Islam is not inherently evil

I fear religious extremism. In the US, the form it happens to come in is mostly "Christian".
Then you are just as much a bigot as those you call bigots against Islam. It's not all that complicated.

I don't pretend to be otherwise. I know I have a bias against SOME Christian extremists. Bryan Fischer and the American Family Association. Fred Phelps. Martin Ssempa. Ralph Reed. I don't like these guys. So yes, I am biased against them.

You are the one who wishes I were perfect. Not me.
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I fear religious extremism. In the US, the form it happens to come in is mostly "Christian".
Then you are just as much a bigot as those you call bigots against Islam. It's not all that complicated.

I don't pretend to be otherwise. I know I have a bias against SOME Christian extremists. Bryan Fischer and the American Family Association. Fred Phelps. Martin Ssempa. Ralph Reed. I don't like these guys. So yes, I am biased against them.

You are the one who wishes I were perfect. Not me.
You make an assumption that is false. Shall I call you a liar?

Previously I posted that folks have every right to be bigoted, just as I have every right to call them so.

However, if one is going to call others bigots for doing what they themselves do, then they really ought to be prepared to be called the exact same thing.

Glass houses and all that.
Islam is not inherently evil, anymore than Christianity is inherently evil. Evil is sometimes done in the name of Allah or God.

Holocaust revisionism is evil. Both Iranian President, Ahmadinejad, a Muslim, and Scott Lively, a Christian are Holocaust revisionists. David Duke is a Christian and Holocaust revisionist.
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Islam is not inherently evil, anymore than Christianity is inherently evil. Evil is sometimes done in the name of Allah or God.

Holocaust revisionism is evil. Both Iranian President, Ahmadinejad, a Muslim, and Scott Lively, a Christian are Holocaust revisionists. David Duke is a Christian and Holocaust revisionist.

Islam is inherently evil.
terrorism is evil. People who abuse religious tenets to do harm are evil.


Funny how Islam is not evil but Christianity is.

By the way, you don't know enough about Islam to make a judgement about whether it is evil or not.

I think the teachings of Jesus are beautiful and pure. I think the institution of the RCC has problems.

I think Christianity has been misused over the centuries. It is the misuse of Christianity that I object to, not ALL Christians or ALL of Christianity.

I don't think Christanity is inherently evil, nor do I think Islam is either.

Evil is sometimes done in God's name.

Like I said, you don;t know enough about Islam to decide if it is evil or not. Show me anywhere in the world where a social/political philosophy other than Islam has virginity checks when women are out with men who are not their relatives. Show me one where women are stoned for being raped, or homosexuals are hung. Is there anyplace in the world other than under Islam where people are killed for saying bad things about a pedophile but not when they say bad things about a person even you say led a good life?

Jesus and Buddha never started a war or killed people who disagreed with them, can you say the same thing about Mohammad?

Seriously Sky, the problem here is you don't fracking know what you are talking about.
I fear religious extremism. In the US, the form it happens to come in is mostly "Christian".

Christian extremism includes the components of Christian fundamentalism (i.e., biblical inerrancy, evangelism, premillenialism, separatism/sense of persecution, and biblical literalism with regard to creation) and adds some additional components (e.g., exclusivity, anti-intellectualism, social conservatism/anti-liberalism, intolerance, theocratic strivings, and militant opposition to modernism).

Funny, to you a Christian who stands up and says that homosexuality is a sin, but the only extremists in Islam are the people that kill others, not the guys who teach that anyone who is not a Muslim should be put to death.
I fear religious extremism. In the US, the form it happens to come in is mostly "Christian".

Christian extremism includes the components of Christian fundamentalism (i.e., biblical inerrancy, evangelism, premillenialism, separatism/sense of persecution, and biblical literalism with regard to creation) and adds some additional components (e.g., exclusivity, anti-intellectualism, social conservatism/anti-liberalism, intolerance, theocratic strivings, and militant opposition to modernism).

Funny, to you a Christian who stands up and says that homosexuality is a sin, but the only extremists in Islam are the people that kill others, not the guys who teach that anyone who is not a Muslim should be put to death.

If Christian extremists could get away with killing gays in this country they would. A Las Vegas church supported Martin Ssempa, the author of the "Kill Gays" legislation in Uganda. Scott Lively, author of the Pink Swastika, paints gays as the cause of the Holocaust.

