Islam is not inherently evil

The N.T. says that Jesus was a teacher (Rabbi) and taught the Law (Torah); and said it was good; and that not one jot or titel (period/comma) would be changed until the end of time.

The Torah says almost identical things as the Quran about how to deal with the enemy.

So yes, Jesus taught war and warfare to his audience.

No, Jesus did not teach "the law". Jesus fulfilled the law and ended it. You're full of beans.
Read your Bible.

It says that Jesus taught in the Temple the Law and told the people to obey the Rabbi's words.

Jesus also participated in all of the festivals and did the sacrifices that the Torah says to do.

Not one time did he tell them to disobey the Torah or that the Torah Laws where wrong. :cool:

Yes, everyone was under the law when Jesus was alive. The law died on the cross with Jesus and was finished. Read your own bible, Mr. Muslim. You're not talking with one of your ignorant muslim followers.

Read the book of Romans. Christians are dead to the law in Christ. Christians are free from the death of the law and alive in Christ. You're full of beans.
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The Catholic Church in Uganda has called for the "kill gays" legislation to be brought to a vote. This is a reversal of their previous position.

Members of Pastor Charles Worley's Providence Road Baptist Church, asking them if they backed Worley's sermon advocating the imprisonment and killing of gays and lesbians within an electricified fence.

Said church member Geneva Sims: “He had every right to say what he said about putting them in a pen and giving them food. The Bible says they are worthy of death. He is preaching God’s word.”

Another, Stacey Pritchard, agreed: “Sometimes you’ve got to be scared straight. He is trying to save those people from Hell."
Members of Pastor Worley's Church Back His Call to Kill Gays: VIDEO - bonos_rama's column on Newsvine
That is three different American Christian pastors calling for the US government to apply draconian measures to punish gay people in the last few weeks.
The Catholic Church in Uganda has called for the "kill gays" legislation to be brought to a vote. This is a reversal of their previous position.

Members of Pastor Charles Worley's Providence Road Baptist Church, asking them if they backed Worley's sermon advocating the imprisonment and killing of gays and lesbians within an electricified fence.

Said church member Geneva Sims: “He had every right to say what he said about putting them in a pen and giving them food. The Bible says they are worthy of death. He is preaching God’s word.”

Another, Stacey Pritchard, agreed: “Sometimes you’ve got to be scared straight. He is trying to save those people from Hell."
Members of Pastor Worley's Church Back His Call to Kill Gays: VIDEO - bonos_rama's column on Newsvine

Look at Jesus and look at Mohammed. Are you really going to tell me Mohammed was not evil?
That is three different American Christian pastors calling for the US government to apply draconian measures to punish gay people in the last few weeks.

As opposed to hundreds of Islamist clerics who call for murder of everyone who doesn't believe in Islam and millions who support them. Whoop, whoop.

You're very ill, dear. Please get some help.
The Catholic Church in Uganda has called for the "kill gays" legislation to be brought to a vote. This is a reversal of their previous position.

Members of Pastor Charles Worley's Providence Road Baptist Church, asking them if they backed Worley's sermon advocating the imprisonment and killing of gays and lesbians within an electricified fence.

Said church member Geneva Sims: “He had every right to say what he said about putting them in a pen and giving them food. The Bible says they are worthy of death. He is preaching God’s word.”

Another, Stacey Pritchard, agreed: “Sometimes you’ve got to be scared straight. He is trying to save those people from Hell."
Members of Pastor Worley's Church Back His Call to Kill Gays: VIDEO - bonos_rama's column on Newsvine

Look at Jesus and look at Mohammed. Are you really going to tell me Mohammed was not evil?

Yes, I am going to tell you what I've been saying for days. Islam is NOT inherently evil anymore than Christianity is inherently evil.

Evil is sometimes committed in the name of Mohammed and Allah and in the name of Jesus and God.

Three Christian pastors, Charles Worley, Sean Harris and Curtis Knapp calling for violence against gays.
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We have American evangelicals supporting kill gays legislation in Uganda. Nonetheless, that does not make Christianity inherently evil.

Catholic Bishops in Uganda have issued a call to revive the “Kill The Gays” bill, after claiming it is necessary to protect marriage and the Bible.

That "Kill the Gays" bill only imposes a death penalty on a person who is HIV positive and still has sex with others. Personally, I oppose state mandated death penalties on principle, but that one at least makes sense.

By the way, for every single story you can find like that, I can find one like this.

Iranian Gay Men To Be Hanged For Sodomy: Report
That is three different American Christian pastors calling for the US government to apply draconian measures to punish gay people in the last few weeks.
It is Christian ministers who drafted the "Kill Gays" legislation in Uganda.
And it's Muslims who sentence stonings for adultery, amputations for theft, executions of gays, etc. in most Muslim countries in the mideast.

True. That doesn't make Islam INHERENTLY evil, anymore than the "kill gays" legislation makes Christianity INHERENTLY evil.

