Islam is not inherently evil

Islam is a ideaology. It is not an inanimate object. It is not a gun, it is not the koran which is only some paper and a bit of binding. It's an entire belief system like nazism, communism, satanism or any other belief system that is at its heart evil.

It does not stipulate that Arabs are superior. There are millions of muslims who are not arabs. It does promote that the law of the koran is the law of God and should be the only law in the world.

Homosexuality is a sin in both Christianity and Islam. Christianity does not tell us to put homosexuals to death, homosexuals are not put to death in any Christian country. They are put to death in islamic countries.

I know that it pains homosexuals greatly that Christianity says that homosexual acts are a sin, but it does and it is. That doesn't mean that they should be persecuted. It means that a Christian will not engage in homosexual acts themselves and will not accept a sinful state of being as a normal state of being.
It is Christian ministers who drafted the "Kill Gays" legislation in Uganda.
And it's Muslims who sentence stonings for adultery, amputations for theft, executions of gays, etc. in most Muslim countries in the mideast.

True. That doesn't make Islam INHERENTLY evil, anymore than the "kill gays" legislation makes Christianity INHERENTLY evil.
It is Christian ministers who drafted the "Kill Gays" legislation in Uganda.
And it's Muslims who sentence stonings for adultery, amputations for theft, executions of gays, etc. in most Muslim countries in the mideast.

True. That doesn't make Islam INHERENTLY evil, anymore than the "kill gays" legislation makes Christianity INHERENTLY evil.
I've never said otherwise.

But, I DO like reality.
What scriptures did Jesus give Christians during war when Jesus led his armies?
The N.T. says that Jesus was a teacher (Rabbi) and taught the Law (Torah); and said it was good; and that not one jot or titel (period/comma) would be changed until the end of time.

The Torah says almost identical things as the Quran about how to deal with the enemy.

So yes, Jesus taught war and warfare to his audience.


You know little of the New Testament.

I confess I am no expert. I am not especially religious, but still, for instance:

Christians are not required to follow the Old Testament rules about crimes and punishments, warfare, slavery, diet, circumcision, sacrifice, feast days, Sabbath observance, ritual cleanness, etc.

Christians still look to the Old Testament scripture for moral and spiritual guidance * * *. But when there seems to be a conflict between Old Testament laws and New Testament principles, we must follow the New Testament because it represents the most recent and most perfect revelation from God * * * *

However, freedom from the Old Testament Law is not a license for Christians to relax their moral standards. The moral and ethical teachings of Jesus and His apostles call for even greater self-discipline than those of the Old Testament
-- What does the Bible say about the Old Testament Law?
American evangelical, Scott Lively, is being sued in the US by the Sexual Minorities Uganda organization for creating the anti-gay climate in Uganda that gave rise to the Kill Gays legislation.

So what?

The misbegotten beliefs of some guy are not validly ascribed to an entire religion.

Well, let's put a caveat on that.

If the individual in question happens to be Mohammed, the equation needs to be adjusted.

Or, if the Person in question happens to be Jesus, again the equation has to be adjusted.
"Slay them wherever you find them...Idolatry is worse than carnage...Fight against them until idolatry is no more and God's religion reigns supreme." (Surah 2:190-)

"Fighting is obligatory for you, much as you dislike it." (Surah 2:216)

"Seek out your enemies relentlessly." (Surah 4:103-)

"Believers, take neither Jews nor Christians for your friends." (Surah 5:51)

"Make war on them until idolatry shall cease and God's religion shall reign supreme." (Surah 8:36-)

"If you fear treachery from any of your allies, you may fairly retaliate by breaking off your treaty with them." (Surah 8:51-)

"Fight against such as those to whom the Scriptures were given [Jews and Christians]...until they pay tribute out of hand and are utterly subdued." (Surah 9:27-)
So what's the problem?

They were given during a time of war.

Just common sense about how to deal with the enemy. :cool:

The war is still going on.
Republican Senator James Inhofe in a rare GOP appearance on The Rachel Maddow Show, last night labeled as “hysterical” international concern over the Uganda “Kill The Gays” bill, while claiming he has never even heard of the three-year old bill and claiming he has never heard of the bill’s sponsor, MP David Bahati, one of the most powerful and the best-known Ugandan lawmakers.

Senator Inhofe boasts that he has traveled to Africa, and primarily, to Uganda, almost two dozen times, and met with lawmakers and religious leaders there. A well-respected investigative journalist and popular author who has written two books on the topic says Inhofe is “lying.”

Millions of Americans know about David Bahati and his Kill The Gays bill, so if Senator Inhofe doesn’t — after spending hundreds of thousands of you tax dollars on trips to Africa and Uganda, then something is desperately wrong and we should immediately stop paying for these excursions.

Jeff Sharlet says "It's possible that Inhofe didn't notice Bahati, leader of Ugandan branch of the Family, when he invited him to US 3 times.
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What scriptures did Jesus give Christians during war when Jesus led his armies?
The N.T. says that Jesus was a teacher (Rabbi) and taught the Law (Torah); and said it was good; and that not one jot or titel (period/comma) would be changed until the end of time.