Scott Lively was also involved in the Kill Gay's legislation. He brags of his world wide mission to "set off a Nuclear bomb against gays worldwide".
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Funny how Islam is not evil but Christianity is.

By the way, you don't know enough about Islam to make a judgement about whether it is evil or not.

I think the teachings of Jesus are beautiful and pure. I think the institution of the RCC has problems.

I think Christianity has been misused over the centuries. It is the misuse of Christianity that I object to, not ALL Christians or ALL of Christianity.

I don't think Christanity is inherently evil, nor do I think Islam is either.

Evil is sometimes done in God's name.

Like I said, you don;t know enough about Islam to decide if it is evil or not. Show me anywhere in the world where a social/political philosophy other than Islam has virginity checks when women are out with men who are not their relatives. Show me one where women are stoned for being raped, or homosexuals are hung. Is there anyplace in the world other than under Islam where people are killed for saying bad things about a pedophile but not when they say bad things about a person even you say led a good life?

Jesus and Buddha never started a war or killed people who disagreed with them, can you say the same thing about Mohammad?

Seriously Sky, the problem here is you don't fracking know what you are talking about.

One thing I know for certain. 1.5 billion people aren't evil just because they happen to be Muslims.

The Christians killed many non-believers during the Crusades, and Christian missionaries desecrated indigenous cultures all over the world.

The RCC protected priest pedophiles for many decades. They imprisoned and abused poor women in Ireland laundries.

Catholics and Protestants in Ireland killed each other for decades.

Jesus never started a war, but his followers did.

"In 16th Century France there was a succession of wars between Roman Catholics and Protestants (Hugenots primarily), known as the French Wars of Religion. In the first half of the 17th century, the German states, Scandinavia (Sweden, primarily) and Poland were beset by religious warfare in the Thirty Years War. Roman Catholicism and Protestantism figured in the opposing sides of this conflict, though Catholic France did take the side of the Protestants but purely for political reasons."
Religious war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The argument on this thread is whether Islam is INHERENTLY evil. I say it's not. I agree that Islam as it practiced in the Middle East by extremists commits many daily acts of evil. Terrorism is evil.

That does not mean I think ALL ISLAM is inherently evil. What about Sufi Islam? The beauty of Rumi and Hafiz poems.

Islam has it's own saints. If someone can become a saint by following Mohammed than how can the religion be INHERENTLY evil?

How Malek-e Dinar came to be so named, and
the story of his repentance
When Malek was born his father was a slave; yet
though he was a slave’s son, he was free from bondage
to both worlds.
Some say that Malek-e Dinar once embarked in a
ship. When the ship was far out to sea the mariners
“Produce your fare!” “I do not have it,” he
They beat him till he was senseless. When he recovered,
they shouted again.
“Produce your fare!”
“I do not have it,” he repeated.
They beat him unconscious a second time. When he
came to, they demanded a third time.
“Produce your fare!”
“I do not have it.”
“Let us seize him by the feet and throw him overboard,”
the sailors shouted.
All the fish in the water at that moment put up their
heads. Each one held two golden dinars in its mouth.
Malek reached down his hand and, taking two dinars
from one of the fish, gave it to them. Seeing this, the
crew fell at his feet. He walked on the face of the
waters and vanished.
That is why he was called Malek-e Dinar.
Last edited:
I think the teachings of Jesus are beautiful and pure. I think the institution of the RCC has problems.

I think Christianity has been misused over the centuries. It is the misuse of Christianity that I object to, not ALL Christians or ALL of Christianity.

I don't think Christanity is inherently evil, nor do I think Islam is either.

Evil is sometimes done in God's name.

Like I said, you don;t know enough about Islam to decide if it is evil or not. Show me anywhere in the world where a social/political philosophy other than Islam has virginity checks when women are out with men who are not their relatives. Show me one where women are stoned for being raped, or homosexuals are hung. Is there anyplace in the world other than under Islam where people are killed for saying bad things about a pedophile but not when they say bad things about a person even you say led a good life?

Jesus and Buddha never started a war or killed people who disagreed with them, can you say the same thing about Mohammad?

Seriously Sky, the problem here is you don't fracking know what you are talking about.

One thing I know for certain. 1.5 billion people aren't evil just because they happen to be Muslims.

The Christians killed many non-believers during the Crusades, and Christian missionaries desecrated indigenous cultures all over the world.

The RCC protected priest pedophiles for many decades. They imprisoned and abused poor women in Ireland laundries.

