Islam is not inherently evil

Then why didn't you say "Holy Roman Empire"?

You said Catholicism.

So...If Islam, a religion, is Evil...what is Christianity?

I said Catholicism in the Middle Ages, which was the Holy Roman Empire. I also clearly said that Islam is not a religion.

Pay attention.

You get to pick and choose. BTW, the EMPEROR of the Holy Roman Empire would disagree with you...

And All those millions who say Islam is a religion would disagree with you.

But...if you have to call things what they are not...and not call things what they are to make your isn't much of a point.

Which Emperor? Why should I care what he thinks? For that matter, why should I care what a bunch of people that think I deserve to die for calling Mohammad a pedophile think is, or is not, a religion?

My point is that people who defend Islam by saying it is a religion of peace are the ones who are calling thins what they are not. It was not founded by a peaceful man, and was not meant to be anything other than a means of controlling people. It may, at some point in the future, become a religion, but they have to clean it up first, just like Christians had to clean up what the Catholics did to Christianity.
If you are watching what's going on in Egypt, the people are screaming The Koran is our Constitution. Egypt used to be Christian. Lebanon used to be Christian. Iran used to be Zororastian. In every case, the muslims came, slaughtered and conquered. If it had not been for the very brave Crusaders, Europe would have remained muslim. As it is, they are slowly taking it back.

The muslim problem isn't anything that another Crusade wouldn't take care of.

well i think hes saying that evil is sometimes a matter of perspective but absolute evil is inherently religious in nature.
The big three when it comes to evil and mass murder was Hitler, Stalin, and Mao; and they had nothing to do with religion. :cool:

This i cannot agree with as the facts say otherwise, Hitlers family was possibly Jewish and his fanaticism of finding occult objects to empower his army is extremely well known, the guy was a madman.
well i think hes saying that evil is sometimes a matter of perspective but absolute evil is inherently religious in nature.
The big three when it comes to evil and mass murder was Hitler, Stalin, and Mao; and they had nothing to do with religion. :cool:

This i cannot agree with as the facts say otherwise, Hitlers family was possibly Jewish and his fanaticism of finding occult objects to empower his army is extremely well known, the guy was a madman.

Hitler abused Christianity. Hitler wrote: "I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.." As a boy, Hitler attended to the Catholic church and experienced the anti-Semitic attitude of his culture. In his book, Mein Kampf, Hitler reveals himself as a fanatical believer in God and country.
well i think hes saying that evil is sometimes a matter of perspective but absolute evil is inherently religious in nature.
The big three when it comes to evil and mass murder was Hitler, Stalin, and Mao; and they had nothing to do with religion. :cool:

This i cannot agree with as the facts say otherwise, Hitlers family was possibly Jewish and his fanaticism of finding occult objects to empower his army is extremely well known, the guy was a madman.
Both Stalin and Mao where totally anti-religion.

And these two were the biggest mass murders in history. Period
Hitler abused Christianity. Hitler wrote: "I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.." As a boy, Hitler attended to the Catholic church and experienced the anti-Semitic attitude of his culture. In his book, Mein Kampf, Hitler reveals himself as a fanatical believer in God and country.

Sky Dancer, you're a liar and a shithead.

Hitler said, "It is through the peasantry that we shall really be able to destroy Christianity because there is in them a true religion rooted in nature and blood."

If Hitler said overtly Christian and anti-Christian comments, common sense dictates that Hitler's Christian comments were pandering while his anti-Christian comments were his true beliefs.
Hitler was raised Catholic, which is where he picked up his anti-semitism. He considered himself a Christian.

Even so, obviously, he wasn't following the teachings of Jesus.
Hitler was raised Catholic, which is where he picked up his anti-semitism. He considered himself a Christian.

Even so, obviously, he wasn't following the teachings of Jesus.

Your a liar, hitlers father was an athiest and his mother was jewish.
You really should read your links before you post them as evidence. Here directly from your source:

"The rumours of Adolf Hitler's Jewish ancestry (Frankenberger of Graz in Austria) centre on the paternity of his father, Alois Hitler; that is Hitler's grandfather".

"Since the war, some historians have investigated and found no direct evidence in Austria to support the story"

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