Islam is not inherently evil

Engle's involvement in organizing TheCall Uganda was mired in controversy from the very beginning given his long history of violent anti-gay and anti-abortion rhetoric and preaching. At past TheCall rallies, like the one in support of Proposition 8 in California, Engle called homosexuality a "spirit of lawlessness" and called for "martyrs" to become "God's Avengers of Blood" to stop the "homosexual agenda" at all cost.

Engle's newly founded chapter of TheCall Uganda comes at a time of unparalleled violence and animus towards LGBT people in the country, including the odious Anti-Homosexuality Bill, which calls for life imprisonment for gays and their supporters, as well as the death penalty in some cases.

With this backdrop of violence, Engle chose to hold a huge religious rally to further gin up anger towards gay people in Uganda. Before the rally, Engle claimed in a press release that he would not be there promoting the "kill the gays" bill, in an effort to stem some of the push-back he was getting from human rights groups for his panned rally. Not surprisingly, once he arrived in Uganda, his tune was very different and very dangerous.

Waymon Hudson: American Evangelical Lou Engle Promotes 'Kill the Gays' Bill at Sunday's Rally in Uganda
First it was a Christian pastor in North Carolina who told his congregation on Mother's Day that the way "to get rid of all the lesbians and queers" was to put them behind an electric fence and wait for them to die out.

That video went viral, fetching more than a million views on YouTube.

On Sunday, Pastor Curtis Knapp of Kansas preached that the government should kill homosexuals, in another videotaped sermon that drew lots of online attention.

"They won't, but they should," Knapp said, according to a recording of his sermon posted online.

Since that sermon, another church video with harsh words for gays has caught fire online. This one shows a young boy singing an anti-gay song while the congregation cheers him on in what appears to be a church in Indiana.

In the sermon, he floats the idea of killing homosexuals, whom he refers to as sodomites, then backs away from it.

"There is a danger of reacting in the flesh, of responding not in a scriptural, spiritual way, but in a fleshly way. Kill them all. Right? I will be very honest with you. My flesh kind of likes that idea," Leatherman said.

Church videos with harsh words for gays go viral online – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs
The government isn't doing it though. You would not get that in an islamic republic.

If you want to be afraid because Uganda is killing people that's up to you, but on any given day, some part of Africa is committing genocide against some group or other.

The government of the US isn't doing this YET. These pastors WANT the US government to committ violence against gays.

You don't seem to mind. You mind it when Muslims call for violence against gays. Where is your outrage as a Christian that these pastors DO NOT represent your views?

If I minded would I mind when hispanics want to drive whites back to Europe or Louis Farrakhan wants race wars in the streets of our cities.? Are those things to pay attention to? Taken seriously? When the New Black Panthers want justice by bullets should I mind? Pay attention? Act like it's happening tomorrow?

Fact is we aren't committing violence againt gays and when it does happen it's punished. In islamic countries they ARE committing violence against gays and it is happening as acts of the government. There is no comparison. You won't see a majority in this country calling for violence against gays until it becomes an islamic majority.

Fact is, you are unconcerned about American Christian pastors who call for violence against gays.

You are NOT speaking out against it, but redirecting attention at the Muslims in the Middle East.
Sky Dancer "logic": "SOME Christian pastors speak like the entire governments of many Muslim nations BEHAVE. Thus, Christianity is no less evil than Islam."

The sad part is that Fly Prancer may not see how empty her musings actually are.
According to the U.S. Population Clock, there are 313,649,296 Americans as of June 1, 2012. Conservative estimates put the number of gays and lesbians at 5% to 10% which means kooks like Commandants Anderson, Knapp and Worley want to kill 15,682,464 to 31,364,929 of their fellow American citizens. Did you get that? These ignorant Baptist preachers want to kill as many as 31 million American citizens based on their own inability to understand Leviticus 20:13 in context.

Does this vicious hatred from alleged men of God make you sick to your stomach? Even Nazi Germany didn't incarcerate behind electrified fences in concentration camps and kill that many of their fellow citizens. Anderson, Knapp and Worley are worse than Nazis in their blood-lust.