Catholics and Protestants in Ireland killed each other for decades.

Jesus never started a war, but his followers did.

"In 16th Century France there was a succession of wars between Roman Catholics and Protestants (Hugenots primarily), known as the French Wars of Religion. In the first half of the 17th century, the German states, Scandinavia (Sweden, primarily) and Poland were beset by religious warfare in the Thirty Years War. Roman Catholicism and Protestantism figured in the opposing sides of this conflict, though Catholic France did take the side of the Protestants but purely for political reasons."
Religious war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The argument on this thread is whether Islam is INHERENTLY evil. I say it's not. I agree that Islam as it practiced in the Middle East by extremists commits many daily acts of evil. Terrorism is evil.

That does not mean I think ALL ISLAM is inherently evil. What about Sufi Islam? The beauty of Rumi and Hafiz poems.

Islam has it's own saints. If someone can become a saint by following Mohammed than how can the religion be INHERENTLY evil?

How Malek-e Dinar came to be so named, and
the story of his repentance
When Malek was born his father was a slave; yet
though he was a slave’s son, he was free from bondage
to both worlds.
Some say that Malek-e Dinar once embarked in a
ship. When the ship was far out to sea the mariners
“Produce your fare!” “I do not have it,” he
They beat him till he was senseless. When he recovered,
they shouted again.
“Produce your fare!”
“I do not have it,” he repeated.
They beat him unconscious a second time. When he
came to, they demanded a third time.
“Produce your fare!”
“I do not have it.”
“Let us seize him by the feet and throw him overboard,”
the sailors shouted.
All the fish in the water at that moment put up their
heads. Each one held two golden dinars in its mouth.
Malek reached down his hand and, taking two dinars
from one of the fish, gave it to them. Seeing this, the
crew fell at his feet. He walked on the face of the
waters and vanished.
That is why he was called Malek-e Dinar.

Muhammad started more than one war, but the social/political philosophy he built based on violence and killing is, somehow, just as peaceful as Buddhism. even though Buddha preached that you shouldn't even raise your voice in argument.
Like I said, you don;t know enough about Islam to decide if it is evil or not. Show me anywhere in the world where a social/political philosophy other than Islam has virginity checks when women are out with men who are not their relatives. Show me one where women are stoned for being raped, or homosexuals are hung. Is there anyplace in the world other than under Islam where people are killed for saying bad things about a pedophile but not when they say bad things about a person even you say led a good life?

Jesus and Buddha never started a war or killed people who disagreed with them, can you say the same thing about Mohammad?

Seriously Sky, the problem here is you don't fracking know what you are talking about.

One thing I know for certain. 1.5 billion people aren't evil just because they happen to be Muslims.

The Christians killed many non-believers during the Crusades, and Christian missionaries desecrated indigenous cultures all over the world.

The RCC protected priest pedophiles for many decades. They imprisoned and abused poor women in Ireland laundries.

Catholics and Protestants in Ireland killed each other for decades.

Jesus never started a war, but his followers did.

"In 16th Century France there was a succession of wars between Roman Catholics and Protestants (Hugenots primarily), known as the French Wars of Religion. In the first half of the 17th century, the German states, Scandinavia (Sweden, primarily) and Poland were beset by religious warfare in the Thirty Years War. Roman Catholicism and Protestantism figured in the opposing sides of this conflict, though Catholic France did take the side of the Protestants but purely for political reasons."
Religious war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The argument on this thread is whether Islam is INHERENTLY evil. I say it's not. I agree that Islam as it practiced in the Middle East by extremists commits many daily acts of evil. Terrorism is evil.

That does not mean I think ALL ISLAM is inherently evil. What about Sufi Islam? The beauty of Rumi and Hafiz poems.

Islam has it's own saints. If someone can become a saint by following Mohammed than how can the religion be INHERENTLY evil?

How Malek-e Dinar came to be so named, and
the story of his repentance
When Malek was born his father was a slave; yet
though he was a slave’s son, he was free from bondage
to both worlds.
Some say that Malek-e Dinar once embarked in a
ship. When the ship was far out to sea the mariners
“Produce your fare!” “I do not have it,” he
They beat him till he was senseless. When he recovered,
they shouted again.
“Produce your fare!”
“I do not have it,” he repeated.
They beat him unconscious a second time. When he
came to, they demanded a third time.
“Produce your fare!”
“I do not have it.”
“Let us seize him by the feet and throw him overboard,”
the sailors shouted.
All the fish in the water at that moment put up their
heads. Each one held two golden dinars in its mouth.
Malek reached down his hand and, taking two dinars
from one of the fish, gave it to them. Seeing this, the
crew fell at his feet. He walked on the face of the
waters and vanished.
That is why he was called Malek-e Dinar.