True, but the fact that Mohammad advocated violence and theft, practiced pedophilia, ignored treaties, and lied to people, leaves you in a position that is a lot harder to defend than I am in when I defend Christianity. Anyone that kills in the name of Jesus has to go out of his way to misinterpret Christian teachings, all those extremist Muslims have to do is follow them.
American evangelical, Scott Lively, is being sued in the US by the Sexual Minorities Uganda organization for creating the anti-gay climate in Uganda that gave rise to the Kill Gays legislation.

So what?

The misbegotten beliefs of some guy are not validly ascribed to an entire religion.

Well, let's put a caveat on that.

If the individual in question happens to be Mohammed, the equation needs to be adjusted.

Or, if the Person in question happens to be Jesus, again the equation has to be adjusted.

I have to agree, Mohammad is the guy who actually taught that it is OK to lie, cheat, steal, and kill, all in the name of religion. Funny how Jesus and Mohammad never said anything like that.
That is three different American Christian pastors calling for the US government to apply draconian measures to punish gay people in the last few weeks.

The government isn't doing it though. You would not get that in an islamic republic.

If you want to be afraid because Uganda is killing people that's up to you, but on any given day, some part of Africa is committing genocide against some group or other.
How about this story?

The Kansas-based pastor who argued that the U.S. government should put gay people "to death" is now defending his statements in an exclusive CNN interview.

"We punish pedophilia," Pastor Curtis Knapp of the New Hope Baptist Church in Seneca, Kan. "We punish incest, we punish polygamy and various things. It's only homosexuality that is lifted out as an exemption."

As reported earlier this week by Good As You blogger Jeremy Hooper, Knapp appeared to call for the death of gays in a sermon. Hooper proclaimed: "Oh, so you're saying we should go out and start killing them? No, I'm saying the government should. They won't, but they should."
Curtis Knapp, Kansas Pastor Who Said Government Should Kill Gays, Defends Statements

Are we saying Christianity is INHERENTLY evil because this American Christian Pastor thinks the US government should kill gays? No.

Christianity is NOT inherently evil anymore than Islam is INHERENTLY evil, yet both have congregants who do evil in the religions name.

Yes, we are. That is why I keep going back to what Mohammad did and taught while he was alive in order to defend my position that Islam is inherently evil, and you keep pointing to what people who you admit are misinterpreting Jesus to try to defend your position that Islam isn't. Frankly, that does not make sense to me.
Read the book of Romans. Christians are dead to the law in Christ. Christians are free from the death of the law and alive in Christ. You're full of beans.
Paul, who never meet Jesus; except for voices in his head; wrote the Book of Romans.

Thus, there isn't one single word directly from Jesus in that entire book.

It's all Paul doing the talking. :cool:
The Catholic Church in Uganda has called for the "kill gays" legislation to be brought to a vote. This is a reversal of their previous position.

Members of Pastor Charles Worley's Providence Road Baptist Church, asking them if they backed Worley's sermon advocating the imprisonment and killing of gays and lesbians within an electricified fence.

Said church member Geneva Sims: “He had every right to say what he said about putting them in a pen and giving them food. The Bible says they are worthy of death. He is preaching God’s word.”

Another, Stacey Pritchard, agreed: “Sometimes you’ve got to be scared straight. He is trying to save those people from Hell."
Members of Pastor Worley's Church Back His Call to Kill Gays: VIDEO - bonos_rama's column on Newsvine

Look at Jesus and look at Mohammed. Are you really going to tell me Mohammed was not evil?

Yes, I am going to tell you what I've been saying for days. Islam is NOT inherently evil anymore than Christianity is inherently evil.

Evil is sometimes committed in the name of Mohammed and Allah and in the name of Jesus and God.

Three Christian pastors, Charles Worley, Sean Harris and Curtis Knapp calling for violence against gays.

Tell me something, when Mohammad went around leading his followers into battle and teaching them to lie and steal, whose name was he using to defend his actions?
That is three different American Christian pastors calling for the US government to apply draconian measures to punish gay people in the last few weeks.

The government isn't doing it though. You would not get that in an islamic republic.

If you want to be afraid because Uganda is killing people that's up to you, but on any given day, some part of Africa is committing genocide against some group or other.

The government of the US isn't doing this YET. These pastors WANT the US government to committ violence against gays.

You don't seem to mind. You mind it when Muslims call for violence against gays. Where is your outrage as a Christian that these pastors DO NOT represent your views?
"If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives." (Leviticus 20:13 NAB)
That is three different American Christian pastors calling for the US government to apply draconian measures to punish gay people in the last few weeks.

The government isn't doing it though. You would not get that in an islamic republic.

If you want to be afraid because Uganda is killing people that's up to you, but on any given day, some part of Africa is committing genocide against some group or other.

The government of the US isn't doing this YET. These pastors WANT the US government to committ violence against gays.

You don't seem to mind. You mind it when Muslims call for violence against gays. Where is your outrage as a Christian that these pastors DO NOT represent your views?
Katzndogz lives in Uganda?

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