The Torah says almost identical things as the Quran about how to deal with the enemy.

So yes, Jesus taught war and warfare to his audience.

No, Jesus did not teach "the law". Jesus fulfilled the law and ended it. You're full of beans.
Republican Senator James Inhofe in a rare GOP appearance on The Rachel Maddow Show, last night labeled as “hysterical” international concern over the Uganda “Kill The Gays” bill, while claiming he has never even heard of the three-year old bill and claiming he has never heard of the bill’s sponsor, MP David Bahati, one of the most powerful and the best-known Ugandan lawmakers.

Senator Inhofe boasts that he has traveled to Africa, and primarily, to Uganda, almost two dozen times, and met with lawmakers and religious leaders there. A well-respected investigative journalist and popular author who has written two books on the topic says Inhofe is “lying.”

Millions of Americans know about David Bahati and his Kill The Gays bill, so if Senator Inhofe doesn’t — after spending hundreds of thousands of you tax dollars on trips to Africa and Uganda, then something is desperately wrong and we should immediately stop paying for these excursions.

Jeff Sharlet says "It's possible that Inhofe didn't notice Bahati, leader of Ugandan branch of the Family, when he invited him to US 3 times.
Do you have a point? Or are you just showing us that you can copy and paste?
Republican Senator James Inhofe in a rare GOP appearance on The Rachel Maddow Show, last night labeled as “hysterical” international concern over the Uganda “Kill The Gays” bill, while claiming he has never even heard of the three-year old bill and claiming he has never heard of the bill’s sponsor, MP David Bahati, one of the most powerful and the best-known Ugandan lawmakers.

Senator Inhofe boasts that he has traveled to Africa, and primarily, to Uganda, almost two dozen times, and met with lawmakers and religious leaders there. A well-respected investigative journalist and popular author who has written two books on the topic says Inhofe is “lying.”

Millions of Americans know about David Bahati and his Kill The Gays bill, so if Senator Inhofe doesn’t — after spending hundreds of thousands of you tax dollars on trips to Africa and Uganda, then something is desperately wrong and we should immediately stop paying for these excursions.

Jeff Sharlet says "It's possible that Inhofe didn't notice Bahati, leader of Ugandan branch of the Family, when he invited him to US 3 times.

You focus on a pebble while a boulder of hate and evil rolls across the world. You are ill.
How about this story?

The Kansas-based pastor who argued that the U.S. government should put gay people "to death" is now defending his statements in an exclusive CNN interview.

"We punish pedophilia," Pastor Curtis Knapp of the New Hope Baptist Church in Seneca, Kan. "We punish incest, we punish polygamy and various things. It's only homosexuality that is lifted out as an exemption."

As reported earlier this week by Good As You blogger Jeremy Hooper, Knapp appeared to call for the death of gays in a sermon. Hooper proclaimed: "Oh, so you're saying we should go out and start killing them? No, I'm saying the government should. They won't, but they should."
Curtis Knapp, Kansas Pastor Who Said Government Should Kill Gays, Defends Statements

Are we saying Christianity is INHERENTLY evil because this American Christian Pastor thinks the US government should kill gays? No.

Christianity is NOT inherently evil anymore than Islam is INHERENTLY evil, yet both have congregants who do evil in the religions name.
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How about this story?

The Kansas-based pastor who argued that the U.S. government should put gay people "to death" is now defending his statements in an exclusive CNN interview.

"We punish pedophilia," Pastor Curtis Knapp of the New Hope Baptist Church in Seneca, Kan. "We punish incest, we punish polygamy and various things. It's only homosexuality that is lifted out as an exemption."

As reported earlier this week by Good As You blogger Jeremy Hooper, Knapp appeared to call for the death of gays in a sermon. Hooper proclaimed: "Oh, so you're saying we should go out and start killing them? No, I'm saying the government should. They won't, but they should."

Curtis Knapp, Kansas Pastor Who Said Government Should Kill Gays, Defends Statements

So you focus on one crazy Christian and ignore the rants of numerous Islamist clerics who actually carry out their teachings. You're very ill.
How about this story?

The Kansas-based pastor who argued that the U.S. government should put gay people "to death" is now defending his statements in an exclusive CNN interview.

"We punish pedophilia," Pastor Curtis Knapp of the New Hope Baptist Church in Seneca, Kan. "We punish incest, we punish polygamy and various things. It's only homosexuality that is lifted out as an exemption."

As reported earlier this week by Good As You blogger Jeremy Hooper, Knapp appeared to call for the death of gays in a sermon. Hooper proclaimed: "Oh, so you're saying we should go out and start killing them? No, I'm saying the government should. They won't, but they should."

Curtis Knapp, Kansas Pastor Who Said Government Should Kill Gays, Defends Statements

So you focus on one crazy Christian and ignore the rants of numerous Islamist clerics who actually carry out their teachings. You're very ill.