Muhammad started more than one war, but the social/political philosophy he built based on violence and killing is, somehow, just as peaceful as Buddhism. even though Buddha preached that you shouldn't even raise your voice in argument.

I didn't say Islam is as peaceful as Buddhism. I said Islam is NOT INHERENTLY EVIL. If there are saints in Islam then that means some people found liberation through the Islamic practices.

How much do you know about Sufi Islam? That is the mystical tradition of Islam. Just as there are Christian, Jewish, Hindu, and Buddhist mystic and saints, the same occurs in Islam.

Here is another book about Muslim saints.
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Among the medieval mystical poets, the one who speaks most clearly and directly to the modern world is Jalaluddin Rumi, known simply in the Muslim world as “Mevlana,” Our Master. The depth of his spiritual experience, his original and arresting poetic images, his obvious sincerity and openheartedness, and his ability to transcend cultures, time periods, and religions, all go together to make Mevlana one of the most accessible and influential of Muslim thinkers who speak to us from the past.

The number of internet web pages devoted to translations of Rumi’s poetry into European languages is evidence of the extent to which Mevlana is known and loved in the West, but in the Muslim world, the influence of Mevlana on modern thinkers and scholars, as upon the ordinary Muslim worshiper, must not be underestimated. While those who can read and appreciate his poetry in the original Persian may be relatively few, Mevlana’s works are known through poetry recitations, classical performances of their musical settings, and through the many translations of his poetry into Turkish, Arabic, Urdu and other Muslim languages. I have seen verses of Rumi’s poetry decorating dishes and wood panels in homes. I have even seen his verses decorating horse carts and their modern equivalent, minibuses.

Rumi as the model of tolerance and dialogue

Almost a century ago, Said Nursi, one of the most influential modern Muslim scholars in Turkey, proposed that Muslims should undertake dialogue and cooperation with true Christians. In commenting on this proposal, Gülen states that Nursi’s suggestion is similar to that of Rumi, who described himself as a compass, with one foot fixed firmly in the center while the other turns in a broad arc to complete a full circle. The foot planted resolutely in the center that never changes position is the faith conviction by which one is united to God as the unmoving heart and center of one’s existence, while the other foot moves in a “broad circle that embraces all believers.” In other words, Gülen is proposing that his disciples be deeply rooted in their Islamic faith and at the same time reach out in dialogue in all directions to people of good will.

Muslim Peace Leaders, Medieval and Modern: Rumi and Gulen | About Fethullah Gulen -
One thing I know for certain. 1.5 billion people aren't evil just because they happen to be Muslims.

The Christians killed many non-believers during the Crusades, and Christian missionaries desecrated indigenous cultures all over the world.

The RCC protected priest pedophiles for many decades. They imprisoned and abused poor women in Ireland laundries.

Catholics and Protestants in Ireland killed each other for decades.

Jesus never started a war, but his followers did.

"In 16th Century France there was a succession of wars between Roman Catholics and Protestants (Hugenots primarily), known as the French Wars of Religion. In the first half of the 17th century, the German states, Scandinavia (Sweden, primarily) and Poland were beset by religious warfare in the Thirty Years War. Roman Catholicism and Protestantism figured in the opposing sides of this conflict, though Catholic France did take the side of the Protestants but purely for political reasons."
Religious war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The argument on this thread is whether Islam is INHERENTLY evil. I say it's not. I agree that Islam as it practiced in the Middle East by extremists commits many daily acts of evil. Terrorism is evil.

That does not mean I think ALL ISLAM is inherently evil. What about Sufi Islam? The beauty of Rumi and Hafiz poems.

Islam has it's own saints. If someone can become a saint by following Mohammed than how can the religion be INHERENTLY evil?