Serious questions for
thoughtful Christians

1.Do you personally believe God advocates that gay people should be killed?

2.Who should be in charge of killing gay people today?

3.Some of you may decide not to kill all gays and lesbians.

4.If you are allowed to disregard the killing part of Leviticus 20:13, why are gays not allowed to disregard the "men with men" part?

5.Do you also believe all adulterers should be killed? Leviticus 20:10 says to kill adulterers.

6.Why should we kill all gays and not kill all adulterers (other than the common sense reason that killing all adulterers would empty most churches)?

7.Who should be in charge of killing adulterers today?

8.If it's wrong to kill adulterers why is it okay to kill gays?

9.Is it possible Leviticus 20:13 is not talking about gays at all?

10.Is it possible your understanding of Leviticus 20:13 is wrong and completely at odds with what God and Moses were saying?

Kill Gays seems to be the mindset of some Christians. Isn't that sad?
The government of the US isn't doing this YET. These pastors WANT the US government to committ violence against gays.

You don't seem to mind. You mind it when Muslims call for violence against gays. Where is your outrage as a Christian that these pastors DO NOT represent your views?

If I minded would I mind when hispanics want to drive whites back to Europe or Louis Farrakhan wants race wars in the streets of our cities.? Are those things to pay attention to? Taken seriously? When the New Black Panthers want justice by bullets should I mind? Pay attention? Act like it's happening tomorrow?

Fact is we aren't committing violence againt gays and when it does happen it's punished. In islamic countries they ARE committing violence against gays and it is happening as acts of the government. There is no comparison. You won't see a majority in this country calling for violence against gays until it becomes an islamic majority.

Fact is, you are unconcerned about American Christian pastors who call for violence against gays.

You are NOT speaking out against it, but redirecting attention at the Muslims in the Middle East.
Those are WORDS Sky. Plenty have said they are moronic.

Now, what IS on display is the curious fact that you have such issue with WORDS, you have such issue with things that have never happened, you have such issues with things that might never happen, but YOU have close to nothing to say about ACTIONS.

Not that I haven't seen your issues on display before, but haven't shown an ounce of ability to learn a thing.
Kill a Queer for Christ Club, Baptist Preacher Jack Woods of Houston Texas.

The people killing gays in Jamaica are Christian, not Muslim.

Once again, ANYONE who is calling for violence against gays on religious grounds is evil, be they Muslim or Christian, but that does not mean THE ENTIRE CHRISTIAN OR ISLAMIC RELIGION is INHERENTLY evil.
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Consider your motivation, Si mo fo, for showing all these photographs of violence against gays.

Notice what you're trying to do with that.

Now consider why would a Christian pastor show gay porn in Church?
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Ask Fly Prancer about violent Buddhists.

She is a pile of fear when it comes to things she thinks MIGHT be, but silent on those that are.

And, I've never seen her bigotry not be on display like a 100' neon sign before, either. It's just funny to watch her dig her bigot hole over and over. It happens about once a week, when she is not taking a vacation from here.

Fascinating stuff. Always.
Consider your motivation, Si mo fo, for showing all these photographs of violence against gays.

Notice what you're trying to do with that.

Consider YOUR motivation, Sky, for posting all the little isolated factoids about SOME Christian pastors and their objectionable views on gays.

Notice what you are implicitly "arguing" with that.
Consider your motivation Si mo fo. What is it you want to get out of posting photos of violence committed against gays?

How do you feel? What is it you need?
Consider your motivation Fly Prancer. What is it you want to get out of posting the few isolated examples of what SOME Christian pastors say about violence against gays?

How do you feel? What is it you need?

Do you imagine your pointless and dishonest factoids offer the basis for any valid arguments?
See, I can't relate to the Muslim violence against gays, because those folks are soo different from Americans. I expect that kind of violence in countries without democracy.

But when I find American Christians with a similiar anti-gay mindset to violent Muslims I find it horrifying. I think that's because I identify more with American Christians than Middle Eastern Muslims.

I was raised in a RCC family. When the RCC calls for kill gays legislation in Uganda it's horrifying to me. My family are RCC. It brings the horror closer.
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