Your pal just did the same thing with the crazy American muslim who chopped up his wife.

We are discussing whether the religion is INHERENTLY evil or not.
Over the past few weeks, evangelical pastors have made headlines urging parents to beat boys who seem gay, calling for gays and lesbians and "queers" to be put inside an electrified pen and left to die, and urging the government to begin killing gays.

These declarations have been backed up by these pastors' followers, who've organized protests to support them and who've gone on national television to defend them (as have the pastors themselves), a proud hate movement going public.

It may be true that the "death to gays" pastors and their followers represent a tiny portion of evangelicals. But a much larger group of white evangelicals (and their leaders), which represented half of all GOP primary voters in the current presidential race, is not speaking out against the people making claims in the name of their religious faith. And by not doing so they are giving tacit approval to calls for violence, murder and genocide.

Michelangelo Signorile: Do All Evangelical Leaders Believe Gays Should Be Put to Death?
Over the past few weeks, evangelical pastors have made headlines urging parents to beat boys who seem gay, calling for gays and lesbians and "queers" to be put inside an electrified pen and left to die, and urging the government to begin killing gays.

These declarations have been backed up by these pastors' followers, who've organized protests to support them and who've gone on national television to defend them (as have the pastors themselves), a proud hate movement going public.

It may be true that the "death to gays" pastors and their followers represent a tiny portion of evangelicals. But a much larger group of white evangelicals (and their leaders), which represented half of all GOP primary voters in the current presidential race, is not speaking out against the people making claims in the name of their religious faith. And by not doing so they are giving tacit approval to calls for violence, murder and genocide.

Michelangelo Signorile: Do All Evangelical Leaders Believe Gays Should Be Put to Death?

So what?

If there's any hint of a point anywhere in your frequent recitation of these isolated factoids, it's evident only to you.
What scriptures did Jesus give Christians during war when Jesus led his armies?
The N.T. says that Jesus was a teacher (Rabbi) and taught the Law (Torah); and said it was good; and that not one jot or titel (period/comma) would be changed until the end of time.

The Torah says almost identical things as the Quran about how to deal with the enemy.

So yes, Jesus taught war and warfare to his audience.

No, Jesus did not teach "the law". Jesus fulfilled the law and ended it. You're full of beans.
Read your Bible.

It says that Jesus taught in the Temple the Law and told the people to obey the Rabbi's words.

Jesus also participated in all of the festivals and did the sacrifices that the Torah says to do.

Not one time did he tell them to disobey the Torah or that the Torah Laws where wrong. :cool:
How about this story?

The Kansas-based pastor who argued that the U.S. government should put gay people "to death" is now defending his statements in an exclusive CNN interview.

"We punish pedophilia," Pastor Curtis Knapp of the New Hope Baptist Church in Seneca, Kan. "We punish incest, we punish polygamy and various things. It's only homosexuality that is lifted out as an exemption."

As reported earlier this week by Good As You blogger Jeremy Hooper, Knapp appeared to call for the death of gays in a sermon. Hooper proclaimed: "Oh, so you're saying we should go out and start killing them? No, I'm saying the government should. They won't, but they should."

Curtis Knapp, Kansas Pastor Who Said Government Should Kill Gays, Defends Statements

So you focus on one crazy Christian and ignore the rants of numerous Islamist clerics who actually carry out their teachings. You're very ill.

Your pal just did the same thing with the crazy American muslim who chopped up his wife.

We are discussing whether the religion is INHERENTLY evil or not.

The New Testament and Jesus are not evil. Jesus taught love and forgiveness and that is the teaching of the Christian Scriptures. Islam and Mohammed are evil because Mohammed was evil and he wrote his teachings down and called it Islam.

Deal with it.
terrorism is evil. People who abuse religious tenets to do harm are evil.


I'd agree we are all as human beings capable of evil. Many have used what they believe in for evil.

Though evil seems to lead to more evil alot of the time - until LOVE breaks the chain. Love, the most powerful of anything that we know.

But, what is evil?
And, what is love?

I personally believe what the Bible says to be true. Men/woman are inherently evil. We've got this sin nature, a fallen nature. LOVE is a choice in which we make to try not to be evil, but rather to love. First, loving GOD and yielding to Him, that we even have this sin nature (admitting we are sinners). Second, loving others (choosing to love others). (As Jesus said, Love God, love others) Yet, as His Word says, we still fail at it, even unto yielding unto Jesus Christ.

To me, It seems to be a day by day process and its NOT easy. Because love, when it is applied, is long-suffering. (Suggesting it's not easy; it's long suffering) Sometimes we don't want to love and forgive. Sometimes we want to punish others or sometimes ourselves if things don't go "our way" or if we've been hurt. We may either lash in at ourselves, or at others.

When I see the world and the chaos in it, right down to our own personal lives, I believe that's mainly the battle. Evil verses love. Satan verses God. God's made a way through Jesus Christ because that's what LOVE does. Love covers evil. Love covers sin.


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