How Malek-e Dinar came to be so named, and
the story of his repentance
When Malek was born his father was a slave; yet
though he was a slave’s son, he was free from bondage
to both worlds.
Some say that Malek-e Dinar once embarked in a
ship. When the ship was far out to sea the mariners
“Produce your fare!” “I do not have it,” he
They beat him till he was senseless. When he recovered,
they shouted again.
“Produce your fare!”
“I do not have it,” he repeated.
They beat him unconscious a second time. When he
came to, they demanded a third time.
“Produce your fare!”
“I do not have it.”
“Let us seize him by the feet and throw him overboard,”
the sailors shouted.
All the fish in the water at that moment put up their
heads. Each one held two golden dinars in its mouth.
Malek reached down his hand and, taking two dinars
from one of the fish, gave it to them. Seeing this, the
crew fell at his feet. He walked on the face of the
waters and vanished.
That is why he was called Malek-e Dinar.

Muhammad started more than one war, but the social/political philosophy he built based on violence and killing is, somehow, just as peaceful as Buddhism. even though Buddha preached that you shouldn't even raise your voice in argument.

I didn't say Islam is as peaceful as Buddhism. I said Islam is NOT INHERENTLY EVIL. If there are saints in Islam then that means some people found liberation through the Islamic practices.

How much do you know about Sufi Islam? That is the mystical tradition of Islam. Just as there are Christian, Jewish, Hindu, and Buddhist mystic and saints, the same occurs in Islam.

Here is another book about Muslim saints.

I know Sufi Islam is about as Islamic as Voodoo is Christian.

In fact, pretty much the same thing happened. A bunch of people showed up with swords and told the Sufi's they could convert, or die. The converted, and then adapted their outward religious practices to comply with what the guys with the swords demanded, but still taught their own religion in secret.

How much do you know about it?
I fear religious extremism. In the US, the form it happens to come in is mostly "Christian".

Christian extremism includes the components of Christian fundamentalism (i.e., biblical inerrancy, evangelism, premillenialism, separatism/sense of persecution, and biblical literalism with regard to creation) and adds some additional components (e.g., exclusivity, anti-intellectualism, social conservatism/anti-liberalism, intolerance, theocratic strivings, and militant opposition to modernism).

Funny, to you a Christian who stands up and says that homosexuality is a sin, but the only extremists in Islam are the people that kill others, not the guys who teach that anyone who is not a Muslim should be put to death.

If Christian extremists could get away with killing gays in this country they would. A Las Vegas church supported Martin Ssempa, the author of the "Kill Gays" legislation in Uganda. Scott Lively, author of the Pink Swastika, paints gays as the cause of the Holocaust.
Box Turtle Bulletin » Scott Lively

Scott Lively was also involved in the Kill Gay's legislation. He brags of his world wide mission to "set off a Nuclear bomb against gays worldwide".

So far two guys don't equal 1.5 billion. If these men have actually killed anyone or induced a mob to kill anyone then we have some basis of conversation.

Muslims not only kill gays, women, men whose beards aren't long enough, but they are just as happy killing other muslims who aren't muslim enough. To come up with a comparable analogy between Shia and Sunni we would have to claim that Prebyterians are murdering Methodists.

No matter how you want to carve up this pie, it comes out the same. Islam is inherently evil, but there are perfectly kind and respectable muslims who aren't that islamic.
Funny, to you a Christian who stands up and says that homosexuality is a sin, but the only extremists in Islam are the people that kill others, not the guys who teach that anyone who is not a Muslim should be put to death.

If Christian extremists could get away with killing gays in this country they would. A Las Vegas church supported Martin Ssempa, the author of the "Kill Gays" legislation in Uganda. Scott Lively, author of the Pink Swastika, paints gays as the cause of the Holocaust.
Box Turtle Bulletin » Scott Lively

Scott Lively was also involved in the Kill Gay's legislation. He brags of his world wide mission to "set off a Nuclear bomb against gays worldwide".

So far two guys don't equal 1.5 billion. If these men have actually killed anyone or induced a mob to kill anyone then we have some basis of conversation.

Muslims not only kill gays, women, men whose beards aren't long enough, but they are just as happy killing other muslims who aren't muslim enough. To come up with a comparable analogy between Shia and Sunni we would have to claim that Prebyterians are murdering Methodists.

No matter how you want to carve up this pie, it comes out the same. Islam is inherently evil, but there are perfectly kind and respectable muslims who aren't that islamic.

The point is, that the religion is NOT inherently evil. The fact that you know perfectly kind and respectable Muslims proves it. Muslims (i) True Muslims, (ii) Secular Muslims, (iii) Liberal Muslims, (iv) Sectarian Muslims and (v) Sectarian Missionary Muslims.

