Islam is not inherently evil

You really should read your links before you post them as evidence. Here directly from your source:

"The rumours of Adolf Hitler's Jewish ancestry (Frankenberger of Graz in Austria) centre on the paternity of his father, Alois Hitler; that is Hitler's grandfather".

"Since the war, some historians have investigated and found no direct evidence in Austria to support the story"

I don't care if Hitler was Jewish or not. He was a screaming anti-semite and so are you.
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I don't care if Hitler was Jewish or not. He was a screaming anti-semite.
Hitler was just misunderstood. :cool:

Yeah, I know he's one of your mentors.:cuckoo:
Nope, I never had the honor to have meet him.

But on a side note; Hitler liked Buddhists and Buddhism.

Which is why he used the Buddhist symbol of the swastika to represent the Nazi Party and ideology.

And he also believed that the Tibetan's were the original Aryan people.
Up until the 20th century, it evolved as a highly auspicious talisman, evoking thoughts of reverence, good fortune, and well being. In the Buddhist tradition of India, it is referred to as "The Seal on Buddha's Heart". In Japanese and Chinese Buddhism, a swastika often appears on the chest of past and modern images of Gautama Buddha; however, due to the continued consternation of Western tourists, many modern Asian artists have chosen to eliminate it as one of the 32 signs of a supreme being.
The Swastika and Buddhism
Hitler was just misunderstood. :cool:

Yeah, I know he's one of your mentors.:cuckoo:
Nope, I never had the honor to have meet him.

But on a side note; Hitler liked Buddhists and Buddhism.

Which is why he used the Buddhist symbol of the swastika to represent the Nazi Party and ideology.

And he also believed that the Tibetan's were the original Aryan people.

If Aryans are blond haired blue eyed Caucasians then how can Tibetans be Aryan when their Asian? :cuckoo:
Yeah, I know he's one of your mentors.:cuckoo:
Nope, I never had the honor to have meet him.

But on a side note; Hitler liked Buddhists and Buddhism.

Which is why he used the Buddhist symbol of the swastika to represent the Nazi Party and ideology.

And he also believed that the Tibetan's were the original Aryan people.

If Aryans are blond haired blue eyed Caucasians then how can Tibetans be Aryan when their Asian? :cuckoo:

I'll let Professor S/M answer that one.
If Aryans are blond haired blue eyed Caucasians then how can Tibetans be Aryan when their Asian? :cuckoo:
Read and learn grasshopper. :cool:


perform research based on Hans Hörbiger’s pseudo-scientific theory of “Glacial Cosmogony”

This quote proves the whole thing is bullshit
Of course the whole idea was bogus. But the Nazi leadership believed it as fact and funded research to prove it as valid.

"The Germans were highly interested in establishing friendly relations with Tibet. Their agenda, however, was slightly different from that of the Tibetans. One of the members of the Schäfer expedition was the anthropologist Bruno Beger, who was responsible for racial research. Having worked with H. F. K. Günther on Die nordische Rasse bei den Indogermanen Asiens (The Northern Race among the Indo-Germans of Asia), Beger subscribed to Günther’s theory of a “northern race” in Central Asia and Tibet. In 1937, he had proposed a research project for Eastern Tibet and, with the Schäfer expedition, planned to investigate scientifically the racial characteristics of the Tibetan people. While in Tibet and Sikkim on the way, Beger measured the skulls of three hundred Tibetans and Sikkimese and examined some of their other physical features and bodily marks. He concluded that the Tibetans occupied an intermediary position between the Mongol and European races, with the European racial element showing itself most pronouncedly among the aristocracy."

The Nazi Connection with Shambhala and Tibet
I fear religious extremism. In the US, the form it happens to come in is mostly "Christian".

Christian extremism includes the components of Christian fundamentalism (i.e., biblical inerrancy, evangelism, premillenialism, separatism/sense of persecution, and biblical literalism with regard to creation) and adds some additional components (e.g., exclusivity, anti-intellectualism, social conservatism/anti-liberalism, intolerance, theocratic strivings, and militant opposition to modernism).

Funny, to you a Christian who stands up and says that homosexuality is a sin, but the only extremists in Islam are the people that kill others, not the guys who teach that anyone who is not a Muslim should be put to death.

There are 7 sacraments, one being marriage. in Christianity, marriage is defined by one man and one women.....what are you clueless about? scooter

how about honor killing in islam? did it you bother getting to that point or you just knee jerk like pavlov's dog?
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which sacrament in Christianity says it's okay to kill doctors and bomb businesses?
Which one says it's okay to persecute people in he name of Jesus?
Which one said it was okay to support foreign nations legislations which outlaw homosexuals and puts them to death for their sin?
Show me where Jesus said it was okay to hate homosexuals and exclude them from society.
Show me where it is okay for christians to kill those they do not love.
which sacrament in Christianity says it's okay to kill doctors and bomb businesses?
Which one says it's okay to persecute people in he name of Jesus?
Which one said it was okay to support foreign nations legislations which outlaw homosexuals and puts them to death for their sin?
Show me where Jesus said it was okay to hate homosexuals and exclude them from society.
Show me where it is okay for christians to kill those they do not love.

Was Jesus a bigot when he said marriage was a man and a woman?
Excellent articled. Here is a portion. Link here: Articles: The Islamic Kingdom

* Islam is misogynist. Men are superior to women. Women are to obey men and are to be beaten when they disobey or misbehave.

* Islam is racist. The Quran stipulates that the Arabs are superior to all others, and it clearly condones slavery. It explicitly stipulates discriminatory laws for slaves.

* Islam denounces other belief systems and marginally recognizes the validity of only two religions: Judaism and Christianity.

* Islam is violent. It not only condones jihad; it recommends it and promises great reward for the jihadist.

* Islam is already splintered in a number of major sects and innumerable numbers of secondary sects that harbor huge disagreement with and animosity toward one another as well as toward all infidels.

Read more: Articles: The Islamic Kingdom

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