays to be murdered.
Consider your motivation Si mo fo. What is it you want to get out of posting photos of violence committed against gays?

How do you feel? What is it you need?
Asked and answered. And how I feel is irrelevant to your reality.
How you feel is completely relevant because you have personalized this entire thread to me. Many of your posts in this thread are personal attacks to me, mo fo.
No, how I feel is always irrelevant to a topic unrelated to me.

How are the pictures I've posted personalized to you?
See, I can't relate to the Muslim violence against gays, because those folks are soo different from Americans. I expect that kind of violence in countries without democracy.

But when I find American Christians with a similiar anti-gay mindset to violent Muslims I find it horrifying. I think that's because I identify more with American Christians than Middle Eastern Muslims.

I was raised in a RCC family. When the RCC calls for kill gays legislation in Uganda it's horrifying to me. My family are RCC. It brings the horror closer.

You're confused, dear. The Roman Catholic Church is not calling or gays to be murdered.

Catholic Bishops in Uganda are.
According to sources inside Iraq, as the result of this new surge of anti-gay violence close to 40 people have been kidnapped, brutally tortured and murdered. The Iraqi authorities have neither responded to this targeted violence nor have they publically denounced it. It is widely believed that these atrocities are being committed by a group of the Shiite militia.

The Organisation of Women’s Freedom in Iraq provides (WARNING: link contains graphic photo) further information about the crimes, including method of execution:

New barbaric attacks started against the Iraqi lgbt in many cities like Baghdad and Basra while using inhumane methods such as hitting the head and body parts of gay victims with building concrete blocks repeatedly till death or by pushing them over high building roof which took place in Basra city. . . News confirmed that 42 gay men were tortured and killed so far, mostly by concrete blocks, while some by dismembering.

The Iraqi government and other world governments, particularly that of the United States of America, must unequivocally condemn the violent campaign of intimidation and murder being waged against Iraqi LGBTs.
Truth Wins Out - Horrifying Wave of Brutal Anti-Gay Murders in Iraq
:thup: About 20 more posts like this and you might convince us that you have a grasp on reality.
Asked and answered. And how I feel is irrelevant to your reality.
How you feel is completely relevant because you have personalized this entire thread to me. Many of your posts in this thread are personal attacks to me, mo fo.
No, how I feel is always irrelevant to a topic unrelated to me.

How are the pictures I've posted personalized to you?

Most of your posts in this thread personally attack me.
Consider your motivation Si mo fo. What is it you want to get out of posting photos of violence committed against gays?

How do you feel? What is it you need?
Asked and answered. And how I feel is irrelevant to your reality.
How you feel is completely relevant because you have personalized this entire thread to me. Many of your posts in this thread are personal attacks to me, mo fo.

Horse shit.

The grisly images are of things actually HAPPENING to gay people to whom you cannot even relate according to your other posts.

Obviously, Si Modo is showing that grisly reality because she objects to it.

One might imagine you would object to it too. But, oddly. No.

You can't "relate" to shit "over there." Even if it's "personal to you." :eusa_liar:

YOU can only relate to the verbalized calls for similar behavior over here from a few outlying examples of Christianity.

You know you really are a pathetic and transparent fraud.
How you feel is completely relevant because you have personalized this entire thread to me. Many of your posts in this thread are personal attacks to me, mo fo.
No, how I feel is always irrelevant to a topic unrelated to me.

How are the pictures I've posted personalized to you?

Most of your posts in this thread personally attack me.
It's not personal, Sky. I attack bigots in general.
Asked and answered. And how I feel is irrelevant to your reality.
How you feel is completely relevant because you have personalized this entire thread to me. Many of your posts in this thread are personal attacks to me, mo fo.

Horse shit.

The grisly images are of things actually HAPPENING to gay people to whom you cannot even relate according to your other posts.

Obviously, Si Modo is showing that grisly reality because she objects to it.

One might imagine you would object to it too. But, oddly. No.

You can't "relate" to shit "over there." Even if it's "personal to you." :eusa_liar:

YOU can only relate to the verbalized calls for similar behavior over here from a few outlying examples of Christianity.

You know you really are a pathetic and transparent fraud.
An early law against sexual intercourse between men is recorded in Leviticus, prescribing the death penalty. Similar laws are found across historical legislation in the Middle Assyrian Law Codes, and in early Germanic law.
In Republican Rome, the poorly attested Lex Scantinia penalized an adult male for committing a sex crime (stuprum) against an underage male citizen (ingenuus). It is unclear whether the penalty was death or a fine. The law may also have been used to prosecute adult male citizens who willingly took a pathic role in same-sex acts, but prosecutions are rarely recorded and the provisions of the law are vague; as John Boswell has noted, "if there was a law against homosexual relations, no one in Cicero's day knew anything about it."

When the Roman Empire came under Christian rule, all male homosexual activity was increasingly repressed, often on pain of death. In 342 CE, the Christian emperors Constantius and Constans declared same-sex marriage to be illegal. Shortly after, in the year 390 CE, emperors Valentinian II, Theodosius I and Arcadius declared homosexual sex to be illegal and those who were guilty of it were condemned to be publicly burned alive. Emperor Justinian I (527–565 CE) made homosexuals a scapegoat for problems such as "famines, earthquakes, and pestilences."

Laws and codes prohibiting homosexual practice were in force in Europe from the fourth to the twentieth centuries, and Muslim countries have had similar laws from the beginnings of Islam in the seventh century up to and including the present day. Abbasid Baghdad, under the Caliph Al-Hadi (785–786 CE), punished homosexuality with death.

During the Middle Ages, the Kingdom of France and the City of Florence also instated the death penalty. In Florence, a young boy named Giovanni di Giovanni (1350–1365?) was castrated and burned between the thighs with a red-hot iron by court order under this law. These punishments continued into the Renaissance, and spread to the Swiss canton of Zürich. Knight Richard von Hohenberg (died 1482) was burned at the stake together with his lover, his young squire, during this time. In France, French writer Jacques Chausson (1618–1661) was also burned alive for attempting to seduce the son of a nobleman.

In England, the Buggery Act, which made sodomy and bestiality punishable by death, was instated in 1534 CE and remained law until 1861. In Nazi Germany, homosexuals were among the groups targeted by the Holocaust.
Violence against LGBT people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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