The fact that there is a range and kinds of Muslims show that the religion is not INHERENTLY evil.
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If Christian extremists could get away with killing gays in this country they would. A Las Vegas church supported Martin Ssempa, the author of the "Kill Gays" legislation in Uganda. Scott Lively, author of the Pink Swastika, paints gays as the cause of the Holocaust.
Box Turtle Bulletin » Scott Lively

Scott Lively was also involved in the Kill Gay's legislation. He brags of his world wide mission to "set off a Nuclear bomb against gays worldwide".

So far two guys don't equal 1.5 billion. If these men have actually killed anyone or induced a mob to kill anyone then we have some basis of conversation.

Muslims not only kill gays, women, men whose beards aren't long enough, but they are just as happy killing other muslims who aren't muslim enough. To come up with a comparable analogy between Shia and Sunni we would have to claim that Prebyterians are murdering Methodists.

No matter how you want to carve up this pie, it comes out the same. Islam is inherently evil, but there are perfectly kind and respectable muslims who aren't that islamic.

The point is, that the religion is NOT inherently evil. The fact that you know perfectly kind and respectable Muslims proves it. Muslims (i) True Muslims, (ii) Secular Muslims, (iii) Liberal Muslims, (iv) Sectarian Muslims and (v) Sectarian Missionary Muslims.
Different Kinds of Muslims - LET US CORRECT OUR ISLAMIC FAITH

The fact that there is a range and kinds of Muslims show that the religion is not INHERENTLY evil.

The point is Mohammad killed people, Jesus healed people.
So far two guys don't equal 1.5 billion. If these men have actually killed anyone or induced a mob to kill anyone then we have some basis of conversation.

Muslims not only kill gays, women, men whose beards aren't long enough, but they are just as happy killing other muslims who aren't muslim enough. To come up with a comparable analogy between Shia and Sunni we would have to claim that Prebyterians are murdering Methodists.

No matter how you want to carve up this pie, it comes out the same. Islam is inherently evil, but there are perfectly kind and respectable muslims who aren't that islamic.

The point is, that the religion is NOT inherently evil. The fact that you know perfectly kind and respectable Muslims proves it. Muslims (i) True Muslims, (ii) Secular Muslims, (iii) Liberal Muslims, (iv) Sectarian Muslims and (v) Sectarian Missionary Muslims.
Different Kinds of Muslims - LET US CORRECT OUR ISLAMIC FAITH

The fact that there is a range and kinds of Muslims show that the religion is not INHERENTLY evil.

The point is Mohammad killed people, Jesus healed people.

The point is that Islam is NOT inherently evil. Evil has been done in the name of Allah and Mohammed and evil has been done in the name of Jesus and God. That does not mean Christianity is inherently evil or Islam is inherently evil.

Certainly, I see why you prefer Jesus over Mohammed. Just as I appreciate Buddhist saints, maybe more than Jesus. To make all Muslim people and the entire religion of Islam evil is wrong. JMO.
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"Jim Jones, David Koresh and Meir Kahane do not typify Christianity and Judaism in the eyes of the civilized West, but those same eyes are prone to see Osama bin Laden and Mullah Muhammad Omar as typifying Islam."

Richard Bulliet

When some Muslims think of Christianity in America, they think of Pastor Terry Jones of Dove World Outreach Center in Florida as a typical Christian. He burned a copy of the Qur'an.

When some Christians think of Islam in the Middle East, they think of Bin Laden or Musab al-Zarqawi, leaders of Al-Qaeda, as typical Muslims.
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The point is, that the religion is NOT inherently evil. The fact that you know perfectly kind and respectable Muslims proves it. Muslims (i) True Muslims, (ii) Secular Muslims, (iii) Liberal Muslims, (iv) Sectarian Muslims and (v) Sectarian Missionary Muslims.
Different Kinds of Muslims - LET US CORRECT OUR ISLAMIC FAITH

The fact that there is a range and kinds of Muslims show that the religion is not INHERENTLY evil.

The point is Mohammad killed people, Jesus healed people.

The point is that Islam is NOT inherently evil. Evil has been done in the name of Allah and Mohammed and evil has been done in the name of Jesus and God. That does not mean Christianity is inherently evil or Islam is inherently evil.

Certainly, I see why you prefer Jesus over Mohammed. Just as I appreciate Buddhist saints, maybe more than Jesus. To make all Muslim people and the entire religion of Islam evil is wrong. JMO.

How come you keep ignoring the fact that Islam is based on violence?

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